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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread XVIII: Today, we are all Mewtwos

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I can't remember a single song from Other M. That game had a terrible soundtrack

What they did to Nightmare by not including his Fusion battle music should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
Lockdown battle huh? the song no one asked for or remembers, I think Other M is a song away from equal musical representation with the entire Prime Trilogy in smash, this really stings when you consider how good the music in the Prime Trilogy is and that I can't even recall any music from Other M not based upon previous themes (like Ridley battle) except some generic piano fluff for the post game title screen and I played that game twice for some reason.

So what you're saying is, don't expect an eight-player Crocodile Isle stage that travels from Gangplank Galleon to Crocodile Cauldron to Krem Quay to Krazy Kremland to Gloomy Gulchy to K. Rool's Keep to the Flying Kroc and then to the Lost World before looping again, with each stage being the size of Palutena's Temple and featuring the entire DKC2 OST rearranged by Wise himself with the backing of a full orchestra?

Ow, my heart.
The only way we ever get a DKC2 stage is if Sakurai discovers the tribal jungle stage theme from the Lost World and then proceeds to replace the standard music with DKC2's Token Tango because it ain't getting in unless it's got that swing so to speak.


In the new version of PM this one of Ganon's taunts:

So GameXplain confirmed my fear that there's no unlockable stage builder parts (and talk about other things here, but I'm still midway through).

Pretty lame. Was hoping for a strict improvement from Brawl's.

Azure J

In the new version of PM this one of Ganon's taunts:


Man if only this didn't get revealed early. Could you imagine how hilarious it'd be if it just happened to someone who didn't expect it?

Also going to have to +1 the notion that the animation on it is kinda jank.
Ash knows everything but said something like "I hate you guys so I'm not going to tell you all the amazing secrets I know." He then flipped a table and spilled drinks everywhere before giving us the middle finger and storming out the front door. He kicked over a lawn flamingo, as well.

Or maybe it was something about embargoes. Hmm.
I can't say I'm surprised. This is something Ash would definitely do.
In terms of amazing secrets, definitely do not get your hopes up.
Thank you.
I can't believe, embargoes or not, that it hasn't already.

Which makes me think there's nothing left to leak at all. That's it. We know everything.
Well, we did see Kongo Jungle and Flat Zone 2. Sort of a leak.


If that's the case, I wonder why Nintendo would even bother with the embargo if there wasn't anything left worth hiding?

Embargos aren't about hiding stuff, they are about giving reviewers enough time to play through the game fully before the rush to get reviews up first.

Unless you are Ubisoft, then they are about hiding stuff.


Oh man, I'm envious, your first time through Moonside. It still holds up as a highlight of the game.

Lunar is playing an 8 Isaac game on Venus Lighthouse right now, I know it.

I had no idea someone had hacked 8-player Smash into Brawl already.

Oh wow

Can you wavedash?




If that's the case, I wonder why Nintendo would even bother with the embargo if there wasn't anything left worth hiding?

The same reason they embargoed already-revealed content with the 3DS launch - something to do with controlling the flow of information, maybe?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Damn, sucks we know basically everything now. Sort of a hype killer. :(

And Kongo Jungle is the only 64 Stage, the fuck?
I'm really, really tempted, but I realized that it's about the same price to buy 10 Amiibos, and I don't like/want all of the ones they offer. (And I don't think I want to own 10 amiibos.)
It's more than the price for 10 Amiibos, since they're only $13 a piece and this is asking at least $140 + $15 S&H.

You get some other things, but they all sound rather inconsequential.
And yet 75m is chilling down at the bottom away from Donkey Kong's other levels.
75M was separated from its series in Brawl as well (as was Mario Bros.), because it's an explicitly retro stage and is grouped together with the other eight bit retro stages Duck Hunt and Wrecking Crew because of it. There's no reason for Dreamland 64 or Fountain of Dreams to be separated in that way and they won't be.
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