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Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS: Info Collection - Dojo, Mega Man and Trailer! 2014!

I really hope ZSS's new forward smash is her giving a thumbs down.

Speaking of Other M, I really hope that Samus gets that design she had at the end of the game when she had her hair down as an alt costume. I thought she looked really pretty there, without the dumb skintight catsuit or the dumb short hair.
Pac Man really gonna make it B^)

Namco needs a rep and pac man has a cartoon on Disney.

wakka wakka wakka

Yeah... but in what way, shape or form, is Pacman a relation to Nintendo? Sakurai has said he wants third party characters this time around to be ones that have had an important role in Nintendo's history...

Yes, pac man games have appeared on Nintendo... but Nintendo didn't make Pacman famous, nor did Pacman effect Nintendo in a similar way.

I'd say a Tales of Phantasia character would be most appropriate (Being the first Tales of game which appeared on SNES).


I really hope ZSS's new forward smash is her giving a thumbs down.

Speaking of Other M, I really hope that Samus gets that design she had at the end of the game when she had her hair down as an alt costume. I thought she looked really pretty there, without the dumb skintight catsuit or the dumb short hair.

I like the younger short-hair Samus design too. I'd use that if it were an alt.


You know how they said they couldn't add Villager and Ridley (I believe) in Brawl? Was it because they weren't suited for it? Well Villager's in this, what are the odds of Ridley entering the battle considering how popular he is?

We were never given any indication why Ridley was dismissed as playable by Sakurai and then in the same breath accepted that he probably could be done. Many can only assume its because he his generally depicted as being big, I think its his frame, postures and tail that make him questionable. I hate the size argument cause it boils down to "Ridley would look weird smaller" when we've had smaller Ridley several times and Olimar looks absolutely nuts grown to such a size, ultimately it means zilch.

Unlike Ridley we were given a clear and straightforward answer as to why an Animal Crosser would not be playable Brawl, basically they weren't combat oriented enough. After 5 years or so Sakurai reevaluated what makes for a good character and we now have 2 non-violent characters in Smash. So who's to say his questionable attitude for Ridley hasn't changed in his favor? Of course Sakurai's mind set could have just as easily been solidified over the years about Ridley but I'm thinking not.

Sakurai is very aware of Ridley's importance to the Metroid series. In Smash 64 he was a back ground character, In Melee he had great cameo in the opening, and in Brawl he acted as not one, not three, but two boss battles. His presence has grown every single time with Brawl actually giving him a full on workable model and everything. Ridley is going to find his way in Smash 4 undoubtedly, who knows if actually playable, but I severely doubt Sakurai would reuse a boss outside of the Master Hand, or Metal anybody.


Unlike Ridley we were given a clear and straightforward answer as to why an Animal Crosser would not be playable Brawl,

There was an interview in Nintendo Power back in 2008 that contained this exchange:

NP: "There was a rumor at one point about Ridley being playable. Was that ever a consideration?"
Sakurai: "I think that would probably be impossible. [laughs] If we had put our best efforts into it, we may have been able to do it. But he might have been a little slow. Would that have been all right? [laughs]"

Keep in mind that within the same interview Sakurai calls Animal Crossing a franchise "where there aren't really any characters that lend themselves to fighting."

qq more

So Ridley isn't too big, he's actually too slow... and then Sonic gets added later in development with a certain taunt!

...Sonic is actually mocking Ridley fans! SONIC HOW COULD YOU?!


Removing cutscenes for such a moronic reason is extremely disappointing to me. I adored the ones in Brawl

If there is not going to be a story-focused single player mode, then there's not much need for the cutscenes. Plus he implied he may add more cutscenes for character reveals either way.
We were never given any indication why Ridley was dismissed as playable by Sakurai and then in the same breath accepted that he probably could be done. Many can only assume its because he his generally depicted as being big, I think its his frame, postures and tail that make him questionable. I hate the size argument cause it boils down to "Ridley would look weird smaller" when we've had smaller Ridley several times and Olimar looks absolutely nuts grown to such a size, ultimately it means zilch.

Scale arguments also hold less sway because the loose fiction behind Smash Bros is that they're all action figures or statues that come to life to fight.


There was an interview in Nintendo Power back in 2008 that contained this exchange:

NP: "There was a rumor at one point about Ridley being playable. Was that ever a consideration?"
Sakurai: "I think that would probably be impossible. [laughs] If we had put our best efforts into it, we may have been able to do it. But he might have been a little slow. Would that have been all right? [laughs]"

Keep in mind that within the same interview Sakurai calls Animal Crossing a franchise "where there aren't really any characters that lend themselves to fighting."

Trust me I'll never forget this interview as long as I live. I have a scanned copy saved on my PC. It's because of this very quote that I argue for Ridley but at the same time always assume his chances are 50/50. Sakurai probably didn't consider Ridley even a tiny bit. I doubt he realized how big of a fan base he actually had. I'm just glad this interviewer actually brought up Ridley.

Of all the personal interviews we've seen this past E3 I was so grateful for Nintendo World Report asking about Mewtwo and pissed that dude from another site asked for all 7 Koopa Kids and indifferent towards another site about mentioning Pac Man for inclusion. It's silly and selfish of me but I just wanted someone to mention Ridley to him just once, hahaha. Not that it would have made much of a difference but could you imagine if he responded with "we are considering him" like with Mewtwo?

@ Jorock
You are absolutely right. Be it dolls or trophies, the characters we fight as aren't the same characters from their respective universe. It's exactly how Sakurai justifies them coming together. I loath arguing for a character when someone responds with "but how could he/she fit in the story mode?" As if its own cannon means anything.
I hope all the clones continue to get new moves to further differentiate themselves. Falco should have the SF:Assault sniper rifle replace his blaster and make the Arwing his new Final Smash.



Reliable sources near the scene of the tournament were able to confirm that that was indeed Falco.


There wasn't any fighting game characters in previous opuses and besides I can't think of a Nintendo fighting game series besides Smash obviously.

Joy Mech Fight, home to Sukapon. Who I would love to see as a playable character. (The game was on the Famicom) Also no fighting game characters means Ryu and people from Tekken can't be in. Thank the fucking lord for that.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Joy Mech Fight, home to Sukapon. Who I would love to see as a playable character. (The game was on the Famicom) Also no fighting game characters means Ryu and people from Tekken can't be in. Thank the fucking lord for that.

Does this mean that Xenu is to blame for Snake's presence in Brawl?
I don't mind cut scenes being removed from SSB4 since Brawl's were mostly awful and the other two games you're allowed to like on the internet didn't even have any, but I agree his reasoning is assbackwards.

I still think 'character collaborations' is hinting that there'll still be mini, fan-servicey plots in what I expect to be a more finished/elaborate/good Melee adventure mode.


Joy Mech Fight, home to Sukapon. Who I would love to see as a playable character. (The game was on the Famicom) Also no fighting game characters means Ryu and people from Tekken can't be in. Thank the fucking lord for that.

Sakurai considered Sukapon for Melee believe it or not. He deemed him too obscure if I remember correctly. I hope Sakupon is exempt from this fighting game line of thinking.
He's playable in all of Namco's Mario Kart games, he's the only 3rd-party character Nintendo/Miyamoto has directly made a game for and he's only behind Mario in terms of how recognizable a video game character he is.

Even without that Mii/Mac/Pac-Man 'leak', I think he's an absolute given. Only problem is while he'll be fun to play as, I doubt he'd generate that much hype and I think Nintendo/Namco/Sakurai are probably well aware of that fact. Even Sonic/Snake returning would probably get more attention than Pac-Man, so they need to plan his reveal out carefully because he doesn't have the demand Mega Man did.


Guise, check out the link in my earlier post.

Thank me later.

Ok, wow. I'm really impressed, I remember the first super smash flash being pretty shitty. This one plays incredibly similar to the actual games, and that's just on my keyboard. I'll boot up xpadder and try some rounds with a controller later.

The character choices are pretty silly though.


Sakurai probably didn't consider Ridley even a tiny bit.
I'm sorry but I find extremely hard to believe that Sakurai hasn't considered Ridley because he has been featured in all the games, being in Brawl as 2 different bosses.

Sakurai acknowledges Ridley's importance, otherwise there wouldn't be 2 Ridleys in Brawl. I'm pretty sure Sakurai has considered many times and he is still yet to be added. Maybe there are actual reasons why they couldn't add him.

Not sure if it has been asked but do we know if Wolf and Ridley were planned for Melee? (since they appeared in the intro)
I'm sorry but I find extremely hard to believe that Sakurai hasn't considered Ridley because he has been featured in all the games, being in Brawl as 2 different bosses.

Sakurai acknowledges Ridley's importance, otherwise there wouldn't be 2 Ridleys in Brawl. I'm pretty sure Sakurai has considered many times and he is still yet to be added. Maybe there are actual reasons why they couldn't add him.

Not sure if it has been asked but do we know if Wolf and Ridley were planned for Melee? (since they appeared in the intro)
Purely fan-speculation here, but I feel like Wolf was probably intended to be Star Fox's 2nd rep but when crunch-time hit for Melee it made more sense for Falco to have a cloned moveset than Wolf who'd have to be a bit more feral, being a villain/anti-hero and all.

When Brawl came around and hit its crunch time, Toon Link was re purposed out of Young Link, Jigglypuff was chosen over Mewtwo and Wolf was made out of what design-work had been done for him back during Melee's pre-production stages.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
They need one of the huge dragons from Fire Emblem as a boss. With the signature dragon screech the game's use.

Or Fomortiis. Although Grima could work. Maybe.

If we are lucky with Megaman we'll have Dr. Wily as a boss as well.
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