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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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After he reveals all of te secret characters, I hope we get one of those Ridley troll pics that people say we always get.

Like a close-up of Samus firing a missile on Pyrosphere, and then "Pic of the day. While stages may differ, the Wii U and 3DS versions of the game will ultimately share the same character roster."



Pic of the day. These two are a haunting pair. You can only attack Gastly using items, but the Ghost has a perfect guard and reflects your attacks. When you see a Ghost, make sure you use your grab. If you're playing with Diddy Kong, his Monkey Flip should work, too.

Yellow character alts should be allowed to bust through the shield with regular attacks :V


Sad that POTD is just going back to scenes, since the full game is already out, they won't be that interesting.
That's because they are.

Like the "Pic of the Day" was originally intended, it's not just a screenshot. Might be funny or interesting, but not really meant to showcase new information. And really, there probably isn't much more to tell. The character for the Wii U version are all the same. I'd like to see the stages, modes, and more music, but the primary information is out of the way.

I want to see "funny" screenshots and get a glimpse of Sakurai's sense of humor. Also curious about Wii U solo modes and online.


We are now in "interesting and funny" hell
Fate worse than death.
I want to see "funny" screenshots and get a glimpse of Sakurai's sense of humor. Also curious about Wii U solo modes and online.
Yeah, he does do pretty amusing stuff sometimes. That's the main thing I miss about full Dojo updates; he'd often have some caption or comment in them that made me laugh a little.

But I'm more interested in seeing the Wii U stuff in a few weeks.


All good things must come to an end.

But please, for the love of Sakurai, no more drunk PotD's like below.

No; drunk PotD's are what's gonna keep this thread going!

... But yeah, the hype kind of died. No more dominating Pages 1 & 2, no more 200-pager in 10 days, etc. I'm still hoping this means the Wii U version will be rife with unspoiled secrets, but I am fearing this means there's not too much different. Maybe just a unique mode, maybe explaining stages we've seen a little bit of (We haven't seen the Wii Fit gym in awhile), but that can be covered in an October Direct.
I for one am glad we're going back to the humorous and weird PotDs we used to get back at the beginning, at least for awhile. They were a lot of fun and allowed Sakurai's quirky sense of humor to shine through. It only makes sense, too, as it's not as if there's anything secret or hidden left in Smash 3DS for Sakurai to show in PotDs.

Anyway, I'm not sure why everyone is acting as if this is the end. He's going to do quirky/weird PotDs for awhile, and then once Nintendo's PR hype machine for Smash Wii U kicks in, we'll start getting informational PotDs about new stuff in that version. That's pretty much what I got from what he said, and it's exactly what I (and I thought most of us) expected. I don't know what the rest of you were thinking he'd do with PotDs right after Smash 3DS's release now that the game is out in Japan and everyone knows its secrets... it was unreasonable to think he'd immediately switch right over into revealing Wii U-exclusive content.

The Smash and PotD hype is not over, not by a long shot; it's just taking a different form for awhile, but I expect things to kick back into high gear as we approach the Wii U version's release. Maybe in mid to late October?

Now we just need people to datamine Smash 3DS already so we can ascertain if there are maybe some additional character announcements to look forward to! But even if not, the roster's already near-perfect as it is, so I'm happy either way.
I for one am glad we're going back to the humorous and weird PotDs we used to get back at the beginning, at least for awhile. They were a lot of fun and allowed Sakurai's quirky sense of humor to shine through. It only makes sense, too, as it's not as if there's anything secret or hidden left in Smash 3DS for Sakurai to show in PotDs.

Anyway, I'm not sure why everyone is acting as if this is the end. He's going to do quirky/weird PotDs for awhile, and then once Nintendo's PR hype machine for Smash Wii U kicks in, we'll start getting informational PotDs about new stuff in that version. That's pretty much what I got from what he said, and it's exactly what I (and I thought most of us) expected. I don't know what the rest of you were thinking he'd do with PotDs right after Smash 3DS's release now that the game is out in Japan and everyone knows its secrets... it was unreasonable to think he'd immediately switch right over into revealing Wii U-exclusive content.

The Smash and PotD hype is not over, not by a long shot; it's just taking a different form for awhile, but I expect things to kick back into high gear as we approach the Wii U version's release. Maybe in mid to late October?

Now we just need people to datamine Smash 3DS already so we can ascertain if there are maybe some additional character announcements to look forward to! But even if not, the roster's already near-perfect as it is, so I'm happy either way.

3 weeks is a long time in Internet years, it might as well be over man!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Even Pokemon decided he was important/popular enough to bring back and give new forms and use in marketing (though the same could be said for several of the Mega evolutions). And he's the closest thing Pokemon has to a recurring end boss.

I don't think having even representation across the generations is an important goal. Having some pokemon that are newer? Sure. We already have that.

And the fact that he's been in before helps too. I wish we could have all the veterans back. But I know we can't because of reasons.

He's not a recurring end boss
I tried to figure out roster character representation weighting mathematically, in an attempt to explain things like "Why did Star Fox only get two reps?"


... And now nobody will know what the hell I'm talking about.


I tried to figure out roster character representation weighting mathematically, in an attempt to explain things like "Why did Star Fox only get two reps?"


... And now nobody will know what the hell I'm talking about.

What are you talking about, there wasn't any NDS F-ZERO game =(


Wii U is a bomba in Japan. That shit should be selling for $99 used at this point.

Why is it that I can't find a Japanese Wii U for less than $375 online ; _ ;
Remakes don't count since remakes. He wasn't the end boss in HGSS and XY.
"Bonus Boss."

There. Now it's correct. Mewtwo is the most recurrent bonus boss in the series even discounting remakes, if you want to be pedantic, which I'm sure you do, because someone said something positive about Mewtwo and I know how that sets your "anti-genwunner" alarm off.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
"Bonus Boss."

There. Now it's correct. Mewtwo is the most recurrent bonus boss in the series even discounting remakes, if you want to be pedantic, which I'm sure you do, because someone said something positive about Mewtwo and I know how that sets your "anti-genwunner" alarm off.

Nah just correcting this idea that Mewtwo is "super special awesome". He was really just an end boss in RBY and its remakes, in HGSS and XY you can catch him earlier if you want to or not.

Also I dunno, Lati@s seems to have similar screen time compared to him.


As in "Heathcliff"
Nah just correcting this idea that Mewtwo is "super special awesome". He was really just an end boss in RBY and its remakes, in HGSS and XY you can catch him earlier if you want to or not.

Also I dunno, Lati@s seems to have similar screen time compared to him.

I wonder how you would feel if Mewtwo got in Smash 4 over Wolf? ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)


Nah just correcting this idea that Mewtwo is "super special awesome". He was really just an end boss in RBY and its remakes, in HGSS and XY you can catch him earlier if you want to or not.

This happened. And even prior to it, Mewtwo was a big deal. He is still till this day one of the most powerful Pokemon in the meta game, and always a late game acquisition. He's special.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I wonder how you would feel if Mewtwo got in Smash 4 over Wolf? ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)

Ahh very angry :p

This happened. And even prior to it, Mewtwo was a big deal. He is still till this day one of the most powerful Pokemon in the meta game, and always a late game acquisition. He's special.

Pfft, pokemon movies aren't special nowadays.

You know what's special? Charizard X's treatment. Now THAT is how you show a Pokemon who gets special treatment. Not Lucario. Not Mewtwo.

Lots of legendary pokemon are powerful in the metagame so I don't really see much of it
This happened. And even prior to it, Mewtwo was a big deal. He is still till this day one of the most powerful Pokemon in the meta game, and always a late game acquisition. He's special.

And more recently this
Mewtwo is still relevant and is significant to the history of the franchise as the first super powered Legendary. All version mascots starting with Gen II followed the design it set up.
Pfft, pokemon movies aren't special nowadays.

You know what's special? Charizard X's treatment. Now THAT is how you show a Pokemon who gets special treatment. Not Lucario. Not Mewtwo.

Lots of legendary pokemon are powerful in the metagame so I don't really see much of it

Mewtwo is the only other Pokemon to get two Megas and it was the first Legendary to get a Mega AND it was the first Mega revealed, Gamefreak clearly thinks Mewtwo is special.
This happened. And even prior to it, Mewtwo was a big deal. He is still till this day one of the most powerful Pokemon in the meta game, and always a late game acquisition. He's special.
He also came back as one of the main characters in the movie released for X/Y's launch. He's the Pokémon they announced Mega Evolutions with, and he's the only one with two mega evolutions together with Charizard.

He's basically the representative of legendary Pokémon.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
And more recently this
Mewtwo is still relevant and is significant to the history of the franchise as the first super powered Legendary. All version mascots starting with Gen II followed the design it set up.
Mewtwo is the only other Pokemon to get two Megas and it was the first Legendary to get a Mega AND it was the first Mega revealed, Gamefreak clearly thinks Mewtwo is special.

And guess how GF forgot about Mewtwo when they found their baby Charizard X

That's why I shrug at the movie and double mega argument. So what if those exist? Neither got much presence. I'd argue that even Lucario still got more shilling than Mewtwo got.

It's about which mega sticks through and Zard X, much as I hate it, gets so much more attention among all megas.
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