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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread 10: Against the Odds, We Choose to Hype!

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As sad as I am that Lucina is a clone, at least there's some difference, and *hopefully* (though at this point I'm not expecting it), Sakurai would give a bit of alteration in her special moves to at least differentiate them a bit more.

Also, gotta love how much detail Sakurai puts into the games he works on. Dat Mark of Naga
Way I see it, Lucina sounds like a Marth with improved power distribution and a character design that's actually appealing to me. I'll take it!


Ehhh Toon Link has several variables changed, required rebalancing, etc. Lucina is just copy+paste Marth, then go in and remove exactly one attribute. Boom, another character complete. We'll have this roster full before mid-day, boss!

Some want more creativity in the character selection.
Small changes can have huge ramifications. Fox and Falco in Melee are the quintessential clones.


Because now I'm worried she really will be another "Worse Marth with a Sword".

Except now she's easier to use, which.....kinda confuses me honestly when Marth isn't that hard to control.

It's explained right there. She doesn't have something similar to Marth's sweetspot. Her damage is always the same, so she's easier to use for people who can't get used to the sweetspot mechanics.

And, yes, unless the reduced landing lag is something exclusive to Lucina, and not a general engine change, that likely means she's going to be inferior to Marth competitively.


Lucina will inevitably get that, though. Just because the sword is the biggest change and the only one we're aware of doesn't mean that she doesn't have her own individual tweaks or unique attributes her moves, just like all the other clones have had.

If you watch a video of Melee Fox and Melee Falco side by side performing the same actions with no additional context, you'd probably think them to be identical characters as well.

I hope so, because this

Her physical ablilites are identical to Marth's--it must be in her D.N.A. However, where Marth's power is concentrated in the tip of the sword, Lucina's attack strength is balanced throughout the weapon, which might make her easier to control. She's also a little bit shorter than Marth.

Doesn't make it sound like she has any other changes.


What makes it even funnier is that he's probably never read the English Miiverse.
Yeah, but I'm kind of assuming Japanese Miiverse isn't some shining beacon of hope for human discourse, either :p

I'd say that Sakurai could have Kamiya help him understand English Miiverse, but as we all know Kamiya is just a Sakurai alt, both being Japanese and all


I know we were joking, but for serious here is a cool alt for Lucina.



And thanks to Wikipedia I just learned that their name comes from "falx", which is Latin for "sickle"; they have zero to do with falcons. This was particularly surprising to me because, as a Spanish speaker, I can sometimes figure out Latin roots from their similarity, but "falx" is entirely unrecognizable (the Spanish word is "hoz", with a silent h).

the italian word is much more similiar (falce),but i wasn't able to make the connection either


Every newcomer revealed to date is incredibly unique and creative with the exception of Lucina. It's okay for there to be one or two clones per dozen imaginative newcomers.
I'm hoping for more clones. Clones rule.

We could have a roster that shames Marvel vs Capcom 2.
It's explained right there. She doesn't have something similar to Marth's sweetspot. Her damage is always the same, so she's easier to use for people who can't get used to the sweetspot mechanics.

And, yes, unless the reduced landing lag is something exclusive to Lucina, and not a general engine change, that likely means she's going to be inferior to Marth competitively.
Yeah, it sounds like Lucina is more or less and exact clone, at least going off of the "her physical abilities are exactly the same". The only actual difference he states is her sword. That and she's shorter, but not necessarily faster or anything. Wouldn't that make her better than Marth competitively though, not worse? You don't even have to bother to sweet spot.

Or make Ganondorf, Ganondorf. Instead of Black Shadow.
Do we really need a Robin clone?
Lucina will inevitably get that, though. Just because the sword is the biggest change and the only one we're aware of doesn't mean that she doesn't have her own individual tweaks or unique attributes her moves, just like all the other clones have had.

If you watch a video of Melee Fox and Melee Falco side by side performing the same actions with no additional context, you'd probably think them to be identical characters as well.

Today's PotD explicitly states that the lack of tip is the only difference in mechanics.


I'm hoping for more clones. Clones rule.

We could have a roster that shames Marvel vs Capcom 2.

I think melee soured people on clones because they were a good chunk of the game's roster. Also ganondorf was really bad. Brawl declonified clones to make them substantially different, though still similar. I think now that we have *SO MANY* unique characters, adding clones is just nice roster padding and lets you choose which of the 2+ variations of a moveset you like better.
I really hope Lucina has more differences than just the removal of a sweetspot - although I suppose it's no skin off my back if they make some easy-to-do clone characters, haha. If the final version has a handful of them I wouldn't be surprised if the team hit a similar snag that they did in Melee - either make one brand new character or six clones, and they opted to pad out the roster so that players had more to unlock. And I can respect that.

I'm kinda hoping that Impa makes it in as a Sheik clone, not gonna lie. They could even give Impa Sheik's old chain move.

Today's PotD explicitly states that the lack of tip is the only difference in mechanics.
Didn't yesterday's trailer already show of Lucina using a different up-air than Marth's?


I hope so, because this

Doesn't make it sound like she has any other changes.

I personally took "physical ablilites are identical" as "she performs attacks that look identical to Marth's," essentially defining what Melee style clones were.

I guess I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because they seem to love the slow trickle of information when detailing the intricacies of the characters. It was months before we knew about the changes to Dedede's Waddle Dee toss and Zelda's new Down special. Plus no clone in the series has had that few changes to them, and I don't see any reason to assume that's starting now just because Lucina looks a bit unfinished in the trailer.

Today's PotD explicitly states that the lack of tip is the only difference in mechanics.

The only thing it explicitly states is that her sword has no sweet spot and that she's a little shorter. Everything else is just speculation.


Neo Member
Clones can't be as easily justified when there are character customization options in the game. What's the point of a modified Marth if you can just modify Marth yourself?
Small changes can have huge ramifications. Fox and Falco in Melee are the quintessential clones.

Fox and Falco in Melee have literally dozens of variables changed between them. Running speed, blaster speed, blaster stopping power, jump height, up-B distance, side-B distance, power differences in basic attacks, etc. Marth and Lucina have exactly ONE fighting mechanic variable difference, according to Sakurai.


Yeah, it sounds like Lucina is more or less and exact clone, at least going off of the "her physical abilities are exactly the same". The only actual difference he states is her sword. That and she's shorter, but not necessarily faster or anything. Wouldn't that make her better than Marth competitively though, not worse? You don't even have to bother to sweet spot.

Do we really need a Robin clone?

I'm going to guess that because she doesn't have to sweet spot she won't be as good as a marth player who knows how to sweet spot.

Making up some numbers here for neutral A:

Base 10%
Tip 18%

Anywhere: 14%

A marth player who can consistently hit w/ the tip will outshine a lucina player. I think lucina is designed to be better for beginners.

Fox and Falco in Melee have literally dozens of variables changed between them. Running speed, blaster speed, blaster stopping power, jump height, up-B distance, side-B distance, power differences in basic attacks, etc. Marth and Lucina have exactly ONE fighting mechanic variable difference, according to Sakurai.

That we know of. I'm sure he was just simplifying for a miiverse post. I bet the variable differences will be similar to fox/falco from melee. There's no way the only difference is sword tip bonus damage on marth.
Clones can't be as easily justified when there are character customization options in the game. What's the point of a modified Marth if you can just modify Marth yourself?

Because you can modify moves but not properties and, as far as we know, not any normal attacks.

I don't know what there is a need to "justify" characters, anyway. People wanted Lucina in, she's in, hooray.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Sakurai seems to have a large team this time around, I could see them finishing up all the planned characters on schedule and having some extra space left to add some low-effort clones to fill things out.

Thus Lucina and Dark Pit. I'm starting to think that might be all there is in terms of low-effort clones though, I can't think of any other similar characters who are recent enough to include without feeling better off as their own character.

EDIT: Oh yeah, will Lucina have her own customizable moves? I could see her perhaps not.
I'm going to guess that because she doesn't have to sweet spot she won't be as good as a marth player who knows how to sweet spot.

Making up some numbers here for neutral A:

Base 10%
Tip 18%

Anywhere: 14%

A marth player who can consistently hit w/ the tip will outshine a lucina player. I think lucina is designed to be better for beginners.
Ah, that makes sense. I guess it does say "concentrated" vs "spread out", so it's not like she's always doing tip damage.

So if Marth's going to be bad, I guess Lucina's gonna be awful, huh? Maybe her size difference will really help. I wonder if she'll have different custom moves, or if they'll be identical to Marth as well?

Clones can't be as easily justified when there are character customization options in the game. What's the point of a modified Marth if you can just modify Marth yourself?
You can't modify Marth to be shorter and do spread out sword damage.


Clones can't be as easily justified when there are character customization options in the game. What's the point of a modified Marth if you can just modify Marth yourself?

You can modify the types of attacks Marth can do, but you can't modify his hitbox and sword damage sweet-spot. These are the two areas where Lucina is different than Marth. So even though you're giving them different moves, the ways they actually deal and take damage are different no matter what.


Snake vs a giant rob! :p

I remember when the Metal Gears were shown for Shadow Moses Island and Sakurai teased "a newer kind of Metal Gear" alongside REX and RAY. It ended up being GEKKOs, who weren't shown due to not being revealed yet, but I remember reading speculation of a Metal Gear ROB back before we knew one was playable. Granted, this is back when I just had a GameFAQs account, but the idea of a Metal Gear ROB was cool to me regardless.


I personally took "physical ablilites are identical" as "she performs attacks that look identical to Marth's," essentially defining what Melee style clones were.

I guess I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because they seem to love the slow trickle of information when detailing the intricacies of the characters. It was months before we knew about the changes to Dedede's Waddle Dee toss and Zelda's new Down special. Plus no clone in the series has had that few changes to them, and I don't see any reason to assume that's starting now just because Lucina looks a bit unfinished in the trailer.

The only thing it explicitly states is that her sword has no sweet spot and that she's a little shorter. Everything else is just speculation.

Yes, you can take it to mean that as well. However I think it's a little worrying that when talking about exceptions to her "physical abilities" being identical, he mentioned a tiny irrelevant detail like being slightly shorter rather than any sort of mention of moveset differences.

She really should have moveset differences like every clone character in the series has, but her footage and Sakurai's words go against that a little, so I'm not sure what to expect.


I'm betting she at least gets Aether as a customizable Up-B.

Dude, that'd be cool. I'm pretty much expecting her to get the same customizable moves as Marth, but throwing some Ike stuff her way would be a great way to really differentiate her and make her more accurate to her FE:A portrayal.

They basically handed out Aether like candy in FE:A.
I'm betting she at least gets Aether as a customizable Up-B.
You're back! And almost definitely not, because Mii and Palutena are still listed as the only characters with completely new customizable moves. It'll still be different variations of the same animation, the question is if it'll be the same variations Marth has.
That we know of. I'm sure he was just simplifying for a miiverse post. I bet the variable differences will be similar to fox/falco from melee. There's no way the only difference is sword tip bonus damage on marth.

Sakurai said:
Her physical ablilites are identical to Marth's... However, where Marth's power is concentrated in the tip of the sword, Lucina's attack strength is balanced throughout the weapon...

Seems like he's making it pretty clear. "Identical" is not a word one uses whimsically.
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