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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread XVIII: Today, we are all Mewtwos

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Hey, guys! Just got my copy this afternoon and wanted to finally settle something:

The new controllers are the exact same length as the Japanese white ones - 10 feet long! Luckily, the triggers on these feel WAY better than the faulty ones in the white controller, imo.

PS: what things do you guys still wanna see / know about this version of the game? I'm gonna capture a ton of 1080p60 videos of it this weekend, and want to make sure I'm showing off what y'all want to see.
I'd love to see more Smash Tour footage
When the words come in duck hunt dog is just like.. "Omg wtf?! shit!"


Unconfirmed Member
The new controllers are the exact same length as the Japanese white ones - 10 feet long! Luckily, the triggers on these feel WAY better than the faulty ones in the white controller, imo.

So the triggers are like the original GC ones? That's interesting they could be different than the white controller, I expected the Smash ones to basically be those with different paint.


I need some framerate feedback. Because it didn't look quite right in the commercials. I understand it's generally solid on the 3DS?
Hey, guys! Just got my copy this afternoon and wanted to finally settle something:

The new controllers are the exact same length as the Japanese white ones - 10 feet long! Luckily, the triggers on these feel WAY better than the faulty ones in the white controller, imo.

PS: what things do you guys still wanna see / know about this version of the game? I'm gonna capture a ton of 1080p60 videos of it this weekend, and want to make sure I'm showing off what y'all want to see.

Hey Nick! Well, I wouldn't mind seeing some footage of Ganondorf in action...


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
PS: what things do you guys still wanna see / know about this version of the game? I'm gonna capture a ton of 1080p60 videos of it this weekend, and want to make sure I'm showing off what y'all want to see.

Someone can figure out whether or not Ray, Isaac, and Drill Dozer have Assist Trophies or even just trophies in the game.

Now that Golden Sun has a second music track represented may or may not mean something.

Masked Man

I said wow
Hatchtag, I hope you find your cat! My cat means so much to me, and I can't even bear the thought of losing him, so I understand how stressful that must be for you. :(

I have to know why you would leave a woman that goes around recommending Chrono Trigger to people.

Well, it wasn't really by choice, per se. He and I just realized that we didn't have much of a future together for a number of reasons.

Who says Masked Man did the leaving?

Yeah, it was a mutual split--"irreconcilable differences," as they say in the legal world. :p

Who says it was a woman? You assume too much.

Very perceptive of you. ;)

The Moonside suggestion hurts. :(

Hopefully that's just mentioned to throw us off the trail. We're onto your game, Lunar.

I just went through Moonside for the first time last night though. Definitely a high point of Earthbound so far. Another highlight:
getting teleport and seeing Ness run really fast like he does in the Melee intro
. :D

Moonside is brilliant, isn't it? I remember the first time I experienced that trippy wonderland. I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the game! :D
And yeah, the teleport was pretty eye-opening for me, too, since I was finally able to understand what the intro in Melee was about, haha.
Someone can figure out whether or not Ray, Isaac, and Drill Dozer have Assist Trophies or even just trophies in the game.

Now that Golden Sun has a second music track represented may or may not mean something.

Considering we've now had Rob in two games with no stage to call his own, combined with Marth/Roy not having one in Melee, I could very well see a Ray/Isaac/Drill Dozer DLC as just a character with no home stage and their home stage is just the closest thematic level or wherever Sakurai randomly decides to send them.


Moonside is brilliant, isn't it? I remember the first time I experienced that trippy wonderland. I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the game! :D
And yeah, the teleport was pretty eye-opening for me, too, since I was finally able to understand what the intro in Melee was about, haha.
The whole area was wonderfully done! Once I got there I was leaning forward in my seat, just staring in awe, like an excited kid, until I was done. It was pretty unexpected all around for me. The first time someone
threw me to another screen I was just like 'whaaat?'
Anyway, I'm absolutely looking forward to the rest of the play through.

I love playing this game and seeing the origin of things that are in Smash Bros... but I can't imagine how great it must have been for the ones that already appreciated Earthbound, who got to see all the things referenced and re-imagined in Smash. Though, I still don't see how they ended up with Ness's moveset. Seems like he doesn't use half the moves he has in Smash, lol.

Also why does smash call them PK instead of PSI? Localization difference?


PS: what things do you guys still wanna see / know about this version of the game? I'm gonna capture a ton of 1080p60 videos of it this weekend, and want to make sure I'm showing off what y'all want to see.

I'd be interested in seeing some footage of Master Fortress - how long it usually lasts, if the layout changes, and if all the Smash Run enemies made the transition.

Considering we've now had Rob in two games with no stage to call his own, combined with Marth/Roy not having one in Melee, I could very well see a Ray/Isaac/Drill Dozer DLC as just a character with no home stage and their home stage is just the closest thematic level or wherever Sakurai randomly decides to send them.

That's not quite true - ROB had two stages in Brawl. It's just that Mario Circuit and Port Town are intended to represent Adult Timeline ROB rather than Downfall Timeline ROB.


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah it's weird. One of the move is PSI Magnet, so the rest should really be PSI Fire <greek letter>, etc.
Yeah it's weird. One of the move is PSI Magnet, so the rest should really be PSI Fire <greek letter>, etc.

The original distinction in Mother 2 was that PK was offensive and PSI was defensive. So it's supposed to be PK Fire, PK Thunder, PK Flash, etc. But it's also PSI Magnet, PSI Teleport, etc.

EarthBound just localized them all as PSI.


Dreamt just a few hours ago that Bart and Lisa Simpson were playable in Smash.

That actually happened. They got announced a few days ago. All they do is punch and kick the air. They're terrible characters. If you manage to get hit by them its your fault.

Those are some pretty sweet designs. A bit large for some people's tastes I'd imagine, but I love the use of the Sonic hazards (the lighting and fire in Scrap Brain, the bumpers and elevator, etc. in Casino Night). A casino-themed Sonic level would be amazing. :)

Yeah, with Casino Night I was going for a new 8-player Temple :p Also there's so much good shit in that zone...

I don't get it. They're pretty evenly matched. I thought you were going to show us Mario doing something badass.

Am I the only person who thinks 48 stages is a lot?

It is a lot. But it also has 13 Brawl stages and the only 64 stage is not noteworthy...


There is enough stages but not enough new stages because they had to split them in both versions.
Hoping for some DLC packs
with Fountain of Dreams

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
The original distinction in Mother 2 was that PK was offensive and PSI was defensive. So it's supposed to be PK Fire, PK Thunder, PK Flash, etc. But it's also PSI Magnet, PSI Teleport, etc.

EarthBound just localized them all as PSI.

Ah that explains a lot.

The trophy info especially for Star Man makes it annoying. So it should be PK Thunder Alpha rather than PSI Thunder Alpha?
I really don't get the love affair with Fountain of Dreams, yeah it's a pretty stage but in the end it's basically just battlefield with platforms that occasionally lower... yay? There are far more interesting to fight on retro stages I'd want to see return like Hyrule Castle N64, Saffron City N64, Big Blue Melee/Brawl, Brinstar Depths Melee, Fourside Melee, Great Bay Melee, and Pokefloats Melee off the top of my head. Heck with 8 player Smash I'd be down for New Pork City to return if they add Lucas as DLC down the line.


Hey, guys! Just got my copy this afternoon and wanted to finally settle something:

The new controllers are the exact same length as the Japanese white ones - 10 feet long! Luckily, the triggers on these feel WAY better than the faulty ones in the white controller, imo.

PS: what things do you guys still wanna see / know about this version of the game? I'm gonna capture a ton of 1080p60 videos of it this weekend, and want to make sure I'm showing off what y'all want to see.

Oh shit so you're saying the triggers are more like the original models?? That's the best news I've heard about them so far! Awesome.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I really don't get the love affair with Fountain of Dreams, yeah it's a pretty stage but in the end it's basically just battlefield with platforms that occasionally lower... yay? There are far more interesting to fight on retro stages I'd want to see return like Hyrule Castle N64, Saffron City N64, Big Blue Melee/Brawl, Brinstar Depths Melee, Fourside Melee, Great Bay Melee, and Pokefloats Melee off the top of my head. Heck with 8 player Smash I'd be down for New Pork City to return if they add Lucas as DLC down the line.

Honestly I prefer Dreamland 64 over Fountain of Dreams. That stage was the GOAT, FoD was boring.
I really don't get the love affair with Fountain of Dreams, yeah it's a pretty stage but in the end it's basically just battlefield with platforms that occasionally lower... yay? There are far more interesting to fight on retro stages I'd want to see return like Hyrule Castle N64, Saffron City N64, Big Blue Melee/Brawl, Brinstar Depths Melee, Fourside Melee, Great Bay Melee, and Pokefloats Melee off the top of my head. Heck with 8 player Smash I'd be down for New Pork City to return if they add Lucas as DLC down the line.

I love it because it exemplifies one of my favorite things about Smash Bros. stages; It's a pretty amazing looking re-imagining of a location from a game where that level of detail wouldn't be possible. Yeah, the platform layout is simplistic, but so what? It looks great and has fantastic music. That's all I really ask for in a Smash Bros. stage.


Honestly I prefer Dreamland 64 over Fountain of Dreams. That stage was the GOAT, FoD was boring.

Neither are terribly complex stages, but if one had to be brought back, I'd pick Fountain of Dreams for the aesthetics alone. Even if it only received an upgrade on par with Temple (primarily limited to textures and lighting) it'd look stunning; while a mostly-unaltered Dreamland is much less appealing.

I'm surprised Green Greens wasn't in either version - it had already been converted for Brawl, and both versions lack a 'standard' Kirby stage.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
But it doesn't really represent fountain of dreams. It pretty much has the same complaints people have in new stages like in Skyloft where "we don't really fight in the game stage but rather on a platform showing them".


But it doesn't really represent fountain of dreams. It pretty much has the same complaints people have in new stages like in Skyloft where "we don't really fight in the game stage but rather on a platform showing them".

I wouldn't say that applies to Fountain of Dreams, seeing as the main platform is the fountain itself.

It's been resized compared to the original and to fit the 'floating island' format, but the stage still uses it as an integral part of its structure rather than just a background.

And while that complaint is justified for some stages (N64 Peach's Castle, New Pork City, Norfair), I'm not sure how it applies to traveling stages like Skyloft, Port Town and Delfino. The transitional platforms themselves could perhaps be given a design more in line with the source material, but a large portion of gameplay in those stages is occurring directly on the original landmass.
Wait a moment. Is that legal, and if so, how?

I'm really not sure. It hasn't stopped hundreds and hundreds of people from buying them. I have one, they made English manuals and boxes and everything. I think it has to do with there being no intent on bringing the game to America.

Fans asked and asked and begged and begged for years. When it was clear Nintendo wasn't bringing Mother 3 over, fans did it themselves.

Maybe they got in trouble though, because I just noticed they're no longer for sale on the website and eBay isn't turning much up. They were plentiful last year. My friends and I all bought copies.

Ah that explains a lot.

The trophy info especially for Star Man makes it annoying. So it should be PK Thunder Alpha rather than PSI Thunder Alpha?

It should. But technically PSI Thunder is how it was localized in the United States. Continuing to adhere to that translation is continuing to be wrong, though. Especially since they've acknowledged that it was supposed to be Porky, not Pokey.
As I said, seriously check your expectations now

You'll be happier later.
Flat Zone 2 to be the ender of hopes once more and what a crummy stage to finish on.
Flippin' Lion Tamers.

I refuse to believe Skyloft is the only new Zelda stage when 3DS had both Spirit Train and Gerudo Valley.

I mean they could just reuse Gerudo Valley seeing as OoT is a console game too :(
I'd say that having two new ones on 3DS is what limited it to just one new stage on Wii U but there's little use in trying to figure out any sort of logic to dealing out stages across both versions of the game, really it's just a mess, at least Zelda netted 3 new ones across the board with some past stages as well.
I miss Melee giving all starter series 2 stages each, that felt right and balanced.

But it doesn't really represent fountain of dreams. It pretty much has the same complaints people have in new stages like in Skyloft where "we don't really fight in the game stage but rather on a platform showing them".
Well you are on the fountain, meanwhile the NES game has the fountain in the background as you fight on some slab of land so if anything its the other way around to the usual complaint. (Golnei stealing my thunder with pictures, I can't compete!)

I'd like the stage more if it were a bit bigger, four players on this one is cramped, same with Green Greens for that matter, Dreamland 64 has all the extra space I crave.


Can't believe we'll be playing Smash Wii U this time next week. Think I'll dl the new Project M so I can get used to jumping with buttons on a GCN controller again.

Also with less than a week left, Smash 3DS is 15 hours away from passing Bravely Default as my most played 3DS game.


Surprisingly, I found myself really liking Skyloft, despite originally thinking it was one of the laziest looking stages.

It actually looks super nice and the platform variation is great.


Surprisingly, I found myself really liking Skyloft, despite originally thinking it was one of the laziest looking stages.

It actually looks super nice and the platform variation is great.

Glad to hear, as I had the same thoughts as you! Say, without going in details, any particularly ingenious or neat Omega versions of stages you came across? Loved Onett's way to handle it.


Glad to hear, as I had the same thoughts as you! Say, without going in details, any particularly ingenious or neat Omega versions of stages you came across? Loved Onett's way to handle it.

Honestly, I haven't done too many. Coliseum's is interesting because it acts as if the platform you're fighting on are the same ones that raised in the non-omega version. Hard to explain, but basically, you can see the mechanics of how the Coliseum accommodates both omega and non-omega forms. I felt that was kind of cool attention to detail. It's still an incredibly boring and generic stage for Fire Emblem, though.

Honestly, the stage selection is incredibly disappointing. Omega versions are too boring for my tastes, but as a result the non-omegas are too gimmicky. I'd prefer more levels that were just a balance. Gameplay aside, a lot of them suffer from being too generic when there should be an endless number of possibilities in Nintendo's library of diverse locales. None of the stages really excite me.

People may disagree, but I'd be fine with less stages as long as they were all very detailed, lively, and balanced. I'm fine with having your crazy gimmicky stages, as long as you have a decent number of non-gimmicky stages.
Hey, guys! Just got my copy this afternoon and wanted to finally settle something:

The new controllers are the exact same length as the Japanese white ones - 10 feet long! Luckily, the triggers on these feel WAY better than the faulty ones in the white controller, imo.

PS: what things do you guys still wanna see / know about this version of the game? I'm gonna capture a ton of 1080p60 videos of it this weekend, and want to make sure I'm showing off what y'all want to see.

Can you upload the Super Hoop remix from the Wii Fit stage?
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