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The Alt-Right Has Its Own Comedy TV Show On A Time Warner Network

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Agreed. But apparently liberals do too based on the replies in this thread.

The left brooks no mockery. It's much easier for political comedians to take on the usual conservative punching bags. Which is why South Park is so great, they don't give a shit and make fun of everything.


Saint Titanfall
The Trump episode they did last season at least seemed to imply they have no respect for Trump as a candidate. Hopefully they take it further.
Why should they this the show that gave us such gems as "they took our jewbs", for as much as South parks grew ire from from many liberals because of it's commentary it spends just as much time mocking consevatives and xenophobia in general.


Alright let me Youtube "Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace" and watch a trailer.

*doesn't get it at all*

Top comment:

thanks for waking up from the blue-pilled cuck network that you used to be AS!

Par for the course I guess.


i thought it was weird and funny in some parts but nothing particularly offensive compared to other things on adult swim and i didn't really get a sense that these guys were part of the alt-right

"do i cheat? no i don't cheat."
(2 seconds later) "i'm gonna be honest, when it wasn't going good, i did cheat."

"it always works better just to omit certain details. withhold truth."
"what if i told you that was my plan on picking up a woman?"

The entire sketch is basically MRA's Greatest Hits (mildly surprised entrapment with a baby wasn't mentioned, TBH), without an actual joke wrapped around it. It plays out like the sketch equivalent of a Be Like Dirk comic, and whether or not the guy making the show personally believes it, it doesn't seem to be doing anything other than playing to that specific audience.


the biggest problem isn't Sam Hyde playing at being a white supremacist on twitter, because obviously that's just gonna be his shitty comedy bit turned online persona

the problem is that World Peace is fucking terrible

saying that women are vain, that poor people are to be despised and that black people talk funny is so not transgressive that it's became the platform of the american Republican party

there's nothing in that show that hasn't been done better before and elsewhere, whether that's Wonder Showzen, Tim and Eric, Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, Chris Morris' Jam or a number of other, actually entertaining shows.

AYF 001

Nah, South Park isn't alt right. It says dumb shit, but it isn't alt right.

But the alt right sure do love South Park.

I'm not too sure about that. I know a people who've who are definitely right-leaning say they felt the show became more liberal as time went on. I think they're referring to how the show went from irreverent and graphic at the beginning, and when Kyle and Stan started giving episodes morals at the end, they interpreted (what people here pointed out as being libertarian) that the "both sides" rhetoric was a shift to the left. Now people here are saying it's a shift to the right when the topics focus on their side of the fence more. Even though the last season had episodes mocking, among other things, the border wall, and specifically Canadian Trump's demise.
When Matt and Trey were our age, being nice to each other was all that was needed.

When Matt and Trey were our age, Ronald Reagan was still the president after he joked about gay people during the AIDS epidemic. This "things were so much better back in the day" crap about political correctness is coming from people who don't like that they have to put a bit of thought into treating certain people with respect.

Alt-righers think that their beliefs align with what South Park is saying. Tell me, what was the most "alt-right" thing in South Park last season? Is the only criticism is that they were mocking hyper PC people? Because if that's the case then you and I have very different ideas of what the alt-right is. If the alt-right is "anyone who doesn't agree with my PC code" then that's a fucking lot of demographics you're squeezing into this definition/grouping.

No, the most alt-right thing was showing "both sides" of people who want safe spaces by showing one side as a bunch of wealthy celebrities who would be fine if they just got off the internet, and the other side as... nothing. Again, this was after GamerGate happened. No mention of the normal people who are affected by harassment, and no mocking of the people who think it's okay to harass people over the internet. It's exactly the kind of strawman that alt-right groups like GamerGate loves.

South Park makes fun of everyone, except for when they don't.


South Park would be the show to make fun of the alt-right, however if only for the alt-right tastelessly taking itself seriously.

Also PC Principal on SP is a good comparison, because if you listen to the dialog at the end of the season carefully, PC Principle is re-framed in non pejorative terms. His "PC Power" is even referenced as a positive character trait, which is merely being abused by the real villains who wish to use him for their own ends.

Going off past history I'm not even sure how the alt-right could grasp the character. The combination of exaggerated political correctness and man-tastic, bro-slapping, face-punching ham fists that alt-right guys imagine they see in the mirror, seems likely to trigger an aneurysm.
Of course but that nuance was lost on them, and it seems on plenty of people here.

Good to know "South Park fan" is a few weeks away from GAF dog whistle status for "alt right racist", helps clear up who to ignore.


I don't believe Parker and Stone are bigots, obviously. I just believe they give cover to them. I believe they exaggerate the stances of those they don't agree with for comedic effect, and those they don't agree with are often the same people that Trump supporters don't agree with. I don't think they have some sinister agenda. I just think they're two kinda conservative guys who disagree with progressivism, and enjoy mocking it.

I would agree with most of this but I guess I don't see the problem with it. I think that on the flip-side South Park has done a lot for causes that the alt-right and Trump supporters would find grotesque(probably more so than they've defended any alt-right voice or cause) that someone complaining about last season would probably ignore outright.

"Political correctness" as a pejorative used by conservatives was directly birthed out of a backlash from minorities voicing how they're not being treated with love and respect. Political correctness started running amok the moment a man could no longer routinely hit on his female secretary, when affirmative action started taking hold nationwide, when kids started being taught the value of multiculturalism, and when gays had the audacity to think they should be allowed to marry. So, when I hear someone complain about "political correctness", they've already told me a lot about how they think and how they view the world and those around them.
I guarantee you they don't advocate persecution or harassment or that they are anti-multiculturalism in any sense of the word. They've also defended gay marriage and satirized the bigots and their arguments who are against it. I don't even think they are against being politically correct to a reasonable extent because that goes hand in hand with respecting one another. This type of common sense PC isn't what they are mocking. They are mocking a certain type of hyper PC person, not their overall belief system.

How anyone can call SP alt-right because they've satirized one particular issue they care about(but defended multiple others) is beyond me.


The left brooks no mockery. It's much easier for political comedians to take on the usual conservative punching bags. Which is why South Park is so great, they don't give a shit and make fun of everything.
See, but that's not true. South Park doesn't make fun of everything, they make fun of everything...that doesn't match up with Trey and Matt's beliefs.


The guy is 4chan troll incarnate, if you watch his interview with the buzzfeed author Sam turns it around on him very quickly and called him a joke. I never heard of him until the show came out but I think it's pretty funny and can see why a lot of stuff goes over the viewers heads.


the biggest problem isn't Sam Hyde playing at being a white supremacist on twitter, because obviously that's just gonna be his shitty comedy bit turned online persona

the problem is that World Peace is fucking terrible

saying that women are vain, that poor people are to be despised and that black people talk funny is so not transgressive that it's became the platform of the american Republican party

there's nothing in that show that hasn't been done better before and elsewhere, whether that's Wonder Showzen, Tim and Eric, Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, Chris Morris' Jam or a number of other, actually entertaining shows.

That's kind of the whole bit of the show, at least in my opinion. You are right there are so many other shows that do this type of thought-provoking humor with relative ease. And there are other shows that do the serious bit about society even better. The whole allure of MDE seems to be that they recognize the absurdity of propagating these terrible views and a mainstream company, like Viacom, went on Youtube found these videos and basically said 'hey let's give these guys a TV show'.

The whole running joke throughout this show has been the constant breaking of their characters. They have been playing these elaborately offensive characters but they refuse to make their show "serious" by leaving in the bad takes. They keep the camera focused on Sam when hes about to break character. There are bits within the show where the MDE crew makes each other laugh. None of this is supposed to be serious yet we, as the audience, have this underlying fascination with wanting to dissect the truth out of a comedy show.

That right there is the most elaborate bit of the show. The fact that a good majority of its audience actually believes that these are the views of its creator. Think of this the whole MDE thing as a version of Andy Kaufman that the audience and the media hates/doesn't quite understand.


See, but that's not true. South Park doesn't make fun of everything, they make fun of everything...that doesn't match up with Trey and Matt's beliefs.

That's not really true at all. Some episodes line up with their beliefs, others are just jokes for the sake of jokes. I get that it offends you, but let's be honest.


See, but that's not true. South Park doesn't make fun of everything, they make fun of everything...that doesn't match up with Trey and Matt's beliefs.

Even if that's remotely true, what makes you think Matt and Trey are alt-right?


I'm not sure what's more alarming. The idea that South Park is 'alt-right' or the idea that the sentence "South Park is [insert political ideology here]" is a reasonable sentence.


I'm not sure what's more alarming. The idea that South Park is 'alt-right' or the idea that the sentence "South Park is [insert political ideology here]" is a reasonable sentence.

Let's not pretend that south park and it's creators are some ideologically untainted pair of creators. They obviously have a political view that they're pushing into their stories, they've always done as much.

But they aren't "alt-right" :lol
I'm not sure what's more alarming. The idea that South Park is 'alt-right' or the idea that the sentence "South Park is [insert political ideology here]" is a reasonable sentence.
This has been going on for years now. I just try to find humor in it so I don't lose my damn mind.


I would agree with most of this but I guess I don't see the problem with it. I think that on the flip-side South Park has done a lot for causes that the alt-right and Trump supporters would find grotesque(probably more so than they've defended any alt-right voice or cause) that someone complaining about last season would probably ignore outright.

I mean, in their own words:

Parker: We avoid extremes but we hate liberals more than conservatives and we hate them [conservatives].
Stone: I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals.

They're two guys who traditionally err away from strong stances, but they disdain stances to the left more than stances to the right. Is there anything inherently wrong with this? Nope. That's their prerogative. But I view all South Park content with that knowledge in mind. That they'll take jabs at conservatives, but enjoy taking jabs at progressive positions far more. Which speaks volumes.

I guarantee you they don't advocate persecution or harassment or that they are anti-multiculturalism in any sense of the word. They've also defended gay marriage and satirized the bigots and their arguments who are against it. I don't even think they are against being politically correct to a reasonable extent because that goes hand in hand with respecting one another. This type of common sense PC isn't what they are mocking. They are mocking a certain type of person, not their overall belief system.

How anyone can call SP alt-right because they've satirized one particular issue they care about(but defended multiple others) is beyond me.

You say they're mocking a certain type of person. I say they make a caricature of a position they disagree with, and instead mock that. The Safe Space episode being the clearest example.

Like I said earlier, South Park has traditionally been considered the home of lazy centrism. The last season though...eh. I think they definitely showed their hand there.

EDIT: I'm also a little surprised some of you are acting like South Park is apolitical. It's been hyper-political for the better part of 20 years.


South Park isn't alt-right. If anything they're just disconnected from everyone but themselves. Since they happen to be white, the favored protagonists they create happen to be the same.

Sorry, but to this day making PC Principal a "bro" was a master stroke to me. Dumbasses may be getting the wrong message from Matt and Trey, but damn they are hard to pin down or categorize when you analyze their body of work. That's why I respect them even when their subtlety appears to propagate bullshit.


They take the piss out of their own beliefs and the show itself all time though
They do? I have seen every episode more than once, and I can't recall anytime I noticed the show making fun of or disagreeing with their political views.

But I could be wrong, can you point out some examples?


This show is doing some really interesting stuff with comedic editing. Definitely coming with a different attitude than something like Tim and Eric. We'll see how the show works out...


They do? I have seen every episode more than once, and I can't recall anytime I noticed the show making fun of or disagreeing with their political views.

But I could be wrong, can you point out some examples?

Family Guy episode: "At least it doesn't get preachy up it's own ass with messages, you know?"

"Stunning and Brave": Cartman: "Yes. But at least we learned that sometimes joking about un-PC things can actually be important, because it starts a dialogue. What's wrong, Kyle? You have your cake. Eat it, too."


The whole running joke throughout this show has been the constant breaking of their characters. They have been playing these elaborately offensive characters but they refuse to make their show "serious" by leaving in the bad takes. They keep the camera focused on Sam when hes about to break character. There are bits within the show where the MDE crew makes each other laugh. None of this is supposed to be serious yet we, as the audience, have this underlying fascination with wanting to dissect the truth out of a comedy show.

Your point about the heightened artificiality of the whole show is super-interesting, and there's something to the editing that's unnerving and fascinating in a cool way. But, man, also, the show isn't good or funny enough to warrant that kind of in-depth look.


Family Guy episode: "At least it doesn't get preachy up it's own ass with messages, you know?"

"Stunning and Brave": Cartman: "Yes. But at least we learned that sometimes joking about un-PC things can actually be important, because it starts a dialogue. What's wrong, Kyle? You have your cake. Eat it, too."
Those are about the show itself, not really about the political messages.


Really? I fully expect them to place greater focus on the attention the alt-right has received, mock Clinton for referencing it, and tell us that the truth is somewhere in the middle. I mean, haven't they already gone on record saying they much prefer mocking liberals?
Did you not watch the episodes just last season where they made fun of Trump 2-fold by both having Mr Garrison run for president with a horrible racist hate-filled campaign, AND Canadian Trump building a wall over US-Canadian border and driving away the sensible Canadian population who only kept him running because he was funny rather than a good leader?

Red Frost

Realistically we're gonna get Douche vs Turd Part 2 both sides are the same bullshit.

I don't think so. Parker and Stone have talked about how bad and dangerous Trump is in interviews. I'm sure they hate Hilary as well, but they most likely hate Trump a thousand times more.


They do? I have seen every episode more than once, and I can't recall anytime I noticed the show making fun of or disagreeing with their political views.

But I could be wrong, can you point out some examples?

Dunno if it counts, but they made fun of themselves and kyle/stan always delivering biased preachy lessons in each episode in the cartoon wars saga.

Also they mock their heritage a lot, like didn't one of them grew up mormon? they make fun of mormons all the time (then again they did make mormons the "true" religion in universe, so there is that).


Did you not watch the episodes just last season where they made fun of Trump 2-fold by both having Mr Garrison run for president with a horrible hate-filled campaign, AND Canadian Trump building a wall over US-Canadian border and driving away the sensible Canadian population who only kept him running because he was funny rather than a good leader?

I did see that episode.


I watched the first episode and found it to be largely inoffensive but not very funny. I wouldn't have watched it if I new about this all of this shit. Also, regarding the high ratings, I would imagine a lot of that has to do with people leaving their TVs on after Eric Andre with no intention of watching MDE, myself included. Not sure how much that matters though.


Dunno if it counts, but they made fun of themselves and kyle/stan always delivering biased preachy lessons in each episode in the cartoon wars saga.

Also they mock their heritage a lot, like didn't one of them grew up mormon? they make fun of mormons all the time (then again they did make mormons the "true" religion in universe, so there is that).
They do absolutely make fun of where they come from, but that's not really what I'm talking about.


I mean, in their own words:

Parker: We avoid extremes but we hate liberals more than conservatives and we hate them [conservatives].
Stone: I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals.

They're two guys who traditionally err away from strong stances, but they disdain stances to the left more than stances to the right. Is there anything inherently wrong with this? Nope. That's their prerogative. But I view all South Park content with that knowledge in mind. That they'll take jabs at conservatives, but enjoy taking jabs at progressive positions far more. Which speaks volumes.

I really disagree with the idea that they are more to the right. I can't think of many issues they've taken on where they actually took the conservative point of view. Can you name a few so I have some idea what you are talking about?

I mean, in their own words:
You say they're mocking a certain type of person. I say they make a caricature of a position they disagree with, and instead mock that. The Safe Space episode being the clearest example.
That's their style of satire, I don't see what's wrong with that. They've made tons of caricatures out of ridiculous people and viewpoints on both sides.

Like I said earlier, South Park has traditionally been considered the home of lazy centrism. The last season though...eh. I think they definitely showed their hand there.
I just completely disagree with this. You need to give some evidence besides "but they made fun of PC people..." to prove they are moving to the right.

Red Frost

Climate change isn't real

It's edgy and cool to be racist

PC culture is destroying the fabric of our society

Maybe not alt-right, but they sure are pretty right-winged/conservative

It should be noted SP isn't a politically consistent show and have changed to the more "progressive" side as more info came out on more than one occasion. Equating transgender with transpecies and transracial eventually became them accepting transgender people as a real group that should be allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. The latter is absolutely NOT a view the right-winged as a whole holds.


It's a shame Adult Swim haven't gave the green light for "Horse Apples". PFFR were on the money with that...but then again, they always are.

Wonder Showzen (and thus Horse Apples) is owned by MTV.

PFFR did do Horse Apples as a show on Adult Swim though. It's called The Heart She Holler. Lasted three glorious seasons and by season 3 it was almost as verbally and thematically complex as Xavier.

On topic: I haven't seen the show but nothing I've read makes me think I can judge without watching. Satire doesn't work when only given bare essential info like "guy wore blackface for three minutes." It sounds like Sam Hyde is possibly pulling everyone's leg with the Twitter stuff. I don't know if he still does it but Tim Heidecker became a right wing nut on Twitter for On Cinema and I'm forgetting a few other people who have done the same. If Andy Kaufman had a Twitter we would have seen him do it as well. Not saying this is the case but jumping to conclusions, in this instance, makes no sense.


Sam Hyde is interesting. He's said that he got his IQ tested to be 160 and scored a 1560 on the SAT and I'm tempted to believe it because he got accepted into Carnegie Melon. If he's bluffing, at the very least we can say that Sam is exceptionally bright.

This is why it doesn't figure that his political opinions are so facile and based heavily in biases about race and culture.

Here is the description from his video "round bread?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SXTIuYzVfQ

here are some stereotypes about italians gleaned from real life (i've never seen the godfather): italians are loud, rude, obnoxious, racist (won't shake hands with you because youre irish, lol); they LOVE pretending like they have mob connections, say what you will about hollywood stereotype inaccuracy but if I had a dollar for everytime i heard some wop wannabe thug talk about the mob in real life... they think they're the best race (that should be a hint right there that they're shit, 100% thoroughbred ITALIAN BABY), they are STUPID.. immensely stupid, they may have had science and mathematics on lock during the renaissance but they must've been eating paint chips since then because now the height of italian cultural achievement now is putting together a fuckin meatball grinder and pronouncing mozzarella like a fajit.... i don't really want to get started on italy the european country which is like a fashion show in a sewer or maybe an ashtray of humanity surrounded by breathtaking architecture. Anyway no offense, italians are welcome here as long as they keep their 100% THOROUGHBRED ITALIAN PRIDE under control

Haha what?

This is before venturing out into the badlands of his opinions of Jews and black people
All this thread has shown me is that a bunch of people don't get South Park and/or like to whine a lot.
Also, regardless of this Sam guy's political views, this show looks absolutely terrible and unfunny.
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