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Switch is nearing its 6th month of release, come post your thoughts and impressions!


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I bought one a month ago in case it's hard to get when Mario and Xenoblade come out.

Played through Zelda and MK8 on my Wii U. No interest in Arms or Splatoon 2 (played the first a lot on my Wii U and burned out on it).

Every other decent game for it I already own on another console.

So my switch is basically sitting in it's dock doing nothing. The only game I played on it was the demo of Puyo Puyo Tetris, and I wasn't into it enough to buy it.


I bought it for Zelda and after putting 20 hours into it I just lost interest. I also bought MK8D from the eShop and have literally put 2 hours into the game. I boxed it up now and I'm looking to sell it but kind of want to hold on for Pokémon. The problem is I just have a lot of games and no time to play them so whenever I do have free time I reach for my PC or PS4. :(


Love the Switch. The library has been fantastic so far, easily the best opening 6 month library IMO.

My only issue with the Switch is that the wifi seems to drop from time to time and it screws me over during Splatoon

I bought it for Zelda and after putting 20 hours into it I just lost interest. I also bought MK8D from the eShop and have literally put 2 hours into the game. I boxed it up now and I'm looking to sell it but kind of want to hold on for Pokémon. The problem is I just have a lot of games and no time to play them so whenever I do have free time I reach for my PC or PS4. :(
Sorry it's not working for you. Our family wants a 2nd Switch. PM me if you really want to sell


Switch is glorious. This has the potential to be the best console ever. I love the portability. I don't necessarily play it on the streets, but I love taking it to bed or just playing some Splatoon 2 matches while watching TV. Great hardware, excellent launch window line-up. I have Zelda, Mario Kart, Splatoon 2, Sonic Mania, Snake Pass, Thumper and NBA Playgrounds. Outside of the arcade NBA game that wasn't a good purchase, everything else is delicious. Love the modular controllers. Bought the official case that comes with a screen protector and an extra AC adapter. Next up is a Pro Controller.

I will continue to support the platform. I will buy as many multiplatform games on the Switch as I can like FIFA 18.
I love the hardware, but it's been unused for a few months now due to lack of games that interest me as well as lack of apps such as Netflix.

Looking forward to Mario Odyssey coming out, but I don't see myself using it much before then unless Stardew Valley gets released early.
I haven't put a great deal of time into mine, but so far Zelda is fun, MK8 is OK (only played single player), and I'm not quite what to to think about Arms. I'll be grabbing Splatoon 2 and can't wait for Mario, as that looks like a blast.

That said, as was mentioned here:

I simply hate the joycons when connected to the unit. I primarily bought my Switch for playing around the house while relaxing, but my hands cramp up after 15-20 minutes. Thank fully (and unfortunately), I have the pro controller, so I have been playing in docked mode mostly. Has anyone tried the soft plastic shells that have "grips" molded into them that go around the joycons and the unit?

I've heard and seen good things about these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XPDPW4N/?tag=neogaf0e-20
It's a great piece Of hardware. Nothing has interested beyond Zelda so it hasn't got much play lately. Waiting on Rabbids, and Battlechasers. I will say I'm a bit disappointed in that I was expecting a big firmware update to be announced at E3 with video apps and the online service (virtual console) ready to go.
I'm always confused when I'm in a store and see a half empty row of Switch games next to a wall of Wii U, Xbox and PS4 games.

It's almost as if the Switch has been out for less than six months and those other platforms have all been out for almost four years (almost five years in the case of Wii U).


Games are great, but the system still feels like it's in early release mode with no virtual console and the online still in a very primitive state (although it's worked great for all the online matches of MK8, ARMS, and Splatoon 2 i've played. Fewer disconnects than Wii U online, though that might be because i have my own internet connection and am not sharing it for the first time).


220 hours of Binding of Isaac
155 in BoTW
35 in Mario Kart and Splatoon
30 on Minecraft

I've been loving it. I used to never play nearly that many hours of games but it's so easy to pick up the Switch whenever I have free time.

Digging into Sonic Mania right now and Mario+Rabbits Kingdom Battle out in 2 days. Those plus my addiction to Binding of Isaac will keep me busy until Odyssey comes out.
Then Xenoblade to cap off the year with a big RPG. And a sprinkling of some really good looking 'Nindies' scattered throughout the rest of the year.

If we're not counting PC, I'd can safely say that the Switch is already my all time favorite console purchase. I have never been this enthusiastic about a console before but I am just so damn happy with it.

Only complaint is both analog sticks on my original joycons became loose. And with the tiny deadzone it has I kept getting slight drift, even when not touching it. I have to wiggle it a bit to get it to set back in the center. I hope it's just a defect in my pair and not a flaw in the design.


I love it but I always knew I would. Got Zelda, Bomberman, 1-2-Switch, MK8 deluxe, Arms, Splatoon 2, Snake Pass, Overcooked, Snipperclips, Minecraft and Puyo Puyo Tetris. Splatoon getting most play at the moment, Mario Rabbids arriving the next couple of days.

The only game that hasn't had a lot of playtime is Bomberman but haven't played it since they patched it so might give it another whirl.

For me it's come into its own first thing in the morning on weekends when I let my 3 year old watch Peppa Pug. Being able to take it out and play it instead of watching that shit has been amazing and it has even led to him stopping and asking to play Mario Kart so we can stop with the annoying little pig.

The first year is incredible, it is going to be a Rocket League machine before long though, can't wait for portable Rocket League.


Love the hardware and Zelda BOTW on it.

But I am still waiting for more games.

The lack of big third party games is sad, tho.
I love it. It's the best hardware design and first year line-up Nintendo has ever had. If they'd gotten online voice chat and the pro controller's d-pad right, it would be perfect. Unfortunately, I don't think they can fix the former and probably won't fix the latter.


Got mine at launch. Awesome piece of kit.

I'm playing more games now than I have since I was a kid due to the portability factor.

Finished Zelda last week. Got 270 hours out of that game and loved every minute.

Just started Ironcast. Loving it so far too.

Probably my favorite Nintendo System since the SNES.


I got a Switch on an impulse buy ten days ago. Played a few hours of Zelda but so far, while I think the game is stunning, the lack of objectives and goals are keeping me from enjoying it 100%. In other words, I think the game offers too much freedom right out of the gate.

The other game I got is Mario Kart and I play for at least half an hour almost everyday. I make every friend that comes over play with me and all of them have a great time.

I really wish I could enjoy Zelda more, the game is absolutely great, the gameplay is amazing, graphics are stunning. I'll keep pushing it anyway.

Now I'm waiting for Mario + Rabbids, it looks really fun.


Virtual Console being practically non-existent so far really hampers how satisfied I've been with the Switch over the last six months.

It would make sense to me if the NES and SNES classic consoles were widely available, but with how Nintendo made far too few NES classics and then cut off production while it was still in heavy demand, I'm not sure how those systems could have any impact on the Switch's VC offering.

Has there been any announcement so far? It's kind of perplexing.


I love the system, but i'm waiting for more games to my liking (Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Xenoblade...) but i'm also still hoping to see games like Deus Ex (which i loved on WiiU), a mainline FF port, a sci-fi horror FPS, i'm also certainly getting Skyrim...

Zelda was great, Arms was not. Setsuna was ok, my kids love multiplayer Lego City. Still need to trade 1-2 Switch for something better (MK8 or Splatoon).

I got a Switch on an impulse buy ten days ago. Played a few hours of Zelda but so far, while I think the game is stunning, the lack of objectives and goals are keeping me from enjoying it 100%. In other words, I think the game offers too much freedom right out of the gate.

The game gets better imo. I had a bit of the same problem the first 5-10 hours. The plateau was "ok" as a tutorial intro, but after that, it feels like you feel lost for a bit. But as soon as you start your quest for one of the 4 titans, you'll get sucked in rather quickly.
Just got it Friday. Hand still cramps like on new 3DS on my bed but the option to take the joycons out and place the tablet on my lap is nice. I wish there was a LED indicator on the tablet when charging but I'll get use to the omission. Love how responsive the OS and UI is. Holding the home button to easily adjust brightness, volume, view time, and turn off wifi was really convenient. Switch is easily the most modern system has made. Feels like it was designed by the younger generation of Nintendo developers with the care and experience of the senior ones.

Software aspect, only bought Shovel Knight so far. However game is addicting, and I'm glad I bought that to tide over Odyssey's release. Love the sleep mode function since it lets me pause my session in each checkpoint of the game and seamlessly join back in.

Tried the dock once and it was easy to set the wires and Switch. However the usb-c charging cable is quite short if your TV is several feet away from most outlets. Shovel Knight looked really great in 1080p but I find myself 99% playing on the Switch's beautiful 720p IPS screen.

Can't wait for the Odyssey!

Oh and he lack of connected cross pad/d-pad didn't affect my time on Shovel Knight as well. The left joy con d-pad buttons are quite close to rock my thumb back and forth and the control stick can perform pure horizontal and vertical movements quite well too. None of them are perfect like a real d-pad but a pretty good substitute.


I loved Zelda and that has been pretty much it. I do not use it as a portable at all and have no need for it to be a portable for me. I wish that Zelda performed a little better, still plenty of slow down and some textures, well a lot are really bad. Game itself is my current GOTY candidate though because it was such a magical game for me. I wish in dock mode it had a little more power, but it is what it is. Looking forward to Mario.
It has so many great games already, including some high quality ones. And there's a lot more coming by the end of the year. I'm floored!

Shaping up to be the best Nintendo system ever.


There's good and bad. There's definitely some quality software this year, but it could certainly do with more releases, both from first and 3rd parties, and unfortunately I'm not really interested in buying MK, Splatoon, or ARMS right now. As you can imagine it's been collecting a little dust for the past couple months, buts that's ok. Zelda is/was great, but that's the only game I have basically. I'll probably be getting Rabbids soon though.

On the hardware side the portability is useful should I ever want to continue a game in bed or while watching TV. I do like the overall design, it's better than anything Nintendo has put out previously, but I wish it was a bit more powerful for TV play. Beyond that though, a lot of the stuff surrounding the console is pretty shitty. Very bare bones, bad online implementations, no VC, no apps, some design flaws on the controllers, no audio out on the controllers, etc. Some of it can be fixed/patched, some of it will require a hardware refresh which is quite sad.


My favourite Nintendo console since the GC

Incredible software output so far and it will get even better lookin at the next few months of 2017

Portable Pokken and Splatoon are a treat, shame about the missing VC but i hope to see some of that stuff showing up in the next (also that d-pad, christ almightly nintendo)


I am impressed that so many dont have anything to play after Zelda. Must be a very narrow taste in games?
Or Switch isn't the only platform they own? Sure there are games I could play on my Switch since BotW but most of them are on PS4. Those which aren't like Arms and Splatoon I've got no interest in, that doesn't mean I have a narrow taste in games, quite the opposite. I'm working through an insanely incredible backlog on my PS4 which never seems to end, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I'll be enjoying Super Mario Odyssey when it comes out, but until then I've got better stuff to play on other platforms.
Nostalgia aside probably the best console I've owned. I play exclusively in handheld mode and it just perfectly accommodates for life as a normal portable would, but with fantastic games, great form factor, inbuilt two-player and a great screen. The instant sleep-start really comes into its own, having only been used to it on PS4.

I'd pretty much prefer to play anything on it if I had the chance.


It's a pretty cool Zelda player, but I'm still waiting a couple months for the GOTG

On a serious note: One thing I don't like is the analog sticks on the joycons. I don't know what's wrong with my gross hands, but I can't touch that analog stick without it being weirdly sticky by the end. It makes playing a bit distracting and uncomfortable. I guess I could buy some third party stick attachments?


Gold Member
Only have Zelda right now and im loving every second!!! Cant wait for Mario Odyssey!

Love the hardware itself, and so far ive been playing 100% docked. I know its been beat to death, but i really would love an achievement system, and i hope their Virtual Console announcement for 2018 is something weve all asked for.
The Switch is great, I love mine, first console I've bought on release and it was worth it.

So far:
100 hours in BotW
50 hours in Splatoon 2
15 hours in ARMS
15 hours in MK8D

It's definitely not my 'primary' gaming system, and I still play a good amount of 3DS, but it's entirely replaced my Wii U.
Love the system and the concept. Works so well for my lifestyle. No way I'd have spent over 200 hours in Zelda if I couldn't also play it in portable mode.

That said, what's irked me the most is the lack of virtual console news/details at this point. One of the reasons I got excited about the Switch was being able to play some of the nintendo classic games on the go as well as on the TV.


It's a neat console.

Got mine at launch, played about 10 hours of Zelda and didn't like it much. Haven't touched it since.

I'm waiting for an eventual GameCube virtual console, though I might dust it off for Mario vs Rabbids.


Or Switch isn't the only platform they own? Sure there are games I could play on my Switch since BotW but most of them are on PS4. Those which aren't like Arms and Splatoon I've got no interest in, that doesn't mean I have a narrow taste in games, quite the opposite. I'm working through an insanely incredible backlog on my PS4 which never seems to end, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I'll be enjoying Super Mario Odyssey when it comes out, but until then I've got better stuff to play on other platforms.

it's always funny when people think owning a Nintendo console means you can only own a Nintendo console and have no other sources for entertainment and certainly don't own any other gaming hardware
I bought it for Zelda and after putting 20 hours into it I just lost interest. I also bought MK8D from the eShop and have literally put 2 hours into the game. I boxed it up now and I'm looking to sell it but kind of want to hold on for Pokémon. The problem is I just have a lot of games and no time to play them so whenever I do have free time I reach for my PC or PS4. :(

Pokemon is probably a fall 2018 game. Best to sell it. The model available when Pokemon comes out will probably be a bit better because of manufacturing improvements and may be a little cheaper.
It's a great console. Love playing in portable mode. Definitely needs more games of course, especially virtual console. By the time Mario and Xenoblade are out at the end of the year, I think the Switch will have a pretty damn impressive year one line up.
I've owned consoles since the Atari 2600 on up and the Switch is my favorite piece of hardware. I own a Wii-U, love its library and want all of it ported to the Switch. So far I have:

Zelda BotW, Mario Kart, ARMS, Splatoon, Snake Pass, Graceful Explosion Machine, Thumper, World of Goo, and the Monster Hunter XX demo. All of the games are great and I'm looking forward to Mario + Rabbids next.

My biggest hope is 3rd parties will finally stop snubbing Nintendo. The old excuses may have passed before but ring pretty hollow now.

I play it as a home console almost exclusively. I just wish I could find some non-gray controllers in a store.


I like my console a lot but I do have an issue with my left joycon that is sometimes a bit bothering me in docked mode. It doesn't happen often and only lasts a few seconds at best, but I do have some disconnects, especially about the left stick. I know that Nintendo repairs it for free but I can't really get rid of my console for god knows how long, I'm not the only one playing it and it's used practically everyday.

I suppose I'll buy a pro controller down the line at some point and the issue will be solved, but still.


This is my concern.....I havent owned a Nintendo system since DS, and previous to that was GB Color. I'll be getting a switch almost purely for backlog purposes, but they still wont talk about VC.

Basically looking to replace my Vita....speaking of which any Vita Switch users here?


Switching between the 2 (pun intended lol) I just bought odin sphere on vita so I'll be using it for a while. On switch I am currently playing zelda and I am totally absorbed. Both consoles have different libraries so they go well together. Sonic mania was a blast on switch and it does not exist on vita. The opposite for odin sphere.
Bought a Switch at the end of March, but not for Zelda (I owned it for the Wii U). I only got inclined to get it in the first place because it was selling out quickly and I guess my prediction of units continuously being sold out for the rest of the year was right. I basically got Master Blaster Zero and Fast Racing NEO, and 3D Rumble was a surprise to me since I thought nothing of it back at the presentation reveal. Other than a couple demos, I didn't use much of my Switch until June (I had Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, so I wasn't getting that) since I decided to get Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap.

It kept me busy for a week or so, but then the end of June was when I took advantage of GameStop's Trade-In Promo. Traded in stuff to get Zelda + DLC, Super Bomberman R, and stored plenty of eShop credit to pay off Splatoon 2. Following that, I now have Sonic Mania.

I basically didn't put too much time into my Switch at first, but getting to trade in return for several Switch games made me use it much more than I would have. It's not my primary system as of yet, but several future games are likely going to drive this into being my favorite Nintendo console. The battery is a bit obnoxious since I play handheld all the time, but the fact that I can take these big games on the go makes me satisfied.


Can someone give me the Definitive List (TM) of must-own games for the Switch. Including multi platform releases. I just got my SD card and am planning to make the Switch my "default" gaming platform!
It's been a long time since I got a system so close from launch (my people bought me one) and I love it. Playing only in handled mode when alone so far or on TV with my bro and nephew. Still playing Zelda (masterpiece), MK 8dx (great game) and ARMS (very nice surprise, I have a soft spot for this one)...well I only own those 3 And I am very satisfied. Don't think I will get a new game anytime soon because money, but Nintendo did a really great job here with this system. I am still using my 3ds because of the new releases and I am glad big N is strongly supporting their current hardwares.
It's hard to believe what Nintendo has accomplished in 1 year. I have nothing but love for the Switch and I'm excited to see what happens as it continues to grow. And Metroid Prime 4 are you fucking kidding me.
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