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Terrorist attack in London [up: 6 people killed, ~50 injured, 3 attackers dead]


There are issues with immigrant youth causing a ton of trouble in certain areas of Paris

Those "areas" have people of multitude of origins, and religions, and not just "immigrants and muslims", so how about you quit that shit about sharia, which is what he was talking about ?


Junior Member
Perhaps this sounds rather extreme but freedom of speech needs to be curtailed in this country. No one should be allowed to spread any hateful propaganda within the public sphere. These jihadists featured in a fucking C4 documentary for crying out loud.

This whole situation has been such a failure on part by the security services and the government.

Interesting context given. Kind of curious what the public reaction was back when terrorism was a bigger problem.

As a kid in the 80s I remember hearing about terrorist attacks all the time. I imagine people were scared and discussed it in social circles but it was never lasting. These days online discussions and the 24hr news cycle keep the fear ratcheted up to 11 constantly. Less terrorism, more fear.
As a kid in the 80s I remember hearing about terrorist attacks all the time. I imagine people were scared and discussed it in social circles but it was never lasting. These days online discussions and the 24hr news cycle keep the fear ratcheted up to 11 constantly. Less terrorism, more fear.

I would guess that the vast majority of those deaths occurred in Northern Ireland which is not really the same thing. I remember the 80s and the threat of the IRA but, whilst people were killed on the mainland, mostly they phoned warnings and/or attacked political targets.


Perhaps this sounds rather extreme but freedom of speech needs to be curtailed in this country. No one should be allowed to spread any hateful propaganda within the public sphere. These jihadists featured in a fucking C4 documentary for crying out loud.

This whole situation has been such a failure on part by the security services and the government.

We already have hate speech laws, I don't think we need to regress any further. There is a lot of thought that has to go into citizens privacy and rights concerns without anyone just rolling out the red carpet to the Government of "I ain't got nothing to hide bro, just roll me over and unclothe me". Human rights lawyers and advocates understand this better than some of the public might.

I guess what you possibly could highlight is the apparent inconsistencies at times. Up in Scotland we have the dumb ass "Nazi pug guy" arrested and now facing a court case which could result in a jail sentence. Then across the country, we have genuine radicals on watch lists that we don't seem to arrest until after an attack gets carried out. The public deserves investigations as to why. If an internet troll lacking in some common sense can be arrested for a YouTube video how can radicals kick about for years? (A YT video that is still up, although YT as an American Company do not operate under British Hate Speech laws) Even if we accept the budget and staff cuts we have to feel confident if those were reversed pre-emptive measures would have the ability to arrest and question more people from those watch lists.
Perhaps this sounds rather extreme but freedom of speech needs to be curtailed in this country. No one should be allowed to spread any hateful propaganda within the public sphere. These jihadists featured in a fucking C4 documentary for crying out loud.

This whole situation has been such a failure on part by the security services and the government.

Censorship is a very very slippery slope. Where do you draw the line? I don't like ANY religion plain and simple. Should all religious writings be taken offline? I don't think censorship is the answer, education is.
no shit. it does sound extreme.

Those "areas" have people of multitude of origins, and religions, and not just "immigrants and muslims", so how about you quit that shit about sharia, which is what he was talking about ?
How about you don't read into my post what you want and see that I wrote a bit more nuanced post about troubled neighborhoods instead of mentioning Sharia law stuff?
Perhaps this sounds rather extreme but freedom of speech needs to be curtailed in this country. No one should be allowed to spread any hateful propaganda within the public sphere. These jihadists featured in a fucking C4 documentary for crying out loud.

This whole situation has been such a failure on part by the security services and the government.

I agree, religious schools should be banned as well, all of them not just muslim ones.

Fuck perspective.

I'm telling you now this whole situation is a ticking time bomb if the government doesn't get a grip on this.

These suspected terrorists and associates need to be taken of the street immediately what's the point in a list over 3,000 people long when they are plotting against us.

It's time for a hardline approach.

Someone like you with a weapon would be the last thing the world needs.

Our police need more resources, more funding, more leniency. The people don't need weapons.


Perhaps this sounds rather extreme but freedom of speech needs to be curtailed in this country. No one should be allowed to spread any hateful propaganda within the public sphere. These jihadists featured in a fucking C4 documentary for crying out loud.
I wonder if you could imprison half the posters on this thread for suggesting and calling for violent action against Muslims. You do understand what it is you are asking for no?
Saw a comment on Youtube today.

"Here's what you do if you hear a leftist saying we shouldn't strike back because it gives the terrorists what they want. YOU PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE. Then when they get back up and try to swing at you, you tell them that it would be giving me what I want. When they concede to your logic, PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE AGAIN."

This argument is so hilarious stupid, but it had over 500 likes. Someone save us pls.
On this other forum someone posted a video from one of those conspiracy theory sites and...... sigh..... It's unbelievable but this tragedy is already being called a hoax by this site. He goes on to explain that if a attack happened we should show respect for the people that lost their lives and then goes on to explain inconsistencies about how it's strange there is no camera footage at all.

He goes on to explain about how people are being hired to act as "crisis actors" and that you can Google this. Companies actually hiring people like that. He says you have to wonder what happened to the victims or if there have been victims at all or perhaps been created digitally.

All in one article he says we should respect the people that lost their lives and soon basically says these are likely actors and it's all fake. The nerve. Unbelievable.


Saw a comment on Youtube today.

"Here's what you do if you hear a leftist saying we shouldn't strike back because it gives the terrorists what they want. YOU PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE. Then when they get back up and try to swing at you, you tell them that it would be giving me what I want. When they concede to your logic, PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE AGAIN."

This argument is so hilarious stupid, but it had over 500 likes. Someone save us pls.

I'm cracking up here.
I would guess that the vast majority of those deaths occurred in Northern Ireland which is not really the same thing. I remember the 80s and the threat of the IRA but, whilst people were killed on the mainland, mostly they phoned warnings and/or attacked political targets.

It was a very real thing for us who lived through it in NI.


I agree, religious schools should be banned as well, all of them not just muslim ones.

Someone like you with a weapon would be the last thing the world needs.

Our police need more resources, more funding, more leniency. The people don't need weapons.

That's a bit far/unfair. Privately funded faith schools are okay unless there is evidence they are doing something illegal/abusive. The curriculum does still need to be regulated at private schools as well. Publicly funded schools should, of course, be subject to separation of church and state and when it comes to religious education, teach all about religion. No favouritism and no enforced scripture of choice.

You think segregating kids so they only really learn to interact those like them even though they live in a multicultural society is a good thing?

Potentially no, but freedom of religion does allow parents to bring up their children in their faith. We cannot just eradicate that or we will infringe on freedom of religion. Not the way to go about combatting extremism and radicalisation.


I know daily m n all but they got n article on one of attackers. Even they arent releasing his name yet so props to them here.
There article says at 8 years old he found his father dead in bed and he was also run over that year and left with permanent limp. His father was his idol n treated him right while his mother abused him. This happen in 2002 n since then he turned worse.
There neighbour said he was radicalized at a conservative mosque in 2013
His brother is an army reserve
Usually NOS, which is a Dutch TV channel and news are on point with stuff. But the shit they are pulling now is ridiculous.


Use a translation website for it but the NOS has been editing a statement from a witness in London. Amongst several things that have been edited out is "this is for Allah" being yelled by one of the attackers. This is some really bad shit.
On this other forum someone posted a video from one of those conspiracy theory sites and...... sigh..... It's unbelievable but this tragedy is already being called a hoax by this site. He goes on to explain that if a attack happened we should show respect for the people that lost their lives and then goes on to explain inconsistencies about how it's strange there is no camera footage at all.

He goes on to explain about how people are being hired to act as "crisis actors" and that you can Google this. Companies actually hiring people like that. He says you have to wonder what happened to the victims or if there have been victims at all or perhaps been created digitally.

All in one article he says we should respect the people that lost their lives and soon basically says these are likely actors and it's all fake. The nerve. Unbelievable.

Sadly I'm well aware of this line of thinking from years back due to a friend being utterly gullible to all conspiracy theories. I personally find it fun to mess with their head as they never look for anything but confirmation bias. I swear most of the people that write the content for these are either trolls or really bloody stupid because they have to change so much to get things to fit their narrative.

Funniest was a guy who tried to explain mecca was the centre of the earth using a flat map and a golden spiral. Utterly failing to see that a world map isn't an accurate depiction of the earth as you can't unwrap a sphere to create a rectangle, that the map would still be the surface not the centre even if it was accurate, all maps have different proportions and projections, that they weren't actually applying the golden ratio for the golden spiral to work and had aligned it to fit where they wanted rather than use the full map, and that the golden spiral creates four different points dependent on the corner it starts from. I'd never seen such nonsense before even for a conspiracy theory. Sadly that also lead me to find out about the "miracles of the koran" where that line of thought came from and it is full of some of the craziest conspiracy theories and pseudo-intellectualism I have ever come across, flat earth crazies look tame in comparison.


lol I love this argument. I'm pretty sure what they literally exactly want is kill infidels and go to heaven. I don't think they give a shit if we are a democracy or a dictatorship.

Nah. They also want recruits in this world. But of course you still love this argument.
Nah. They also want recruits in this world. But of course you still love this argument.

Recuits are means to a goal, not the goal itself. And there has been no lack of recruits for ISIS so for the last 5 years, only military defeats partially inflicted by the West have stopped the flow.
lol I love this argument. I'm pretty sure what they literally exactly want is kill infidels and go to heaven. I don't think they give a shit if we are a democracy or a dictatorship.
No, they want us to be afraid, people to 'turn' on Muslim, advocate implementing stupid, prehistoric policies which don't actually work as part of this, especially as it would only affect Muslims and make the public skeptical of Muslims and thus give ISIS a massive recruitment drive.

I don't think you've actually understood what people mean by 'what the terrorists want.'

yeah, something which seems to be superhard for them right now.
Oh, okay, you just don't care.
As angry as I am about this whole thing turning It in to an us vs muslims war would be a real problem that would just be civil war on the streets.


As angry as I am about this whole thing turning It in to an us vs muslims war would be a real problem that would just be civil war on the streets.

Plus it's the Muslim community who we rely on for getting information on these people.

People with their own Anti-religious agendas really put a fork in it for the counter-terrorism officers.
Plus it's the Muslim community who we rely on for getting information on these people.

People with their own Anti-religious agendas really put a fork in it for the counter-terrorism officers.

Yeah it makes me feel better knowing that such a large percentage of muslims are ashamed of the minority extremists if we lost the support of those people we would be looking at a disaster.
Perhaps this sounds rather extreme but freedom of speech needs to be curtailed in this country. No one should be allowed to spread any hateful propaganda within the public sphere. These jihadists featured in a fucking C4 documentary for crying out loud.

This whole situation has been such a failure on part by the security services and the government.

I mean, you give the government (May's in particular) an inch and they'll take a mile. The security services don't have a fraction of enough people to monitor everyone. There is no perfect solution :/

It'd still be illuminating to hear what happened from the security services PoV from when this guy was known to the attack.


Some interesting tidbits here ~ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40161333

It now seems likely that at least one of the attackers had been part of the extremist network al-Muhajiroun - based around the notorious British extremist Anjem Choudary, who was convicted of inviting others to support IS in 2016.

Of course, scumbag Anjem Choudary comes up. A fault truly of our own (in terms of taking far too long to deal with him)

But they face an uphill battle while preachers such as Choudary have spent years spreading their message virtually unchallenged on British streets.


Of course, scumbag Anjem Choudary comes up. A fault truly of our own (in terms of taking far too long to deal with him)

There's been some dangerous views on restrictions of free speech in this thread but we certainly let Choudary fester in the streets letting him preach his hatred for far, far too long. I hope he stays locked away for the foreseeable future.


There's been some dangerous views on restrictions of free speech in this thread but we certainly let Choudary fester in the streets letting him preach his hatred for far, far too long. I hope he stays locked away for the foreseeable future.

5 and a half years ~ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37284199

So we're falling into that question again of how long should a sentence be, and also what do we do about people who "fail" deradicalisation programmes? Does anyone really expect Choudary to be rehabilitated in 5 and a half years? Is he just going to be another time/resource sink once he is let out?

At least he is in prison, unlike some others. He might not have directly attempted an attack but think of the number of minds and people he influenced with hate.

As he was sentenced, Choudary's supporters stood up in the public gallery and shouted: "Allahu Akbar" - Arabic for God is greatist. He smiled and disappeared down to the cells.

For 20 years Choudary has been the police's headache - now he is the prison service's. He will start time in the high security unit - a prison within a prison - at HMP Belmarsh in south-east London. Only a few of the most dangerous individuals in the country are ever held there at one time - and the priority will be keeping him apart from the impressionable minds whom Mr Justice Holroyde said he did so much to influence.

From that article this seems to be linked as a damning report I'll have to have a read of ~ https://www.gov.uk/government/publi...remism-in-prisons-probation-and-youth-justice

This summary provides an overview of the review led by Ian Acheson into Islamist extremism in prisons, probation and youth justice, namely its context, key findings and principal recommendations.

"Lock them up!" is only part 1 on the journey, how the prisons handle them is part 2.


So strange walking over London Bridge on the way home tonight. There were flowers laid at the monument on the south east corner along with dedications to loved ones and it was surreal seeing it - never had anything like that so close to where I pass.
There's been some dangerous views on restrictions of free speech in this thread but we certainly let Choudary fester in the streets letting him preach his hatred for far, far too long. I hope he stays locked away for the foreseeable future.

There is also a problem with locking people like that up in the standard way. There is the old saying that a criminal goes to prison to learn their trade. Having somebody like him being able to influence the minds of people who are known to be very violent could be a huge problem.



Scottish lady walked past and... Did some rant about how she has Irish heritage and how Muslims think everyone is scared of them but she will fight them back or something (I dunno, I was rolling my eyes).

Like, ma'am, please move on I don't have time for this today.

Lest this event makes the bigots come out.



Scottish lady walked past and... Did some rant about how she has Irish heritage and how Muslims think everyone is scared of them but she will fight them back or something (I dunno, I was rolling my eyes).

Like, ma'am, please move on I don't have time for this today.

Lest this event makes the bigots come out.

Hate begets hate.


Radicalisation in prisons is a big problem. The gangs inside operate like some kind of prison mafia. I heard it is especially bad in London prisons. I don't even know how the government are gonna tackle that. Does de-radicalisation even work?
Fuck perspective.

I'm telling you now this whole situation is a ticking time bomb if the government doesn't get a grip on this.

These suspected terrorists and associates need to be taken of the street immediately what's the point in a list over 3,000 people long when they are plotting against us.

It's time for a hardline approach.

We should profile everyone in the country, everyone who we suspect potentially might do something criminal in the future should just be locked up without trial.
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