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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread 10: Against the Odds, We Choose to Hype!

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I'm just really salty that my most hyped character is little more than a female marth, I was really hoping for some diversity (think female Chrom).
You're lucky that the third most important character from a single game is playable at all. Being a clone is the only way that she would have been playable, and since she's a descendent of Marth who patterns herself after him, it at least makes sense that she shares his move set. It's not like we're talking about Falcondorf.


I thought Happy meal was already confirmed as playable.


But Ronald McDonald is a more relevant character!
Yes. That's a logical reaction to my post. Amazing.


JStein0222 said:
The guy in the IGN rewind whining that Marth isn't good because he wasn't good with him at E3 playing how he plays melee makes me sick. At least the other dude is optimistic and nice to listen to.

I just went and watched this out of curiosity. I'm assuming you're referring to Jose for the one comment he makes about Marth when he played at E3? If so I'd hardly call it whining for him to point out that Lucina has noticeably less landing lag then Marth did in the E3 build. He didn't even seem salty about it, just like he was pointing something out.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Guys, before CoroCoro reveals everything, they're gonna probably show the full roster on Pokémon Get☆TV so make sure you watch the show EVERY Sunday from now on!


We have 36 characters revealed now (38 counting the three Mii forms.) There's no way the starting roster will be that large.

Well, remove 3 (Sonic, Pacman and Megaman), and you've got 35 characters. Melee's starting line up had 15 characters, that's bigger than the original's final line up (12). Brawl's starting line up had 25 characters, that's almost as big as Melee's full line up (26). I could see 1 or 2 other newcomers revealed before release, alongside 3 veterans, adding up to around 39 in total, with the remaining being unlockable characters - only the third party ones revealed before release like done with Brawl.

The one oddity is the entire FE line up being there from the start, but I don't think it'd be without precedent. Kirby had three characters in Brawl, with two newcomers, and they were all starters.


Oh man, I just realized mii sword fighter can be used for the protagonist (Randi) of secret of mana. Sword is the mana sword, chakram is also an upgrade of the boomerang in that game.


Hmmm. I wonder if any other of swordfighters specials are other weapons (he's a weapon master, so sayeth sakurai). Now to see if any other custom stuff can be used to even make him BEGIN to resemble randi.


You're right. I gleamed all the knowledge I need to make accurate judgements from a 3 minute match.
Luigi is top tier guys.

Or a bunch of tournament players played the demo at E3 non-stop for three straight days. Not to mention all of the impressions from Best Buys across North America.


Or a bunch of tournament players played the demo at E3 non-stop for three straight days. Not to mention all of the impressions from Best Buys across North America.

While it's true that a ton of people played it a bunch over E3, especially people who really know what they're doing, it'll still be a long while before anyone figured out the new 'best' way /meta for smash 4 to determine rankings. If played with a brawl/melee mindset, then yes, marth is seemingly much worse. We won't know for sure, though, until people figure out what works best in this game.
You know who I wouldn't mind clone-ish characters for? How about the Mii Fighters. One for each form so there's a more competitive viable/customization free form.
Ever since someone mentioned that the Mii slot goes away when customization is off I've gotten nervous about their viability

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Well, remove 3 (Sonic, Pacman and Megaman), and you've got 35 characters. Melee's starting line up had 15 characters, that's bigger than the original's final line up (12). Brawl's starting line up had 25 characters, that's almost as big as Melee's full line up (26). I could see 1 or 2 other newcomers revealed before release, alongside 3 veterans, adding up to around 39 in total, with the remaining being unlockable characters - only the third party ones revealed before release like done with Brawl.

The one oddity is the entire FE line up being there from the start, but I don't think it'd be without precedent. Kirby had three characters in Brawl, with two newcomers, and they were all starters.

And the Mario crew. Plus the two Links together is sort of weird.

I still think perhaps Sakurai is actually gonna make everyone unlockable from the start this time around, and Custom Moves/Alts might be the rewards. That'd be the best thing to do imo...you please the competitive players who want to jump right in, and there's still stuff to unlock for those who enjoy it.
Wait, really? Luigi is my homeboy, I was hoping he would get some move set upgrades but I didn't catch much

I'm a Luigi main, too, and there are a couple things I've noticed (mind you, these are just observations from Youtube videos of demo play; I've never played the game myself):

-His jab combo seems a lot stronger - or at least it has more knockback - though it does look a little slower.
-Moves like his dash attack and the Luigi Cyclone seem to trap people really easily, unlike in Brawl, where they tended to hit once and then just fly through people. I've seen him catch three people in a Cyclone at once.
-His forward smash may be stronger/have more knockback, though I'm less sure about this.

I doubt it myself but remembered reading it somewhere

Beelzebufo was going on about that yesterday. Hardly a reliable source.
I'm a Luigi main, too, and there are a couple things I've noticed (mind you, these are just observations from Youtube videos of demo play; I've never played the game myself):

-His jab combo seems a lot stronger - or at least it has more knockback - though it does look a little slower.
-Moves like his dash attack and the Luigi Cyclone seem to trap people really easily, unlike in Brawl, where they tended to hit once and then just fly through people. I've seen him catch three people in a Cyclone at once.
-His forward smash may be stronger/have more knockback, though I'm less sure about this.
Luigi is one of my secondaries. This is good news.
Guys... I'm starting to wonder how long I'm going to have to play this game.

I mean, Smash64, beat Classic as all characters was easy enough. You could do it in a day quite easily.

Melee introduced 2 more modes that had a bit of length to them. Still, you could probably knock it out in a full weekend if you really busted your ass on it. I'm talking about running every character through Classic/Adventure/Allstar.

Brawl was different because of the SSE, but we still had Classic and Allstar to run through for 35 characters (maybe 36 for ZSS, I can't remember).

I'm trying to father doing Classic and Allstar for 50ish characters. Twice.

This... this may take some time.
That's not true -- at least, nobody from Nintendo said that. I'm sure the first options will be the default specials.

Yeah apparently one person heard that in the Treehouse stream but it hasn't been mentioned by anyone else meaning that they misheard or just made it up.


Lol Miiverse.

And we are no where near knowing who is top or not. Learning the ins out and will take more than 3 days. It'll take months. In fact, we may not even have an early tier list of any kind that actually sticks until a year out.
I think metaknight will be bumped to unlockable, with marth replacing him as a starter. I think we've seen the entire starting roster, everyone during and post E3 2014 is probably unlockable, except Wario when he's shown. Plus anyone who was unlockable in Brawl is still unlockable (Lucario, Toon Link, etc)

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Brawl was different because of the SSE, but we still had Classic and Allstar to run through for 35 characters (maybe 36 for ZSS, I can't remember).

You had to beat the final boss in Classic/All Star with Zelda, Sheik, Samus, ZSS, and each of the Pokemon to get all the trophies iirc. It was pretty annoying.

I'm wonder how the main Trophies will work with the Miis/Villagers/Trainers/Robins. Will the trophy be plural, and display all of them? Or will only the default gender revealed first get a Trophy?


I'm kind of wondering why a lot of communities are up in arms about a clone.

I mean, Toon Link. We've known about him for months. Is there a clone limit before the line snaps and everyone spirals out of control?

I'm kind of wondering why a lot of communities are up in arms about a clone.

I mean, Toon Link. We've known about him for months. Is there a clone limit before the line snaps and everyone spirals out of control?
I think it comes from the same people who take roster slots to seriously. Yes, of course there's only a set amount of room for characters, but people seem to think they team had to decide between Lucina and whoever their most wanted newcomer was. Lucina took resources to make, but it's not as black and white as "What character got cut for her?"
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