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Switch will launch with no video apps, being considered for future

So you have a brand new portable system but you'll need a seperate device(s) for voice chat, streaming video, and who knows what else at this point.

This basically kills half my interest in the system, to be honest. What a failure of foresight on Nintendo's part.

You have what could be a great tablet, with amazing game support. Instead, you leave two of the main things I wanted the switch for, a web browser, video streaming tablet, and leave me with basically no hope for the other main thing I wanted, ability to read comics and ebooks.

I dont even know what to think at this point, Im almost to the point of apathy.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Then it's Nintendos choice to be a regressive company. Media features are an expected feature in video gaming. Does the switch even have a camera? Does it have the ability to play music from an sd card?

I already own a car with anti lock breaks, that doesn't mean I'd be ok if the next car I buy doesn't have anti lock breaks just because my other car does.

This logic of "well you have other devices that has media features, so it's ok if this $300 thing doesn't. Is garbage.

Guess what? I have other devises that play games too. So I guess I don't need a switch.


I don't really care personally but I think it's a pretty big bummer for kids, Netflix has an excellent kids selection and my friends and family with kids pretty much source all their kid's entertainment through Netflix so to have that on a device your kid can take with them sounds pretty nice and like a missed opportunity from Nintendo. By the sounds of this though they'll probably have dealt with it by the holidays when people will be buying it for their families vs the early adopters who may not care as much about that feature.

No worries. There's products for ppl that want to watch Netflix, especially on the go.


I mean....that depends solely on what it is like to develop for the Switch OS.

I can only refer back to Reggies PR from the ProJared interview where he said they'd delivered an environment that is easy for devs to develop for, but I think he was referring to engines like Unreal being utilised on the system.
The conspiracy theorist in me feels like Nintendo is really launching the Switch in the fall and "soft" launching it in March to take advantage of early adopters and potentially higher prices (assuming price drops occur by fall).
I feel like the writing has been definitely on the wall for a bit of this being the case it seems, and I wouldn't say it's much of a conspiracy either. They want to release early to build hype from early adopters and crescendo into an eventual build up for the fall when their big holiday marketing push is rolled out and they have Mario,Xenoblade, (possibly) Pokemon and Smash, Fire Emblem Warriors, and the already released Arms, Splatoon 2, MK8, and Zelda. Not to mention it's when their online service goes out of trial, and it's also possible that this is when Netflix and YouTube come to the system (if it ever happens). I still doubt price drops will happen though.


The conspiracy theorist in me feels like Nintendo is really launching the Switch in the fall and "soft" launching it in March to take advantage of early adopters and potentially higher prices (assuming price drops occur by fall).

Eh, I don't think that sounds like a conspiracy theory at all. Splatoon 2 is a big game for them though, as is Arms, so they better have their shit together by then.


I'm more shocked about the apparent lack of a web browser. Unbelievable if true.
I mean...how often do you actually use a web browser on a gaming system? I doubt I've done so more than a handful of times, and only when the device was new and I was checking things out. It's honestly much more convenient to just use a phone or laptop for browsing.
They've not been entirely ruled out though?

I do understand how they'd be an advantage for the device. But personally I've already got a plethora of capable devices in my household. If I'd wanted to watch videos I'd rather use my LG G5 or iPad due to their better screens. It also makes them preferable for internet browsing etc. I carry my 3DS and phone around with me, whenever it came to a task other than gaming on my commute I'd switch over to my phone naturally because it's a better device for my needs at that point. The switch offering video services wouldn't stop people taking their phones with them on the go.

The switch was always, at least to me, pushed as a device to play gaming. They've never reffered to the device as a classical tablet - either a handheld or console.

If there is a need for them to be there, I hope Nintendo do bring the services to the device. However, as it is, I don't see the reason for this to cause an outcry.
I already made this point earlier, but I don't think the argument that "I have X devices that run Netflix" is a particularly moving one.

For one, I don't feel all that sure of using our (GAF/Tech enthusiasts) number of streaming capable devices as a standard for your average person. Second, the 3DS argument is a bit silly because of how weak that device was. Obviously you're going to whip out your phone when it has a full complement of apps and a better screen. But if you had a plethora of apps on the Switch paired with its large, pretty screen, would you really trade your phone over that? Eh, find that hard to buy. And obviously, the Switch isn't going to replace you taking your phone on your commute (especially not with the party/voice chat features being stuck in an app lolol), but perhaps with a proper complement of media apps it might take the place of your tablet or laptop for the afternoon. To this point specifically, I don't really see the downside of including more media apps if it means the device might become a more central part of your life, whether a part of your daily commute or your home media streaming needs.

Netflix is available on practically every piece of modern network connected tech, from TVs to set-top boxes to laptops to phones to tablets to refrigerators. I don't see any reason for the Switch not to have it other than to fulfill some bizarre and unconvincing ideal of "pure gaming devices."
Gold medals being handed out left and right for the mental gymnastics on display in numerous threads since the Switch event.


Anyway, this thing just doesn't sound ready for primetime. Basic functionality and features one would expect in 2017 are just absent.
I personally don't think its a huge deal, I don't think I've ever watched a video on my 3DS or vita and my phone is now with me all the time but yeah its just another thing that makes it easier to get a switch later, not at launch. Why overpay for basically a single game and hardware that may get revisions and/or price cuts in the next year.
Are people suggesting that the switch should be able to play mkv files off USB/internal storage natively?
cmd+f "MKV"

1 match

cmd+f "natively"

1 match

Nope, you're the only person referencing that idea. Though I don't see what would be so terrible about the Switch supporting that at some point.


Is there any reason it shouldn't? That would certainly be a great feature considering how good the screen is supposed to be.

I don't know, it took Sony a long time to get this going on PS4 and last time I tried you could only do it through some backwards media library thing that was not user friendly.


This basically kills half my interest in the system, to be honest. What a failure of foresight on Nintendo's part.

You have what could be a great tablet, with amazing game support. Instead, you leave two of the main things I wanted the switch for, a web browser, video streaming tablet, and leave me with basically no hope for the other main thing I wanted, ability to read comics and ebooks.

I dont even know what to think at this point, Im almost to the point of apathy.

That's all on you man. Being disappointed that Nintendo doesn't have features that launched on Wii is one thing (Netflix, Web Browser, etc.), but Nintendo never promised that they were making an Android tablet. Because that's what you actually want.


I don't know, it took Sony a long time to get this going on PS4 and last time I tried you could only do it through some backwards media library thing that was not user friendly.

Yeah, the PS4 Pro also doesn't play 4k Blu-rays. It's pretty shitty. What's your point?
I don't know, it took Sony a long time to get this going on PS4 and last time I tried you could only do it through some backwards media library thing that was not user friendly.

What does this have to do with anything? Nintendo's device will be competing in today's market, not yesterday's.


Switch not launching with Netflix: Huge mistake Nintendo. This would have swayed tablet/laptop/smart TV owners over
If Switch had launched with Netflix: Why would I want to watch on a 720p screen when I can watch on my tablet/laptop/smart TV?

Admit it, some of y'all are just looking for something to complain about

Mmhm. No ones getting it for half of what is taking up most of the discussion. I do think the kickstand would make it ideal for some media consumption but in no way is it a focus in the launch of the product or any point in its life time imo

Primarily users have other devices for this and frankly the unspoken fact is tablets are quickly losing steam to phones so it's clear consumers are happy to consume that content on mobiles.

There are other things going on. Things like this or how friends communication works (I have zero issue with it being pushed out onto a phone - I'd even call it neat) are non-issues for me - the bigger issue no one is talking about is Nintendo expects people to buy this system with zero idea of what the online costs will be after the trial.


I like deticated machines. It's no biggie. Funny crowd, thought y'all like games... seems instead you want every console to be a phone. Sad!


They've not been entirely ruled out though?

I do understand how they'd be an advantage for the device. But personally I've already got a plethora of capable devices in my household. If I'd wanted to watch videos I'd rather use my LG G5 or iPad due to their better screens. It also makes them preferable for internet browsing etc. I carry my 3DS and phone around with me, whenever it came to a task other than gaming on my commute I'd switch over to my phone naturally because it's a better device for my needs at that point. The switch offering video services wouldn't stop people taking their phones with them on the go.

The switch was always, at least to me, pushed as a device to play gaming. They've never reffered to the device as a classical tablet - either a handheld or console.

If there is a need for them to be there, I hope Nintendo do bring the services to the device. However, as it is, I don't see the reason for this to cause an outcry.
I think it's this opinion that continues to relegate Nintendo to distant last place as far as consoles go.

I'll be honest here, the likelyhood that I'd use Netflix on the Switch is extremely low. However, that's because I'm going to use it on my PS4 that also has Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Crackle and it's own Sony media store. It's just easier.

That said, it never had to be that way. For a long time I was running Windows Media Center to my TV, with launchers for Hulu, XBMC and a host of others for all my media needs. The DRM race began, plugins started getting broken for weeks at a time as Hulu and others tried to stay ahead of the people making the plugins, Microsoft abandoned Windows Media Center and now none of it ever worked as well as it did. So XBMC on my TV has all my media and all my streaming media's done through my PS4.

Which brings me to the PS4, which also never had to be that way. Microsoft was well ahead of them in that space and Sony could have looked at Microsoft and said "we'll never match what Microsoft's doing, lets not bother," but they did and because they did I use the console almost every day. More than my PC and infinitely more than my Wii U.

Now to why that matters. First, psychologically, to me, using something every day imbues it with a sense of value. I'm much more likely to stay current on my PS Plus subscription for a device I use all the time versus something I sporadically use. Even if my online gaming was non-existent that month. Second, I know what was released and what was on sale because, well, why not check while before I log off for the night after watching Hulu? I can not tell you the amount of money I've spent buying a game I want that happened to be on sale that I didn't have time to play just because I saw it up there.

I know not everyone's like me. But everyone's also not like you. To me, there's not a chance in hell a Nintendo system could be my primary device. I mean, there is, but Nintendo's shown they have no desire to make a device that'd fill that role. But to someone else maybe these stupid media apps are what would decide whether it gets used every day or once every couple of months when the next Nintendo game is released. And that's huge because that incentivizes that person to stay current on their Nintendo Network payment, it means they have a higher chance to make impulse purchases on the eShop. It'd color their decision to pick up a multiplatform game on their Switch over another platform they may own because they use it often and like the convenience. All of these things impact one another. And the fact Nintendo's basically forfeiting that audience, not trying and failing to meet their expectations but flat out not bothering is telling.

As far as competition goes, you can't be number one by gunning for last. While the chances of them beating Microsoft and Sony in the console space are slim I think anyone will tell you that they have no chance to do so if they don't try, and, even if the goal is lofty the more effort put in should generally lead to greater success even if they don't come out number one. Right now I think Nintendo's mindset is downright toxic to their longevity and they should be called out on this shit.

And lastly, no, doing more doesn't take away from what it does. Nintendo allowing a media app isn't taking someone away from Fire Emblem or some shit.


Neo Member

This console is taking EVERY opportunity to disappoint me. Actually can't even say I'm disappointed I half expected something dumb like this to happen.
To be fair I don't think PS4 fully supports this, at least in a user friendly way, still to this day.
Which people aren't happy about.

Another product being behind on certain features isn't relevant to this discussion and doesn't detract (but maybe distracts?) from the point that the Switch does not have a ton of standard features.

I wonder if "Nintendo gets their shit together and makes a product that appeals to a wide audience" would have a better ring to it. It's not like Nintendo is being surprised with this release. They have been working on this for years and from all appearances they've completely fucked the dog (while simultaneously screwing the pooch) on features many people care about.
That's all on you man. Being disappointed that Nintendo doesn't have features that launched on Wii is one thing (Netflix, Web Browser, etc.), but Nintendo never promised that they were making an Android tablet. Because that's what you actually want.

But damn if Nintendo ain't trying to chase that casual market again that they gained during the Wii era but lost afterward after they migrated to tablets and mobile, y'know those devices which can do a multitude of other things, playing games amongst them.
I mean...how often do you actually use a web browser on a gaming system? I doubt I've done so more than a handful of times, and only when the device was new and I was checking things out. It's honestly much more convenient to just use a phone or laptop for browsing.

It's a tablet. It should have a browser and streaming.


Wasn't the Youtube or Netflix app used as a hack vector on either 3DS or Wii U? Could this be an attempt to keep the system as locked down as possible?


I like deticated machines. It's no biggie. Funny crowd, thought y'all like games... seems instead you want every console to be a phone. Sad!
A point that was discussed like 2 pages ago already. Maybe we should go back to having phones that can only make calls and send SMSs, carry a camera for the pics, a Handycam for video and an MP3 player for music.


I mean...how often do you actually use a web browser on a gaming system? I doubt I've done so more than a handful of times, and only when the device was new and I was checking things out. It's honestly much more convenient to just use a phone or laptop for browsing.

95% of my Web browsing is on the gamepad.


Wasn't the Youtube or Netflix app used as a hack vector on either 3DS or Wii U? Could this be an attempt to keep the system as locked down as possible?

They were system-level, so it allowed them to be used to attack through holes in their interaction.

The Switch will get these as "apps" which will be abstracted above system level and away from the lower operating segments like the kernel, so they'll function just like games do. Same with the browser which led to a major kernel exploit and blew the lid on their security.

Basically, all of these apps will come within days of the dev kits going beyond select game developers and into the hands of the more multimedia segments. NERD is also supposedly too busy *coughgcvccough* to make a web browser at the moment. Seems the general priority before release, with a seemingly limited production on dev kits, was on getting them to developers and worrying about multimedia apps later.
If they have a browser, they shouldn't include Flash. It's a buggy, insecure relic that should be avoided at all costs.

I didn't mean to specifically mention Flash. I just need a browser that is capable of playing most, if not all, video content on the interwebs. I use my console to watch stream/video a lot.
Wow, people in this thread be all like "doesn't affect me, don't care!"...

The Switch is a portable device, it would have been nice being able to watch videos on a larger screen than my phone. Use case number one.

People that have kids can buy them a Switch and it would have let them not only play games but also watch shows that they like, something that devices like cheap tablets are currently used for. Now, instead of not needing to buy that tablet they would have to decide which one to buy. Not smart for Nintendo considering the price difference.

Again, people acting like their use case is the only one and it clearly isn't important because they're an adult with 10 other Netflix devices and 2 tablets that they constantly carry around with them when they're on the go should start considering that other people exist with different situations.


But damn if Nintendo ain't trying to chase that casual market again that they gained during the Wii era but lost afterward after they migrated to tablets and mobile, y'know those devices which can do a multitude of other things, playing games amongst them.

Nintendo has long since maintained the position that they can't replace phones, but that phones can't fully replace their dedicated video game devices.

Nobody is trying to get hardware sales from the woman that plays Fruit Ninja an hour a day while she's waiting for the bus.


Basically, all of these apps will come within days of the dev kits going beyond select game developers and into the hands of the more multimedia segments. NERD is also supposedly too busy *coughgcvccough* to make a web browser at the moment.

Stop being so logical, can't you see the sky is falling?
Nintendo gonna be Nintendo. Not surprised! I'm still not expecting this system to sell that much better than the Wii-U. As much as I still think they make great games, they really are a company that's "out of touch" with modern gamers.

Netflix is a niche feature. What in the world...

It's pure ignorance, plain and simple.
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