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Switch Joycon's latching mechanism

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I've never experienced a new console release where so many people went out of their way to create negative threads about non-issues. I wonder why?

It's fascinating to watch.

Seriously, it's bizarre. One guy went out of his way to describe the Bluetooth desync as an issue of "biblical proportions".

That's genuinely funny everytime I remember it 🤣


LOL, now I'm a troll.

You were really getting off on the panic, weren't you.
What are you even talking about?

Again, context. I've been posting multiple times in this thread giving context to the issue and explaining why it's probably not one to worry about. So yes, by posting silly things without having read the thread, watched the video or knowing about the site you are trolling.
If you play an intensive game on an iPad. The charger doesn't charge the iPad while plugged in. You can also sometimes see the battery percentage decrease on an iPad while plugged in and playing an intensive game.
But that really shouldn't be happening with a game console. You don't need to make excuses for Nintendo.



This actually illustrated a poor design choice very well, they should have detached off the bottom, not the top.
I've never experienced a new console release where so many people went out of their way to create negative threads about non-issues. I wonder why?

It's fascinating to watch.

As someone that doesn't want it to fail but will just roll my eyes when it does, it's because Nintendo (and it's defenders) are good at generating anger toward them.

They made a system again that's a lot like the Wii U which already failed in many peoples eyes. Why don't they learn? The Switch is technically speaking already old, over priced in many people's eyes (why no pack in game?), and has a single game that people care about until maybe Arms or Splatoon 2 launch. There are zero additional media options on it like Netflix or even Youtube. They're charging for online...there's just a lot of bad shit surrounding it.

On top of it all they don't talk. We don't know enough about the system, about any of the issues brought up so far...they just don't talk and it's easy to get mad about that.

I personally want it to succeed, but I don't think it will the way they're going about it currently. I have no doubt they can completely turn it around but I'll praise that when it happens. It hasn't yet.

So there I think is your honest answer.

Edit: Oh and the defenders. Just read the replies on this very page. That generates anger and more negativity.
Seems like it would have been a better option to have to joycons click in from the bottom. Then gravity wouldn't be your enemy.

In close quarters on the subway, hitting someone's bag could easily cause this.

This is ridiculous. How can Nintendo be so obtuse. Those defending this and other hardware issues are so doing straw man. I'm going to cancel my preorder yet again, for like the 10th time now.

I can't believe Nintendo has once again made a Fisher Price quality product especially when this thing is over-priced by $150.

The launch lineup sucks too. I'm only interested in Zelda, snipper clips, bomberman, Shovel Knights, Fast Remix and maybe 1-2 shit. What does Nintendo expect me to do with the rest of my time with such a scarce launch. Overpriced paper weight.

I'm so nervous about this I can't sleep. With such a flimsy stand the wind will knock it over and then the joy cons will slide off and everything will be ruined . There goes my Switch rooftop parties.

Not to mention since I can take it outside a bird might shit on it. I bet Nintendo didn't even test for bird shit damage. Nintendont., Nintenfail.

Sending 1 x Internet cookie to you

I'm building an underground padded bunker for my switch just to keep it safe.


Kids are always soooooo careful.

Ur right.

Kids also use smartphones and tablets these days. Shit happens, but a lot of kids are competent enough to not destroy any vulnerable device (especially kids that are a bit older).

Seems like it would have been a better option to have to joycons click in from the bottom. Then gravity wouldn't be your enemy.

In close quarters on the subway, hitting someone's bag could easily cause this.


The problem with the design you suggest is that it would not be as elegant for docking mode. Now you can easily click the joycons on/off if the device is docked.


What did I make up?

It was dropped. On concrete. And then they noticed latch problems.

It's my opinion that this guy is doing stuff to get attention for his show.

Is this not the same guy that licked a Switch game cart? It's a subscription show, people point out, but it's sure getting a ton of attention over these antics.

The op posted it about it and people are over reacting in this thread left and right. It's not trying to get attention.

Actually, it was a concern of mine, the latches, since they reveal. People/kids could drop it or it fails over time... It's normal or an accident.

I wonder why didn't Nintendo reverse the release/rails - releasing it from the tablet part towards the bottom? With the joy cons reversed and attached, it could support the tablet upward. When it potentially fails or whatnot, it can't possibly slide down to the floor from the controllers.


Seems like it would have been. Better option to have to joycons click in from the bottom. Then gravity wouldn't be your enemy.

In close quarters on the subway, hitting someone's bag could easily cause this.
You wouldn't be able to detach them from the dock.
ITT people didn't actually watch the video where they say "we hope this doesn't wear out, because then it'll eventually fall off easily". They aren't trying to stir up shit here, and are only pointing out that it's POSSIBLE to remove the joycons without pressing the buttons. They are saying "look how it's coming off after only a few days".


The op posted it about it and people are over reacting in this thread left and right. It's not trying to get attention.

Actually, it was a concern of mine, the latches, since they reveal. People/kids could drop it or it fails over time... It's normal or an accident.

I wonder why didn't Nintendo reverse the release/rails - releasing it from the tablet part towards the bottom? With the joy cons reversed and attached, it could support the tablet upward. When it potentially fails or whatnot, it can't possibly slide down to the floor from the controllers.

Again, if you do that you cannot take them out after u docked the system.
People are suggesting that it might be due to them dropping it on concrete but that's hardly conclusive.

But I'm going to make a thread suggesting there's a problem anyway.

Jeff even says, multiple times, it's entirely possible it's because he dropped it, especially considering the opposite joycons, where he didn't drop it, doesn't have the issue unless you apply a lot of pressure..

These threads...


This thread did not deserve to exist.

Some guy trying to get attention for his show drops a brand new device on concrete, damages it, and OMG PANIC because it's not working properly. AFTER BEING DROPPED ON CONCRETE.

It's insanely cute to see you not know what the hell you're talking about.

How about you watch the actual video and at least understand the context a little. For crying out loud.


Because "just take out the dock and continue playing" is easier to market than "just take out the dock, flip it round and continue playing."

It's not like it isn't already a new and novel experience, saying that you flip it when you take it out likely wouldn't be a deal breaker for anybody.

Also, design shouldn't be compromised for a silly marketing angle imo.
How many 10's of thousands of people have used the switch at the hands on events worldwide? Where you were encouraged to take it in and out of the sock and use table top mode.
How many times has this come up? (Just that one time a guy dropped it on concrete???)


It's not like it isn't already a new and novel experience, saying that you flip it when you take it out likely wouldn't be a deal breaker for anybody.

Also, design shouldn't be compromised for a silly marketing angle imo.

It definitely wouldnt look as smooth and slick in the marketing.
It's not like it isn't already a new and novel experience, saying that you flip it when you take it out likely wouldn't be a deal breaker for anybody.

Also, design shouldn't be compromised for a silly marketing angle imo.

No, but there would be a 20 page thread on GAF about how inconvenient it is.


It's not like it isn't already a new and novel experience, saying that you flip it when you take it out likely wouldn't be a deal breaker for anybody.

Also, design shouldn't be compromised for a silly marketing angle imo.

That's not a silly marketing angle, that's useful design. It makes sense for the docked or tabletop mode. It works for marketing purposes because it's simple to use and detach.


It definitely wouldnt look as smooth and slick in the marketing.

IF, and it's a big IF, peoples machines start falling to the ground as they are using them in portable mode, that probably wouldn't look too smooth either. Let's hope that this doesn't happen really.


What are you even talking about?

Again, context. I've been posting multiple times in this thread giving context to the issue and explaining why it's probably not one to worry about. So yes, by posting silly things without having read the thread, watched the video or knowing about the site you are trolling.

No, I didn't read the whole thread. It was several pages long when I woke up. I did watch the video last night when someone linked to a clip of the relevant portion. And no, I don't know much about the GB guys, nor did I say I did. But when I see ANY show doing silly things like that, it's a reasonable conclusion that it's done to garner attention for the show. And in this case, it certainly worked.

What I do care about is people panicking over a non-issue (probably and hopefully).

If you were helping with that earlier, good job.
Seems like it would have been a better option to have to joycons click in from the bottom. Then gravity wouldn't be your enemy.

In close quarters on the subway, hitting someone's bag could easily cause this.


I don't know how aggressively you're hitting people on subways, or why, but for the rest of us, no


Switch is in dock upside down. Means yours left joycon goes upside into the right slider. Then pull up with your hands criss crossed and then flip the system.

Seems silly. It would be easier to have a mechanism that locks to the switch the opposite way it does now but still goes in from the top. An over-slide pull up to lock it in sort of thing.


the actual worry is how long these "locks" will last. regardless of how much they are beating the console.

Yes. Its very very worrying. Should I cancel my preorder? I was planning on dropping this thing on concrete and to see Nintendo just skimp out on this feature in 2017 isn't acceptable.


Yes. Its very very worrying. Should I cancel my preorder? I was planning on dropping this thing on concrete and to see Nintendo just skimp out on this feature in 2017 isn't acceptable.

Yep I'm Very Concerned as well.

I was also planning to Falcon Punch my unit in Kick-Stand mode, which CNET discovered is not possible, without having the unit fall over.

I'll probably go a head and cancel before the end of the day, unless Nintendo releases and official statement for me.


the actual worry is how long these "locks" will last. regardless of how much they are beating the console.

From the videos I've seen I'd imagine the locks would last pretty well if you aren't constantly applying undue force to them. Under normal operating conditions I see no reason to be concerned about the lifetime of the latches.


It's likely just a friction lock, that removes the friction when you press the button.

My guess is they tested it with a full on locking mechanism, and if you apply the correct pressure at the wrong degree you could break the mechanism. This is likely done for safety concerns.
I remember when PSVR pre launch had shit tracking, was vomit-inducing, was unplayably blurry, made everything in-game wobbly making people literally sick...

Meanwhile I got mine last week and it has worked flawlessly in every possible way 100% of the time.

Now the switch has performance issues, an unusable kickstand, controllers disconnect every milisecond if you look at 'em funny and now the controllers barely attach to the system so it'll fall when you're gaming and the console will shatter into a million pieces.

I'm wondering what the odds are that come March 3rd I'll be sailing smooth as butter.


It's likely just a friction lock, that removes the friction when you press the button.

My guess is they tested it with a full on locking mechanism, and if you apply the correct pressure at the wrong degree you could break the mechanism. This is likely done for safety concerns.

I'd guess you're correct. Better to have a mechanism that will give under abnormal pressure rather than break under abnormal pressure.


No, I didn't read the whole thread. It was several pages long when I woke up. I did watch the video last night when someone linked to a clip of the relevant portion. And no, I don't know much about the GB guys, nor did I say I did. But when I see ANY show doing silly things like that, it's a reasonable conclusion that it's done to garner attention for the show. And in this case, it certainly worked.

What I do care about is people panicking over a non-issue (probably and hopefully).

If you were helping with that earlier, good job.

Hey, I'd appreciate it if you read and acknowledged my previous post. It was awkwardly the next-to-last post in the previous page. Not being confrontational, just trying to provide context :)
the actual worry is how long these "locks" will last. regardless of how much they are beating the console.

I feel like people have this fear EVERY gen with handhelds. Like years ago people were worried about the GBA SP hinge, and I've yet to see a single person complain about their SP, DS, or 3DS hinge no longer holding the top part of the system up. This has probably been artificially stress tested to a degree that far exceeds how often people will be doing this, like most electronics are

The guy is literally using a thumb to pop this thing off. Are you fucking serious? Lol

Oblivious backpack guy would crush this ;)

He'd have to be hitting it in the exact vector direction of the rail, and that would also assume you wouldn't have the whole device knocked out of your hands

Two Words

After the DS Lite hinge debacle, people should be concerned with wear and tear.

I feel like people have this fear EVERY gen with handhelds. Like years ago people were worried about the GBA SP hinge, and I've yet to see a single person complain about their SP, DS, or 3DS hinge no longer holding the top part of the system up. This has probably been artificially stress tested to a degree that far exceeds how often people will be doing this, like most electronics are

Lol please look up DS Lite hinge issue.


No, I didn't read the whole thread. It was several pages long when I woke up. I did watch the video last night when someone linked to a clip of the relevant portion. And no, I don't know much about the GB guys, nor did I say I did. But when I see ANY show doing silly things like that, it's a reasonable conclusion that it's done to garner attention for the show. And in this case, it certainly worked.

What I do care about is people panicking over a non-issue.

If you were helping with that earlier, good job.

We don't know whether it is an issue or will be an issue in the future. So what you are doing is basically the exact opposite.

And maybe you shouldn't be making childish all-caps posts dismissing other people's opinions when your knee-jerk response ends up as little more than 'hurr these guys are so bias and slandering Nintendo for clicks!'. Which is downright ridiculous if you spend the three minutes watching the actual video.

I'm with you in thinking that the latches are probably fine, but your knee-jerk response was probably more egregious than the OP.
After the DS Lite hinge debacle, people should be concerned with wear and tear.

Lol please look up DS Lite hinge issue.

Just did


We suppose it's a bit of a stretch to call Nintendo's DS Lite hinge problem -- which according to Nintendo affects 0.02 percent of shipped units -- much of a defect, but the big N has heard the cries of its users, and will now fix the problem for free.



You wouldn't be able to detach them from the dock.

No law saying the dock needed to be vertical. If it were to lay flat you could have the Joycons release in the other direction and still keep fluid movement attaching/detaching.


Not worried about the build quality. It looks very good and unless you're careless and force the joycons off without hitting the release button or switch between handheld/docked constantly it's unlikely it'll wear out. Nintendo knows this stuff.
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