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The colors of this photo will appear different to everyone. I think?

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I saw the same post on Tumblr twice. First time it was blue and black, second time was gold and white.
It's a simple case of the picture changing every time you see it, common on tumblr. They have posts where you see a different picture every time because of some kind of exploit or whatever. There we go, mystery solved, everyone go home.


Yup I can finally see it now it's definitively a blue and black dress in a dark or unlit area, combined with harsh sunlight in the background causing the camera to overexpose and fuck with the colors royally. Just a coincidence that the washed out colors it spit out REALLY look white and gold.


To the people seeing black and blue,

does this look black to you?


I picked the one of the darkest shades of this color I could find on the dress, most of the dress with the "black" or "gold" parts is actually made up of much lighter shades.
Earlier my wife showed me this picture

Holy shit I original saw white and gold and she said she saw blue and black. I didn't believe her and thought she was lying. After a couple minutes I looked at it again and it was blue and black.

What the hell.



I'm confused by all the White and Gold responses and because of it, I'm trying to think of the technicalities of the question:

What does the dress color actually look like? As in, my brain correcting for the weird exposure because of the back lighting:

Black and Blue.​

What are the colors that you see? As in, if you put the picture in the photo editor and sampled the colors in those specific regions

Slightly milky-blue hue with bronze-ish horizontal decorations.​

Okay, now this is freaking weird. For shits and giggles, I inverted the image. To me, the colors look EXACTLY THE SAME but they... switched positions.


That image is exactly what I imagine the "White and Gold" team to see, except for the colors in the other order (since the gold is where I see the blue).


But you agree that this is royal blue, yes?



I saw the same post on Tumblr twice. First time it was blue and black, second time was gold and white.
It's a simple case of the picture changing every time you see it, common on tumblr. They have posts where you see a different picture every time because of some kind of exploit or whatever. There we go, mystery solved, everyone go home.

It's blue and black, people who see white and gold have something wrong with their perception. If you inverse the colors, the black/"gold" part is white. The inverse of gold is not white. The inverse of black is white.

So sorry gold people :)

Edit: The image also isn't changing, and there isn't a blue light being cast on the dress lol.
I honestly can't understand how some people are seeing white and gold from this. I can understand the brown/black colour looking like gold, but the other colour is 100 percent blue to me.

It's weird how our brains work.
I saw the same post on Tumblr twice. First time it was blue and black, second time was gold and white.
It's a simple case of the picture changing every time you see it, common on tumblr. They have posts where you see a different picture every time because of some kind of exploit or whatever. There we go, mystery solved, everyone go home.



To the people seeing black and blue,

does this look black to you?


I picked the one of the darkest shades of this color I could find on the dress, most of the dress with the "black" or "gold" parts is actually made up of much lighter shades.

That actually looks brown.

Edit: Quite obviously brown.


Well, it looks like they switched positions because they did. These colors are opposites. And what's more, faded opposites. On a sensor getting screwed ten ways to sunday.

It's a pretty impressive mindfuck image, I'll give it that.


I'm confused by all the White and Gold responses and because of it, I'm trying to think of the technicalities of the question:

What does the dress color actually look like? As in, my brain correcting for the weird exposure because of the back lighting:

Black and Blue.​

What are the colors that you see? As in, if you put the picture in the photo editor and sampled the colors in those specific regions

Slightly milky-blue hue with bronze-ish horizontal decorations.​

That image is exactly what I imagine the "White and Gold" team to see.

computers don't lie
I saw the same post on Tumblr twice. First time it was blue and black, second time was gold and white.
It's a simple case of the picture changing every time you see it, common on tumblr. They have posts where you see a different picture every time because of some kind of exploit or whatever. There we go, mystery solved, everyone go home.
This is false. I have the picture on my phone, and people in real life are seeing both. You're wrong :)


Edit: The image also isn't changing, and there isn't a blue light being cast on the dress lol.

Nah it is, right now I see the (bluish)white gold dress, and originally I saw the deep blue yellowish black image.

I know I am weak and vulnerable to trolls


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I see white and gold.

However, if I squint really hard the dress turns black/blue.

Anyone else?
Well yes, when you squint you're letting less light into your eyes and so the overexposed gold parts look vaguely black.

It's like an analog lighting correction.
I saw the same post on Tumblr twice. First time it was blue and black, second time was gold and white.
It's a simple case of the picture changing every time you see it, common on tumblr. They have posts where you see a different picture every time because of some kind of exploit or whatever. There we go, mystery solved, everyone go home.

Huh, okay uploaded it to imgur. Are you white/gold people still seeing white and gold?



Sorry, but your eyes aren't sweet and rad because the actual dress is blue and black and the image is actually over exposed which has shifted the colours to a warmer tone rather than being shifted to the colder side making it blue.

Don't feel too bad though, apparently 9/10 peoples eyes don't work properly if this thread is anything to go by. ;D

i understand everything your saying but your wrong
the camera has recorded a white and gold image
because your brain is hypercorrecting doesn't change that what your seeing is an optical illusion
Nah it is, right now I see the (bluish)white gold dress, and originally I saw the deep blue yellowish black image.

I know I am weak and vulnerable to trolls
Well that's great, but it's a perception thing. The image isn't physically changing lol, just the way you perceive it. It's not hard to understand.

The picture is bathed in light, and every once in a while you accidentally see it as gold and white :)
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