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Super Mario 3D World | Review Thread

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...those are two different people.


The point is that Eurogamer's glowing review of 3D World pointed to four examples of the game's supposed creativity. None of the examples pertained to level design itself, and the other two consisted of a goomba floating in an inner tube and an enemy that gives you coins when you jump on it.

Maybe you think those are 'astonishing' examples of the freshness of 3D World. They seem pretty weak, if not utterly incoherent to me


I'm a Sony fanboy but it is absolutely true and now I'm rethinking whether to hold off on the PS4 and get a WiiU.
That's what I'm going to do. There's no must have PS4 game for me until Infamous comes out, and one game isn't enough for me to buy a system regardless. I will definitely pick it up some time next year, but until then the Wii U is a far better choice IMO - especially considering that Donkey Kong and Mario Kart are coming out in the first half of 2014.

This is fucking awesome

Great to see all the sparkling reviews. I'm still a bit concerned it will be too easy (a common shortcoming of EAD Tokyo's otherwise stellar games), but there's no doubt in my mind it'll be a blast to play. All the talk of crow got me curious to revisit the initial reaction. Here's a truncated hall of shame from the reveal:


Good times, good times...
Lol the one that shitted on ALBW should get double crow


Then there's..
Hahahaha best till last. And fittingly it's that Junior Junior guy.

That's what I'm going to do. There's no must have PS4 game for me until Infamous comes out, and one game isn't enough for me to buy a system regardless. I will definitely pick it up some time next year, but until then the Wii U is a far better choice IMO - especially considering that Donkey Kong and Mario Kart are coming out in the first half of 2014.
In my case MGS: GZ is the only one, but then it's also coming to PS3.

I was gonna get a PS4 for the sake of it since the price won't drop any time soon, but damn. *Dat Mario and I've never played Wind Waker before.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.

I AM eventually gonna get both an Xbox One and PS4. Sooner than I might think, even.

This is even better with all the reviews in. Two of what are shaping up to be the strongest games of the year dropping on the same day in the midst of this chaos.


Great to see all the sparkling reviews. I'm still a bit concerned it will be too easy (a common shortcoming of EAD Tokyo's otherwise stellar games), but there's no doubt in my mind it'll be a blast to play. All the talk of crow got me curious to revisit the initial reaction. Here's a truncated hall of shame from the reveal:

Ok, I may have been wrong about the graphics :)
Thank you for not including me, I'm sure I have reacted very hyperbolic back then too :D
Nah, I did run across a quote or two from you, but you were more circumspect in your disappointment. Quite a few people were ambivalent about the reveal trailer, but took a more wait and see attitude because they realized that the footage was probably from early levels, and that EAD Tokyo deserves the benefit of the doubt. That's all pretty understandable imo, as opposed to calling it a lazy uprezzed 3DS game, and the biggest disapointment in the history of everything ever.


Great to see all the sparkling reviews. I'm still a bit concerned it will be too easy (a common shortcoming of EAD Tokyo's otherwise stellar games), but there's no doubt in my mind it'll be a blast to play. All the talk of crow got me curious to revisit the initial reaction. Here's a truncated hall of shame from the reveal:

[huge list of quotes]


Good times, good times...

dat wall of shame

the game looks absolutely incredible. the 29th can't come soon enough


1. You only read one review...like come on. Thats cherry picking to prove your point

2. You also kinda miss the point. They say that this game is varied...and you compare it to a review that says Galaxy is varied...to prove that Galaxy is more varied. wat the wat? Powerups or not, the level design is stated to be great and by looks it is. Watch the gametrailers review and see that there is a ton of variety.

I think many are still acting like this is the same game as seen in the reveal at this point because I don't get how any one can act like this is just 3DLand HD.

I'm curious, what do you think are the best levels shown so far?
Great to see all the sparkling reviews. I'm still a bit concerned it will be too easy (a common shortcoming of EAD Tokyo's otherwise stellar games), but there's no doubt in my mind it'll be a blast to play. All the talk of crow got me curious to revisit the initial reaction. Here's a truncated hall of shame from the reveal:



Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Hahahaha best till last. And fittingly it's that Junior Junior guy.

He's not a junior junior. He just lost his thread creating abilities.

In my case MGS: GZ is the only one, but then it's also coming to PS3.

I was gonna get a PS4 for the sake of it since the price won't drop any time soon, but damn. *Dat Mario and I've never played Wind Waker before.

Don't forget NSMBU/NSLU, Nintendoland, ZombiU, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Lego City Undercover, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and more. Then there's Tropical Freeze and Mario Kart 8 in a few months.


The only thing I left out that Eurogamer mentioned is the green boot. Literally, that was the only other example of the game's creativity they had.

And actually, if you take a closer look at their examples, they referenced a goomba floating in the water and an enemy which expels coins when you jump on it.

'Blink and you'll miss it invention' they called it.

The other, actual powerups may be well utilized in the final game, but if Eurogamer needs to point to things that have nothing whatsoever to do with either powerups or level design as a measure of the game's inventivenss, I start to wonder how much is really there
Dude complain after you've touched the game


at last, for christ's sake
Great to see all the sparkling reviews. I'm still a bit concerned it will be too easy (a common shortcoming of EAD Tokyo's otherwise stellar games), but there's no doubt in my mind it'll be a blast to play. All the talk of crow got me curious to revisit the initial reaction. Here's a truncated hall of shame from the reveal:


Good times, good times...

you know, it's still amazing to me how these people so quickly doomed the the game without even giving EAD the benefit of the doubt. With possibly the best pedigree in the history of videogames you might think they'd get at least a wait and see approach from that enraged mass


Whoo, first quote in the shame list. I stick by that as legit initial reaction though; the trailer at ustream quality looked fucking ugly and like it was on 3DS to me (and quite a lot more, by those posts).
Great to see all the sparkling reviews. I'm still a bit concerned it will be too easy (a common shortcoming of EAD Tokyo's otherwise stellar games), but there's no doubt in my mind it'll be a blast to play. All the talk of crow got me curious to revisit the initial reaction. Here's a truncated hall of shame from the reveal:


Good times, good times...

I mean, yeah those posts were jumping the gun, but the footage in the trailer was absolutely flaccid compared to what we were shown in the trailers after the E3 one. They did a bad job of showing off their new game and then made up for it in the consequent trailers, with the funny side effect of having 90% of people eat the biggest crow.
you know, it's still amazing to me how these people so quickly doomed the the game without even giving EAD the benefit of the doubt. With possibly the best pedigree in the history of videogames you might think they'd get at least a wait and see approach from that enraged mass

Same thing happened to Kamiya in the Project P-100 reveal thread.


I'm curious, what do you think are the best levels shown so far?

Watch the gametrailers review.

There was a few levels in there that look awesome (the casino/carneval level).

Also try reading other reviews instead of cherry picking off of one to prove a point.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Whoo, first quote in the shame list. I stick by that as legit initial reaction though; the trailer at ustream quality looked fucking ugly and like it was on 3DS to me (and quite a lot more, by those posts).

Haha, same. I don't mind eating crow in this respect, the game didn't have a good unveiling and it wasn't until they showed off the breadth of creativity where it starting to be like "oh, okay, this actually looks fucking incredible".


Dat wall of shame. I guess I'm lucky I didn't get on there, what with my saying that super mario 3d world was literally worse than the holocaust, was nintendos challenger moment, a day that will live in infamy, etc.
E3 tends to get a lot of overreactions. Couple that with a really mediocre first trailer debut of a brand new mario and boring demo levels, you got a reciple for massive underwhelment.


I haven't played this yet but I declare this the game of the fucking FOREVER
And I hate Amazon for not shipping this sooner :(
Whoo, first quote in the shame list. I stick by that as legit initial reaction though; the trailer at ustream quality looked fucking ugly and like it was on 3DS to me (and quite a lot more, by those posts).
Have you ever played a 3ds game? I don't see how anyone could have this opinion.
You lobbed the first bob-omb. I doubt you would have bothered sniping if you weren't defensive about being quoted. Therefore salt and ice is an appropriate reference. Don't create an opening the size of a truck and I won't drive through. And take solace in the fact that you were in good company during the reveal, and be proud that the sum of your being isn't solely your first reaction to everything. I don't judge you now by that first response, it's just funny to cast a backwards glance. We all risk it every time we post a strong reaction to something. All in good fun my chilly friend. Let's laugh and meow and be pals.


That reveal did leave a lot to be desired....playable peach aside <3 especially since most assumed we were getting something like galaxy 3 lol.


Will have to wait until next week, but come on guys. It's a Mario game by EAD. You could already tell it was going to be near flawless, that's why I wasn't hyped. It was just expected.


Have you ever played a 3ds game? I don't see how anyone could have this opinion.

I own a 3DS and several vidya games for it, yes. The stream was artifacted and it really, really looked bad. Mix in limited 3D perspective and yeah, I thought it was 3DS until I read the thread title. I still don't think the area showcased looks all that good, though its obvious in a more HQ quality trailer that its not 3DS level.
I don't like the overused term 'salt' on GAF either, but it's posters like yourself that cause people to use it in the first place.

Mik317 said:
You have been in a lot of 3DWorld threads disparaging it tho.....sorry but you do come off as salty

Memes are just pre-fabricated replies for people incapable of voicing their own opinions.

I did and still do view the direction of this game as a disappointment. If that makes me "salty", then okay. But it's a completely meaningless reply. If I say "I'm disappointed because of X, Y, and Z" and you reply "You're disappointed", that's utterly worthless in the context of trying to discuss anything.

Unless you just want to have unfettered positivity and circle jerks to score points against Knack, such memes do nothing but stifle criticism or discussion. The use of memes in this thread is

so edgy
such wit
funny maximum
har har

Of course, you can criticize whatever or whomever you want, but at least be clever and relevant while doing it.


I am SO on board the Nintendo hype train.

Gonna hit up Toys R Us this weekend for the Buy 1 get 1 40% off deal and probably run through this with some friends. So excited!


The reveal was pretty fucking boring, especially coming off the greatness that was the Galaxy games. It wasn't until that later trailer that I really started getting excited for this game.

Even still, excitement levels are nowhere near that of 64, Galaxy, or even Sunshine.
i switched over to the japanese or european stream very early during the e3 direct and it lagged way less and wasn't nearly as artifacted. i was very confused upon gaf coming back up and people saying that 3DW looked like a 3DS game.


Crow eaters are mostly victims of E3 hype. Don't jump to conclusions, and temper your expectations. Step away from the videogame message board and actually play games.
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