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TEH FIANAL LOVDOWN. shufflemoveto the infooplace!

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Interested to see who is developing Mirror's Edge 2 and Dead Rising 3. Dice seems to be focusing on Battlefield and I thought the Dead Rising 2 developers were making a new IP.

Hopefully the PoP reboot doesn't suck :(


Worse than we know? Is that even possible? That being said, PS4 better stay free online.

If any of those titles are Xbone exclusives...augh this is going to be a crazy week.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
So, Prince of Persia and Mirror's Edge 2 to show up at MS conference, but they may come out for PS4.
Better news than expected.

(First time i read a cboat thread, this is amazing)


We don't have "get out of jail free" cards, but if we did, she'd have one.
3. Be nice to Major Nelson, he has a job. Like Al Snow. (who?)
A pro wrestler in the USA. Not sure if you're familiar with that scene but it's basically a very physical soap opera. IIRC he was mostly a villain.

It's basically "don't be abusive to someone just because their job is to shine the infinitely long turd that is the xbone." Could also be implying that Nelson is actually dead against the direction MS is going but can't or won't "break kayfabe" for whatever reason.

It'd be kind of crazy if he quit.


I really cant believe this is real.

What a waste of money.

Well, I'm not sure if that's true. I'm a little surprised they have to pay for it (though I can imagine how conversations may lead to that). Ideally you want your E3 press conference to be only about you, and messaging is especially important for MS now. If they have to pay a paltry amount for that, then they should.

Same reason you won't see Nintendo or MS demoing a game on Sony TV :p they have total control there, though.
Sony is tight lipped about everything!

I bet they have no games tomorrow

2 hr gt6 spectacle

its true

my source at sony burkina faso (who's info was subsequently confirmed by a higher up guy from sony kyrgyzstan) has told me sony has nothing and that we're getting 30 minutes of gt6 hd+


I believe crazy buttocks more than the MS marketing shills.

Worrisome that he has nothing to spoil from Sony regarding DRM. EA and Activision already have thrown themselves on the xbone train, so Sony you have nothing to win if you join.

Wait what... Sony DRM, I thought no drm. Or did I read op wrong.
I think I said when I first read MS' spiel about the power of the cloud that it was just an empty, bullshit rationalization for the restrictive DRM. It's the same shit that EA tried to sell gamers with SimCity. They just want potential customers to have a reason to accept the DRM. It doesn't really need to hold up under scrutiny for the casual mainstream buyers to believe it.


I'm starting to get worried that I read and fully comprehended a CBOT post with no hesitation or misunderstanding

it's like a second language at this point


Sony is going to blow the lid tomorrow. Excited! Also, that parole officer metaphor is probably the best I've ever for MS's drm policies.
Microsoft is actively attempting to make sure that multi-platform titles do not mention the PS4 version ("buying" the non-mentions--presumably by offering incentives). As a result, there will be titles that do not have a PS4 version mentioned, but are arriving on PS4. Unless exclusivity is explicitly specified, there is a PS4 version behind the scenes, but it's not being discussed.

This confirms e3 will be SHITSHOW.


Unconfirmed Member
Microsoft is actively attempting to make sure that multi-platform titles do not mention the PS4 version ("buying" the non-mentions--presumably by offering incentives). As a result, there will be titles that do not have a PS4 version mentioned, but are arriving on PS4. Unless exclusivity is explicitly specified, there is a PS4 version behind the scenes, but it's not being discussed.

How is this even a thing? What horse shit.
A pro wrestler in the USA. Not sure if you're familiar with that scene but it's basically a very physical soap opera. IIRC he was mostly a villain.

It's basically "don't be abusive to someone just because their job is to shine the infinitely long turd that is the xbone." Could also be implying that Nelson is actually dead against the direction MS is going but can't or won't "break kayfabe" for whatever reason.

It'd be kind of crazy if he quit.

"He has a job to do" is referring to "jobbing" in wrestling, which is to lose a match. Al Snow was also in a faction called "The JOB Squad."
I would pay good money for Sony to crush MS's nuts tomorrow by exposing, right in the middle of E3, this greasy-palm "don't tell anyone you're developing for PS4!" bullshit.
Microsoft is disgusting. Damn fucking dick moves by them.

F2P behind paywall.
Paying devs to spread false info and only have Xbone versions on floor(probably to hide how much better they look)
DRM worse than before.
No rental plans in place(not surprised by this, I said in the redbox thread I doubt rental chains would ever be able to rent games.)
DRM was Microsoft's idea.

Fuck this company.

P.S. Al Snow was a wrestler who's catch phrase was basically asking if everyone wanted head and he carried a mannequin head around with him. So I take it to mean that Major Nelson's job is just to give everyone head.


3. Cloud power was designed as DRM. Period. DRM was Microsoft's idea. EA and Ubisoft are supporters, Activision slightly less so.

Fucking knew it, there's you're always online DRM. Only way to "justify" it, no wonder MS is pushing it so hard. Fuck this shitty company.


Interested to see who is developing Mirror's Edge 2 and Dead Rising 3. Dice seems to be focusing on Battlefield and I thought the Dead Rising 2 developers were making a new IP.

Hopefully the PoP reboot doesn't suck :(

DICE is a team of over 350 people with multiple core developer times. They are making Mirror's Edge 2, that's for certain.


Lmao, this sounds horrible! And expected. MS is going all the way in like they just don't give a fuck. I don't think this will knock them out of the game but I do think it was still to early to try this. Time will tell but they REALLY didn't think this all the way through.

I will laugh, if that's the case.

That would have to be a very low point for their conference if/when it happens. (obviously they will not be talking DRM, soooooo).

GAF will easily crash, if it hasn't already, when they build that up and say, "We have one last thing, a super secret exclusive game .................. WORLD OF TANKS."


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
^_^ cloudpower=praroleofficer. desined from day1@s DRM. peirod. uknoo this alreyad thogh.,, MS idaea. aproached third parties wplan not otherway around. EA/Ubi bigest boostrs but lesa Activbliz whcih makes mye haed fulll of weird#!

Glad we think the same. Paralleled other posts. :D


So it all came from MS in the first place? Wtf? Unbelievable. I thought publishers were the ones that were asking for it. Fucking MS.
Well, I'm not sure if that's true. I'm a little surprised they have to pay for it (though I can imagine how conversations may lead to that). Ideally you want your E3 press conference to be only about you, and messaging is especially important for MS now. If they have to pay a paltry amount for that, then they should.

Same reason you won't see Nintendo or MS demoing a game on Sony TV :p

All their Kinect demos to the press after the reveal were on a Sony 4K tv lol


Translation please?

  • Confirmed: Microsoft is actively attempting to avoid mentioning PS4. If you don’t hear a third party say “Our game is exclusive for Xbox One”, confidently assume there is a PS4 version of it.
  • Stage 2 in depth DRM details at GamesCom, rental strategy is not part of it. No plan for support of rentals and just wants to keep quiet. Execs will keep quite because the details are not finalized. Stage 1 was last (Thursday?). Total clusterfuck.
  • Cloud power = parole officer, designed from day 1 as DRM, period. You know this already though…Microsoft approached third parties with plan, not the other way around. EA/Ubisoft are the biggest supporters but less Activision which makes my head full of weird.
  • Xbox One DRM TOS plans are worse than you know as of now. I can’t get collaborating proof from my people. They are scared for their jobs. It’s coming, though. IT IS COMING.
  • Langlewdell not making an appearance.
  • Prince of Persia returns for Microsoft conferences.
  • Special secret Phillip Spencer game? – World of Banks from warmggamin.net
  • Xbox LIVE pay wall firm like my buttocks in place for Xbox One. Free to play? Sorry.
  • Dead Rising 3 and exclusive DLC for other Capcom game.
  • Online gaming pay wall. Same for Sony? No confirmation.
  • Sony wrapped up tighter than a virgin mosquito when on DRM information. Frustrating my info loves!
  • Find things before I sleep for awhile.

1. All praise NeoGAF
2. athanku alLL doubtersn ivirals, youre bitter tearzr are my bidet
3. Be nice to Major Nelson. He has a job to do. Like Al Snow.
4. My balls. My world.


Best I could do. I hope I got it right and didn't mess up what CBOAT was saying.

That news about Microsoft asking to do the DRM and not the developers is a real kick.
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