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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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Ness is looking crazy good.

On another note, Sakurai's really showing our boy Roy some love.



ESRB Leak had a Tharja trophy in it, plus a higher total trophy count. The trophy count is lower, plus Tharja is not a trophy anymore. She was too lewd.

wh... what?? why would they remove it?!

damn, now the only thing I got of her on smash is a stupid color swap... whoever made that decision is an asshole /rant


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Makes me believe that the WiiU version will have more trophies (all of them).

I want to believe the Wii U version will add a lot of things back. It kind of has to since Nintendo expects people to buy both versions for a good reason other than controls.


Baby got too much back. I guess Nintendo really wanted that E10+ rating.

ZSS has even more back and front, I don't see her getting cut
not that I want of course
or incresing the rating

It should have been a Henry trophy from the very beginning. Better character + no booty to set off the ESRB.

let's not make this thread a gamefaqs thread please, thou henry is pretty cool too

Brawl and Melee did alright with T rating, damn it, now I'll have to wait till SMTxFE is out to see her in another game

Makes me believe that the WiiU version will have more trophies (all of them).

I hope you're right, I can handle Tharja being cut from the 3DS version just to be shown in glorious HD


Eggman without a doubt should have been a Bowser Jr clone.

I like to smash bad guys up too...K. Room, Ridley, Dr Wiley. I'm hoping we get some villians as dlc


Hey guys, it may have been discussed before but I haven't seen it so I'll ask:

Does Kirby's absorbed powers change when the character he absorbed is using a custom neutral special (e.g. Mario using faster straight fireballs. Will Kirby use the same move if he absorbs that Mario?)

Dr. Buni

Catching up with the latest info.

The Ice Climbers chant that plays only when Villager is fighting Dr. Mario is creepypasta stuff.
It is creepy as fuck.
Specially considering that PotD of the two Villagers in a position similar to Ice Climbers while "scarifying" DK.


Hey guys, it may have been discussed before but I haven't seen it so I'll ask:

Does Kirby's absorbed powers change when the character he absorbed is using a custom neutral special (e.g. Mario using faster straight fireballs. Will Kirby use the same move if he absorbs that Mario?)

Regardless of what custom moves the victim is equipped with, Kirby will always use the default.


I have to say, the smoking effect when players are on high damage is really awesome. Makes it easy at a glance to see who the weakest prey is without having you take your eyes off the battlefield


The arrow was data-mined. It's the same size as the stage and character icons, and there's one grouped with the character screen data and one grouped with the stage screen data.

Seems to be a tab you'd click to go to a separate page for DLC characters/stages. Which probably also explains why something like 900+ MB is reserved.

DLC Hype!!!

Snake and Lucas pleeease
The arrow was data-mined. It's the same size as the stage and character icons, and there's one grouped with the character screen data and one grouped with the stage screen data.

Seems to be a tab you'd click to go to a separate page for DLC characters/stages. Which probably also explains why something like 900+ MB is reserved.

Icies live on. Eggplant forever.

I hope DLC are new characters :/
Yup. Wasn't expecting Robin to be playable, but I am glad she is.
The arrow is on the CSS, I don't know what else it would lead to besides characters.


What I hope, if the DLC does exist, is that the purchase is cross platform. Say they add a character, I dunno let's say Sunflora, and you buy it or the pack it's in. This means you can download the character for both the 3DS and the Wii U version.

If not, I'll be quite sad.

Incidentally, finally finishing custom moves for a couple of characters.
Ice Climbers, Wolf, Lucas and Mewtwo need to be the first DLC characters. I want them back more than I want new characters
unless by some miracle we got Wonder Red.

What I hope, if the DLC does exist, is that the purchase is cross platform. Say they add a character, I dunno let's say Sunflora, and you buy it or the pack it's in. This means you can download the character for both the 3DS and the Wii U version.

If not, I'll be quite sad.

Incidentally, finally finishing custom moves for a couple of characters.

Sunflora? That's too specific a character, you must have insider info!


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