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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread 10: Against the Odds, We Choose to Hype!

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I'm kind of wondering why a lot of communities are up in arms about a clone.

I mean, Toon Link. We've known about him for months. Is there a clone limit before the line snaps and everyone spirals out of control?

I hope most people don't mind as much as it seems. At least ten character being a clone makes sense. If it fits the character, being a clone doesn't bother me too much.
Now that punk Ganondorf on the other hand



Discussed to death over here, but we're likely not since they said the same thing for Brawl and didn't even have all the deets on the starting roster.

I hope most people don't mind as much as it seems. At least ten character being a clone makes sense. If it fits the character, being a clone doesn't bother me too much.
Now that punk Ganondorf on the other hand

Yeah, Ganondorf is the only one that's ever bothered me even though he's still fun enough to play. Young/Toon Link fighting nearly identical to Link makes perfect sense. The three Star Fox characters having a similar kit makes perfect sense. Lucina/Roy fighting nearly identically to Marth is fine and makes sense too.

Ganondorf fighting like Captain Falcon is a professional level assgrab. I can deal, but it's just... out there.
You had to beat the final boss in Classic/All Star with Zelda, Sheik, Samus, ZSS, and each of the Pokemon to get all the trophies iirc. It was pretty annoying.

I'm wonder how the main Trophies will work with the Miis/Villagers/Trainers/Robins. Will the trophy be plural, and display all of them? Or will only the default gender revealed first get a Trophy?

For Miis, probably each Mii type will require a run through. The gender changes are just costumes


Lucina caused unanimous praise and confusion yesterday. Hate and disdain for Sakurai today.

Just based on all of this, I will use her online for For Glory matches, tough.
So...we are getting the full roster next month!

DS tho

Just an advisory, Senseless. It's an honest mistake to make, but if a site's been blocked (as in, you trying to bring them up gets them asterisked to hell), such as tinypic, it's usually because the site has information that's harmful to GAF in some way, for example a popular video game sales data site has been blocked because they've had a history of pulling numbers out of their ass. If it's blocked, don't go out of your way to continue linking it, just find a more reliable source for the news.


Neo Member
If we're talking wishlists...

Nintendo pls

Pic of the day. Along with Robin, Lucina joins the battle!! Her physical ablilites are identical to Marth's--it must be in her D.N.A. However, where Marth's power is concentrated in the tip of the sword, Lucina's attack strength is balanced throughout the weapon, which might make her easier to control. She's also a little bit shorter than Marth.

This is literally what I didn't want to hear :/

Because now I'm worried she really will be another "Worse Marth with a Sword".

Except now she's easier to use, which.....kinda confuses me honestly when Marth isn't that hard to control.

Though that might just be my bias as a Marth main showing.


They really need to update her face.

She looks like a lifeless doll when compared to how vibrant Marth is.


As in "Heathcliff"
Exactly. We won't get 36-38 characters selectable from the start. Maybe 30, at best.

This is most likely. Retail copies will leak, and the game will be data-mined.

I heard that no one haven't crack Wii U disc for data-mining but I really hope that people would find out more stuffs in disc like which characters that got cut at last minutes.

Here's your main Heath lol

I would kill everyone with hamburgers. Dat fats.

So...we are getting the full roster next month!

http://www.dual (space) shockers.com/2014/07/15/whole-smash-bros-roster-revealed-on-august-12th-on-monthly-corocoro/

I bet you we wouldn't get full roster from those magazine.
I enjoy clones. Seems like an easy way to get more characters, and the differences are enough for me. I'm excited about Lucina, I hope she plays like a better Roy.


Just caught up on the news, crazy that the leak seemingly has been shot down in flames. Chorus Men were a great character choice, hope they are still in.

Newcomers look hype, Cap Falcon does too. Pumped.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
You know if CoroCoro is gonna reveal all the stages, then Sakurai REALLY needs to pick it up with stage reveals. I can't imagine them revealing a substantial amount more than Sakurai has.

I mean we only have 18 on the 3DS, and that includes one retro stage (Donkey Kong). Brawl had 29 Stages from the outset, so we're pretty behind.

Furthermore, Yoshi, Donkey Kong (unless we're only getting a retro stage which would suck), Kirby, F-Zero, Star Fox, F-Zero, Mega Man, Metroid, Sonic, and Pikmin don't have anything in the 3DS Version yet.

I'm sort of worried that Stages are gonna be gimped a bit. I could see Sakurai "cheating" a bit and like with Donkey Kong, just bringing back old stages in the 3DS Version for most of those franchises.


They really need to update her face.

She looks like a lifeless doll when compared to how vibrant Marth is.

Yeah, she looks real soul-less. I mean, even in the 3DS screenshots, her face is very empty looking.

Still, main material for me. :p

All we need now is Morrigan and the game is ready to ship.
Ironically, falchions in real life were single-edged weapons based on powerful chops.

And thanks to Wikipedia I just learned that their name comes from "falx", which is Latin for "sickle"; they have zero to do with falcons. This was particularly surprising to me because, as a Spanish speaker, I can sometimes figure out Latin roots from their similarity, but "falx" is entirely unrecognizable (the Spanish word is "hoz", with a silent h).


A lot of people prefer Wolf and Falco to Fox, so I'm perfectly fine with Lucina being a clone. We also got Robin, so it's not like FE was denied a new, unique type of character this time around.


They really need to update her face.

She looks like a lifeless doll when compared to how vibrant Marth is.

I didn't see it when everyone was saying the same about Palutena's appearance (I actually think she looks fine, personal issues with her aside), but both Lucina and Robin in the trailer look really, really early. Where Robin tosses the book and his head is both completely static and immobile while his body moves normally and...

I'm sure the footage in the trailer was taken before they got any polish but... *shudder*.



Pic of the day. Along with Robin, Lucina joins the battle!! Her physical ablilites are identical to Marth's--it must be in her D.N.A. However, where Marth's power is concentrated in the tip of the sword, Lucina's attack strength is balanced throughout the weapon, which might make her easier to control. She's also a little bit shorter than Marth.


With the Wii Fit Trainers, the male and female Robins, the Villagers, and Little Mac, varying their appearances and voices works just like selecting alternate color variations. However, whenever there is even a small difference in abilities, that character gets an actual roster slot. That is why you can select Lucina individually.


By the way…there's probably no chance you'll be able to see this in the game, but Lucina has the mark of Naga in her left eye.
Wow, three excellent updates. So Lucina is a clone of Marth, but it sounds like her entire sword has the sweet spot, hence she's "easier to control?" Also sounds like she might be a slightly smaller target since she's shorter?

Also good to know she is indeed her own slot on the roster, and that whenever there is even a slight difference in ability, the character will get its own slot.

I'm wondering about Dark Pit now. On the one hand, he could be a tweaked clone of Pit, maybe referencing some different weapons from Uprising, and featuring a new Final Smash. But I just wonder how they'd make him visually distinct. Would a Dark Pit and his alternate colors be varying shades of black, like how Sonic and his alts were varying shades of blue? And then regular Pit just wouldn't have any alt colors that look black?

Hmm, didn't her eyes got different colour when there's mark of naga?
The eye was more obvious in Fire Emblem Awakening, but I prefer the more subtle approach Sakurai took here.


I heard that no one haven't crack Wii U disc for data-mining but I really hope that people would find out more stuffs in disc like which characters that got cut at last minutes.

That's what interest me the most. What was left on the disc. It's like a small glimpse into the minds of the developers, or at least a look at their in office PC trash bin.

Son Of D

I'm kind of wondering why a lot of communities are up in arms about a clone.

I mean, Toon Link. We've known about him for months. Is there a clone limit before the line snaps and everyone spirals out of control?

I see it as people thinking that the newcomer clone(s) "take the place" of their favourite unrevealed veterans.


So good.

I want more clones of fun characters.

Give me a Sheik clone. And a Snake clone.

Honestly I won't be surprised if we get Impa as a Sheik clone. She seems like a good choice for the next Zelda newcomer.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
You know, have we see Peach's Daisy Alt. yet?

Maybe Sakurai will go all the way this time and make her her own character. I mean just change up her voice, maybe alter her animations a bit from Peach's pink glows and such to spawning flowers, instead of Toad she holds up...Shy Guy?
I'm kind of wondering why a lot of communities are up in arms about a clone.

I mean, Toon Link. We've known about him for months. Is there a clone limit before the line snaps and everyone spirals out of control?

Ehhh Toon Link has several variables changed, required rebalancing, etc. Lucina is just copy+paste Marth, then go in and remove exactly one attribute. Boom, another character complete. We'll have this roster full before mid-day, boss!

Some want more creativity in the character selection.
You know, have we see Peach's Daisy Alt. yet?

Maybe Sakurai will go all the way this time and make her her own character. I mean just change up her voice, maybe alter her animations a bit from Peach's pink glows and such to spawning flowers, instead of Toad she holds up...Shy Guy?
60-65 character roster confirmed.

I seriously can't wait to play my main woman Lucina.


And y'all were calling me crazy for saying Lucina's face looked blank yesterday...:p

She looks very early indeed.

Let's all hope that they work on this a bit. The starting characters all have excellent faces and emotions. As reveals got on, they seem lazier and lazier.

I guess they may be rushing now or it's just old footage we're seeing.


Ehhh Toon Link has several variables changed, required rebalancing, etc. Lucina is just copy+paste Marth, then go in and remove exactly one attribute. Boom, another character complete. We'll have this roster full before mid-day, boss!

Some want more creativity in the character selection.

Lucina will inevitably get that, though. Just because the sword is the biggest change and the only one we're aware of doesn't mean that she doesn't have her own individual tweaks or unique attributes her moves, just like all the other clones have had.

If you watch a video of Melee Fox and Melee Falco side by side performing the same actions with no additional context, you'd probably think them to be identical characters as well.

As sad as I am that Lucina is a clone, at least there's some difference, and *hopefully* (though at this point I'm not expecting it), Sakurai would give a bit of alteration in her special moves to at least differentiate them a bit more.

Also, gotta love how much detail Sakurai puts into the games he works on. Dat Mark of Naga
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