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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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I'm gonna call it now: Pupipo! has been one of the stronger showings this year (for me at least) but it's gonna get over looked and snubbed in the AOTY votes this year because people just didn't watch it. WHICH IS A DAMN SHAME.

Animegaf campaign show of 2014


Can we have a good discussion about this? This is a view I've seen many times but never really substantiated. I've played the VN and I can't see what they did to ruin the adaptation. The music is great, the animation is serviceable and the story was barely changed from the VN (I can't think of any majour plot points removed). Yet everyone talks about it being a butchering like they took out some great scenes or otherwise started making things up. I'm interested in what Ufotable will do, but I see most of their improvements coming in the visual department, unless they are using a different route that isn't shit. Because Emiya not letting Saber fight for him is sexist nonsense even if it looks awesome.

I never played the visual novel so I dont have any context. But after watching the first 3rd of the anime (before dropping it) I was very underwhelmed.
The art and the animation were ok, not anything to get particularly excited about.
Its the characters that did nothing for me.
Particularly Shirou. Is he supposed to be incredibly obnoxious and also incredibly stupid at the same time?

Why the fuck would I want this halfwit to win anything?


This thread is reaching its end. New one by tomorrow maybe?

from what I have gathered a watchbet is where you and another person challenge each other to watch a show you haven't seen, typically of the same length. For example I could challenge you to watch skip beat and you would in turn challenge me to watch log horizon. There may be more to it though :p

so how bad is it that I first though Ouran High School Host club when I read this


a watchbet is basically just an agreement to watch a show in exchange for another. It can be either a terrible show to cause suffering or a good show to spread anime love and appreciation. Usually here it is the former.

God damn I started watching Fate/Zero after giving up on Stay/Night and holy shit is this about a 1000 x better.

The characters are better, the art and animation are better.
Somehow the story is better, even though it is technically the same story.

Fate Zero is an order of magnitude better than Fate stay Night.
For one thing, it involves an adult cast mainly, who are cutthroat and cruel, not filled with teen angst and sexual frustration.

If it's anything like the drama from the last episode I might end up making up an im@s drinking game to see me through.
I was originally aiming for an episode a day but I might just power through this weekend and see and end to it.

Also, Happy Birthday Hellsing321 and peaceiscloser.

Happy birthday yall!
Noein 13

It's fair to say that by this point, it's clear that Tobi has a crush on Atori.
The fact the guy gets amnesia helps her in this case

Also Yuu is beginning to irritate me. I could get why he acted the way he did in the first 9 episodes but now he's just being a jackass to everyone.


Fate Zero is an order of magnitude better than Fate stay Night.
For one thing, it involves an adult cast mainly, who are cutthroat and cruel, not filled with teen angst and sexual frustration.

This is part of it definitely.

There is no 'Saber you can't fight, cuz you are a giiiiiirl'.

And 'oh no I caught Saber nude in the bathroom again, ahhh its soooo embarrasing!'

I'm not sure who I want to kill first. Shirou or myself for suffering through his crap.


Dog Days: 02


War ended due to fanservice.

This show seems to be fun. Nice change of pace from the more serious, edgy stuff out there.
from what I have gathered a watchbet is where you and another person challenge each other to watch a show you haven't seen, typically of the same length. For example I could challenge you to watch skip beat and you would in turn challenge me to watch log horizon. There may be more to it though :p


Thanks for explaining! What do we win or lose though? And will we ever get season 2 of Skip Beat? :(

All I can really say is you apparently skimmed through this series way too quickly and missed a lot of symbolism in it. While I think some of te symbolism is silly myself, I can recognize the significance of all of it and that this is actually a quite complex series bending more to the psychological aspects of its characters (like Eva does) rather than the physical reality (this is a pretty abstract and surreal world to begin with). Utena does have a lot to say but it requires careful watching to really understand it.

Thanks, even if the symbolism made sense to me, I still don't like the plot and other aspects of the show. Must say it had a good OST though, ZUM and the OP/EDs were nice.


Dog Days: 02

War ended due to fanservice.

This show seems to be fun. Nice change of pace from the more serious, edgy stuff out there.

War would be a thing of the past if people would just love each other and squee at cute things.

Paranoia Agent 4

Is it just me or is it implied that
Hirukawa raped the schoolgirl in the last house he robs?

If its the episode Im thinking of, I think its strongly implied, and creepy as hell.
That Idol Wrestling special has the ugliest mud I've seen in a awhile.

The mud wrestling was uncensored so that was an improvement from the norm, I guess.


That Idol Wrestling special has the ugliest mud I've seen in a awhile.

The mud wrestling was uncensored so that was an improvement from the norm, I guess.
You know, reading this I really feel I should have made MrJeff watch THE iDOLWR@STLER instead.
Next time I guess.


Can we have a good discussion about this? This is a view I've seen many times but never really substantiated. I've played the VN and I can't see what they did to ruin the adaptation. The music is great, the animation is serviceable and the story was barely changed from the VN (I can't think of any majour plot points removed). Yet everyone talks about it being a butchering like they took out some great scenes or otherwise started making things up. I'm interested in what Ufotable will do, but I see most of their improvements coming in the visual department, unless they are using a different route that isn't shit. Because Emiya not letting Saber fight for him is sexist nonsense even if it looks awesome.

Maybe it was a bad translation job but the dialog did it no favors:


Unless that is legit dialog from the source canon.


Working!! 8

Yamada is Alice from Aria. Seiyuu spotting ain't my forte but I could tell that much.

Also this is one catchy as fuck OP.
Psycho-Pass - 17

Well shit. The truth behind the Sibyl System, as well as the reveal of
the Chief being Makashima's former partner
has definitely upped the suspense for the rest of the series. With Makashima escaping custody and Kagari still missing, I'm really looking forward to what happens next


Cardcaptor Sakura 33

Freeze is one brutal card. Sakura's natural athletics show themselves once more, but ice skating and rollerblading aren't quite the same, mostly because of weight distribution. If only Tomoyo knew how many filming chances she's missed due to doing other things or being otherwise incapacitated like she is here. I'm getting really close to the point where I need to watch the movie, and thankfully I've already ordered a copy of it. I also saw the third video diary special. Everybody loves Yukito!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Maybe it was a bad translation job but the dialog did it no favors:


Unless that is legit dialog from the source canon.

"People die when they are killed" was the original dialogue in the visual novel, although that's perhaps not a nuanced translation of it. Fate route/2006 Fate/stay night spoilers:
Shirou takes a lot of ostensibly fatal wounds in F/SN (e.g. he has his entire side blown out from a vicious blow from Berserker), but they continuously heal due to the fact that in Fate/Zero, Kiritsugu put Excalibur's sheath in his body. He has it extracted and returned to Saber and she asks if its really okay to remove his healing power and he says that in response.

In context I didn't notice the dialogue being extra strange, although there are better ways of translating it.

Can we have a good discussion about this? This is a view I've seen many times but never really substantiated. I've played the VN and I can't see what they did to ruin the adaptation. The music is great, the animation is serviceable and the story was barely changed from the VN (I can't think of any majour plot points removed). Yet everyone talks about it being a butchering like they took out some great scenes or otherwise started making things up. I'm interested in what Ufotable will do, but I see most of their improvements coming in the visual department, unless they are using a different route that isn't shit. Because Emiya not letting Saber fight for him is sexist nonsense even if it looks awesome.

The ufotable anime is Unlimited Blade Works. The 2006 anime sucks for a lot of reasons, including the fact it has like 5 frames of animation per episode and is frequently off model. They also added some weird scenes just so Sakura could be involved in the plot, and then dressed her up in stripper clothes for no reason, which was especially dumb given that they cut large amounts of dialogue which would have been necessary for the plot to work well. Not to mention Fate is easily the most terrible route and the one where Shirou spends all of his time telling Saber to get back in the kitchen.

Im pretty sure the DVD translation was a bit different though Shirou is stupid enough to say something of that nature.

I think the DVD translation was something like "If a person is hurt badly enough, they die."
I don't care much for Utena, but I do care about Steven Universe. And fans of Utena might find it interesting that SU has some visual allusions to Utena in one of it's fight scenes.
Check it out:

SU is pretty inspired by anime in general (It's a magical girl show after all), but creator Rebecca Sugar never fails to cite her love for Revolutionary Girl Utena when asked about influences. Kinda neat!
How is that show? The premise reads like a harem series so I wrote it off.
Psycho-Pass - 18

A slower character-building episode, this one does a decent job of having the characters questioning both the system they follow the orders they're given, ending with
Kogami going rogue

How is that show? The premise reads like a harem series so I wrote it off.

Though I haven't watched some of the newer episodes, it's pretty good. There's no harem aspect, as the relationship between Stephen and the gems is more "big sister, little brother". Only real problems I have with it is that Stephen constantly screwing up can be a bit annoying at times (though he's hard to hate), Garnet is really dull as a character, and the songs feel really out of place (even though Rebecca Sugar was also the song writer for Adventure Time), but that's really it.
Psycho-Pass - 19

And yet another slow character-bulding episode. Where were these in the beginning? Anyway, Kogami gets help from his old teacher and finds NeoGAF in this episode, where they may have found out what Makashima's next move might be.


One Piece - Fishman Island Arc

This is tied with Skypeia Arc as one of the low points of the series for me. It just dragged on for too long. Fisher Tiger flashback was pretty good though, everything else was meh.
Hody is just a terrible villain, and the fact that that Nami and Robin didn't get much screen time as the others really grinds my gears.
Psycho-Pass - 20

Yay, more character building, this time with flashbacks! Akane learns the truth about the Sibyl System, while constantly looking back through her life and trying to decide whether or not to work with the system (and hey, she actually does some detective work in this episode). Meanwhile it looks like the gang have found out what Makashima is up to and have to stop him before it's too late. It also looks like
Kagari was indeed killed by the Sibyl System

Two episodes left!


planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~ is now on steam. Get it! Buy it now. It's Key! Motherfucking Key!

Now bring CLANNAD!


"People die when they are killed" was the original dialogue in the visual novel, although that's perhaps not a nuanced translation of it. Fate route/2006 Fate/stay night spoilers:
Shirou takes a lot of ostensibly fatal wounds in F/SN (e.g. he has his entire side blown out from a vicious blow from Berserker), but they continuously heal due to the fact that in Fate/Zero, Kiritsugu put Excalibur's sheath in his body. He has it extracted and returned to Saber and she asks if its really okay to remove his healing power and he says that in response.

In context I didn't notice the dialogue being extra strange, although there are better ways of translating it.

The ufotable anime is Unlimited Blade Works. The 2006 anime sucks for a lot of reasons, including the fact it has like 5 frames of animation per episode and is frequently off model. They also added some weird scenes just so Sakura could be involved in the plot, and then dressed her up in stripper clothes for no reason, which was especially dumb given that they cut large amounts of dialogue which would have been necessary for the plot to work well. Not to mention Fate is easily the most terrible route and the one where Shirou spends all of his time telling Saber to get back in the kitchen.

I think the DVD translation was something like "If a person is hurt badly enough, they die."

Yeah I figured it was something similar to that. Just a terrible fansub translation that got famous because it was stupid.
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