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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XIII: Leak Dynasty

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Also, at least from what I can tell, Pac-Man's move where he turns into old school Pac-Man while dashing allows him to eat projectiles; that's just a guess on my part, though.

God I forgot Pac-Man was in. What a sad state of affairs for him. Pac-Man used to be the hottest shit in video games and now he doesn't even get his trailer shown at E3, Palutena gets one instead. Poor Pac-Man.


Don't take that trailer as an indication of his in-game appearance. If it were, he would have been up on the smash bros website already.

This is true! I'm pointing it out mostly because there's a discernible reason for the change in appearance in the Pac-Man trailer.

I'm 95% on it being fake and the 5% is just there so I can adjust to the possibility that the Ice Climbers will be taken away from me.


So let's say Wario gets shown this week

And let's say he's in the same pose as the leak's screen in his official art.

What's the reaction going to be?
"Lucky Guess"
"Maybe he got the render for Wario early and made everything else up"
"A few pixels on his chin don't line up, obviously fake"

But what if it doesn't line up?
Bragging? "Told ya so" and so on?

Will be an interesting day when that happens, which should be in a week or two, considering he's probably a starter

Oh yeah, I was thinking that myself. The emoment we see a vet like him or Ganondorf we'll see if this is any bit of accurate.

Seems like if he wants to hold off on proving/disproving this he'll only be able to give us information on modes and whatnot because he wouldn't be able to reveal stages or characters.
Aβydoς;126308192 said:
Wasn't this hyped for a pic of the day since... Forever I guess.
Nobody gave a fuck about today's POTD, but tomorrow it's going to be quite different.
People felt the same last night, but then the picture was disappointing. No reason to think things will be different tonight.

Also, if this is actually true, I wonder if it'll change Sakurai's plans at all. He can't reveal a character or 3DS stage now without ruining everything.
Just managed to get caught up reading all of the leak stuff. This is pretty much how I feel things went down



This is true! I'm pointing it out mostly because there's a discernible reason for the change in appearance in the Pac-Man trailer.

I'm 95% on it being fake and the 5% is just there so I can adjust to the possibility that the Ice Climbers will be taken away from me.

If it's real, i'm hoping they're one of the 6 remaining character slots.


Don't take that trailer as an indication of his in-game appearance. If it were, he would have been up on the smash bros website already.

Don't forget about Dark Pit either. If he's in he'd be the only newcomer without a Splash Screen, at least in his first appearance.
I hope Sakurai's Friday update is some sort of Duck Hunt joke. Then this thread gets 20 more pages.

Realistically, if this is legit I think Duck Hunt Dog would be a lot of fun to play as. He could I guess throw ducks at people and final smash would make a ton of them fly up and hit players while a zapper gun appears for you to shoot at the other players too.
The leak has another visual angle on a room we have not seen until today in the Tomodachi Life stage. (from Smashboards)


This room has not shown up in any previous screenshots of the stage.

Potential proof it's real. I would want to see something more substantial first though.

There are similar rooms, but the colors and placement of the furniture is oddly specific. That might be a mark for it.


I hope Sakurai's Friday update is some sort of Duck Hunt joke. Then this thread gets 20 more pages.

Realistically, if this is legit I think Duck Hunt Dog would be a lot of fun to play as. He could I guess throw ducks at people and final smash would make a ton of them fly up and hit players while a zapper gun appears for you to shoot at the other players too.

I doubt any Duck Hunt-based moveset would involve the Zapper beyond some crosshairs on the screen, if only because of the appearance of its Japanese counterpart.



I hope Sakurai's Friday update is some sort of Duck Hunt joke. Then this thread gets 20 more pages.

Realistically, if this is legit I think Duck Hunt Dog would be a lot of fun to play as. He could I guess throw ducks at people and final smash would make a ton of them fly up and hit players while a zapper gun appears for you to shoot at the other players too.

Duck Hunt Dog has been a character I've wanted for a LOOOONGGG time, like when Melee first came out I was all like "the Duck Hunt Dog should be in this!!" Duck Hunt is a really iconic game that's well-known to most Nintendo fans and it always felt like a travesty to me that it wasn't represented in Smash outside of a trophy in Melee.

But at the expense of the Ice Climbers and Lucas and Wolf and a Rhythm Heaven guy? And Dr. Mario and Dark Pit...no...I couldn't accept it ;_;


The leak has another visual angle on a room we have not seen until today in the Tomodachi Life stage. (from Smashboards)


This room has not shown up in any previous screenshots of the stage.

Potential proof it's real. I would want to see something more substantial first though.

Scaaaans! :p

Seriously though, I think we should wait for a character reveal or better comparison since that stage screenshot is blurry as hell.
The leak has another visual angle on a room we have not seen until today in the Tomodachi Life stage. (from Smashboards)


This room has not shown up in any previous screenshots of the stage.

Potential proof it's real. I would want to see something more substantial first though.
Oh shit. So either this is legit, or the faker got Famitsu super early, and edited that room into a different spot?
The leak has another visual angle on a room we have not seen until today in the Tomodachi Life stage. (from Smashboards)

This room has not shown up in any previous screenshots of the stage.

Potential proof it's real. I would want to see something more substantial first though.

Well, now this is interesting. A faker wouldn't have had access to that specific room design unless he got Famitsu really early and adjusted the leak.


Maturity, bitches.
The leak has another visual angle on a room we have not seen until today in the Tomodachi Life stage. (from Smashboards)


This room has not shown up in any previous screenshots of the stage.

Potential proof it's real. I would want to see something more substantial first though.
I noticed this before, but its so blurry it's hard to see what they've done. There's a blob to the left and a blob to the right. You know, something as easy to fake with the brush tool. Tomoachi Life allows you to take screenshots whenever so it would be easy enough to get resource for a picture. Trust me, I know a lot about hiding lazy work behind shrinking and blurring an image.


Awwww shit.

It's similar but the one in the leak screenshot is too indistinguishable to genuinely tell anything.

Also yeah, considering how they've been cautious against including any realistic guns in Smash Bros. I don't think we'd ever see a character using the classic NES Zapper in either of its forms, even the US version was pretty much a pistol colored vibrant orange.
Out of all the cuts anyway, I'm sad for Ice Climbers and Snake only (and the absence of Mewtwo). I loved Wolf but I'll live without him.
Seriously guys if this is real, and the DLC part is real, it's probably one of the best case scenarios ever.
Wouldn't be stupid. Just a matter of what they can do in development. Look at Lucina, and then remember that Doc isn't that much different from Mario.

the difference is that Lucina is an actual character that got requested, who the fuck requested Dr.Mario, his only purpose was to extend Melee roster just like the other clones, and bringing him back over all the other Melee veterans like Mewtwo and Ice climbers doesn't worth the shitstorm he'll create.


As in "Heathcliff"
Duck Hunt Dog has been a character I've wanted for a LOOOONGGG time, like when Melee first came out I was all like "the Duck Hunt Dog should be in this!!" Duck Hunt is a really iconic game that's well-known to most Nintendo fans and it always felt like a travesty to me that it wasn't represented in Smash outside of a trophy in Melee.

But at the expense of the Ice Climbers and Lucas and Wolf and a Rhythm Heaven guy? And Dr. Mario and Dark Pit...no...I couldn't accept it ;_;

They are DLC characters so. ....

Duck Hunt Dog is one of my most wanted character. If it's real, heck you will see my posts that day.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Aβydoς;126309008 said:
But in that case who should we believe?
He could be the one telling lies!

And that's when the real meaning of the update will kick in for everyone: everyone can lie on the Internet. What if Smash bros. actually doesn't exist? Or is for PS3/360/PS4/One/PC/iOS/Android/Shield/Ouya/Jungle but not for 3DS and Wii U, and all these tournaments have been amazing CG? What if people has been paid to fake impressions about the game at Comic-Con and E3, where it wasn't actually there? What if we don't exist either? What if life itself is all a lie? This is going to be a meta update, I know it. It'll change our lives indeed.

And since it's a meta update, MetaKnight's mask will be used instead of the human face in the image


Even with the angled body you can see his shirt has a perfectly straight bottom edge.

Also the N64 version was the first one so I can excuse the sleeves on that. Since then they've made sure to follow the design to a t. It would be odd for the same director not to notice they haven't done that again with the new model.

I think that it would be just as odd for a leaker to miss that in his render considering everything else was done so well (imo). Which is why I think it could be just part of a newer design/look for him, like him having eaten too many beef jerkys adding to the roundness of his belly.

Personally I think the biggest argument for this being a goof was everyone pointing out the first leaked picture didn't have Miis, and then soon after the next pic leaks showing separate Mii and Character menu selections. That just felt too convenient. Hilarious though.



Doctor Mario is an odd choice(for this leak) but the duck hunt dog is bullshiting.

I still believe Shulk is coming though.


13 threads? What a time to be alive.

I'm still leaning towards real despite being emotionally invested in Ridley. Still there won't be a rise out of me whether it's real or fake. It's fun to see some people take strong or absolute stances either way. When things are proven right or wrong I love going back and looking through the various reasons why or why not something is real.
There's supposed to be a ladder outside to the left of that room, but it is missing in the leaked stage screen.

The rooms are randomized each time you play the stage, it's likely this is in the upper left square instead of the middle left square in this particular screenshot.


Maturity, bitches.
There's supposed to be a ladder outside to the left of that room, but it is missing in the leaked stage screen.
The room is on the top floor and if you look carefully there's something blurry in the bottom left hand corner that could be the ladder.

Also I don't think the scan has anything to do with this. Different angle. They picked one of the many rooms not shown in the three pictures of the stage we've seen. Like I said, resources aren't hard to get.


They are DLC characters so. ....

Duck Hunt Dog is one of my most wanted character. If it's real, heck you will see my posts that day.

Yeah but then I'd have to pay extra for my mains. If the Ice Climbers and Lucas are set aside as DLC it is proof that Sakurai is singling out me and me alone.

I played Mario Kart with Bill Trinen once and he came in 11th or 12th every single time, do...do you think he asked Sakurai to cut my favorite characters...


Duck Hunt Dog's not my personal choice for a Game & Watch style "Blast from the Past" character (That would be Tetrino or Gameboy) but he's a goofier enough choice I'd be happy to have him in.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Chances that Ridley could be a DLC Character?

In the case, the supposed Diablo III: ROS's language DLC's size (which turned out to be an error on the listing, though) will be nothing in comparison to Ridley DLC. NOTHING.


Anyone actually know if Japanese has the same humour surrounding duck hunt like we do?
Duck Hunt's really obscure in Japan. It's popular in America because it was bundled with the NES here, but that wasn't the case in Japan.
The room is on the top floor and if you look carefully there's something blurry in the bottom left hand corner that could be the ladder.

Also I don't think the scan has anything to do with this. Different angle. They picked one of the many rooms not shown in the three pictures of the stage we've seen. Like I said, resources aren't hard to get.
Are there only a certain number of preset rooms in Tomodachi life? So like the furniture layout looks exactly the same in Tomodochi life as it does in Smash?
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