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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog

Hmm...my wishes for this patch....

1. Lucina's end lag to be fixed. Well I guess whatever happens to Marth will happen to her, so if Marth gets improved, so should Lucina.
2. A 1 or 2% damage boost for all of Lucina's moves.
3. I want Toon Link's A moves to be faster. Even though he feels faster than Link, I still think the character could be faster to make up for his lack of range up close. :s Maybe I'm crazy though.
4. I want Toon Link's aerial back A to work like it did in Brawl. I miss it. It doesn't even feel like a kill move.

Ricky 7

In case you didn't know, up air auto cancels and it's a fantastic get in your face tool at to poke at shields, which can be followed up by any of the tilts depending on %
What's the consensus on Samus's best customs? Her other 2 missile customs seem like straight upgrades and both seem viable. I'm not sure about her other customs. I can't seem to utilise dense charge shot properly, is that custom even considered good?
What's the consensus on Samus's best customs? Her other 2 missile customs seem like straight upgrades and both seem viable. I'm not sure about her other customs. I can't seem to utilise dense charge shot properly, is that custom even considered good?
Dense Charge Shot is good for setups. Fire it and then throw someone into it during ledge guarding.

Slip Bomb is a straight upgrade, IMO.

I like 1212 the most.
GGs Boney. I am still jealous of you and most everyone else for being good with multiple characters. I am still shit against missiles and charge shots. Ike has too much range on his smashes and needs to be nerfed. Pit is too fast and needs to be nerfed. Bowser needs to be nerfed just because. Nerf.


Thanks, it is day 3 of her. I was surprised you stuck to Sheik. You usually switch.

I need to roll less. Samus' roll is so bad.
I stuck with Shiek because I saw a bunch of cool videos with her last night and one of my friends decimated me with her. Trying to learn her and she's really fun.

I'll be able to play again in around 15 mins if you're still up to play and you haven't found anyone else.

Ricky 7

Dense Charge Shot is good for setups. Fire it and then throw someone into it during ledge guarding.

Slip Bomb is a straight upgrade, IMO.

I like 1212 the most.
Oh yeah, that would make sense. Shooting it at someone hanging on the ledge would force them to roll on get up. I was just spamming the uncharged shots since they do decent damage and go quite far.

I haven't actually tried the slip bombs in a real fight yet but it feels harder to control your movement after laying one compared to the default ones. Wouldn't that make the move more easily punishable?


GGs Boney. I am still jealous of you and most everyone else for being good with multiple characters. I am still shit against missiles and charge shots. Ike has too much range on his smashes and needs to be nerfed. Pit is too fast and needs to be nerfed. Bowser needs to be nerfed just because. Nerf.
Says the Yoshi main ans Shiek secondary >.> lol

Gg's seems like elite four gives you a power boost. And that first match, where you closed that early stock, it was amazing


I need to roll less. Samus' roll is so bad.
Samus short hop airdodge is a much better choice 99% of the time. It has less vulnerable frames, you can change you momentum and you can throw aerials before landing.
You can back air, nair and up air out of it. All great choices even though back air has a bit of landing lag. You can also (reverse) charge shot before hitting the ground so you can catch people unexpectedly.

I need to roll less as well. It's a Very bad choice

Regarding customs
Dense charge shot is good, has pretty insane knockback, and you can do some nice ledge traps with it. There's a video floating around, I'll see if I can find it.
Melee charge shot is ass and shouldn't be used unless for some reason you want it against a reflector character but eh.
Relentless missiles are great. They're great at harassing and allowing you safer approach options, while the power missile does good shield damage and at least is fast at the beggining.
I don't like the turbo missiles at all, they're pretty easy to avoid. I'm ok with the regular missiles though, they're not great, but you can close some space with them.
Up b I stick to default. It's the best oos because it comes out so quick and it's the best recovery option.
Apex one has insane knockback and gives samus one more kill move that is needed (regular kills at 140~). Pretty long start up they won't hit safe moves, if you're good at reading airdodges though, you can get some nice kills with it. Worse recovery and not being fast get off me aren't worth the trade for me though.
The horizontal screw attack is ok as well, I don't like the recovery angle because it doesn't let you go as deep. Near edges you can get nice oos kills because it takes you far before launching. Haven't messed around with it much though, all up b's are good though.
I love regular bombs, the added recovery is fantastic and it allows you to place them while retreating or allows you to change your air momentum as well. You can cover your landings relatively well but if you're not careful you're gonna get punished. I love them and use them a lot.
Slip bombs are another popular one, it forgoes the air momentum and damage for well, slipping, if you hit with them it's a free fsmash and that getting more options for koing is great for samus. They also spike in the air so that's cool.
The mega bombs are weird, but I've seen people that prefer them. They take a while to explode so if you're launched vertically, it's great to toss one out to get some space to land. I've seen people do some combos with them, but I haven't used them much and I don't like them that much.

I go 1311 or 1111 depending on the character, sometimes having that extra range speed with the missiles it's good.
Room is still up if anyone wants to play.

Imagine if we get lobbies in a day...

Oh yeah, that would make sense. Shooting it at someone hanging on the ledge would force them to roll on get up. I was just spamming the uncharged shots since they do decent damage and go quite far.

I haven't actually tried the slip bombs in a real fight yet but it feels harder to control your movement after laying one compared to the default ones. Wouldn't that make the move more easily punishable?
Slip Bombs also Meteor Smash. ;)

Samus short hop airdodge is a much better choice 99% of the time. It has less vulnerable frames, you can change you momentum and you can throw aerials before landing.
You can back air, nair and up air out of it. All great choices even though back air has a bit of landing lag. You can also (reverse) charge shot before hitting the ground so you can catch people unexpectedly.

I need to roll less as well. It's a Very bad choice
I read through the Smashboard posts. :)
Says the Yoshi main ans Shiek secondary >.> lol

Gg's seems like elite four gives you a power boost. And that first match, where you closed that early stock, it was amazing

I was joking about the nerfs :p I tend to run into charge shots and Ike's smashes. I really shouldn't not play for week long periods, because I essentially stopped pivoting and spot dodging from it.

That type of kill from our first match doesn't happen often, but it always is amazing when I get it. You started air dodging all the time from then on -.- I couldn't gimp Samus or Pit, and I even tried egg laying you a couple times.

Elite 4 for life. Platforms are terrible for me; they don't let me get off of them.
You've gone to the dark side CRQ

I've mained Diddy since 08, and I learned how strong he is in this game since October. I only couldn't use him because I wanted someone new, and then the bandwagon came along and drove me further away.

Let's see what the monkey has now.

I sorely miss that slidetoss, for sure. ;__;


Room is still up if anyone wants to play.

Imagine if we get lobbies in a day...

Slip Bombs also Meteor Smash. ;)

I read through the Smashboard posts. :)
It's a shame the samus section has so few players.
I hope you can record yourself, I wanna see you play!

I'm gonna upload a match I had with a great peach today, for the peach main around here, forgot his name. I didn't play that great but he moved pretty darn well.
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