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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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Subete no aware
Space Brothers 75

You know, I was saying how if Silver Spoon was set outside of high school, that it might not have the fey teen romance...? Then I totally forgot that the whole Mutta x Serika thing is basically just a high school romance between adults. You just can't win. lol


Cnet was right in everything he explained before that quote , so 'ill just add that the scene in question is meant as a cliffanger and IS explained in the second game.

Really? I don't remember it being addressed directly, but that could just be my memory failing me.

(Super Danganronpa 2 spoilers)
If that scene is supposed to be canon, I can only presume that it's the Enoshima AI inside Monokuma, but I don't think I recall any mention in the second game of the AI ever inhabiting one of the actual Monokuma robots. I can't remember whether the game went into any specifics about where, when and how the AI was actually created or how it ended up in the hands of the Despair students. It's admittedly not much of a stretch to imagine that AI-inside-Monokuma-robot could have happened, though (and it's vaguely amusing to imagine AI-Monokuma wandering around freely in the outside world XD)


My friends finally got me back into anime, so now I'm basically catching up on all of the things I've missed (which is basically everything). It's a good feelin'. :)

Recently completed shows are:
-Baccano! (Yes!)
-Cowboy Bebop (YES!)
-Michiko to Hatchin (YEEES!)
-Madoka Magica (No ;_;)
-Gurren Lagann (YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!)
-FLCL (YE-buh?)

I just started Ergo Proxy, so we'll see how that goes. I've also been slowly watching Panty & Stocking. I'm kind of completely baffled why I like that show, but I do! Oh Gainax, oh you.

Drop all you're doing and watch Hunter X Hunter. Afterward I recommend Samurai Champloo.


Drop all you're doing and watch Hunter X Hunter. Afterward I recommend Samurai Champloo.
I haven't actually heard much about the HxH anime. I know the manga is supposedly good but really inconsistent, is the anime better? Samurai Champloo's definitely on my list, of course.

Another series I forgot to mention that I finished recently and really like is Mononoke. Sort of a really sinister version of Mushishi, the art is amazingly gorgeous, it's creepy, and the mystery-ish plots are really cool.


Attack on Titan 19

The only thing more dramatic than Eren dropping his spoon might have been the death of Kirito's sandwich.


I haven't actually heard much about the HxH anime. I know the manga is supposedly good but really inconsistent, is the anime better? Samurai Champloo's definitely on my list, of course.
Yes it is a really good adaptation of the manga. At the beginning it is little censored but eventually there is little censorship. I prefer it over the 1999 version but that is just me. It looks really really good as well.


Attack on Titan 19

The only thing more dramatic than Eren dropping his spoon might have been the death of Kirito's sandwich.

When your sandwhich dies in the game, it dies for REEL.

Are we already talking Anime of the Year? I've seen so few. Right now it's basically a contest between Gargantia and Valvrave for me. MJP is okay, but not AOTY, Attack on Titan is as entertaining as trying to force feed myself an algebra text book, and Maou-Sama was okay, but not top notch, really.

The best anime I've seen this year would probably be Revolutionary Girl Utena, ZZ Gundam, Escaflowne and Bunny Drop.

The worst anime I saw this year is also the best and that is Eva 3.3333333
I haven't actually heard much about the HxH anime. I know the manga is supposedly good but really inconsistent, is the anime better? Samurai Champloo's definitely on my list, of course.

The first anime stops after the Greed Island arc (and even that, plus the end of the Yorknew City arc, were done as OVAs after the TV series got canceled), and is generally regarded as inferior, although it has its fans (particularly people living in countries where it was dubbed and aired on TV, which I think is largely Europe and maybe Brazil -- there's an English dub, but it was only released on DVD; the other big fans of the original series are hardcore Kurapika/Leorio shippers).

The 2011 reboot is the best shounen series airing right now, and despite what fans of the 1999 version will tell you, it's a much closer adaptation of the manga.

The manga isn't really inconsistent in terms of quality, except for the art, which started getting very spotty (at best) for long periods of time in the latter part of the Greed Island arc. Togashi fixes it up for the tankoubon releases, so it's all good, though. The main problem with the manga is that it's on hiatus all the time.


Are we already talking Anime of the Year? I've seen so few. Right now it's basically a contest between Gargantia and Valvrave for me. MJP is okay, but not AOTY, Attack on Titan is as entertaining as trying to force feed myself an algebra text book, and Maou-Sama was okay, but not top notch, really.

Every weekend I tell myself I'm going to write up 15 or so AOTY blurbs up so when it comes time to vote i can just copy and paste. I usually just take an afternoon nap. feels both good and bad
Yeah, where's my Ben-to S2?

I can't believe it's been two years.

Did it just not sell well, or what? I remember deciding to watch it simply because the premise sounded so ridiculous, but then I saw the trailer and realized it might actually be good. One of the most surprising series of 2011 for me.


Every weekend I tell myself I'm going to write up 15 or so AOTY blurbs up so when it comes time to vote i can just copy and paste. I usually just take an afternoon nap. feels both good and bad

I need to just save my mecha review blurbs so I can start doing this instead.


Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou/ Day Break Illusion Episode 13: Yea, as others have send this was a pretty bland and safe finale, the most frustrating thing is we get hints of a far grander storyline, but that is just it, they are no more then hints.

Series Analysis: Well, now I know what a discount version of Madoka Magica would have looked like; I probably would have been better served watching the latest season of Pretty Cure. So Okay It Is Average.


Amused by the description. A glasses club. But who am I to criticise given some clubs in anime. Am wondering if its a boys GJ-BU.

Missed opportunity. Need an all girls megane club :D

Kokoro Connect 5 - 6
Oh, my. It's actually really enjoyable. I really like the setting and the paranormal presence. I feel it's like a meta commentary about viewers who enjoy watching characters suffer because it's interesting.

Yes it is. Watch the ovas too!


Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou/ Day Break Illusion Episode 13: Yea, as others have send this was a pretty bland and safe finale, the most frustrating thing is we get hints of a far grander storyline, but that is just it, they are no more then hints.

Series Analysis: Well, now I know what a discount version of Madoka Magica would have looked like; I probably would have been better served watching the latest season of Pretty Cure. So Okay It Is Average.

It tries too hard to be Madoka magica. Its not effective because it doesnt mislead the audience. Part of Madokas effectiveness was people didnt know what to expect. Daybreak illusion is unable to shock the audience so it doesnt leave a comparable impression.
I can't believe it's been two years.

Did it just not sell well, or what? I remember deciding to watch it simply because the premise sounded so ridiculous, but then I saw the trailer and realized it might actually be good. One of the most surprising series of 2011 for me.

I'm pretty sure it sold poorly, as far as I remember it was like around 2k average per volume. It was a really fun show with some delicious girls (Kyo and Kyo UNF) but I don't think we'll ever see any more of it.


Doki Doki! Precure 34

It appears the show is returning to its childcare roots. Ai is back in the center stage, and still not the Queen reborn, however obvious that may have seemed at the time. I enjoy Rikka episodes, and one involving the mothers (the only two moms, at that) makes for a pleasant experience. If the preview at the end of the episode is to be believed, it's because
Ai's growing a tooth.
Kids, they grow up so fast and provide you with valuable plastic trinkets. Aguri continues to be the butt of jokes. Ai being moody meant that she was unable to Ultraman up. And Bel continues to own everybody. Final boss flags just keep rising.

So glad to see the show returning to its neglected characters. Next week is a Makopi episode. And a dentist episode. The sounds of drills will resonate...
Does anyone subscribe to funimation.com here? If you do, how is it compared to CR?

You get access to dubs and subs and great movies like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. HD video, an HD app that displays video in HD, and access to just about everything they are releasing on disc before release date. Try the trial whenever they relaunche the site. I think Ive had it for over a year now.

My friends finally got me back into anime, so now I'm basically catching up on all of the things I've missed (which is basically everything). It's a good feelin'. :)

Recently completed shows are:
-Baccano! (Yes!)
-Cowboy Bebop (YES!)
-Michiko to Hatchin (YEEES!)
-Madoka Magica (No ;_;)
-Gurren Lagann (YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!)
-FLCL (YE-buh?)

I just started Ergo Proxy, so we'll see how that goes. I've also been slowly watching Panty & Stocking. I'm kind of completely baffled why I like that show, but I do! Oh Gainax, oh you.

Should probably look into Durarara!! its amazing and shows great improvement over the source writers other work, Bacanno.


It tries too hard to be Madoka magica. Its not effective because it doesnt mislead the audience. Part of Madokas effectiveness was people didnt know what to expect. Daybreak illusion is unable to shock the audience so it doesnt leave a comparable impression.

Also Day Break Illusion was at its heart a very typical magical girl show that tried to graft the Madoka Magica ethos to itself. Madoka Magica was all about breaking the molds of magical girl shows while Day Break embraced it.


Sales information request detected.

Ben-Tou **,236+*1,809=*2,045 (6 volumes) (david production)

Only known DVD sales:
2012/05/16 **,236 Vol. 6

Blu-ray sales:
2011/12/21 *2,101 Vol. 1
2012/01/18 *1,996 Vol. 2
02/15 *1,726 Vol. 3
03/21 *1,753 Vol. 4
04/18 *1,632 Vol. 5
05/16 *1,645 Vol. 6
Sales information request detected.

Ben-Tou **,236+*1,809=*2,045 (6 volumes) (david production)

Only known DVD sales:
2012/05/16 **,236 Vol. 6

Blu-ray sales:
2011/12/21 *2,101 Vol. 1
2012/01/18 *1,996 Vol. 2
02/15 *1,726 Vol. 3
03/21 *1,753 Vol. 4
04/18 *1,632 Vol. 5
05/16 *1,645 Vol. 6

Well at least that one drama CD had Wakamoto in it.
I'm pretty sure it sold poorly, as far as I remember it was like around 2k average per volume. It was a really fun show with some delicious girls (Kyo and Kyo UNF) but I don't think we'll ever see any more of it.

Team Ayame for me. Sen was also good, despite being yet another Rei clone. Kyou and Kyou creeped me out.


Darkstalkers OVA 01

Because this is what you were really after.
This essentially felt like a bunch of awesome yet disjointed fights. The Death metal concert as well as the Dimitri Vs. Morrigan bits were big highlights and the animation was generally good. I wonder if the remaining episodes are more coherent, and/or tie things together somehow.
That being said not too bad. I wish I could GIF some of the fights to better illustrate how nice they were but I suppose it can't be helped. One of the better game based anime.
Music was OK, was surprised it was actually composed by Koh Otani, considering some of his later work.
Another notable part of the OVA is of course the fact that it represents a notable early example of Imaishi's animation, though I'm not sure if it was in this episode, even though I do have some clue.
On my "To eventually watch before the end of the universe" list, although you're the first person I've heard say it's an improvement on Baccano. No one else seems to like it quite as much.

I actually think I like Durarara a little more than Baccano, myself. Although the Tarantino-esque structure of Baccano was really cool.


Why are we resigning to AoT winning?

We should do a campaign for Wolf Children when the time comes and have it take its rightful place at the top.


Why are we resigning to AoT winning?

We should do a campaign for Wolf Children when the time comes and have it take its rightful place at the top.
AnimeGAF is like the mermaid character in Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou.
We enjoy fantasising about tragedies befalling us.


Love Lab is the current ATOY Frontrunner, I can make no estimations beyond that since the MASSIVE fall season is about to begin.


Sales information request detected.

Ben-Tou **,236+*1,809=*2,045 (6 volumes) (david production)

Only known DVD sales:
2012/05/16 **,236 Vol. 6

Blu-ray sales:
2011/12/21 *2,101 Vol. 1
2012/01/18 *1,996 Vol. 2
02/15 *1,726 Vol. 3
03/21 *1,753 Vol. 4
04/18 *1,632 Vol. 5
05/16 *1,645 Vol. 6

This is depressing.

Darkstalkers OVA 01

This essentially felt like a bunch of awesome yet disjointed fights. The Death metal concert as well as the Dimitri Vs. Morrigan bits were big highlights and the animation was generally good. I wonder if the remaining episodes are more coherent, and/or tie things together somehow.
That being said not too bad. I wish I could GIF some of the fights to better illustrate how nice they were but I suppose it can't be helped. One of the better game based anime.
Music was OK, was surprised it was actually composed by Koh Otani, considering some of his later work.
Another notable part of the OVA is of course the fact that it represents a notable early example of Imaishi's animation, though I'm not sure if it was in this episode, even though I do have some clue.

I see Felicia. Thats all I need to know I gotta watch this at some point.
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