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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog

Quoting for the new page (yeah I'm on 50 posts per page bite me)

Hey, are there any ZSS mains on here that wanna offer up their viewpoint on the Falco matchup? If so, I ask that you visit this thread on SmashBoards to help us figure out where we are on the matchup, and yeah.

For other mains who want to help us Falco players discuss our matchups with your characters, I ask that you take a look at our general matchup discussion thread as well. We'd appreciate all the help we can get gathering info, and remember that any info we gather for matchups helps the both of us!

EDIT: If you want I'll play you Scullibundo


Your get up attack stage spiked my recovery.

Also you don't do many rising u-airs off the ground do you?

perhaps I did not on this match, but I usually do
also it's good to play another marth, we are a rare breed lol
thou he is my sub, I still luv him

and that was some pretty silly SDs with ZSS lol
Practically anything can stop Lucario's Aura Sphere though, max or not.

This is false. That's why it's so fun when people think that their projectiles will keep clashing with Aura Sphere at high aura as they did with low aura. It starts at 11% and ends at like, 30% (even stocks - at disadvantage it reaches 32%).


Okay. Girlfriend has control of the TV atm but I'm down to use my game pad if anybody wants to play.

In these situations with Smash I use the pad as a tv and just use the GC controller. Most games I love the pad but not with fighting games .

Sorry can't play, I'm bed now.
This is false. That's why it's so fun when people think that their projectiles will keep clashing with Aura Sphere at high aura as they did with low aura. It starts at 11% and ends at like, 30% (even stocks - at disadvantage it reaches 32%).
Err I meant normals. DK's ftilt and Luigi's NAir can stop it, afaik.
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