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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread 10: Against the Odds, We Choose to Hype!

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And Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist (both 2003 and Brotherhood) and Blaze the Cat since Sonic Colors and what point are we making here

Laura Bailey is very prolific, yes, but this is like pointing out "hey, did you know Nolan North and Troy Baker are in everything?".
Laura Bailey is the best, and everyone needs to know that.
Since nobody gave a flying fuck:

My idea regarding Rayman's trophy:

If you remember, in Brawl trophies were divided by franchises (Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, Sonic, and then the "Other" page"). Now, I think Sakurai is going all-out with trophies, bringing their number to new insane records (I'm expecting at least a thousand of them).
I also think that he wants to represent Nintendo's history in the largest way possible, including even more third parties even if not playable.
The trophies will be divided in two parts first: Nintendo and Third Party (with a different name probably). The first will be divided itself in the different Nintendo franchises, while the other one will be divided by developer. So we'd have Namco/Bandai's part with Pac-Man, the Galaga ships and other things. We'd also have Capcom with a variety of Mega Man trophies, and even some by Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Phoenix Wright. We could have the trophy for Ryu without him being playable, or maybe with him being an assist trophy. Konami will have Snake, Belmont and other stuff.
Now, probably the developer could have one character playable, in this case the mascot of their house. So maybe Rayman will still turn out playable, but I have no idea at this point.
I simply would love something like this to happen. Also that hint at the end of Pac-Man's trailer regarding the date makes me think that some sort of "timeline" mode will be available, when you'll be able to pass through a series of different images of many games (simple frames or screenshots) of all the franchises to see their evolution, and compare it with others, similar to that History mode in Brawl which was interesting but pretty basic.
My Thoughts on the Final Smash 4 Roster

- I also think that they're gonna knock out the rest of the Original 12 with the 2 newcomers mentioned above. Ness will probably be with Shulk since they both come from RPGs with cult followings, & Jigglypuff will be with the Chorus Kids (or whoever from Rhythm Heaven gets in), as they all sing.
I can see it now. The Chorus Men putting on a show for a bunch of Smash characters in an arena, all of a sudden - a certain jealous pink puff crashes the party from the audience rushes on stage and grabs a mic. I would die.


Something That has probably been mentioned before, maybe the reason lucinia has one square is because she doesn't have unique artwork for herself?
There are STILL people who want/expect Ridley to be playable? After Sakurai basically confirmed months ago that he's a boss character? SERIOUSLY?


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm fine with luigcation and clones in Smash 4/5. Dixie, Medusa, Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, Toon Zelda, etc.


My older kid is devastated, because he thinks both his mains (Falco and Lucas) will be cut, he is wrong guys, right?.

He really has 3 mains (Ike)

I think Falco is more likely to survive, but leaker could be wrong with Lucas, so we will see.

Thought making it loop and flipping back and forth made it look a bit better so the background doesn't jump.


Yeah, Great job.
Really though, the fact that Ike has blue flames now gives hope that suggestions made during the tournament are actually being considered.
There are STILL people who want/expect Ridley to be playable? After Sakurai basically confirmed months ago that he's a boss character? SERIOUSLY?
Correction: after Sakurai teased Ridley without actually showing him, in a manner extremely similar to stunts he's pulled with other playable characters - Palutena in the very same video, most notably.

If Ridley ISN'T playable than there would be no payoff to teasing him, and Sakurai's smarter than to annoy people with teases that lead to no payoff.


This raises the question: What is up with Falcons eyes? Looks like they turn on like a display or something. Maybe his burning spirit shines through the dark visor?

Ha! That's good.

I think his eyes are some kind of display, in Brawl he has normal eyes modelled underneath them.


Is there really no "Bitch please" gif for Falcon knocking away the sword yet? Or have I just missed it?

If not I am dissapoint internet.


Neo Member
This is a conscious decision


Lucina having a small box on the desktop site isn't an oversight. It was deliberate. And it wasn't because she lacks artwork.

Ask yourself why.


The definition of front-butt.
^ Uh, PC version will have Lucina as Marth costume, 3DS she is a full character!

I think his eyes are some kind of display, in Brawl he has normal eyes underneath them.
Huh. Got any pics? I guess it's some sort of fancy racing HUD then. AR is the future.


Can someone explain the significance of the blue flames?


Ike is known as the Hero of the Blue Flame in his games. The Fire Emblem in PoR and RD burns a bright blue, and the blue flames are used in a lot of the menus, cutscenes, and box art.
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