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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Future Card Buddyfight Episode 36 (engDub)

Yes two TatsuYO's having a dance off was fantastic and Baku with Baku there The Ultimate Dungeon World deck via Brave Soleil is my favorite deck of the anime. The AU version of the casts is something every show needs to attempt for cards. Good fight.


The Light of El Cantare
One Piece - Fishman Island Arc

This is tied with Skypeia Arc as one of the low points of the series for me. It just dragged on for too long. Fisher Tiger flashback was pretty good though, everything else was meh.
Hody is just a terrible villain, and the fact that that Nami and Robin didn't get much screen time as the others really grinds my gears.

Brace yourself because this is every arc in the New World so far.


Can we have a good discussion about this? This is a view I've seen many times but never really substantiated. I've played the VN and I can't see what they did to ruin the adaptation. The music is great, the animation is serviceable and the story was barely changed from the VN (I can't think of any majour plot points removed). Yet everyone talks about it being a butchering like they took out some great scenes or otherwise started making things up. I'm interested in what Ufotable will do, but I see most of their improvements coming in the visual department, unless they are using a different route that isn't shit. Because Emiya not letting Saber fight for him is sexist nonsense even if it looks awesome.

They absolutely ruined Fate-route Shirou and gave people an even worse impression of him for one, they did this by not attempting to relay any of his inner monologues from the source, a route in which he's a static character. His sexist comments are said not because he believes women can't fight, as shown in later routes, but because he can't explain his thoughts in any convincing way on how he can't allow someone to defend him as he has heavy survivor's guilt. He then chooses for the easy route of "you can't fite cuz ur a girl" to Saber, yet if you notice he has no qualms at all on Rin taking an active role.

Besides that they add in unneeded elements from Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel and mix them together in the middle part of the story, and the results are a disaster as shit isn't explained and they just butcher Caster's character, turning her into a generic comic villain. Her depth is in how her story in the UBW path parallels Shirou's own character arc, and since this is Fate Shirou lol. Sakura's subplot is also introduced but not explained well at all, also to add Sakura is completely irrelevant in both Fate and UBW so this was unnecessary.
They also butchered what is the single best scene in the Fate route (tI myself consider the Fate route generously mediocre), and by that I mean the church scene where in the game we begin to understand the inner workings of Shirou's mind but lol they wrote Shirou as a dense, generic harem MC and also seemed to tone down the emotion in the scene, so that was shit.

Finally to add they emphasized the SoL elements in this adaptation, making the already bad parts of the Fate route even worse. The animation was damn bad too, look at Archer vs Lancer, looks terrible. The Unlimited Blade Works adaptation will hopefully overturn all the negatives that DEEN has wrought over the years with their terrible productions. Shirou is a fully developed character in both this path and Heaven's Feel so if Ufo can manage to capture his thoughts then we should have a good adaptation. Cooking scenes are pretty much to a minimum too after the Fate route so no need to worry on that front.

Also for all the Rin fans out there, guess who is the character who in the source material uses the famous line "People die when they're killed" because it sure wasn't Shirou.
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha - 10

They are ...INVADING !!!!
Yet again a good episode, i really have no complains on this 2 eps arcs as they get the job done.it's the earth people turn.
Kiriha it's your chance to become the BEST GIRL , don't mess this !


Finding the right question too late

I hope we'll have some good things , including the fight between the earth people and the surface defense force ! Can't wait
Tokyo Ghoul 11

This show had an interesting premise that was unfortunately bogged down by questionable censorship decisions. Like most 1 Cour adaptations it didn't have a lot of time to really focus on it's characters, but when it did It did it quite well. I guess it did it's job and got me interested in the manga.

This is at least ten times better.

I'm not complaining about it, if that's what you thought. But it just goes to show how a situation in an anime can go from really tense to really hilarious in a manner of seconds. Still, I got a nice laugh out of it.

G Gundam - 34


Master Asia perfectly summarizes the people who don't like this show!

Yep. I knew it. I mean, it was inevitable, and I can't believe I doubted that it would happen.
Time for four episodes of one manly one-on-one showdown after the other. Time to get hyped :D.


Fairy Tail 199

All's well that ends well. The fight over Yukino (leading to an all-out brawl, of course) was the part of the episode that stood out the most, though Princess Mimorin wearing the pumpkin head is also pretty cute.


Rokujouma no Shinryakusha - 10

Yet again a good episode, i really have no complains on this 2 eps arcs as they get the job done.it's the earth people turn.
Kiriha it's your chance to become the BEST GIRL , don't mess this !

I hope we'll have some good things , including the fight between the earth people and the surface defense force ! Can't wait

Is that the show with the twintails girl going :D with the cards?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Also for all the Rin fans out there, guess who is the character who in the source material uses the famous line "People die when they're killed" because it sure wasn't Shirou.

No, it actually is Shirou who says that.



Is the Utena movie just a recap or has it new material?

That much I got as well, but what I meant was how the Rose Bride gets them the stuff they want, is revolutionizing just metaphorical? Why does Himemiya get abused by her brother, why is there incest. Why is Himemiya even a wish granting genie. What are the references to the watches. Too many questions that go unanswered and perhaps don't need an answer because of its mystique. I thought the plot and symbolism was garbage.

1. The Rose Bride gets them that stuff via magic. Did you watch this show? They spend an entire episode as blatantly saying she's a witch as they can.

2. Of course the revolution is metaphorical.

3. Because her brother is evil. 3a) Because once upon a time incest was repulsive and so it was a good way to show how royally screwed up the two of them were.

4. If you seriously don't know why Himemiya is the Rose Bride it's because you did not watch the show. They explain how she came to be the Rose Bride and how the Duels began pretty fucking overtly.


Record of Lodoss War 2

Definitely one of the worst episodes in the series. The direction is stilted and awkward, with lots of unnatural camera movements and bad action choreography trying to cover up the cheapness of the episode. The content is not very exciting either, with really stock character motivations provided as justification for the group of adventurers to team up. Even ends with the cliched "hero burns down his own home as he leaves on his quest" trope.

This shot is cool though:

Especially since it was achieved optically without computers.


Aria: The Origination 13

Does the whole saga count as coming full circle count when the moment it's coming full circle with was showed earlier in the same episode. Anyway, the little epilogue there was kinda where this show was going from the first episode. It does make me wonder if Akari and Alicia had a similar relationship when Akari was growing up to the one Akari had with Ai throughout the series.

That episode earlier this season with Alicia's former colleague made me wonder if Alicia would follow the same path, and that she did. I would like to have at least seen this dude she was marrying though.

So other than one OVA, that's it for this series :(


Record of Lodoss War 2
Definitely one of the worst episodes in the series. The direction is stilted and awkward, with lots of unnatural camera movements and bad action choreography trying to cover up the cheapness of the episode. The content is not very exciting either, with really stock character motivations provided as justification for the group of adventurers to team up. Even ends with the cliched "hero burns down his own home as he leaves on his quest" trope.

Still amazes me just how uneven the production values in Lodoss could be.


So, Hanamonogatari. As a story itself it was alright, but what interests me more is
how it seems to feel like an epilogue for the entire franchise, like there's no room for anything to follow it
. Makes me wonder about the remaining story arcs for the final season.
So, Hanamonogatari. As a story itself it was alright, but what interests me more is
how it seems to feel like an epilogue for the entire franchise, like there's no room for anything to follow it
. Makes me wonder about the remaining story arcs for the final season.
They could finally get around to doing Kizu.

Kanon (2006) Episode 1

Uguu! MikeHattsu alert! ItsHappening.gif

Okay, so I was mistaken and did not originally watch the entire episode, but rather the beginning few minutes. Originally, I wasn't crazy about the character designs. However, seeing the series in motion and hearing the girls, I actually like it a lot better now. It's KyoAni, and they're pretty good.

On to the actual show, Yuichi seems rather likable. We already have the cousin dynamic here in episode one. Seems a cute little town, almost reminds me of my own small cute little town. Yuichi's waiting outside when it happens. Uguu! She's sooooo freaking adorable. Loved her story about the Takoyaki stand.

What's even cuter was the mentioning of her Wings and Ayu spinning like a cat/dog trying to see them. Those wings are actually super adorable, part of what makes her so cute.

I have a long weekend, so we'll see how much more I can watch, Mike. 6 episodes per disc, so I'm thinking 4 more summaries. This one was a bonus for how long it took me. ;o



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That's part of the thing, though -- aside from Kizu, which is approaching almost a legendary status by now, I'm kind of, well... not really anticipating the rest of the series as much anymore as I was before.
I only feel this way because Hanamonogatari was so unnecessary and poorly produced.
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Series Impressions

Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13

Now that a week has gone by since I saw the last episode I think it's time to finally write my impressions on the series as a whole. Let me get this out of the way and say this is the worst anime I have ever watched. If you ever want to fall asleep from boredom, this anime will put you out like a light.

It starts as some yuri romance between two sisters. When one of them suddenly disappears into the night with a flash of green light it is up to Hazuki to find her by traveling between worlds with the help of a witch. Sounds like there could be some plot there right? Well, not really. It quickly turns into a "world of the week" anime where characters are introduced and disposed of in the same episode. Everyone's personality is bland, the story in each individual episode is uninteresting and the writing is something a five year old could come up with.

Yami to Boushi is not without its hilariously bad moments though. We have the parting of the sea by a witch girl the size of a shoe, a masturbation sequence followed by a girl watching star wars and a the most depressing breakfast scene I have ever witnessed. However, this anime is not a "it's so bad it's good" type of anime, it's just bad. I was literally falling asleep each episode and had to start writing impressions while I was watching to keep myself awake.

The character design and character interaction has got to be the worst things I have seen from any anime. Almost every female character is in some stupid outfit that exposes almost everything. There was so much "fanservice" that I started to become numb to it. However, none of the fanservice made sense in the context of the setting nor "plot". It was just tits waved in front of the camera for no reason at all. The characters do so many stupid things and the dialogue is absolutely horrible I have to wonder how this thing even got made.

I give Yami to Boushi a 1/10. It is terrible in every sense of the word. The dialogue, story, setting, character design, animation, music... Everything about it was horrible. However, that is not its biggest problem. The biggest problem is that it's the most boring thing I've had to sit through in a long time. How this anime got funded and produced is beyond me. I have to wonder if anyone on staff during production was thinking to themselves "WTF am I doing with my life?". I know I was thinking that while watching this shit.
Heh, Madoka S2 first.

This. They still have a problem that needs fixing.

SHAFT is dead.

Not unless they hurry up and do the above!

G Gundam - 35

So much manly bro-fisting action. So good.

So I'm assuming that all members of the Shuffle Alliance are going to have their own Super Sayian modes and finishers now? Awesome, getting to see future attacks that will inevitably be used against the final boss, whenever it shows up.


The Light of El Cantare
Is that SHAFT foodporn show airing this coming season? If nothing else, they're going back to adapting something relatively unknown and eccentric that's not a guaranteed success.
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