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The Alt-Right Has Its Own Comedy TV Show On A Time Warner Network

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That show wasn't Aaron McGruders work though. As someone who has read his comic since 98(when he would post his hate mail on the internet for the world to see), and own his graphic novels, the show was nothing more than a cheap attempt at getting the old chappelle viewers with anti black propaganda being presented as "Satire".
Didn't McGruder write or co-write pretty much every episode of the first three seasons of that show?


There's no way to seriously look at South Park and consider it an alt-right show considering how much fun they have made of many of the concepts important to that movement.
Of course not.

The only way that framing works is in the sense of the classic "both parties take Wall Street money therefore both parties are the same" bullshit.

Either your definition of alt-right is so encompassing that the word has lost any real meaning or you are engaging in poor reasoning like the above to make the label stick in your mind.


So we have two problems:

a) people wanting safe spaces and trigger warnings

b) people harassing, threatening and doxxing people for stating their opinion

Which side is most worthy of criticism?

But the world isn't going to change. There have been those types of unsavory people throughout all of human history. Even if you criticize those types of people, what are you accomplishing? There's nothing you can change through dialogue about the fact that 50% of the human race are scum. What's worthy of criticism is the idea that people think that there should be a "safe space" bubble around them as they walk out into the world. People can't expect a bubble of comfort around them all the time. I don't think they were taking on the idea of a safe space being a confined area that people met in to discuss issues important to them. They were more so describing an attitude that people have that they expect the world to be that way.

They are criticizing the people who are fighting not to be criticized. The world just doesn't work that way.


It's the first post in the thread and there are several people trying to convince us it's alt-right or ignorant or something.

South Park can often be ignorant, and that is fine to call it out when it is.

But 'Alt-Right'--whatever that means in this context--is hilarious.


this is the mother of all derails

i like most of the surrealist shows that adult swim puts out. i actually like most of their original programming. i fucking love tim and eric. i legitatmely think eric andre is a show that touches perfection. i figured world peace would be targeted for someone like me, although i knew sam hyde's background and what mde does or whatever. it's just not funny

also the bit about jews seems like a rip-off of the wonder showzen slaves bit
People seem to forget that in South Park at the end of last season PC Principle was shown to be a good person trying to do the right thing.

As a fan of the show, if they try to pull a both sides thing with Trump and Hillary this next season I won't respect it at all.


World Peace is funny. I don't care for most of Sam Hydes politics /opinions(He isn't wrong about everything though) but there's not much of it on the show.

This is is edgier than anything that has been on World Peace:
I didn't know MDE was considered alt-right. I consider him more nihilistic comedy than anything. I love his Williamsburg Fashion Videos, haven't seen the show though.
You know, South Park was fairly prescient about the rise of the Alt-Right.

Cartman is basically Alt-Right Incarnate, right down to his obsession with making sure his mother doesn't get fucked. (As close as a grade schooler can get to cuckophobia, I suppose.)
I didn't know MDE was considered alt-right. I consider him more nihilistic comedy than anything. I love his Williamsburg Fashion Videos, haven't seen the show though.

They're not. They're nihilistic edgelords. They've got some classic ass skits too. The Williamsburg Fashion Videos you mentioned being one of them. 2070 Paradigm Shift and I'm A Alien are two of my favorites. Recently the one where Sam trolled a Bernie Sanders gathering as a disruptive Hillary supporter.

But considering that even Red Letter Media were called alt-right by some for their remarkably tame Ghostbusters coverage it doesn't surprise me that MDE are getting tagged with that label here.


Yup. [as] is even considered a different network by the Nielsen's, so watching SU does not support Hyde in any way, shape, or form! However, watching Eric Andre does in an indirect manner, which is conflicting for me...

While technically true, it should be pointed out that Adult Swim and Cartoon Network are two separate networks that share the same channel.

CN and AS are both owned by Time Warner and have their headquarters in Atlanta, GA, right next to each other. They share creative talent behind the scenes and have the same people working on branding initiatives, promotional materials and overall advertising and marketing. It's the left and right hand of the same entity. By supporting AS, you are 100% supporting CN and vice versa. It's like putting money into Pokémon video games and acting like you're not supporting Nintendo.


I still don't even fully understand what alt-right even is, but it seems a lot like Tetsuo from Akira.

Honestly, I don't think there is an agreed upon definition.

Frankly, it seems to just be the latest catch all term to describe current trends within the conservative movement. Thats usage is most often used for guilt by association purposes by certain sects of the left in order to dismiss an argument or a person off hand by attaching the label to them.

The reverse, of course, is also true. But seeing as this is a predominantly left leaning board you see more of the former then the latter.


They're not. They're nihilistic edgelords. They've got some classic ass skits too. The Williamsburg Fashion Videos you mentioned being one of them. 2070 Paradigm Shift and I'm A Alien are two of my favorites. Recently the one where Sam trolled a Bernie Sanders gathering as a disruptive Hillary supporter.

But considering that even Red Letter Media were called alt-right by some for their remarkably tame Ghostbusters coverage it doesn't surprise me that MDE are getting tagged with that label here.

i forgot how good paradigm shift was
I can't believe people still fall for MDE's shit, especially after how (relatively) public that Brony dating sim scam was or that Bryce Williams stunt one of their fans pulled. I almost feel like Buzzfeed wrote the article that way to uh, I don't know. It's not worth it.

Did they ever release that video the super pale skinhead fetishist guy beating the crap out of Sam Hyde?

Personally, I'm far past the point of caring to figure out if the people behind MDE are actually racist or not. Especially since Sam constantly expresses his "fake" racist views online.

At best, he's this guy.

If he really is pretending though, I hope he moves on to something else already.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I still don't even fully understand what alt-right even is, but it seems a lot like Tetsuo from Akira.
Young homophobic, racists, and sexists that thrive on online communities. Want education, gaming and film to be a boy's only club.
I still don't even fully understand what alt-right even is, but it seems a lot like Tetsuo from Akira.

They're a rising demographic of young, technologically inclined, far right wing conservatives. Some alt-righters refer to the movement as an "idea space." Where topics ranging from conservative economics to increasingly ludicrous ideas like the biological dangers of mixed raced breeding or the ongoing "white genocide" are discussed.

A not insignificant portion of the alt-right are unapologetic white nationalists. I listen to their live streams sometimes out of morbid curiosity. It's a good cringe laugh.

Alt-right as a label is now being thrown around recklessly to the point where it essentially means "anyone with criticisms of PC culture or progressive politics."


Yes. The show never had the bite of his other work, but it was mostly there.

Season 4 is when things got gross.

Ey, season 4's hate comes from just being bad quality wise as opposed to being offensive.

Except Ruckus, he just became a caricature in s4 and I can see why some would be offended by that mess. I don't see how The Boondocks is anti-black though, McGrudger seems to be just going after what he perceives to be problems in the entertainment industry- how black people are exploited as entertainment- a classic case of laughing at someone rather than laughing with them.


I'm probably putting way too much thought into this right now but whatever I'm bored.

Now as a comedy experiment, this whole show is actually kind of brilliant the more I think about it. Think about it this way. Before the first episode aired, Adult Swim showed this "bump":


MDE occupies the same space as these "counter-cultural' comedy icons. These individuals were all tackling topics and ideas that most other comedians wouldn't dare even mention in their personal lives. Everything they said was both an effort to 'shock' and 'amuse' while also 'educating' its audience.

MDE is almost the next evolution of that idea in comedy. Think about it this way. This show has only had 3 episodes of about 12 minutes each. thats almost a half an hour of actual content. Within that half-hour, we've seen takes on:

  • Episode 1
    Bodybuilding (in particular how men give women unwarranted advice about things they don't neccessarily know)
    Bullying and school culture (how bullying can make people better / makes the school run better)
    Prostitution (showing the absurdity of punishment / fliiping gender roles so that men are seen as the objects as desire / showing men as smarter than women)
    Ending with a song that directly states: "Just a man trying to teach me something" (Mocking the whole notion that this show will "teach us something")

    Episode 2
    The whole Wall Show (showing the absurdity of people explaining away their non-ideal behaviors / having a man tell women how they should live their lives)
    The whole Jews Rock bit (which I can only assume is their way of seeing how far the censors would budge) [Let's not forget that Family Guy was once cancelled for making a similar type of joke with the whole "when you wish upon a weinstein" episode]
    The whole CEO bit (showing a person whose entire worldview is skewed / someone who has a niacin addicition that is then exacerbated by his coffee and energy drink addicition / someone who fantasizes about a different life [we see him at first driving a nice mercedes / only for it then to be revealed hes actually driving a buick)
    I forgot what the last song here was but I do remember they sped it up quite a lot

    Episode 3
    The whole 'blackface' bit (showing the absurdity that its the year 2016 and for some reason its acceptable to allow a white guy to portray blackface on TV / highlighting the idea of white people who cultural apropriate black culture)
    The whole 'tap water' bit (showing the multitutde of chemicals that are present in drinks like Monster as well as in tap water)
    The next little bit (mirroring the opening blackface bit) showing the 'Importance of commodification' to this character
    The teacher bit (showing a teacher litterally bending over backwards to teach his students what he feels is important while at the same time having thoughts of suicidal idealation) only for it to end on a song with the lyrics "ride the better wave" and a final shot of the teacher not actually killing himself.

So while all of this stuff is happening on screen, in between each scene is a bit of interstitial text that persumably explains the comedy bits that were shown. But what's amazing is that all of that text is censored (as well as the original logo for the show which used a symbol that James Holmes wrote in a notebook once). So presumably Adult Swim, or Viacom, saw this whole program and decided hey you know what you can get away with blackface, you can get away with a song about how "jews rock", you can get away with a skit about people abusing the welfare system, you can get away with this skit about how we need bullying to keep students in line but the one thing we can't do is have our show talk directly to the audience in plain text.

So to say that this is just offensive shock humor is actually devaluing the whole show a bit. If anything, this "hate show" is sort of tame by comparison to some of the terrible shit you can find online. If anything this show is merely highlighting the absurdity of humanity (and more importantly the idea of censorship / political correctness) in a pretty apt way.


It is the hot buzzword right now for thing that makes people uncomfortable. So much shit lumped in as alt-right that the phrase has lost meaning already. I would love to see one of those internet usage graphs on that phrase because people are parroting it here and calling people out as alt right based on nothing.

Don't sleep on this hill to die on because it's 2016 and you'll be on the wrong side of history, fam.


Don't sleep on this hill to die on because it's 2016 and you'll be on the wrong side of history, fam.
He's right. Just look at the last few responses. There certainly are some agreed upon definitions within sects of journalism and maybe academia but in practice it is just being used as a catch all label for certain views for people on the left. Ehat constitutes alt-right is so varied the term comes off as nearly meaningless around places like here.

In one day you have Obama, South Park, University of Chicago, and countless liberal posters being labeled as alt-right or sharing alt-right views on this forum,

If it has an agreed upon definition the term has been abused around here to the point of meaningless.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
He's right. Just look at the last few responses. There certainly are some agreed upon definitions within sects of journalism and maybe academia but in practice it is just being used as a catch all label for certain views for people on the left. Ehat constitutes alt-right is so varied the term comes off as nearly meaningless around places like here.

In one day you have Obama, South Park, University of Chicago, and countless liberal posters being labeled as alt-right or sharing alt-right views on this forum,

If it has an agreed upon definition the term has been abused around here to the point of meaningless.
No you don't.


please tell me more about these sects of left-wing lamestream journalists, academics and gaffers
Don't be that person. Don't try and turn a discussion into a vetting process to dismiss people through association. You're already seething with the prosepect I am some GG'er in disguise. Ridiculous lol.

If you have something to offer up do so.

If not I have no interest in a time and true GAF game of fall in line or goat him to get banned.
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