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Superman is coming to Supergirl in Season 2

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Supergirl should have been the Superman of the Arrow verse and not have Superman at all.

But that said, I don't want Welling as Supes. He was never a great Superman. I want Welling to play a major villain though


This is a big deal. Superman hasnt really been allowed on tv. Even in Smallville they couldn't use his name and barely had him in costime in the very final episode.

Hopefully he comes to the other CW shows. And hopefully it leads to DC loosening the reigns on Batman on tv also.
I can't see them casting Routh. I can't see Routh wanting to do it, either.

If they were gonna do that, they wouldn't be casting, would they? They'd just have announced Routh returning to the role.


Tagged as I see fit
I'm not sure how to feel about this news.

Hopefully they fix the "symbol of hope" dealio that kinda got broken in the recent movies. Maybe that's the plan?

Edit: Although it won't happen, casting Brandon Routh would be amazing and would be another way Atom would catch some more Ls.


I can't see them casting Routh. I can't see Routh wanting to do it, either.

If they were gonna do that, they wouldn't be casting, would they? They'd just have announced Routh returning to the role.

Of course. This is just wishing. They will probably cast an unknown.
Disappointing. I would have preferred they didn't even reference Superman and just let Kara be her own character.

Now we're going to have to deal with a simp for Superman who gets taken out like a bitch while Kara lays the smackdown.


Old Member
Bring Tom back, goddammit.

Also ITT we learn people still don't understand that the DC TV/Movie universes are two separate things, and that's somehow DC's fault.
Of course. This is just wishing. They will probably cast an unknown.

I dunno, I like the Bomer idea. 2 episode guest shot. Put a face to the sacrifice he or Kara will have to make to save the Arrowverse. No more Superman going forward.

edit: I was wrong, he wasn't a finalist. He was actually cast during the brief period where Brett Ratner was making it, before that version fell apart and then Routh got the job on Singer's project.
Superman is about 35 I believe. Kara spent 24 years in the Phantom Zone then another 11 years living on Earth to get to the present day. Welling seems content with behind the scenes stuff, not to mention his apparent dislike of ever actually wearing the suit which he might have warmed up to over the years.

Give me a Lois Lane already so I can watch her and Cat verbally fight at last. Or it to be revealed that Cat has a complete one-sided rivalry with her.
Good, now get rid of her and make the show about him. :p

I never understood why, If the tv and movie universes were going to be separate anyway, they didn't go for the main heroes like they did with The Flash.

Same goes for Gotham. Just do a Batman TV series.

If I wanted to watch paint dry id go to a construction site.
Flash Season 2 spoilers:

If i understood correct, with Barry´s dad from Earth 3 was the Flash from the 90´s TV show where he played the Flash and basically made that show canon right? Soooo, there is only one choice....



Unconfirmed Member
And he just got casted as the lead for Pacific Rim 2

Really? Wow, that's impressive. He's already shooting three movies aimed for 2017 (Robin Hood: Origins, Sleepless and Baby Driver), and now Pacific Rim 2? Where does Elba get all of this time?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Bomer was one of the finalists for the role back when it was a McG production, I believe.

Would he want to do it now, is the question.

Sorta surprised that, given the opportunity to basically close out that entire universe and make Kara the only superbeing in the shared continuity of the CW shows, they've decided to go in the other direction and legitimately make Superman a character. Unless the only reason we're seeing him for a couple episodes this year is specifically so it means more (we have a face attached) if/when Kara is forcibly separated from that universe.

That's my initial thought, too.

I think there's a reason why he's only there for two episodes.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Flash Season 2 spoilers:

If i understood correct, with Barry´s dad from Earth 3 was the Flash from the 90´s TV show where he played the Flash and basically made that show canon right? Soooo, there is only one choice....

That would be incorrect.


OR make the character stand on their own.

Yeah, I guess. I've never been a fan of the character, so it's not important to me. If you're a Supergirl fan, then I get it.

From a business perspective, though? If Supes is on the table, why not do a Supes show and make more money? Seems like a no brainer to me, but what do I know. /shrugs


Flash Season 2 spoilers:

If i understood correct, with Barry´s dad from Earth 3 was the Flash from the 90´s TV show where he played the Flash and basically made that show canon right? Soooo, there is only one choice....


But Dean Cain can't be Superman AND Kara's father in the same Earth.
Bomer was one of the finalists for the role back when it was a McG production, I believe.

Would he want to do it now, is the question.

Sorta surprised that, given the opportunity to basically close out that entire universe and make Kara the only superbeing in the shared continuity of the CW shows, they've decided to go in the other direction and legitimately make Superman a character. Unless the only reason we're seeing him for a couple episodes this year is specifically so it means more (we have a face attached) if/when Kara is forcibly separated from that universe.

Bomer did play Superman in a foreign commercial and voiced him in an animated film.


Ignore the crummy Returns suit.

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