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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog


Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I wonder if Nintendo will provide patch notes for the update.

After playing a little after a couple days away, I think I'll just wait for the patch before playing more. Playing Bowser on FG without dash slash is discouraging (I try not to use klaw now, but straight replacing times when I'd klaw with Bowser bomb doesn't work without the help of the pressure dash slash gives me), and playing Diddy is a gamble until I know what the patch does to him. Incoming 2-day break I suppose.

I have a couple replays I'll take video of tomorrow and upload. Remember how I posted a bit back about meeting a dude in FG who was really good, and beat me with multiple characters? Turns out that guy is the same one who got 2nd place behind Zero in the Norcal Regionals last weekend. So I've gotta get video of it before the replays get screwed up by the patch. Though I'm getting beaten in them, perhaps other Bowser players will find them useful for study. I was playing pretty well IIRC, but I was outclassed.

Oh wow, that's pretty nuts. Definitely upload those, I'm interested in seeing how those went.

Anyway, does anyone want to do some 1-1's? NNID is the same as my username.
Just unlocked all stages and characters...so now I'm looking at trophies and custom moves.

Isn't there a cheap easy way to use a couple of Amiibo to collect a bunch of loot? What is the most efficient way to get trophies and other items?
Just unlocked all stages and characters...so now I'm looking at trophies and custom moves.

Isn't there a cheap easy way to use a couple of Amiibo to collect a bunch of loot? What is the most efficient way to get trophies and other items?

Yeah, but the *easiest* way is to get a turbo controller, and do the Ganondorf Target Blast farm while you go on a vacation. Don't know if it's the fastest way per se, but it definitely works. I got up to 322 of the moves over the weekend.
Yeah, but the *easiest* way is to get a turbo controller, and do the Ganondorf Target Blast farm while you go on a vacation. Don't know if it's the fastest way per se, but it definitely works. I got up to 322 of the moves over the weekend.
What's the second easiest way, then? Don't have a turbo controller :p
Buy 8 Amiibo and have them constantly do 8 player smash, save the Amiibo after quitting 8 Player Smash, and then go to Amiibo to pull the items they picked up. This'll also get you quite a bit of money too.
Dang, I only have two. I'll have them fight a bit and see how that goes.

As far as playing the game, does trophy smash yield the most rewards or should I just run classic mode with every character? Not really sure what to do with this game now that everyone and every stage is unlocked...


There are only two things known for sure in regards to character balancing.

Diddy will be nerfed.
Greninja will also be nerfed.


I read that someone made a program in smash boards that'll automatically note all the changes.
So even of Nintendo doesn't deliver, we should be ok almost immediately

Shame I gotta wait for Mewtwo until the 30th

Maintenance Information

From Tuesday, April 14, 2015 11:50 PM
- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 1:00 AM Pacific Time
Affected Services:

Wii U

- Online Play, Rankings, etc. for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Nintendo 3DS

- Online Play, Rankings, etc. for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Heads up for everyone, don't bother staying up late for Mewtwo unless you live in Hawaii or don't have to wake up early for anything that day.

Yep, reposting for the new page.

Ricky 7

I hope they add tournament mode on Wednesday, that dlc PowerPoint slide in the Nintendo Direct said "and more" in addition to the stuff they showed in the direct.


can't wait for the patch, regarding my top 3 most used characters

If they nerf Link now this will be a real Smash Bros game P:

Marf is pretty meh right now, but still has his stuff, some buffs wouldn't hurt at all thou

ZSS is ok just the way she is imo, perhaps her horizontal recovery is way too good, since I have reached the ledge from bs distances a few times, that could be one of the few nerfs she could get, I know she is the most likely to be nerfed from the chars I use

now from the ones I casually use, hopefully they won't touch CF and Fox, they are just right in the current patch, again, I don't main those chars to know their core flaws, but they feel just good whenever I play them
buffs for Dorf, Zelda & Falco are welcome thou


Leave Shulk alone please. He's perfectly fine. I won't mind a few active frames removed from Vision, but that's it.
I won't say no to buffs though!

I wouldn't mind a few buffs to Link though I also think he's fine for the most part. Maybe make his ground Spin Attack actually be useful? I only (rarely) use it for gimmicky air dodge cancel options. EDIT: Oh and maybe some better throws considering how risky his grab is.

For Pikachu, obviously the Heavy Skull Bash custom needs to be toned down; it's hella powerful right now lol.

Also open to Ike, Kirby and Greninja buffs even if he's probably getting nerfed.


Customs enabled for For Glory would be an amazing surprise from Sakurai on Wednesday.

How is Japan taking to customs? Anyone know?

Japanese tournaments still haven't taken to it yet, last I checked. A number of Japanese players think its either a gimmick, or expressed disappointment at customs at EVO.


I really hope Ike's fsmash gets buffed to brawl levels. I don't understand what happened there.
Buff that fair as well, I'm glad it has much less endlag but it needs a little more knockback

I remember for the first patch they lowered Ness's damage for some moves for whatever reason. Fix that. Oh, and make it so that his yoyo stays out when charging
Yes make him do even less damage, his damage output is insane, especially considering how strong fsmash, up air and back throw are
I'm fine if he stays like he is if others get noticeably buffed
I think if robin got a buff to her run speed and grab range she'd be a lot more viable. Oh and a buff to the recovery of nosferaru book because that shit takes forever. Also buff lucina's hit boxes to match the model or overextend them a little. it's ridiculous how much recovery she has on her normals that have equal or inferior hitboxes to other characters normals that have less recovery ...
You guys have some crazy wants/needs for game balance...

I really hope Ike's fsmash gets buffed to brawl levels. I don't understand what happened there.
Buff that fair as well, I'm glad it has much less endlag but it needs a little more knockback

Yes make him do even less damage, his damage output is insane, especially considering how strong fsmash, up air and back throw are
I'm fine if he stays like he is if others get noticeably buffed
Ness' damage is really fair. He is a high risk character due to his poor recovery. You need to play an immaculately safe game to capitalize on his stuff. I never feel cheated when Shamrock beats me, and Bowser is probably at a disadvantage in that matchup.

Different characters have different damage standards.
You guys have some crazy wants/needs for game balance...

Ness' damage is really fair. He is a high risk character due to his poor recovery. You need to play an immaculately safe game to capitalize on his stuff. I never feel cheated when Shamrock beats me, and Bowser is probably at a disadvantage in that matchup.

Different characters have different damage standards.
I prefer the phrase "balance wishlists." :3

The only issue I have with Ness is that uair, otherwise I think he's alright. He's like Yoshi where you can't be unsafe otherwise you get torn up, rather you have to...fuck I don't know, I just play my game and Shamrock turns on his Action Replay and activates his "all my attacks work one frame before the other guy" and "backthrow to win" codes.

I am not good at describing Smash.

Edit: You know what thought just crept into my head and pissed me off

Falco gets nerfed.

Who in the fuck would even think of doing that it is such bullshit oh my fucking god I will dair Sakurai through the Earth and main a top tier if this happens I am that preemptively mad. :mad:
Man, I'm getting really antsy thinking about how this patch will affect Mega Man. I've gotten good enough with him that changes to his meta will make a big difference to me, so I really hope he doesn't get nerfed.

Really hoping Kirby gets some big buffs, too. He needs them. I love using him, but it's such an uphill battle against anyone who's good at keeping people out of their face.


Yeah, but the *easiest* way is to get a turbo controller, and do the Ganondorf Target Blast farm while you go on a vacation. Don't know if it's the fastest way per se, but it definitely works. I got up to 322 of the moves over the weekend.

I am currently doing this method, Ganon has been farming for about 46 hours straight so far. Is there a way to check how much custom moves I've unlocked?
I am currently doing this method, Ganon has been farming for about 46 hours straight so far. Is there a way to check how much custom moves I've unlocked?

Vault - Records - stats - Custom

I'm hoping in this patch Peach's Bomber gets a small whiff of priority. Right now the only thing it seems to beat is people running headlong into me doing nothing.


I feel that we're gonna be so disappointed by this patch... They'll nerf diddy's up air, nerf greninja and some other random for glory victim

You guys have some crazy wants/needs for game balance...

Ness' damage is really fair. He is a high risk character due to his poor recovery. You need to play an immaculately safe game to capitalize on his stuff. I never feel cheated when Shamrock beats me, and Bowser is probably at a disadvantage in that matchup.

Different characters have different damage standards.
Hmm I don't think those Ike buffs are unwarranted, those are just nerfs from Brawl.
I'd even ask for a little extra reach for everything especially ftilt, like in brawl as well but I know that's not happening.

Ness is the only character that makes me actuallly rage a bit, I know sonic is more broken and I hate him a lot as well, but ness ughh. I know there's nothing actually wrong with him, but his recovery got significantly buffed, you can't attack from the top now, only the front for a relatively short window and if you are late on it, well, bye bye. You can also do a pk thunder again in the air if you bounce up a wall.

I'm salty because pk thunder is hell for samus due to her slow falling speed.
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