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Switch will launch with no video apps, being considered for future


You have games on your phone too. I'd love to know what more you're getting out of games because the device lacks media capabilities.

I can't play games on my phone, I've tried. I find it easier to just focus my gaming device on the one purpose, my phone does everything else way better.
I don't even use these video media apps as often as I used to, but even then, every single device I have in my house already has this feature. It's built into every TV I have, for instance. Couldn't care less about having it on the Switch or not. Just give me games.


I understand that it's just for launch, but their wording is questionable. "Being considered for the future"

It's intentionally vague, and a lot of people will be disappointed when they boot up their Switch on launch and realize it's missing basic features most hardware has access to in 2017. Not everyone reads press releases and follows Neogaf to even be aware that it's not included at launch. For average consumers these types of decisions only further cement the idea that Nintendo is out of touch.

Yeah their wording are questionable.
It should be in their plan and they must talk about it.


Ultima_5 demonstrating the ease of using Netflix with Switch on the go...

hahaha but seriously, i have a phone and an ipad and a kindle that can all play netflix. not everything needs to be all encompassing


Yes, the text literally translates to "Game News" in japanese.

Gotcha, I didn't know lol.

That's even more depressing now, so 100% the app on your smart device will be the only way to send a quick message while in game to someone you want to link up with?

Jesus christ Nintendo. I guess you only want me to play just your games and do nothing else with this device.


Why even include a fucking kickstand and headphone port?
You only want me to carry this around and use only for gaming for $300? HAHA yea ok Ninty.

Bring back the Nintendon't meme's.


To me, it is less about "no video streaming apps" (or even the peripheral situation or matchmaking/voice setup or continuing to drive away third-parties) and more about Nintendo being cheap and assuming it can get away with short changing the fans it has left. This is indicative of their overall attitude. They've tried so hard to squeeze every last drop out of this to minimize their risk that they've ironically made it more likely to flop than if they'd been more bold. I can't tell if it's ignorance or arrogance, but this whole thing is brutal.
So I ask again, why can't we have the option of one dedicated gaming device without Netflix, etc...?

It may be a moot point if they eventually add in all these extras, but why can't Nintendo (or anyone) make a gaming device for playing games and nothing else and let it live or die based on the quality of the games?

Did I say they can't? I just think it's dumb not to include these things, especially when almost every device today includes them. Nintendo can do what they want, and I can also think certain moves they're making are dumb. More ways to use a device is better in my opinion.


but the switch isn't that. it's just for games.

Right. And in 2017 that is very difficult to justify for $300US + ridiculously priced accessories and a 3 hour battery life. It's like saying a phone costs $300US, but it's 'just for calls' so it doesn't have android or iOS. Sure, it doesn't need video apps but it would sure as hell seem like a better value proposition if it did.

To me, it is less about "no video streaming apps" (or even the peripheral situation or matchmaking/voice setup or continuing to drive away third-parties) and more about Nintendo being cheap and assuming it can get away with short changing the fans it has left. This is indicative of their overall attitude. They've tried so hard to squeeze every last drop out of this to minimize their risk that they've ironically made it more likely to flop than if they'd been more bold. I can't tell if it's ignorance or arrogance, but this whole thing is brutal.

But that's the problem. Nintendo is actually right. They have proven time and time again that no matter how stupid they are, a few million Nintendo apologists will buy their console anyways and defend their decision until the end. And then those same people will whine for an ambassadors program when they inevitably slash the price because no one else on Earth thinks this thing is worth it's price.


They really need to get on that... apps as simple as Netflix and YouTube could sway a potential iPad owner to become a Switch owner. I know I definitely wouldn't buy an iPad if my Switch could do the same stuff but also be projected onto a screen.

You can say the same for a smart phone.
Not getting a Switch at launch (and likely won't until a price drop/at least 5 games that I want to purchase are out), but I don't have a problem with this. There are so many different ways to stream video now, that the Switch not having it doesn't seem like much of a deal breaker.


I know I sound like a Nintendo defender, but even if they did release the media apps I wouldn't download them. My phone has a much better screen and battery life for watching Netflix and YouTube (and no device can beat the ease of smart TV), so they would just take up valuable space on the Switch's very limited memory. Really them not coming preinstalled is a good thing for me.
My daughter plays on the Wii U gamepad while watching youtube videos on her chromebook. Not sure she'll care. I know I wont, when I get my own Switch. I can't remember a time I ever used a video service on the Wii U. Too many other, better looking devices to watch videos on.


Right. And in 2017 that is very difficult to justify for $300US + ridiculously priced accessories and a 3 hour battery life. It's like saying a phone costs $300US, but it's 'just for calls' so it doesn't have android or iOS. Sure, it doesn't need video apps but it would sure as hell seem like a better value proposition if it did.

But that's the problem. Nintendo is actually right. They have proven time and time again that no matter how stupid they are, a few million Nintendo apologists will buy their console anyways and defend their decision until the end. And then those same people will whine for an ambassadors program when they inevitably slash the price because no one else on Earth thinks this thing is worth it's price.

That's a good analogy. A bad value is a bad value, whether or not you're cool with it. It's a missing feature everything else offers. Less isn't more if somebody wishes it was there and it's not. I really wanted to like the Switch, but I seriously think the Wii U might be the better of the two once the dust settles.


But that's the problem. Nintendo is actually right. They have proven time and time again that no matter how stupid they are, a few million Nintendo apologists will buy their console anyways and defend their decision until the end. And then those same people will whine for an ambassadors program when they inevitably slash the price because no one else on Earth thinks this thing is worth it's price.

But that's just it: outside of the Wii selling to a horde that never set foot in a game store before then vanished, their consoles have seen seriously declining numbers one after another. The cult of Nintendo (not to be confused with people who just like Nintendo) will mindlessly buy anything and love it unconditionally. Those people can't sustain a home console though. If Nintendo was right, it wouldn't be seeing diminishing returns. They're obviously losing customers, and in spite of more people playing games than ever before.


I just can't, people are really jumping through hoops to justify a Nintendo device lacking capabilities. "Yeah, I prefer it focusing on the one things: playing games". It's really baffling.
I know I sound like a Nintendo defender, but even if they did release the media apps I wouldn't download them. My phone has a much better screen and battery life for watching Netflix and YouTube (and no device can beat the ease of smart TV), so they would just take up valuable space on the Switch's very limited memory. Really them not coming preinstalled is a good thing for me.
This is a more understandable approach at the problem, and yeah it saves space from the already small 32 GB available out of the box, but at least it doesn't disregard the point that some people would consider it a good addition to the system.


I just can't, people are really jumping through hoops to justify a Nintendo device lacking capabilities. "Yeah, I prefer it focusing on the one things: playing games". It's really baffling.

It's almost like Stockholm Syndrome or something... Can anyone honestly say the Switch not having any streaming apps is better than having them?!


Who are they trying to sell this thing to? I assume the Nintendo faithful, and younger gamers.

Younger games may not have their own cell phones yet, and younger games (like my kids 6 and 8) LIVE ON YOUTUBE. So, they can't watch YT, or chat on this thing?

If this 'device' wasn't the only place you could play Zelda or Mario, it would be a laughed at forgotten handheld flop. Its a tablet...in today's world tablets do all these things..this is a terrible tablet, and an OK-ish game console, with way overpriced controllers.

The fact that their wording on the smartphone app alluded to it being 'still in development' really makes me think they a rushing this thing out from a software perspective.


hahaha but seriously, i have a phone and an ipad and a kindle that can all play netflix. not everything needs to be all encompassing

You might not, generally consumers do want that. Options are never bad, and it also adds a layer of value to consumers. It might seem dumb but that's how people value a product when they go shopping
It's almost like Stockholm Syndrome or something... Can anyone honestly say the Switch not having any streaming apps is better than having them?!

Better, no. Will not having them affect me? Not at all. Not defending the choice. Only pointing out that no one in my house would care about the apps, or even use them, especially considering we have so many devices already in the house (and on the go) that stream already.

Not bragging, or stealth bragging or whatever, but everyone room in my house has a streaming device, and 3/5 also have a cable box. Our living area has a smart TV with 4K apps and a cable box, master bedroom has a PS4 and a cable box, upstairs bonus room has a Wii U and a PC, kids room has a Wii and cable box and guest room has a roku. We have 4 tablets, 3 laptops and 2 smartphones for on the go streaming.
hahaha but seriously, i have a phone and an ipad and a kindle that can all play netflix. not everything needs to be all encompassing

I was exaggerating to make a point, but the point still stands. Having to carry another device just to get the standard expected functionality of a mobile device inherently makes it less mobile. This is a discussion that is bigger than just Netflix apps. It is the fundamental flaw of dedicated handheld gaming devices, and is why there numbers are going down.

Even more general than that Nintendo has a problem with declining sales overall. They need to be opening up and including more people. Narrowing targeting audiences is not working for them.



Who are they trying to sell this thing to? I assume the Nintendo faithful, and younger gamers.

Younger games may not have their own cell phones yet, and younger games (like my kids 6 and 8) LIVE ON YOUTUBE. So, they can't watch YT, or chat on this thing?

If this 'device' wasn't the only place you could play Zelda or Mario, it would be a laughed at forgotten handheld flop. Its a tablet...in today's world tablets do all these things..this is a terrible tablet, and an OK-ish game console, with way overpriced controllers.

The fact that their wording on the smartphone app alluded to it being 'still in development' really makes me think they a rushing this thing out from a software perspective.

Again not at launch, which is what this thread is about. There are exactly zero experiences intended for younger gamers at launch.

Launch is aimed toward the "active gamer." Meaning the last person that would give a shit because he or she just wants the latest Zelda on the go.
I know I sound like a Nintendo defender, but even if they did release the media apps I wouldn't download them. My phone has a much better screen and battery life for watching Netflix and YouTube (and no device can beat the ease of smart TV), so they would just take up valuable space on the Switch's very limited memory. Really them not coming preinstalled is a good thing for me.

That's fine, but it should definitely be an option for the people who are interested in using these industry standard apps on the Switch.
I've already discounted launch, not getting one until Christmas at the earliest, possibly never, i.e. I can wait. But hopefully it won't take too long for them to add Netflix, Youtube etc.

It's perhaps not vital functionality, but it's basically standard among modern devices, and certainly useful to many and welcome to all.
I'd probably use it for Netflixtubing in bed instead of my phone. Lower pixel density, but the bigger screen would surely be more noticeable for video.


It never fails to amaze me how far nintendo fans will go to defend them.

It doesn't matter how many devices you have that already have these features. It's about whether you can just use the Switch for everything and stay on the same device, or if you're just going to have to use your phone for everything. It's a basic feature now, and they should've made sure it launched with it. People want to watch stuff on their portable devices.

These are stupid decisions. Stop defending them.


always chasing the next thrill
It never fails to amaze me how far nintendo fans will go to defend them.

It doesn't matter how many devices you have that already have these features. It's about whether you can just use the Switch for everything and stay on the same device, or if you're just going to have to use your phone for everything. It's a basic feature now, and they should've made sure it launched with it. People want to watch stuff on their portable devices.

These are stupid decisions. Stop defending them.

speak for yourself thank you


Unconfirmed Member
It never fails to amaze me how far nintendo fans will go to defend them.

These are stupid decisions. Stop defending them.

Oh well, I guess you're in charge...

This thread has taken quite a nasty turn since I last looked in. It might be a good idea for some of you to accept that opinions differ and you don't get to tell people what to do.


So I ask again, why can't we have the option of one dedicated gaming device without Netflix, etc...?

It may be a moot point if they eventually add in all these extras, but why can't Nintendo (or anyone) make a gaming device for playing games and nothing else and let it live or die based on the quality of the games?
This is like a car enthusiast arguing about a car... saying the quality of the driving experience matters ONLY , would you be ok, if this new 2017 car that you buy gives you ONLY the driving experience and NOTHING else? No radio, no apps, no other media options, no Bluetooth, nothing inside the car... just pure driving experience since you can do everything else through a smart phone or other device or that other cars have all the media options anyways and this car doesn't need to.. the driving experience is all that matter right ?

I'm sure some minorities would argue they would still buy the car but is it wrong for other buyers to complain that they want the convenience of having the BASIC media options in their car?

"It's a car, not every car needs everything other than a basic car functions, I have other cars and devices for that".


It would have been cool being able to watch Netflix in bed or whatever on a nice 6.2" IPS screen

It's not like the possibility is foreclosed. The fact that they answered the question at all and left a window open for the future makes me think there probably will be at least a handful of apps eventually.


Oh well, I guess you're in charge...

This thread has taken quite a nasty turn since I last looked in. It might be a good idea for some of you to accept that opinions differ and you don't get to tell people what to do.
Neither can you ask others to look the other way because YOU are OK. Dont make an excuse why someone else doesn't need these features. You can't expect people to accept your opinion, yet you're not able to understand why majority of people are upset. This is for Nintendo to answer why they don't offer the basic features that other devices have, not you. If you accept anything Nintendo is giving you, that's fine but don't minimize the problems just because you have accepted it.


Unconfirmed Member
This is like a car enthusiast arguing about a car... saying the quality of the driving experience matters ONLY , would you be ok, if this new 2017 car that you buy gives you ONLY the driving experience and NOTHING else? No radio, no apps, no other media options, no Bluetooth, nothing inside the car... just pure driving experience since you can do everything else through a smart phone or other device or that other cars have all the media options anyways and this car doesn't need to.. the driving experience is all that matter right ?

I'm sure some minorities would argue they would still buy the car but is it wrong for other buyers to complain that they want the convenience of having the BASIC media options in their car?

"It's a car, not every car needs everything other than a basic car functions, I have other cars and devices for that".

I actually used a car as an example earlier!

To answer your question, yes I would totally be ok with a car that offered the driving experience and no media capabilities and so on... If a manufacturer wanted to offer that option, why shouldn't they?


Amazing how haphazard this launch is.

I'm starting to think it's not so much haphazard as it is deliberately premature. They had a choice between launching in Spring 2017 with barebones infrastructure in place with Zelda being the main driver of initial sales and waiting until Holiday 2017 with a more robust but possibly crowded launch lineup, a later Zelda port, and all their features ready to go.

Time will tell if they went with the smart choice. There is definitely a rationale to it though. What amuses me is that I get the impression gaf would be far less harsh on it if they delayed it to the end of the year despite the obvious drawback of getting it so much later. I'd personally rather have one to play NOW, stripped down as it is, rather than wait another 9-10 months. Of course not everyone feels the same way but it's weird that a lot of gripes would probably be eased if they just pretended like the Switch wasn't launching until the fall.


I actually used a car as an example earlier!

To answer your question, yes I would totally be ok with a car that offered the driving experience and no media capabilities and so on... If a manufacturer wanted to offer that option, why shouldn't they?
Yes but the manufacturer wouldn't release their ONLY car without any options right? You just said "option", people like options, that's why not ONE manufacturer will follow your example because it's not business friendly nor customer friendly. And why there is ZERO car that is new that has ONLY basic car function. Correct?

Does the media options takes anything away from the experience of a ... let's say Ford Mustang? Is the car less of a pure driving experience because of the other media options?


It would be great if the device does eventually get the services, but I am not going to forego playing portable Zelda or Splatoon or Bomberman or Isaac, etc. just because Netflix isn't available right away. If the 3ds has Netflix, then I believe that the switch will eventually get it, too.


Unconfirmed Member
Neither can you ask others to look the other way because YOU are OK. Dont make an excuse why someone else doesn't need these features...

Hold on a minute, I'm pretty sure I haven't done any of the things you're suddenly accusing me of.

Edit: And about your hypothetical car question; there are actually new cars out there without all the media capabilities and stuff.


I always have my phone near me, not sure when I would ever use these features if they came to exist.

So I guess I don't care, or I'm glad they didn't bother wasting resources.

Ninja Dom

Yes but the manufacturer wouldn't release their ONLY car without any options right? You just said "option", people like options, that's why not ONE manufacturer will follow your example because it's not business friendly nor customer friendly. And why there is ZERO car that is new that has ONLY basic car function. Correct?

Does the media options takes anything away from the experience of a ... let's say Ford Mustang? Is the car less of a pure driving experience because of the other media options?

If we're talking Supercars, many Supercars are sold without radios or entertainment systems. The focus is intended to be purely on the driving.


Hold on a minute, I'm pretty sure I haven't done any of the things you're suddenly accusing me of.

Edit: And about your hypothetical car question; there are actually new cars out there without all the media capabilities and stuff.

For the first point:

So I ask again, why can't we have the option of one dedicated gaming device without Netflix, etc...?

It may be a moot point if they eventually add in all these extras, but why can't Nintendo (or anyone) make a gaming device for playing games and nothing else and let it live or die based on the quality of the games?

Just because you want it, don't minimize others wanting it.

Second point:

Please which car manufacturer ONLY makes a basic car without having any options and still sell? I would like to know actually.. they don't make any other cars ?

Edit: forgot about supercars but those are for a very nitch market and I was thinking of a general car company. Let's say GM, ford, Honda and etc that actually sells to the general public. Is nintendo releasing only for a special type of enthusiasts only?
Switch not launching with Netflix: Huge mistake Nintendo. This would have swayed tablet/laptop/smart TV owners over
If Switch had launched with Netflix: Why would I want to watch on a 720p screen when I can watch on my tablet/laptop/smart TV?

Admit it, some of y'all are just looking for something to complain about

I think people want netflix on whatever device they can. switch or not.

It's not a problem , but it's still disapointing


Unconfirmed Member
Just because you want it, don't minimize others wanting it.

Is nintendo releasing only for a special type of enthusiasts only?

Again, please don't accuse me of things that I'm not doing.

And as I've been arguing in this thread, maybe Nintendo are aiming for gamers. Maybe they're making a console for gaming, first and foremost.
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