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Superhuman Kickstarter: Returning to Kickstarter a Second Time Round

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Finally got the chance to read this thread, and it is amazing. Though I'm sad that OP is probably dead in a ditch somewhere. :-(


December 16, 2009. 4:00 AM. THE LIGHT FIELD is the force. The mind. That guides. Controls.
Okay everyone. I'm back. First of all I had only read a few of the comments on here before going to sleep last night and most of those were "you're crazy dude" so when I woke up earlier today I was actually dreading coming in here when I saw that this thread had become quite popular. However I've now read all of your replies and to be honest I laughed out loud at several of your posts. Some of the shit in here is hilarious and it actually cheered me up on an otherwise dreary day so thank you for that.

To everyone who posted supportive comments or took the time to read the Superhuman preview, thank you. It's incredibly hard to get people to read my work and provide feedback so you're awesome for doing that. I would honestly love to respond to all of you individually but there's so many comments here I wouldn't really know where to begin. The general sentiment from most of you however appears to be:

Please elaborate on PentaGod. OP where are you?

Guys I've spent the last couple of hours trying to decide whether to do this or not. It appears the vast majority of interest here in this thread is to elaborate on the knowledge I have regarding PentaGod. Hilarious name by the way. I think you really have to try and empathise with my position here. The only, only way I'm going to be able to deploy further knowledge on PentaGod is to not hold back and tell you everything. I would have to tell you everything in order for the truth to be believed.

This would basically involve me pulling a serious Wikileaks here and blow the door wide open on all of the knowledge I have. I actually have a document I've been working on for a year or two that condenses all of the knowledge in to a single, believable document that takes advantage of The Pentagon's weak point by using some of the things they've done since they proved God exists against them. The evidence in that document is so overwhelming that I am confident that when you finish reading it you would believe me.

If I were to post something vague and dance around the issue, leaking say a small amount of information on PentaGod I don't think that would be sufficiently satisfying or convincing. I would have to deploy the full-blown document with the entire story from beginning to end, complete with the evidence I have to confirm and validate the story's legitimacy in order for the story to have any impact or power. So I'm quite conflicted on this issue. Do I leak everything I know in an attempt to have people believe me and then immediately put my safety in danger for fear of The Pentagon actually responding to the leak?

Or do I hold on to the information until I'm in a more secure position to deploy the knowledge? It's interesting many of you are saying that PentaGod would make the better story. I have an early screenplay in development about it that is completely separate from Superhuman. The screenplay however is completely separate from the "truth" document. The interesting thing is, I have the power to deploy all of the knowledge I have right here, right now on NeoGAF. I would have to develop the document a little more but I could theoretically post it here.

So I'm conflicted. I do appreciate that what I've told you is quite interesting and intriguing. The information I have given you on PentaGod is however about 5% of the total knowledge I have. The document I'm working on contains links to several more secrets that I learned over the years and rather miraculously it all seamlessly ties together in to a single narrative. PentaGod is connected to several other issues that are all tangentially related. So I think what I'll do for now is ask everyone what they think the best course of action is.

Should I deploy the PentaGod document?

EDIT: Holy Christ I've just seen my tag. That's hilarious.


My lord, OP reminds me of John Titor from Steins;Gate, but instead of time traveling, he will give us information about PentaGod. Do it. Reveal it all! Become our Messiah!


If I were to post something vague and dance around the issue, leaking say a small amount of information on PentaGod I don't think that would be sufficiently satisfying or convincing. I would have to deploy the full-blown document with the entire story from beginning to end, complete with the evidence I have to confirm and validate the story's legitimacy in order for the story to have any impact or power. So I'm quite conflicted on this issue. Do I leak everything I know in an attempt to have people believe me and then immediately put my safety in danger for fear of The Pentagon actually responding to the leak?
Of course you should leak it!

So I'm conflicted. I do appreciate that what I've told you is quite interesting and intriguing. The information I have given you on PentaGod is however about 5% of the total knowledge I have. The document I'm working on contains links to several more secrets that I learned over the years and rather miraculously it all seamlessly ties together in to a single narrative. PentaGod is connected to several other issues that are all tangentially related. So I think what I'll do for now is ask everyone what they think the best course of action is
Should I deploy the PentaGod document?
You're the hero GAF deserves, deploy the document!


Okay well these comments specifically are a rather sobering prognosis. Perhaps I "tried too hard". In terms of explaining I could, but I highly doubt whether you would believe me. I'm no-one man. I have no credibility. I could write pages upon pages here explaining things and still you would have a severe amount of doubt in your mind because, who is this person again?

Long story short back in March of 2008 I befriended a member of the British intelligence services (MI6). She was an intelligence officer working for them. We became quite close over a couple of months and she told me information that if I ever wrote about would put Wikileaks to shame. Imagine you're The Pentagon. Imagine you've existed for the better part of a century. Imagine you're an organisation consisting of twenty thousand people and you're sole purpose is to protect America.




I read the entire post you wrote, but holy fucking shit. I've read some truly out there conspiracy theory on NeoGAF and on the web, and there is no doubt in my mind this is the top of the crazy cake.

As others have said, brutally honestly, that Kickstarter sort of deserved to fail; on top of that, kickstarting a screenplay is rather pointless without a guarantee it'll be made into a movie. If you were making a novel it might be more palatable.

Of course, you'd have to anchor your kickstarter in some form of reality that wasn't batshit insane ravings from lunatic-town, but that's a start.


I read the entire post you wrote, but holy fucking shit. I've read some truly out there conspiracy theory on NeoGAF and on the web, and there is no doubt in my mind this is the top of the crazy cake.

Come on, you don't really mean that.


I think PentaGod wants you to share it. It´s the third backer on the kickstarter, not even asking for a reward.

It´s clear OP, it wants out!
Okay everyone. I'm back. First of all I had only read a few of the comments on here before going to sleep last night and most of those were "you're crazy dude" so when I woke up earlier today I was actually dreading coming in here when I saw that this thread had become quite popular. However I've now read all of your replies and to be honest I laughed out loud at several of your posts. Some of the shit in here is hilarious and it actually cheered me up on an otherwise dreary day so thank you for that.

To everyone who posted supportive comments or took the time to read the Superhuman preview, thank you. It's incredibly hard to get people to read my work and provide feedback so you're awesome for doing that. I would honestly love to respond to all of you individually but there's so many comments here I wouldn't really know where to begin. The general sentiment from most of you however appears to be:

Guys I've spent the last couple of hours trying to decide whether to do this or not. It appears the vast majority of interest here in this thread is to elaborate on the knowledge I have regarding PentaGod. Hilarious name by the way. I think you really have to try and empathise with my position here. The only, only way I'm going to be able to deploy further knowledge on PentaGod is to not hold back and tell you everything. I would have to tell you everything in order for the truth to be believed.

This would basically involve me pulling a serious Wikileaks here and blow the door wide open on all of the knowledge I have. I actually have a document I've been working on for a year or two that condenses all of the knowledge in to a single, believable document that takes advantage of The Pentagon's weak point by using some of the things they've done since they proved God exists against them. The evidence in that document is so overwhelming that I am confident that when you finish reading it you would believe me.

If I were to post something vague and dance around the issue, leaking say a small amount of information on PentaGod I don't think that would be sufficiently satisfying or convincing. I would have to deploy the full-blown document with the entire story from beginning to end, complete with the evidence I have to confirm and validate the story's legitimacy in order for the story to have any impact or power. So I'm quite conflicted on this issue. Do I leak everything I know in an attempt to have people believe me and then immediately put my safety in danger for fear of The Pentagon actually responding to the leak?

Or do I hold on to the information until I'm in a more secure position to deploy the knowledge? It's interesting many of you are saying that PentaGod would make the better story. I have an early screenplay in development about it that is completely separate from Superhuman. The screenplay however is completely separate from the "truth" document. The interesting thing is, I have the power to deploy all of the knowledge I have right here, right now on NeoGAF. I would have to develop the document a little more but I could theoretically post it here.

So I'm conflicted. I do appreciate that what I've told you is quite interesting and intriguing. The information I have given you on PentaGod is however about 5% of the total knowledge I have. The document I'm working on contains links to several more secrets that I learned over the years and rather miraculously it all seamlessly ties together in to a single narrative. PentaGod is connected to several other issues that are all tangentially related. So I think what I'll do for now is ask everyone what they think the best course of action is.

Should I deploy the PentaGod document?

EDIT: Holy Christ I've just seen my tag. That's hilarious.

"Make a couple grand, or reveal the secrets of the universe? I dunno guys."

You fucking hack.


both stories would fail at kickstarter. You will only gain some neogaf pledges but thats it.

Even the pentagod's story is bad. I mean for the USA okay, you like these christian/god like stories but in the end that's not enough. Especially since there's no compelling idea behind it. And there isn't. I'm sorry.


Come on, you don't really mean that.

I absolutely mean that. I cannot think of anything crazier than The Pentagon discovered God on December 16, 2009 at 4:00am but chose to keep it a secret but instead made horrific hollywood movies like PRIEST in order to appease the obviously self-evidently christian God (and thus, by definition, MUSLIM GOD oh my god this information shouldn't be allowed out) else the world ends, and that God is apparently some photon... light sphere... veil...who the fuck knows spirit of the universe that the Pentagon has been apparently searching about for for decades.

Honestly, I'm searching the fucking world of knowledge in my head, and I don't even think Hitler discovering Atlantis is crazier. If I was trying to hold a serious conversation with a 9/11 truther and moon landing denier who masturbates with a yoda flesh light and swears he was probed by aliens, the resulting vomit of information breakdown would probably still be less crazy than this.


These kinds of situations never end well. Either the OP will never post the document and continue to tease us or he will reveal the document and it ends up being lackluster



this thread is something else
I feel kinda bad for the op, he actually sounds like a pretty nice guy
PentaGod is rather hilarious though


Unconfirmed Member
If you weren't supposed to reveal the truth about PentaGod, wouldn't God have killed you by now or something? I'm not sure how God works.


This is an unexpectedly amazing thread. ThreeSixty, you're clearly passionate about your work and don't want to shit on you too much. Cyan's post is probably the most helpful advice you might get, a book or a comic book might be a better avenue for this sort of thing. Good luck to you.

They got to him.



I absolutely mean that. I cannot think of anything crazier than The Pentagon discovered God on December 16, 2009 at 4:00am but chose to keep it a secret but instead made horrific hollywood movies like PRIEST in order to appease the obviously self-evidently christian God (and thus, by definition, MUSLIM GOD oh my god this information shouldn't be allowed out) else the world ends, and that God is apparently some photon... light sphere... veil...who the fuck knows spirit of the universe that the Pentagon has been apparently searching about for for decades.

Honestly, I'm searching the fucking world of knowledge in my head, and I don't even think Hitler discovering Atlantis is crazier. If I was trying to hold a serious conversation with a 9/11 truther and moon landing denier who masturbates with a yoda flesh light and swears he was probed by aliens, the resulting vomit of information breakdown would probably still be less crazy than this.

oh come on, I'm looking forward to the pentagod being unleashed as much as anyone, but that's a bit harsh. this is all harmless.


is this really necessary? I mean, I'm looking forward to the pentagod being released as much as anyone but this is all harmless. no need to take too much pleasure from this.

Ya'll entertain yourselves the way you want; this shit is hilarious. I'm just calling a spade a spade.


Okay so I'v been thinking about this, turning December 16, 2009 4:00 AM into letters turns into this(0's become O's):

12/16/20/09 4:00 AM

Turns into this: I mold a pot

This is going places!
Okay so I'v been thinking about this, turning December 16, 2009 4:00 AM into letters turns into this(0's become O's):

12/16/20/09 4:00 AM

Turns into this: I mold a pot

This is going places!

And we are the PentaGod apostles.
Its clearer by the minute... we even have a non-believer... looking at you Amirox.
I am dying over here. Amazing thread.

I'm going to give OP the benefit of the doubt and assume this PentaGod stuff is just another story of his that he is testing the waters on. It seems far more interesting than his original KS idea.
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