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The colors of this photo will appear different to everyone. I think?

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No matter how much I try to conceptualise that it's really a blue and black dress being shone by a yellow in-store light, I still cannot see anything but a white and gold dress being sold outside at the markets but there is a shadow cast across the foreground.

I've tried everything. :(

I'm thinking the eye retinas or whatever thing must be true.

From my point of view you're insane because there is nothing dark about that blue. I can't understand how anyone can see the gold as black because it's not like it's even a dark gold.

There is no black on that dress at all whatsoever (in that pic).

I either see white and gold or blue and a brown-ish color. I've not been able to see black and blue yet.

Here, maybe this will help. The left image is altered. The right is the original.

Can you guys see the blue/black now?



I mean... it's been proven multiple times now, that the dress is blue and black in real life.
Why can some of those white/gold people not accept that as an optical illusion?
I don't get it.


I mean... it's been proven multiple times now, that the dress is blue and black in real life.
Why can some of those white/gold people not accept that as an optical illusion?
I don't get it.

The thing is not really about what color the dress actually is, that's just a fun footnote. The issue is that in an overexposed photo why are people seeing two completely different sets of colors?


I want a tag give me a tag
Black/blue people who can't see the white:

Stare at the white/gold part of the middle graphic, then look up at the dress.

That... doesn't help me :(

My brain just sees that as blue and black with a yellow light being shone on it. Ohwell, we all know it is blue and black, so I'm glad my brain is correct.


Ok, try these:

Focus on the left. Then gradually move your eyes towards the right.

You can also try zooming out on your browser (shrinking the image) and see if that helps.






It's clearly blue and black.

Even the variations of the image made brighter -- I can still tell it's blue and black. No sign of white and gold anywhere.

Amazing how fast this gained steam. Everyone at work was obsessing over this.
Ok, try these:

Focus on the left. Then gradually move your eyes towards the right.

You can also try zooming out on your browser (shrinking the image) and see if that helps.





The problem is that that blue and black to me looks nothing like the real blue and black dress. And i have no idea what kind of light settings could make such a blue purple turn into white and black turn into gold (which is what i see ).

That example with the overexposed Nike t shirt and shorts made it more clear to me, but the infamous dress picture looks in no way that overexposed!

This is just crazy


I mean... it's been proven multiple times now, that the dress is blue and black in real life.
Why can some of those white/gold people not accept that as an optical illusion?
I don't get it.

Yeah people are really stuck up about this. Everyone's vision can change, did you guys never have eye strain before? When you wake up and you can barely open your eyes because of bright light? That's your eyes doing that,being sensitive and all that from closing it during your sleep, and not the light being brighter.
Wow thought the blue/black people were crazy but focused on it for a full minute and now its blue/black.
look away for a few seconds and it back to white/gold.


Ok, try these:

Focus on the left. Then gradually move your eyes towards the right.

You can also try zooming out on your browser (shrinking the image) and see if that helps.





I cant see white/gold. I just cannot see it no matter what aid I use.


I wonder what do the users with Dark theme see opposite to Light themers, any interesting correlations in that?

I tried both yesterday and it's easier to see black/blue in light theme and white/gold in dark theme. Also, different picture sizes also helps seeing the difference. I'm in the middle camp, the colors in the picture itself are blue and gold/brown, how one perceives it is if the brain thinks the dress is light or in shadow. It is easier for me to see the white in the blue than the black in gold though, might be because I'm used to color correcting white balance and stuff :S


I saw a shadowed white/gold yesterday night. Today it looks like blue and brownish black to me. Amazing, lol.


I mean... it's been proven multiple times now, that the dress is blue and black in real life.
Why can some of those white/gold people not accept that as an optical illusion?
I don't get it.
People seeing deep blue and black are the ones getting the optical illusion. There is no black on the dress in the photo, only light blue and yellowish brown.


What I don't get is that while people perceive the blue as white in shadow, white should be grey in shadow, not blue.

It has to do with how the brains interprets the color temperature. White becomes blueish in outside light (around 6500 kelvin), but yellow in indoor lighting (3000-3500k). People seeing white interpret it as if there a window lighting up the dress a bit coming from behind the photographer and that it's contrasted to the yellow, inside light coming from behind the dress.



It has to do with how the brains interprets the color temperature. White becomes blueish in outside light (around 6500 kelvin), but yellow in indoor lighting (3000-3500k). People seeing white interpret it as if there a window lighting up the dress a bit coming from behind the photographer and that it's contrasted to the yellow, inside light coming from behind the dress.


White/gold people basically don't understand lighting/shadows.


It was white and gold for the first few seconds, but after scrolling down then scrolling up again, it looks black and blue.
So it was white and gold......... I scrolled down and scrolled back up and then it was blue and black........ WTF!????????????????

THis isnt a gif?!?!
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