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Switch is nearing its 6th month of release, come post your thoughts and impressions!


Love my Switch so far, since I started playing mine in like May it's been the only console I've really been playing due to just getting so into Zelda, Arms and Splatoon, as well as Puyo Puyo, Mighty Gunvolt and now Sonic Mania. Love the portability of it and how I can play anywhere in my house and don't have to always be tied up to my TV, and the portable screen is very good.
Overall, slight let down so far. LOVED Mario Kart (skipped Wii U) and enjoyed Zelda (not nearly to the extent of many others, but a solid game) and none of the other games have really grabbed me so far (played Splatoon and Arms). I'm also not really a portable gamer at all.

Literally half the reason I bought a Switch was I assumed the Virtual Console was a no doubt part of the console and I've been jonesin' for some old school Nintendo games. I have no interest whatsoever in buying or participating in Nintendo's shitshow of classic consoles and it's frustrating to not hear anything about the Virtual Console. Switch will probably be gathering dust until late October when I'll be thrilled I do have a Switch for Mario Odyssey...but after that, no idea what I'm looking forward to playing on this console.
VC stuff will come eventually. They need it for the launch of their paid service, or at least NES games.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
VC stuff will come eventually. They need it for the launch of their paid service, or at least NES games.
If NES games are the only games that will be provided with their paid service then their paid service will truly be laughable. The implementation of the online app is looking to be even more awful than expected, and Switch simply doesn't have as many online focused games as the other consoles do for online to seem like a necessity to pay for. The sub needs good content attached to it to be worth it, and NES games aren't enough in my eyes.


I really like the hardware but haven't connected very well with any of the games yet.

Zelda durability system left me cold
I've played too much Mario kart already
Splatoon and Arms are fun games but I never feel compelled to play them.

Looking forward to Rabbids and xeno as they should be more my style.


Online is absolutely terrible, though thats what I expected. I doubt very much I'll pay for the online service when it launches.
The hardware itself is awesome but lacking a little in refinement. I'd like to see what Nintendo do with the next SKU.
OS is serviceable but barebones at best, I'd hope to see some improvements announced in the next six months (copy saved games at least)


Zelda is fantastic.
Mario Kart is just as good as it was on Wii U (solid 10)
ARMS is okay
Splatoon 2 is fun but let down by the fact Nintendo expects me to fork out a fee for their questionable network services in a few months

For multi-platform, Puyo Puyo Tetris is fantastic, and I consider the Switch to be hands-down the best way to experience Sonic Mania, it's everything my 7-year old self imagined the Game Gear to be.

Overall I'm pretty happy with the console, but it needs work. Ask me again in a year and a half.


...hate me...
If NES games are the only games that will be provided with their paid service then their paid service will truly be laughable. The implementation of the online app is looking to be even more awful than expected, and Switch simply doesn't have as many online focused games as the other consoles do for online to seem like a necessity to pay for. The sub needs good content attached to it to be worth it, and NES games aren't enough in my eyes.
Heh, between Mario Kart, Splatoon and to an extent ARMS as evergreen online titles (FIFA and Rocket League too), combined with the small, impulse-buy price, Nintendo will have no problem getting a really nice sized paid online user base regardless of anything else.

Smash and Animal Crossing joining at some point too.
The Switch has been wonderful to start, and it only pisses me off because there could be so much more done for it/with it.

I'm hoping my post next year at the same time about the Switch talks about how awesome the expanded media consumption is (I'd love for there to be some level of parity with other consoles with Netflix/Hulu/Crunchyroll/Youtube/etc appearing on the thing). I would love to talk about how Virtual Console support has arrived, and I'm hoping that it's the Netflix-style all-you-can-eat for a monthly fee/part of the online service subscription that people want.

I'm hoping the online service is better than the barebones/rudimentary application from the DS/3DS/Wii/Wii U, since it's gonna be paid now. Most of all, I'm hoping to see more companies take it seriously and release more big games. I'm loving the diversity of releases/release types on Switch, but I'd admittedly like to see more exciting stuff come out in 2018.


I love it, can't bring myself to sit in front of a TV to game anymore. The switch is perfect for me. Splatoon 2 reminded me why it's my most played game on wiiu. BOTW was fantastic waiting for the 2nd batch of dlc to arrive before jumping in again. Currently waiting for my copy of MHXX to arrive. Already starting to have backlog of sorts.

Minor concern for me is the lack of jrpg. Besides Xb2 and the unknown SMT there is a real lack of jrpg announcements. Really hope to get some soon. I am setsuna was rather disappointing for me so I am rather wary about the lost sphere or whatever it's called from S.E.
If NES games are the only games that will be provided with their paid service then their paid service will truly be laughable. The implementation of the online app is looking to be even more awful than expected, and Switch simply doesn't have as many online focused games as the other consoles do for online to seem like a necessity to pay for. The sub needs good content attached to it to be worth it, and NES games aren't enough in my eyes.
It's $20 a year so a little over $1.50 a month.
Don't think they specifically said just NES games, but likely what will be available at launch.
It was a strong launch 6 months seems like a small time frame can't wait for the next few months I need another Nintendo Direct with a few more surprises
also want to see what next year brings

It's my Splatoon 2 machine at the moment. I'm expecting it to get more games at some point though. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it doesn't have games, it's just that the other games that are interesting to me are ports that I already own for other systems.

If there's something the Switch lacks is a fucking stylus though. I had to buy a capacitive stylus to draw pics on Splatoon 2.
Looking forward to Mario Rabbids.
I'm more of a single player kinda of guy and only truly enjoyed Zelda.

Luckily we are getting a couple great sp games next


Used it in patches since launch. Saw a lot of use for Zelda and MK8. Played co op Snipperclips with my gf. Again for Cave story. Been playing it again recently with Sonic Mania and will do again with Mario Rabbids next week.

Autumn is when it really hots up. Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade.

I use the handheld features at work a lot and then take it home and dock it. So great. Never was going to replace my PS4 as primary machine.

Ended up passing on Arms and Splatoon mainly because the online infrastructure is dreadful and playing and chatting with friends is so much more of a hassle than PS4. I would have played a lot of MHXX online but I guess Capcom don't want my money.


Gold Member
Im just hoping Ill be able to find a good bundle that includes an sd card at black Friday this year. Here's hoping the stock situation improves a bit, and I hear it is improving so I'm sure it's feasible.
I am playing Zelda almost every day, i like Arms, Disgea 5, i learned that i am not a minecraft fan, Has Been Heroes is fun. I will buy Sonic and Rabbids the next days, can't wait to play Mario Odyssey and i need Xenoblade 2 in my veins.

For me Switch was a great purchase and i doubt that will change. I mean that little beast will get Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Shin Megami Tensei, Zelda DLC, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey and mf Metroid Prime 4. It could become my most loved Nintendoconsole of all time. 3DS was great with a top library, but the hardware sucked.

Also i love how fast i get into the game on TV.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Their console 10 years ago launched with N64 games on it. Now we're back to waiting a year to get NES games.
Wii Virtual Console was so damn good. And it was a major reason I bought the system.I could get my Sega nostalgia on and at the same time experience all the Nintendo stuff I missed out on. I cant believe how badly they've fucked it up on every single platform since. 3DS was supposed to give me my portable Virtual Console. All I got were fucking NES, Game Boy and Game Gear games. Wii U was supposed to continue what the Wii Virtual Console started. I got a library that had a complete reset, took ages to get worthwhile content on it and it never even came close to reaching the heights of the Wii VC. Switch was supposed to finally give me my portable Virtual Console. 6 months later we don't even know if we're getting anything more than NES games a year after the console launch.

Goddammit Nintendo why do you not want my money? I will buy the same games multiple times. LET ME BUY THESE GAMES AGAIN. I AM OFFERING TONGIVE YOU MY MONEY. TAKE MY MONEY NINTENDO
I love it, can't bring myself to sit in front of a TV to game anymore. The switch is perfect for me. Splatoon 2 reminded me why it's my most played game on wiiu. BOTW was fantastic waiting for the 2nd batch of dlc to arrive before jumping in again. Currently waiting for my copy of MHXX to arrive. Already starting to have backlog of sorts.

Minor concern for me is the lack of jrpg. Besides Xb2 and the unknown SMT there is a real lack of jrpg announcements. Really hope to get some soon. I am setsuna was rather disappointing for me so I am rather wary about the lost sphere or whatever it's called from S.E.

Dragon quest xi was also announced. I am currently playing the 3ds version and it is one hell of a game, will gladely replay it on my switch.


Bought mine just a few days ago cause I pre-ordered Mario + Rabbids over E3 and time just sneaks up on you :(

It's such a surprisingly sleek system, I love it. Right now I only have the Pokken demo (meh) and Sonic Mania which is pretty great but Sonic style platforming is not my favorite.


Awesome piece of hardware. I haven't been playing it much as of late, but Splatoon 2 is phenomenal. Best game on the platform. Zelda's cool, but my interest waned. Mario Kart was a purchase out of obligation. Had it on Wii U, but since we sold it I wanted to have it back.

Indie prices have put me off for the most part. I can get these games so much cheaper on PC.

VC is still MIA. I don't think we're going to see it return anytime soon, if ever. That's pretty disappointing.

Barring an amazing sale on Arms, I don't see myself buying anything else until Mario arrives.
I'm enjoying it a lot. Purely from an engineering standpoint, the hardware is near faultless in my opinion, save for the seemingly shitty wi-fi chip inside. It's just a delight to use the thing. Where it's severely lacking is the OS. The lack of system level friend invites, party chat, messaging and the like, which Vita did in 2011 is just dire and it makes playing games online with friends an absolute slog. Which brings me onto the games...

Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 DX are fantastic and I've put hours and hours into both, but I've seldom played them with friends due to both the poorly designed in-game networking and the lack of the system level features I mentioned above. Splatoon 2 is the biggest culprit - the fact that I can't just hop into an online game with friends unless there are 8 of us is disgraceful and doesn't belong in an online multiplayer game in 2017. I don't want to hear all the nonsense justifications that I keep seeing on this Forum, it's unacceptable and poorly designed. Having said that, elsewhere on the game front the system is really impressing me for one that's only been on the market for 6 months. Zelda is a masterpiece and I'm enjoying other smaller games such as Sonic Mania and Monster Hunter XX. Excited for what 2018 brings!

Overall, great system with some vary glaring faults, all on the OS side which can and should be easy to fix (but you can never tell with Nintendo).

amazing handled, not so good home console.

Agreed. As a console it feels half-assed. As a handheld it feels great, yet still lacking in features compared to the Vita which it shouldn't. Still a great handheld though.


Was worth it just to own a real version of Voez that wasn't tied to phones

Oh Zelda and Splatoon are nice too I guess

Glad I own the system
Bought mine just a few days ago cause I pre-ordered Mario + Rabbids over E3 and time just sneaks up on you :(

It's such a surprisingly sleek system, I love it. Right now I only have the Pokken demo (meh) and Sonic Mania which is pretty great but Sonic style platforming is not my favorite.

I will buy Shantae the next days, it looks gorgeous on the screen, played by a friend. Perhaps you would like it more than Sonic.


El Capitan Todd
I love the design and the concept
I like the vast majority of its games
Many titles are better for me because of its hybrid nature and multiplayer out of the box

But there are few games and I am still waiting to see Nintendo to capitalize both in terms of first party and third parties on the merging of their portable and home console development and output streams


I thought it would be different this time as almost all of my Nintendo consoles post-Gamecube mostly sit there and collect dust. Even my GC was not played that much either.

I really like the hardware design and aside from when I played BotW, I barely even use the thing. It's playing out exactly like the Wii and Wii U for me. I get really bummed that Nintendo hasn't tried to compete with trophies or achievements. It doesn't necessarily have to directly copy that but it feels kind of empty to finish games and no one could necessarily tell on your profile. I did notice they added milestones for how many hours you played but that's still pretty 'eh'.
I'm still waiting for the killer app (despite Zelda being amazing).

And very pissed about the lack of official emulation support.

Luckily Mario Ubi is turning out amazing and it's around the corner and Odyssey is coming soon.


Unconfirmed Member
My hype for the console died with the January presentation, and I was very critical of it at the time. A few months later I started getting tempted by it, especially after all the praise Zelda got. In May I ordered one and got it by the end of the month. It's the first console I got during its first year (I did purchase my New 3DS a month after it came out, but that was an improved version and not an entirely new console), and I'm very happy with it.

It doesn't have a big library at the moment, but the quality is already there. Splatoon 2 is fantastic, although I haven't played much nor touched the campaign yet. Arms is fun, though I wish it had more content and better single player modes. Mario Kart 8 is awesome, there's no need to say more about it. Puyo Puyo Tetris is cool, I only like the Tetris part so that's what I play with my friends when we get together (one day I may play the story mode and try to understand Puyo Puyo). I liked Kamiko, it's just like OP described it: short and sweet. Thumper is a good rhythm game, with the only negative thing being the music; I'm not a fan of that style. Voez is good too, but it really needs a "favorite song" option à la Theatrhythm Final Fantasy so I can remember which ones I like the most. Sonic Mania may be my favorite Sonic ever, if only I could beat Flying Battery Zone 1 (I'm gonna do it eventually!). I own a couple of games more, like Shovel Knight, Graceful Explosion Machine, Minecraft and Severed, and will get Mario + Rabbids when it's out. As I said, the quality it's there.

Did I miss something? Oh right, there's this one little open world game featuring a guy with a sword. I started playing it when I got the console, and 70+ hours later I still haven't finished it. I'm close to doing so, but there are so many things to do that I'm getting sidetracked all the time (for example, today I got
the Master Sword
). It's absolutely incredible, a lesson in game design. Needless to say, it has become one of my favorite games of all time. It has single-handedly made the Switch purchase totally worth it for me.

I see a promising future for this little hybrid machine. Mario Odyssey, Kirby, Yoshi, Pokemon, Metroid Prime 4 (it's really happening!) and hopefully many more. Not a fan of the paid online coming next year, and I wish Nintendo would add a web browser and multimedia apps. Apart from that, I love the Switch, and am glad I got one this early in its life.


I bought it because I figured Monster Hunter was going to go to Nintendo consoles.

Then MHW got announced.

I guess it has XX, but I thought generations sucked, so I don't really want more of that.

Zelda was fun.

No real interest in any of the other games ATM, I don't play shooters anymore so no Splatoon.
Mario x Rabbids looks cool though.

The console it self is really cool though, and I'm glad I bought it, and hope it gets better games in the future.


So glad to hear such positive impressions. The lack of games I'd want (so far) has me in wait mode but I'll probably grab one next year.
Bought it for Splatoon 2, and Splatoon 2 is really damn good, so I'm happy with my purchase.

ARMS is also a lot of fun. Those are the only two games I have right now. Getting Mario + Rabbids and maybe VOEZ, but that's fine. I don't mind my Switch being a 2-3 game console.


So far, so good. Really just waiting on two more things; an easy way to hook up the switch to a TV without the dock and virtual console support (NES, SNES, N64, GC, and Wii).

Pro Controller is great, hardware is holding up great, and so far flow of games has been alright (probably a lot worse if the Switch is your main gaming platform but as a secondary system it's just right for me as of now).

This is the system Nintendo (and gaming fans in general) have been waiting for I think. Nintendo just needs to hurry up with their online service and virtual console support already.


I will buy Shantae the next days, it looks gorgeous on the screen, played by a friend. Perhaps you would like it more than Sonic.

Oh yeah, I didn't think about that lol. I have one of the Shantae games on Wii U and I really enjoyed it. I think I went with Sonic Mania because it was one of the cheaper games, it's definitely cheaper than Shovel Knight right now. I am Setsuna would have been more up my alley but I just wanted something to hold me over till Mario + Rabbids. It's certainly not a bad game by any means though, I still enjoy the Sonic flavor of platforming. It's just not my preferred one.
I haven't played it in months, and I didn't really play it much when I was turning it on. Mario will change that, but so far I like the system just nothing on it that has held my interest.


Love it - it's the perfect console for me

I have a PS4 but it's so hard to play it as I have a wife and daughter who take my time up. So now I get to play next to my wife in bed etc it's great - love it


Excellent console, one of my favorites. Online is my only complaint; it annoys me the system kicks from a match just because I'm lagging a little.

Unless Nintendo fixes that, no way I'm paying for online play. My internet connection is shit.


I've got a decent stack of games on the go, still playign splatoon 2 and not sure I can fit in mario rabbids and mario oddessy... plus theres a few indies that I want to grab but dont have the time to play yet.... plus theres sonic.... plus theres the 3rd shovel knight campaign....plus I should really finish snake pass....Theres so much to play I dont have the time or the money. As Colonel McDonald famously said as he fell in the great McRib war....I'M LOVING IT.

Edit and then theres the Zelda DLC to finish.... the new campaign coming later in the year.... and then theres Xenoblade motha flippin 2.
I just got a Switch last week.

What I like:
Nice big screen
Feels pretty good in my hands
No bootup time when woken from sleep mode
Fairly portable

What I don't like:
Battery life is not good
The screen has a lot of glare

I've only played Zelda so far. Just a few hours in... It's a little boring so far, but I have faith it will pick up.


Pretty good for me, but I'm not constantly gaming and I enjoy a wide variety of game genres.

Splatoon 2 is great, as is BOTW & Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (if you haven't played them on Wii U). Lots of quality smaller titles (Puyo Puyo Tetris) & indies. Arms is fun but a tier below the other big hitters.

Should be a pretty nice library by the end of the year with the first party games coming plus some more 3rd party support hitting.
I love the games. It's the perfect system to game around the house or on vacation. Too big to travel with everywhere of course but that's better than cheaper less powerful small screen handhelds like the 3DS. Nintendo really needs to add every kind of VC that will run on the hardware well. I look forward to a hardware revision as I feel it's not quite perfect as heat can be an issue and that the Joy-Con connection is slightly weaker than I imagined. Actually, I would not mind if the Switch Mini came out with built in fixed controllers and did away with the home console idea completely. The screen is amazing and I would only ask for real glass like an iPhone or Android flagship. Port more Wii and Wii U games as nobody wants to hook up those systems anymore. And for gods sake get some real hardware colors besides highlighter colors. Give us Virtual Console games we can buy (not just subscribe to) and also Super Mario Maker 2 has to come out. It just has to. They need to add a D-Pad JoyCon on the left and a 6 button Street Fighter friendly JoyCon on the right. They also need to stop stacking the analog sticks directly over the buttons, make the JoyCons wider for a more natural diagonal thumb slide to those buttons from the analog sticks.


So far, so good. Really just waiting on two more things; an easy way to hook up the switch to a TV without the dock and virtual console support (NES, SNES, N64, GC, and Wii).

Eh? What could be easier than sliding it into a dock and you're done? No boot up or anything?


Neo Member
I'm loving it.

I've never been a portable fan, last one I had was a OG DS, but due to my situation, the handheld mode has been awesome and enabled me to play a lot more than I otherwise would have. With a baby on the way it's going to be even more useful.

I've got Zelda, MK8D, Kamiko, Minecraft, Splatoon 2 and Sonic. Have put nearly 200 hours into Zelda and 50+ in to both Splatoon and MK. It's just such a simple, convenient console - it's small, boots up in no time.

There are plenty of gripes - battery, price, lack of third party, voice chat debacle/online, no VC, peripheral prices etc, but I just find it so much fun to use.

The quality of the software has helped no end, but as someone who hasn't liked FIFA in years, I'm even thinking about getting that as I just love playing on the console. M+R will be next unless reviews are bad, plus Odyssey, Xenoblade, Rocket League and the Zelda DLC.

I'm really, really happy with the first year on it. And I was really really disappointed with the reveal - stayed up until 7am and was beyond apathetic about it, but I'm so glad I kept the preorder.
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