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Switch Joycon's latching mechanism

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in all seriousness, I guess being gentle with your electronics always helps.
I'll see for myself if they get out too easily or not once I get it


Did they throw it in a washing machine, run it over with a car and use it for a frisbee as well?

Seems like much ado about nothing imo. Most people aren't going to "punch" their joyconns out of the system or drop them on concrete.

Never really cared for these guys anyways. Just something about them that rubs me the wrong way.


The fear is that over time these latches will become less secure via normal wear and tear.

Everyone seems in a hurry to dismiss this and focus on him dropping it. Which by the way will happen to people.

It would probably be wise to not skip the warranty.
This sooo much this. Spend the extra $60 for the warranty


You would need to see the whole video and not the snipped from the OP, But it's only for premium members.

Yeah...I was there during the live stream of it and don't remember that, can you point me to the time? I could confirm and add that they only noticed things after dropping it to the OP.


They actually charge for this foolishness? That makes it worse!

But they didn't advertise these "problems", not in the video title or the video description. Only the vidme video in the OP did, which has nothing to do with giantbomb. How can something be clickbait when they don't advertise it? That makes no sense. I agree that the vid.me video is clickbait, but the original giantbomb video absolutely isn't.


Even so, this is a portable system and for a $300 premium it should be able to withstand the extremely probably instance of someone dropping it.

Premium devices are not magically protected from physical damage. I've seen people drop $1500 cameras and have the lens break.


I get that CNET and Giantbomb are getting shit for being dramatic, but there might be something to their claims. The stand honestly looks really flimsy, and I think this will be one of the improved features if they ever do a redesign. And the joycons not staying on could be a problem after years of use, even without dropping it.

They both have good points. CNET wrote a good article about it and made a silly lighthearted video to accent it which Nintendo fans took offense to because that's how they work.

GB pointed out their joycons came off really easily, mentioned that it could be because they dropped it also mentioned that if it isn't because of that then it could be a bad sign but they didn't have a second Switch to compare it to.

Fanboys are just taking offense at everything out of context because they feel they owe Nintendo something. (This thread is kinda the inverse, where the OP clearly wanted to draw fans to it, knowing they wouldn't actually look up any context for what he was claiming.)

(I'm aware they weren't actually trying to break it) after they found out things were different after he dropped it.

Jeff actually clarified he wasn't sure about this either. He seemed really bummed that he hadn't tested whether you could yank the joy cons off before he dropped it.


Just to sort of step back from this insane thread:

1. There is nothing wrong with GB beating it up to see what its limits are. THEY didnt make a video with the titile, "loose joycons defect!!!" or whatever. Its good to see how durable the thing is.

2. To then take that and make a thread with some pretty heavy slant is annoying.

Nintendo makes durable portable systems but they are still capable of mistakes/oversights. Shoulder button and bottom half of clam scratching upper screen were both real, annoying, legit issues that I was affected by.

That being said, all this shows us is what happens to the system if it takes a nasty drop.

Tring to say that because this happens from a drop, the joycons will get looser and looser over time and need to be replaced is absurd. Maybe, that will in fact be an issue, but the GB video is not evidence for or against that happening.

It is as if the OP has some sort of agenda, and anyone who frequents Nintendo threads knows him by now. :p


The fear is that over time these latches will become less secure via normal wear and tear.

Everyone seems in a hurry to dismiss this and focus on him dropping it. Which by the way will happen to people.

It would probably be wise to not skip the warranty.

But it's dumb... I mean yes people will drop it, sure, but if you drop a 3DS it will be damaged, if you drop a VITA probably even more, the screen have huge risks to break, same for a phone... I broke a tablet because it just fell from the table... The screen was totally fucked up. Yes things break but in a normal usage, it doesn't.

Those "tests" like the CNET video, are totally dumb...


But it's dumb... I mean yes people will drop it, sure, but if you drop a 3DS it will be damaged, if you drop a VITA probably even more, the screen have huge risks to break, same for a phone... I broke a tablet because it just fell from the table... The screen was totally fucked up. Yes things break but in a normal usage, it doesn't.

Those "tests" like the CNET video, are totally dumb...

Go drop a 2k$ surface 4 book on concrete and see if it survives that lol.
I love console launches on gaf, they're so wild and high stakes, every day is like a mexican stand off.

I'm not even getting a switch and I've already gotten loads of entertainment out of it,

I'm salivating at the prospect of similar scorpio threads

Exciting times.



Giant Bomb drops a Switch on concrete

Now the joy-con detaches too easily. They never tested this part before they dropped it on concrete so they have no idea if they have fucked their console or if its a genuine defect.

OP makes a thread acting like this is major issue even though we have plenty of previews of people having to apply a good degree of force to take them off and needing to unlock the latch.

This gets pointed out and now the goal posts have moved to this thing "may degrade over time" or be damaged if you drop it on concrete unlike every other piece of consumer electronics.


The stand does look flimsy, but I think that cnet missed the point that it's designed that way. It's like a crumple zone in a car, it's designed to fly off to prevent more damage. Easier to reattach or replace a flimsy kickstand than something solid you bent while docking it. It's definitely things worth mentioning and looking at though.

Some of the folks here are getting crazy defensive over this. If a manufacturer says their product is durable, it's good to put it through it's paces. GB certainly didn't pretend they were exposing some secret, they haven't run over your nintendo puppies, it's going to be okay. They were being curious, and non-serious. Better with their unit than mine. It looks like the switch can take a pretty considerable beating. That's good to know, I was kinda of scared to let my nephew get his hands on mine, now I'll just ask him to be careful and know he'll treat it better than Rorie.

OP should have described what happened better, but it's all going to be okay.

Giant Bomb drops a Switch on concrete

Now the joy-con detaches too easily. They never tested this part before they dropped it on concrete so they have no idea if they have fucked their console or if its a genuine defect.

OP makes a thread acting like this is major issue even though we have plenty of previews of people having to apply a good degree of force to take them off and needing to unlock the latch.

This gets pointed out and now the goal posts have moved to this thing "may degrade over time" or be damaged if you drop it on concrete unlike every other piece of consumer electronics.
Yup. And this thread isn't even locked. Go figure.
I would bet this is by design, probably to prevent the latching mechanism from simply breaking if too much force is applied.
Much like the kickstand.
This is concerning. Everyone in this thread is focusing on how much pressure he applied to the tablet, but that's not the point. The point is that over time it could potentially get loose enough to just fall out on its own. That's something that concerned me before this video simply because of the way the joy cons hold up the tablet. It's like the hinge on the 3DS. Eventually physics alone will make these looser...


This thread did not deserve to exist.

Some guy trying to get attention for his show drops a brand new device on concrete, damages it, and OMG PANIC because it's not working properly. AFTER BEING DROPPED ON CONCRETE.


Mine is pretty and pink
This thread did not deserve to exist.

Some guy trying to get attention for his show drops a brand new device on concrete, damages it, and OMG PANIC because it's not working properly. AFTER BEING DROPPED ON CONCRETE.

This is not what happened at all.

They did not make a big deal out of it, OP did.


This thread did not deserve to exist.

Some guy trying to get attention for his show drops a brand new device on concrete, damages it, and OMG PANIC because it's not working properly. AFTER BEING DROPPED ON CONCRETE.

that's another way to overreact
This thread did not deserve to exist.

Some guy trying to get attention for his show drops a brand new device on concrete, damages it, and OMG PANIC because it's not working properly. AFTER BEING DROPPED ON CONCRETE.

Yeah but was there not another previewer that said the joy cons don't feel 100% secure and one with the tablet?


These Switch threads are embarrassing.
The negativity regarding any fucking element of the console reminds me of the Wii launch here.


Yeah but was there not another previewer that said the joy cons don't feel 100% secure and one with the tablet?

I remember a post mentioning they wobble after trying it out. I forgot to test that when I went to see it. Which sucks, but I'm more interested in the railing loosening over time and if they'll have to make changes to prevent it dropping out.


Even so, this is a portable system and for a $300 premium it should be able to withstand the extremely probably instance of someone dropping it.

Not necessarily. That's on you.

If I drop my laptop or my iPhone/Android phone on concrete, it's probably not gonna survive the fall.

These Switch threads are embarrassing.
The negativity regarding any fucking element of the console reminds me of the Wii launch here.

It's EVERY fucking launch. PS4 and Xbox One had the same amount, and often more, bullshit thrown at them.

There's no denying some aspects of each console's hardware are suspect. PS4's thumbsticks were an issue. PS4 fan noise was sometimes an issue. Xbox One's stick drift is still an issue. Slow install times is still an issue. Had missing software issue that's been remedied over time.

Switch has a low base storage capacity, a thin kickstand that shouldn't be bumped, and many missing software features. But, it's still a very solid & well made console with a great screen and solid build quality.


I think we're getting a bit nitpicky here. Yes this is a $300 product but it's also a product made to do several different things. It's not going to be completely perfect in every aspect.

The Hermit


I feel physical pain

The gifs are hilarious btw.
I think this thread only exist because it happened to Gertsman, and some Zelda fanboys have a loooong history with him, just because he gave 8.8 to a game that deserved 8 at most.

Stop making this bigger than it actually is.

Btw, the thing hasn't even launched yet... Expect a LOT of issues in the first couple of months.
Every minor thing will be a thread... And this is actually good. The more we know about a device, the better.



Giant Bomb drops a Switch on concrete

Now the joy-con detaches too easily. They never tested this part before they dropped it on concrete so they have no idea if they have fucked their console or if its a genuine defect.

OP makes a thread acting like this is major issue even though we have plenty of previews of people having to apply a good degree of force to take them off and needing to unlock the latch.

This gets pointed out and now the goal posts have moved to this thing "may degrade over time" or be damaged if you drop it on concrete unlike every other piece of consumer electronics.

Yes, I'm sure the Switch hit the ground perfectly causing BOTH joycons to now be easily removed without using the release button. That sounds more logical than them just not being locked in very securely.


Alright, the facts (from memory, please correct it wrong and I'll edit):
1. Jeff dropped the console on concrete on accident while walking into the office.
2. The Left JoyCon flew off because it was the impact point. He was surprised everything still worked.
3. He noticed the left JoyCon took less force and no pressing of the unlatch button to detach.
4. He then began testing the right JoyCon and could pop it off with the proper amount of force applied at a certain angle.
5. This was a premium steam, with only subscribers, and was not "for clicks"

Hyperbole aside
(HOLY SHIT SWITCHES ARE MADE OF FEATHERS *waves arms frantically*)
(THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE *waves arms frantically*)

The worry is:
1. Yes, when you drop something it breaks. That's normal. What's worrying is that, unlike when a phone screen cracks which is an abnormal application of force, taking the JoyCons off the system is a normal application of force, even if at an abnormal size.
2. If one drop loosened the latch so you can easily pop one off (even at an unrealistic force angle - directly perpendicular to the top) how many normal use detachings will cause the same issue?
3. Is this only an issue if you detach without using the release button, thus lowering it's integrity each time? Is it something that could happen over time after tens/hundreds/thousands of detaching the "proper" way?

Personally, I'm not worried but am curious. I assume as long as you use the unlock button before you detach, you don't put extra stress and wear on the latch and this doesn't become a problem. I plan on using the button each time I pull the controllers off, and will focus on doing that a little more because of this. This just means I'm going to have to be more careful about telling people to use the latch when I'm showing it to others.


These GIFs serve as s good reminder of why I don't visit GiantBomb. Who, over the age of three, treats hardware like that?


Yes, I'm sure the Switch hit the ground perfectly causing BOTH joycons to now be easily removed without using the release button. That sounds more logical than them just not being locked in very securely.

Actually I think the outlet that dropped their console on concrete being the only one complaining about this might mean that dropping their console on concrete may have something to do with it.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Even so, this is a portable system and for a $300 premium it should be able to withstand the extremely probably instance of someone dropping it.

You saying a $15000 flat screen hdtv which gets toppled over, wouldnt sustain any major damage?


These GIFs serve as s good reminder of why I don't visit GiantBomb. Who, over the age of three, treats hardware like that?

Someone who has seen something strange, is trying to replicate it, and is trying to review it for the public. They weren't looking for a "LOL the Switch SUX" smoking gun, they were fiddling with the unit they dropped and wondered if the un-dropped units were like this (they don't remember, no one tested).


I think the issue is that the amount of force required is less than what Jeff (intuitively) thought it should be. So it seemed more like an observation, needing more investigation, rather than a complaint

We don't know what how much force he was applying or how much the mechanism can resist when new. Or if it possible for mechanism strength to degrade enough to not be able to hold the tablet up against gravity under normal (or even abnormal) use and how long would it take to occur.

Has someone calculated the forces that Jeff was putting on the device when he was shaking it up and down yet?


This thread did not deserve to exist.

Some guy trying to get attention for his show drops a brand new device on concrete, damages it, and OMG PANIC because it's not working properly. AFTER BEING DROPPED ON CONCRETE.

Not what happened at all. When reason fails, just fill in with alternative facts.

If anything Jeff (the guy in the video) was positive about it's durability given that he accidentally dropped it on his way in.


Man, GB can't catch a break. They weren't even acting as if they were blowing the lid on something or anything, they were just anecdotically saying how they'd dropped the unit and the Joycons were loose now and they didn't remember if it was like that when they first got it.

Other people made a huge deal about it.

I saw the stream live, I didn't once interpret that conversation as anything but casual banter, they weren't in it for the "Nintendo sux" thing or anything.
I would bet this is by design, probably to prevent the latching mechanism from simply breaking if too much force is applied.
Much like the kickstand.

Yep. First thing I thought of, especially after watching the Kickstand video where the stand bit comes out and he simply puts it back in.

Time will tell...
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