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Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS Thread 2: Where Pilotwings is apparently Minecraft


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The Solid Snake, Viewtiful Joe, and Bayonetta character reveal direct should be right around the corner.


As in "Heathcliff"
Edited: Apologized for double post.

Also Oct 31 is last day of Second Quarter Earnings Release, so people are expecting a Direct before that I guess.


because the Brawl community came out of the gates strong (kind of....?) but then started fading once people realized how much BS was in the game

Again where are you getting this from? Before Evo became the biggest Smash tourney ever (because its freakin Evo) Apex 2013 had the larges attendance of Smashers yet (and if not the biggest one of the biggest).

Melee singles entrants: 336 Doubles : 106
Brawl singles entrants : 338 Doubles : 115

This whole, Brawl isn't competitive kick some you guys got going is becoming a little too Twilight Zone for me. Its like you're forcefully ignoring an entire scene on purpose.
No-watermark version backed up (because all of those quotes are linking directly to daily.jpg and are going to look really silly tomorrow):

Chestnaught is better than Fox's final form, right?
Hell no; Delphox is awesome, and I don't even play Pokémon.

(Unless you mean Fox McCloud's final form, in which case, yes, Chestnaught is better than a Landmaster.)
I dunno guys, with all these not-Pokemon reveals, I am beginning to worry that unlike every other game in the Smash Bros. series, Pokemon will somehow end up under-represented. Every day that we don't get a new Pokemon character reveal is like nails on the chalkboard of my mind and I am more sure that Sakurai might even take out Pikachu at this point to prove his point.

No Pokemon in this game is still one Pokemon too many


As in "Heathcliff"
I swear I read May 14 2014 as a release date in the thread title.

You read it right. It was other thread.

No-watermark version backed up (because all of those quotes are linking directly to daily.jpg and are going to look really silly tomorrow):

Hell no; Delphox is awesome, and I don't even play Pokémon.

(Unless you mean Fox McCloud's final form, in which case, yes, Chestnaught is better than a Landmaster.)

Some people would disagreed with you there, and you don't even play Pokemon. He look way better in motion.


This whole, Brawl isn't competitive kick some you guys got going is becoming a little too Twilight Zone for me. Its like you're forcefully ignoring an entire scene on purpose.

I think when people are talking about the competitive nature of Brawl, they don't mean the scene that still very much surrounds it. Yes, the scene that surrounds Brawl shows that you can play it competitively... it's just not a very... umm... pretty thing.

In terms of design-wise, it's very cut and dry by now that the game's target audience wasn't the competitive community. And that's why so much stuff was slowed down, cut out of the engine, etc. Which is what most people are talking about (I'm pretty sure) when they say, "Brawl isn't competitive" (which is a really, really inaccurate statement if you're intending to refer to the game vs the community that has grown from it).

You can make almost anything competitive, but it doesn't mean it was designed for that purpose or that the end result of said competition is 'good'. Which is where most people's problems with competitive Brawl lie in: it's not 'good' but it exists and most people tend to ignore it if they don't watch it or like it.

Surprisingly, WHOBO5 was this past weekend and (being a Brawl-centric event with Melee and P:M on the side) had around 3k-4k viewers on twitch fairly consistently despite Brawl's reputation as a competitive game. The game does have some kind of draw in a competitive sense (and that's why there's a scene for it) but (on a slightly unrelated note to end on for this post) I feel once Smash 4 drops there's no doubt in my mind all of the Brawl scene will just move on over into Smash 4.


I already prepared 3rd OT but I haven't post it yet. I will post it tonight before I hit the hay, but Thread 4 is up to anyone who would keep OT updated. Anyone are welcome to use my/Zane's OP and keep it updated.

Dang, almost at OT3?

We'll be on OT15 or so before actual release. =P
I find it sad that Brawl's positive influence on Melee - and it does exist - is consistently ignored by Meleetards. Melee has often been given its spot in Brawl-focused tournaments and events, even if just a side event, which helped Melee in its really "dark" era after being dropped from MLG. Also, a lot of players who started with Brawl have been moving over to Melee as well, if not completely.

Both Smash titles have benefited from each others' competitive scenes, and they're heavily intermingled through events and players, as much as Meleetards would like to shut that out.
I find it sad that Brawl's positive influence on Melee - and it does exist - is consistently ignored by Meleetards. Melee has often been given its spot in Brawl-focused tournaments and events, even if just a side event. Also, a lot of players who started with Brawl have been moving over to Melee as well, if not completely.

Both Smash titles have benefited from each others' competitive scenes, and they're heavily intermingled through events and players, as much as Meleetards would like to shut that out.



As in "Heathcliff"
Dang, almost at OT3?

We'll be on OT15 or so before actual release. =P

Wow, what a exaggeration statement. With our regular smashers, we might reach to thread 6 or 7. If we got more daily smashers to post with us then we might reach to 9 or 10. However we will have many different threads based on characters, stages, rumors, articles and Samurai's twitters.
Let's not insult any fanbase, please. Yeah, I agree Melee fans can be overly harsh on Brawl (and to the game's fanbase, but that's not exactly representative of the entire community), but calling them "tards" isn't really the way to comment on that.


Wow, what a exaggeration statement. With our regular smashers, we might reach to thread 6 or 7. If we got more daily smashers to post with us then we might reach to 9 or 10. However we will have many different threads based on characters, stages, rumors, articles and Samurai's twitters.

I feel like SmashGAF will only grow as we get nearer to release. So OT10 might not be that far off.

However, since it's releasing in May, we'll probably only get to OT6. :p


I find it sad that Brawl's positive influence on Melee - and it does exist - is consistently ignored by Meleetards. Melee has often been given its spot in Brawl-focused tournaments and events, even if just a side event, which helped Melee in its really "dark" era after being dropped from MLG. Also, a lot of players who started with Brawl have been moving over to Melee as well, if not completely.

Both Smash titles have benefited from each others' competitive scenes, and they're heavily intermingled through events and players, as much as Meleetards would like to shut that out.

It's probably "ignored" because of the huge amount of animosity that was around between the two communities for the better of 2008-2010. A lot of the negativity is only remembered and reflected upon vs what was starting to happen in late 2010-early 2011.

And you know there's Brawltards too. :p

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Hell no; Delphox is awesome, and I don't even play Pokémon.

(Unless you mean Fox McCloud's final form, in which case, yes, Chestnaught is better than a Landmaster.)

Too gender biased in design.

I can pretty much picture a female Chesnaught and Greninja. Not a male Delphox.
Let's not insult any fanbase, please. Yeah, I agree Melee fans can be overly harsh on Brawl (and to the game's fanbase, but that's not exactly representative of the entire community), but calling them "tards" isn't really the way to comment on that.

Maybe I'm just overly "critical" of this kind of behavior because it was exactly that kind of "harshness" that caused me to stop wanting to ever play Melee again.

I have a joint problem (inherited) and as such my fingers are too slow and clunky to do things like Wavedashing. I still tried getting into competitive Melee, and I just couldn't do Wavedashes, among other things (I'm generally not very good at fighting games). The Melee players shittalked and harassed me because I couldn't do their fancy shit. And when I gave up on playing the game, I was shittalked even more cause I enjoyed Brawl.

I know not all of the people in the Melee community are like that, that it's only a fraction even, but I found it disgusting enough to differentiate between Melee players, and Meleetards, which are assholes like the above.


I think when people are talking about the competitive nature of Brawl, they don't mean the scene that still very much surrounds it. Yes, the scene that surrounds Brawl shows that you can play it competitively... it's just not a very... umm... pretty thing.

At the least, the posters I was responding to were speaking about a community they seem to be largely ignorant about. I just find it amazing that the two scenes can share so many of their spaces with each other (bother virtual and physical) and have one side frequently just kind of ignore the other. How else would you read those two posts?

Besides competitive Brawl has a lot of really great match ups. Its more Street Fighter 2 to Melee's Marvel 2 but it is still sound and often exiting competition (wasn't always the case though).

You can make almost anything competitive, but it doesn't mean it was designed for that purpose or that the end result of said competition is 'good'. Which is where most people's problems with competitive Brawl lie in: it's not 'good' but it exists and most people tend to ignore it if they don't watch it or like it.

Is this the early 2000s? Heard the same type of arguments leveled against Melee back in the day. Pretty ironic that now, Melee fans are using the same argument against Brawl.

The Melee players shittalked and harassed me because I couldn't do their fancy shit. And when I gave up on playing the game, I was shittalked even more cause I enjoyed Brawl.

Like I said. Melee is Marvel baby. :->


As in "Heathcliff"
Maybe I'm just overly "critical" of this kind of behavior because it was exactly that kind of "harshness" that caused me to stop wanting to ever play Melee again.

I have a joint problem (inherited) and as such my fingers are too slow and clunky to do things like Wavedashing. I still tried getting into competitive Melee, and I just couldn't do Wavedashes, among other things (I'm generally not very good at fighting games). The Melee players shittalked and harassed me because I couldn't do their fancy shit. And when I gave up on playing the game, I was shittalked even more cause I enjoyed Brawl.

I know not all of the people in the Melee community are like that, that it's only a fraction even, but I found it disgusting enough to differentiate between Melee players, and Meleetards, which are assholes like the above.

Damn, that suck. I guess me being deaf is good thing for going to brawl and melee tournament so I can't hear them shittalking on me. :p


I feel that was one of the best things to come out of the EVO drive, the fact the communities decided to put any animosity or differences they may have had aside and band together for Smash.

Maybe I'm just overly "critical" of this kind of behavior because it was exactly that kind of "harshness" that caused me to stop wanting to ever play Melee again.

I have a joint problem (inherited) and as such my fingers are too slow and clunky to do things like Wavedashing. I still tried getting into competitive Melee, and I just couldn't do Wavedashes, among other things (I'm generally not very good at fighting games). The Melee players shittalked and harassed me because I couldn't do their fancy shit. And when I gave up on playing the game, I was shittalked even more cause I enjoyed Brawl.

I know not all of the people in the Melee community are like that, that it's only a fraction even, but I found it disgusting enough to differentiate between Melee players, and Meleetards, which are assholes like the above.

Ouch, yeah, I totally get how you feel. I can't say I had the same experience, but I can't play Melee anymore for similar reasons.

What I'm saying is just to watch your wording. I get it now that you're not talking about the Melee fanbase as a whole, but some people may take it that way.


The Melee players shittalked and harassed me because I couldn't do their fancy shit.

Wow, what? I've never heard of a story like that before. That's a really special case because I've never even seen or heard anyone make someone feel bad for not being able to wavedash. Wavedashing isn't even a requirement, just look at how SephirothKen started out as an example of someone who openly admitted he couldn't wavedash so instead he would dashdance. And that guy became the best Melee player running for many, many years.

I would say you were playing with the wrong kind of people or maybe your experience was at a time where things were rocky (when Brawl first released in 2008) but now that things have settled that kind of situation is uncommon.
Like I said. Melee is Marvel baby. :->

The funny part about this is - I picked up Marvel later, and the "regular" FGC, especially the Marvel players, were nothing but supportive.

maybe your experience was at a time where things were rocky (when Brawl first released in 2008) but now that things have settled that kind of situation is uncommon.

Yes, I got into competitive Melee with Brawl's release. I wanted to pick up both games, but I dropped Melee shortly afterwards. I kept on playing Brawl and was a pretty active member in the Brawl BR, still am back there, but things have died down quite a bit since there's not much to talk about anymore.
At the least, the posters I was responding to were speaking about a community they seem to be largely ignorant about. I just find it amazing that the two scenes can share so many of their spaces with each other (bother virtual and physical) and have one side frequently just kind of ignore the other. How else would you read those two posts?

Besides competitive Brawl has a lot of really great match ups. Its more Street Fighter 2 to Melee's Marvel 2 but it is still sound and often exiting competition (wasn't always the case though).

more like Melee is Marvel 2 and Brawl is Marvel 3, ignoring the general game pace

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
*cough* Mega Gardevoir *cough*

You imply Gardevoir isn't already doing that to begin with :p

Wow, what? I've never heard of a story like that before. That's a really special case because I've never even seen or heard anyone make someone feel bad for not being able to wavedash. Wavedashing isn't even a requirement, just look at how SephirothKen started out as an example of someone who openly admitted he couldn't wavedash so instead he would dashdance. And that guy became the best Melee player running for many, many years.

I would say you were playing with the wrong kind of people or maybe your experience was at a time where things were rocky (when Brawl first released in 2008) but now that things have settled that kind of situation is uncommon.

You should really check out smashboards lol

I feel that was one of the best things to come out of the EVO drive, the fact the communities decided to put any animosity or differences they may have had aside and band together for Smash.


tbqh I feel like it's just a bunch of people wanting to see Smash, oh wait, Melee, in a "positive" light after being shunned by the FGC (tm).


Yes, I got into competitive Melee with Brawl's release. I wanted to pick up both games, but I dropped Melee shortly afterwards. I kept on playing Brawl and was a pretty active member in the Brawl BR, still am back there, but things have died down quite a bit since there's not much to talk about anymore.

Now that's making more sense to me. I could see that happening back then but things now are much, much, much better overall. Sorry to hear what happened and that it soured you off of Melee.

Boss Doggie said:
You should really check out smashboards lol

I've been on there for years and I know how bad it can get but Red Arremer's experience sounded like it was in-person. And more often than not, in-person, Smashers are generally not assholes to each other. But on the boards, yeah, things can get pretty heated (mostly back in '08-'10 though). Nowadays things aren't really that bad at all afaik. It only gets bad if somehow Brawl vs Melee comes up and a few individuals get offended on each side about whatever's said.
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