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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Been playing the 3DS demo alot and i really like it.

When the New 3DS comes out it will be A LOT easier to combo and quick jump. I just wish hit stuns would last a little second longer cause the air dodge kills combos on lvl9 cpu. When the game comes out on WiiU ill probably play Megaman i little longer.
Man if we get a 3DS PotD...lol.

I feel like giving my impressions of the demo....but ive been tired all day. @_@

ill just say that, I was happy that Mega Man is in Smash, but I never thought that I would end up liking him. Ive been using him so much in the Demo, I think he might end up as one of my unexpected mains. I dont get the Mega Man hate either.


Project M is wonderful and helped to bring new life to a dying game, making Brawl into more than it was. Like, some of the changed aren't amazing (PM!Lucario, as interesting as he is, simply isn't a Smash-style character), but it's undeniable that it has brought a lot of people a lot of fun that they wouldn't have had otherwise. To say that something like that, something that lets people enjoy a game that was fundamentally broken for their level of play, couldn't possibly be the worst thing to happen to Smash.

Also that Duck Hunt comic is adorable.







I still hate his inclusion, but that helps as it's really well done


Project M is wonderful and helped to bring new life to a dying game, making Brawl into more than it was. Like, some of the changed aren't amazing (PM!Lucario, as interesting as he is, simply isn't a Smash-style character), but it's undeniable that it has brought a lot of people a lot of fun that they wouldn't have had otherwise. To say that something like that, something that lets people enjoy a game that was fundamentally broken for their level of play, couldn't possibly be the worst thing to happen to Smash.

Also that Duck Hunt comic is adorable.

Project M fractured the user base and created an unrealistic expectation that Sakurai would never want to live up to, all to appease a group that wanted a remake of the previous version. Not to mention how insulting it was to drop entire character's original play style because it 'didn't fit'.

So yeah, it did breathe new life into Brawl; by cutting out it's organs and replacing them with Melee's.


Project M fractured the user base and created an unrealistic expectation that Sakurai would never want to live up to, all to appease a group that wanted a remake of the previous version. Not to mention how insulting it was to drop entire character's original play style because it 'didn't fit'.

So yeah, it did breathe new life into Brawl; by cutting out it's organs and replacing them with Melee's.
don't compare Melee to that jankey mess project m.
Project M fractured the user base and created an unrealistic expectation that Sakurai would never want to live up to, all to appease a group that wanted a remake of the previous version. Not to mention how insulting it was to drop entire character's original play style because it 'didn't fit'.

So yeah, it did breathe new life into Brawl; by cutting out it's organs and replacing them with Melee's.

They got people interested in Brawl again. That alone should be applauded.
Project M fractured the user base and created an unrealistic expectation that Sakurai would never want to live up to, all to appease a group that wanted a remake of the previous version. Not to mention how insulting it was to drop entire character's original play style because it 'didn't fit'.

So yeah, it did breathe new life into Brawl; by cutting out it's organs and replacing them with Melee's.
The userbase was already fractured by Brawl - by Sakurai taking a game that had a strong competitive scene and doing his damnedest to make it as noncompetitive as possible (see: tripping). PM breathed life into a userbase that was, worst case, in risk of dying and, best case, would have been just as fractured with competitive players still sticking to Melee.

The unrealistic expectation for Smash 4 as a competitive game was hardly PM's fault and would have happened regardless - Nintendo said from the onset, both officially and through avenues like the E3 tournament, that Smash 4 was intended to be more competitive. What was the competitive Smash game that people would naturally draw comparisons to? Melee. Anyone disappointed that Smash 4 doesn't play more like Melee isn't disappointed because of PM, they're disappointed because of poor conveyance on Nintendo's (and possibly Sakurai's) part.

When making a cohesive game, sacrifices have to be made, inherently. Smash 4 sacrificed transforming characters, PM made its own sacrifices. You don't have to like the sacrifices, of course, but it's unrealistic to look at a mod that drastically changes the basic physics and functions of a game and expect it to keep all the same playstyles from the base game.

Brawl was dying. It needed an organ transplant, and it just so happened that the most immediately accessible organs were some pretty damn good ones, ones that - for the purposes of competitive gameplay - were objectively better than the old, dying ones.

don't compare Melee to that jankey mess project m.
What exactly about PM is janky? Not trying to start anything - or anything more than I've already started by rustling the beehive that is the Smash fandom's opinions PM - I'm legitimately curious.


As in "Heathcliff"
This is awesome.

I really love the aesthetic that Duck Hunt brings to Smash. That "western cartoon" feel.

Hmm, I haven't really thought about that. That's interesting observation you had there. I'm still not sure about it since I really need to see it for myself.

Tomorrow is a Wii U screenshot. I bet.

It's possible that it could be Wii U screenshot if we are getting our first secret character.

Was about to post this!

This is now canon.


Man if we get a 3DS PotD...lol.

I feel like giving my impressions of the demo....but ive been tired all day. @_@

I think we are going to deal with 3DS for few weeks since it's not out in North America and they probably want to review those secret stuffs in 3DS.

Duck Hunt to be the spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie?

Not really.

Ahh come on SmashGAF, now i feel kinda bad for hating that dog lol

You should. :p


don't compare Melee to that jankey mess project m.

A thousand pardons, sir/madam/avian.

They got people interested in Brawl again. That alone should be applauded.

Should it be, if they bastardized Sakurai's games in order to fit some twisted vision?

The userbase was already fractured by Brawl - by Sakurai taking a game that had a strong competitive scene and doing his damnedest to make it as noncompetitive as possible (see: tripping). PM breathed life into a userbase that was, worst case, in risk of dying and, best case, would have been just as fractured with competitive players still sticking to Melee.

The unrealistic expectation for Smash 4 as a competitive game was hardly PM's fault and would have happened regardless - Nintendo said from the onset, both officially and through avenues like the E3 tournament, that Smash 4 was intended to be more competitive. What was the competitive Smash game that people would naturally draw comparisons to? Melee. Anyone disappointed that Smash 4 doesn't play more like Melee isn't disappointed because of PM, they're disappointed because of poor conveyance on Nintendo's (and possibly Sakurai's) part.

When making a cohesive game, sacrifices have to be made, inherently. Smash 4 sacrificed transforming characters, PM made its own sacrifices. You don't have to like the sacrifices, of course, but it's unrealistic to look at a mod that drastically changes the basic physics and functions of a game and expect it to keep all the same playstyles from the base game.

Brawl was dying. It needed an organ transplant, and it just so happened that the most immediately accessible organs were some pretty damn good ones, ones that - for the purposes of competitive gameplay - were objectively better than the old, dying ones.

What exactly about PM is janky? Not trying to start anything - or anything more than I've already started by rustling the beehive that is the Smash fandom's opinions PM - I'm legitimately curious.

That was his prerogative after Melee was taken in by the competitive community, which was counter to what he wanted. Hence why he tried to make Brawl more of a party game. I don't agree that he was right to do so, but it was his game and it was his decision to do so. And P:M has created an unrealistic expectation, as now that the game's out and, surprise surprise; it's not exactly like Melee was, you've got people complaining and stomping back to P:M. Sakurai wanted to make a competitive Smash by HIS vision, not have his vision appropriated and made competitive.

You'll forgive me, but it was my understanding that transformations weren't sacrificed, they were intentionally dropped. and P:M started out with good intentions but then it grew and started consuming it's 'parent' game in order to achieve some twisted vision. That was not for P:M to decide what should and shouldn't be 'allowed' in a game they had no hand in. And maybe that's my issue with all this; I hate the idea of mods that change a game to its fundamental core, as it's an insult to the years of work that were put into the original project. It wasn't there place to decide what should and shouldn't be allowed to work in their Frankenstein's Game.

Nice as always; Quas did this set proud and I'm happy to use it as a wallpaper.


Very nice! Although I'll be sticking with my four-character lineup that Mysterious made.

It's amazing to see the whole roster. All those months of speculation. And it turned out even more awesome than I imagined (albeit with some tough cuts like Ice Climbers).
Very nice! Although I'll be sticking with my four-character lineup that Mysterious made.

It's amazing to see the whole roster. All those months of speculation. And it turned out even more awesome than I imagined (albeit with some tough cuts like Ice Climbers).
That is some weak imagination you have. This roster isnt even half as good as what I was hoping for.


Honestly I don't see much wii u PoTD until the 3ds version is out in all major territories, once that said and done Sakurai will probably focus more on wii u menus

Let the 100 day's of menu's continue.


I am indifferent on Project M.

The changes to the characters are neat but I also think some of them miss the point a bit and at best they should have just balanced the base moves rather than drastically changing them (IMO of course)

I also hate how they butchered many of the stages

There is some good that comes from it tho (revitalizing the game/community and the costumes and some of the balance changes) but it also felt ironically the exact opposite of Brawl in that it appealed to the competitive community only ( in some ways) and missed that balance that Melee had come close to in the process...as such I didn't play it as much as I'd thought I would.
That was his prerogative after Melee was taken in by the competitive community, which was counter to what he wanted. Hence why he tried to make Brawl more of a party game. I don't agree that he was right to do so, but it was his game and it was his decision to do so. And P:M has created an unrealistic expectation, as now that the game's out and, surprise surprise; it's not exactly like Melee was, you've got people complaining and stomping back to P:M. Sakurai wanted to make a competitive Smash by HIS vision, not have his vision appropriated and made competitive.

You'll forgive me, but it was my understanding that transformations weren't sacrificed, they were intentionally dropped. and P:M started out with good intentions but then it grew and started consuming it's 'parent' game in order to achieve some twisted vision. That was not for P:M to decide what should and shouldn't be 'allowed' in a game they had no hand in. And maybe that's my issue with all this; I hate the idea of mods that change a game to its fundamental core, as it's an insult to the years of work that were put into the original project. It wasn't there place to decide what should and shouldn't be allowed to work in their Frankenstein's Game.
Ah, so you see it as, more than anything, a violation of Sakurai's artistic vision? I can definitely see where you're coming from. There's a certain amount of validity there, and a very real amount of fear of people taking something one creates and bending to their own will.

But we live in a very remix-centric culture! Fanart, musical remixes, game hacks... they all fall under the same umbrella of taking an artistic piece created by another and twisting it, bending it into something your own! Project M is as much a product of the PM team and its modders as it is a permutation of the game Sakurai's team originally created. Is Sakurai cool with that? Who can say - but Nintendo hasn't ever C&D'd PM, so it's safe to say that at maximum he doesn't care all that much.

In any case, you can dislike PM and that's totally fine. But I personally don't see a fan mod of a game any differently than, say, fanart or a sweet tune on OCRemix. When people collaborate, whether officially through a team or unofficially through remixes and the like, wonderful new pieces are formed. PM will never replace Brawl, but it can supplement it as its own thing, a project with a different purpose than Sakurai's Brawl.

PM existing takes nothing from Brawl - outside of maybe some of its fanbase, but to utilize that as a premise to dislike PM, or anything, really, is awfully selfish! People will play games that they enjoy. If one argues that PM hurts Brawl by taking its fans, so to must one argue that every other video game or piece of media hurts Brawl - and, of course, that Brawl hurts Melee. Brawl and PM can coexist just as Melee and Brawl can coexist. None intrinsically better than any other, all simply fulfilling their own purposes and existing as their own pieces. Each with different meanings and gameplays created to do different things.


That is some weak imagination you have. This roster isnt even half as good as what I was hoping for.
Bowser Jr. in the Clown Car with all seven Koopalings as alts, Duck Hunt referencing Hogan's Alley and Wild Gunman, Wii Fit Trainer in male and female forms, the previously ruled-out Villager, the addition of Mega Man AND Pac-Man, Robin and Lucina instead of Chrom, three types of Mii Fighters, etc., all make it more exciting than what most people were anticipating in the roster prediction thread, IMO. Greninja was another pick that is totally awesome but caught nearly all of us off-guard, although I didn't include him because we hadn't even seen him yet when roster predictions begun.
Honestly I don't see much wii u PoTD until the 3ds version is out in all major territories, once that said and done Sakurai will probably focus more on wii u menus

Let the 100 day's of menu's continue.
Yes, anyone expecting Wii U PotDs will likely be disappointed. They need the game to sell on the 3DS first. We don't even have the Wii U release date, officially!

I doubt we will get more menus, though. Logically, I think Sakurai will show off stuff you can do in the game now that people might not think about, like pocketing Villager's tree.

Bowser Jr. in the Clown Car with all seven Koopalings as alts, Duck Hunt referencing Hogan's Alley and Wild Gunman, Wii Fit Trainer in male and female forms, the previously ruled-out Villager, the addition of Mega Man AND Pac-Man, Robin and Lucina instead of Chrom, three types of Mii Fighters, etc., all make it more exciting than what most people were anticipating in the roster prediction thread, IMO. Greninja was another pick that is totally awesome but caught nearly all of us off-guard, although I didn't include him because we hadn't even seen him yet when roster predictions begun.
I wish I shared your enthusiasm, but only Megaman and Palutena interest me even remotely. Robin would have been cool of all the alts were in. I appreciate this roster much like I can appreciate an attractive man. In theory, but without attraction.


Yes, anyone expecting Wii U PotDs will likely be disappointed. They need the game to sell on the 3DS first. We don't even have the Wii U release date, officially!

I doubt we will get more menus, though. Logically, I think Sakurai will show off stuff you can do in the game now that people might not think about, like pocketing Villager's tree.

I wish I shared your enthusiasm, but only Megaman and Palutena interest me even remotely. Robin would have been cool of all the alts were in. I appreciate this roster much like I can appreciate an attractive man. In theory, but without attraction.

It would be great if he announced that smash tower thing in those recent rumors, smash gaf, twitter, reddit smash and smash boards would blow up and the speculations would once again begin on the final 5. Also I don't see major wii u pics until mid october.
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