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The Flash S2 |OT| suoiruF 2 hsalF 2 - Tuesdays 8/7c

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I still think DC made an unfathomably bad decision by splitting the television and films universe. Why restart if you have such a good foundation?

Hell no. I don´t want the movie and the series to be connected. I want them to do their own thing so the series is not obligated to wait for the shit to happen in the movies so the show can move on. That is the flaw in Marvel. Everything in AOS is a by product of the movies. That means the plot will barely move, or anything significant will happen without the movies leading the way. Not to mention that they can´t do anything on the show that the movie did not do yet.
I still think DC made an unfathomably bad decision by splitting the television and films universe. Why restart if you have such a good foundation?

Separating the TV/film universes makes sense. But limiting what characters your TV shows can use for the sake of the films is literally worst of both worlds. The TV shows end up with no tie ins to the films (I don't care what anyone says AoS's Winter Soldier tie ins were great) and the TV shows still don't get freedom to use the characters they please.
I still think DC made an unfathomably bad decision by splitting the television and films universe. Why restart if you have such a good foundation?

No film production wants to be tied to a whole host of stuff that came before they jumped on.

It's why Disney dropped most of the Star Wars expanded universe. It's why many of the Marvel movies simply don't show unrelated characters outside of some token mentions.

The real problem here is the character limits. Suicide Squad the film shouldn't preclude, Suicide Squad the TV show characters.


You know, the "Zoom thing is taken care" of sounds really weird when we remember that in the flashfoward on arrow Oliver asks "so how is the zoom thing ?" =P


Junkie Jay: "I spent two years hunting Zoom..."

Wells: "Wrooooong, Zoom hunted you!"

Zoom: "I will scour this city until I HUNT you down..."

Zoom is Hunter Zolomon confirmed.


You know, the "Zoom thing is taken care" of sounds really weird when we remember that in the flashfoward on arrow Oliver asks "so how is the zoom thing ?" =P

It is not like Barry himself thinks he is really done with Zoom. He knows he has doomed an entire world. Wells on the other hand, doesn't really mind.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Watched this and previous episodes back to back
why does the masked man communicate with tapping rather than drawing the words out with his finger? Its easier fo understand (not everyone know what is this 5x5 codes), faster for them to figure out that he is trying to communicate, and it is more quiet and thus less risk of zoom finding out

And now the possibility of more than 2 or 3 Jay


Watching the episode right now. Anybody else roll their eyes when Barry said that Jay's death left a toll on them or whatever? I mean dude was hardly in this season at all. I just don't believe it.


She says Kreisberg states that Zoom is Hunter Zolomon from Earth-1? That makes no sense since Zoom was around in Earth-2 before the breaches opened.

Maybe Zoom doesn't require breaches?

Thus how Barry might navigate the multiverse eventually?


So i am really confused.

So Zoom is the Jay Garrick from E1 aka Hunter Zolomon?The Jay we knew is now dead and was he really E2 Flash???Also another Jay is the man in the Iron Mask?UHHH!!

BTW is Supergirl worth it?I read that there will be crossovers so if it is good then i wouldn't mind watching it


Maybe Zoom doesn't require breaches?

Thus how Barry might navigate the multiverse eventually?

If Zoom didn't require breaches he wouldn't use the breaches! He'd have just killed them all after they closed it instead of accidentally killing Junkie Jay.


I think Zoom is from Earth-2 because he must have a connection with Junkie Jay (Hunter Zolomon-2).

He knew about Zolomon-2 teaching Barry Lightning Throw.

He knew Wells-2 went to Earth-1 to help Team Flash defeat him.

He knew Barry was using Linda as bait.

He knew Wells-2 returned to Earth-2 AND that he was not alone.



Thank you.
This is my theory haha. I'm sure other people already think this too. Zoom = Earth 2 Jay future. Masked man = Jay 2 Earth present. One helping the flash team = Earth 1 Jay who was promised power by Zoom and is working with him. Zoom protects the guy in the mask because it's his past self and he can't kill him. Jay was dying and went back in time when he met the flash in the first timeline to steal his healthy cells.


Watched this and previous episodes back to back
why does the masked man communicate with tapping rather than drawing the words out with his finger? Its easier fo understand (not everyone know what is this 5x5 codes), faster for them to figure out that he is trying to communicate, and it is more quiet and thus less risk of zoom finding out

And now the possibility of more than 2 or 3 Jay

THAT'S...actually good idea. Masked man is a dumbass.
I think Jay was young Zoom. Obsessed with getting faster ever since he got his speed, he went back into the past after he turned evil to prod his younger self so he could get even faster, and saved by the fact that he killed his younger self in an alternate dimension. (The "complication" line seemed quite purposeful.)

Maybe Zoom's humanness fades away over the next few episodes and he becomes a dark embodiment of the speed force, effectively becoming Black Flash.


I'm guessing the Jay we met was actually from Earth 3, which is how we'll get the Supergirl crossover.

Or he lands in Earth-3 mistakenly due to something set up incorrectly with the breach being re-opened.

Zoom was active on Earth-2 for two years and I doubt the Flash show really talks about Earth-3 in any meaningful capacity this season.


Zoom = Earth-2 Hunter Zolomon, pissed at his twin brother. He knows Jay exists.
Mask = Earth-2 Jay Garrick, the original Flash from Earth-2. Doesn't know who Hunter is.
Jay Garrick = Earth-2 accidental speedclone. Doesn't know he is a clone, he was born in the breach.
Hunter Zolomon = Earth-1 unpowered version of Zoom. Twin brother is dead/missing.
Man, King Shark's swimming dive / leap was great.

The Zoom reveal was unfortunately spoiled for me by a YouTube suggestion on my main feed this morning :(
As someone unfamiliar with H.Z. and the wider Flash fiction I was kinda left cold by it.

jfc, the actress playing Well's daughter is kinda stunning
Whoa so that's one crazy reveal alright.

Dont really have a theory yet as to how Jay is Zoom, but this is gonna kill Barry again lol :(

Maybe the Zoom Jay is traveling to parallel worlds trying to capture or kill all of his doppelgangers? I bet the man in the metal mask on Earth 2 is also a version of Jay.

Too many Jays.
Aquaman would probably be able to mentally control King Shark to a degree due to his command over sea life.

He's also (generally) stronger and tougher, so there's that. King Shark is about as strong as you'd expect a guy/thing his size to be, Aquaman has that superstrength mojo.
He's also (generally) stronger and tougher, so there's that. King Shark is about as strong as you'd expect a guy/thing his size to be, Aquaman has that superstrength mojo.
I thought King Shark was a Superboy villain, so he can at least hang with near-Kryptonian power levels. I know Aquaman is really strong, but he's not that strong.

EDIT: Comic Vine apparently has King Shark around Namor's level in terms of strength, but they say Namor would easily beat him.


He's also (generally) stronger and tougher, so there's that. King Shark is about as strong as you'd expect a guy/thing his size to be, Aquaman has that superstrength mojo.

Yep, people forget how strong Aquaman has to be to survive living in Atlantis and to withstand the pressure of the deep sea. Honestly, Aquaman probably has near Superman level strength.


Yep, people forget how strong Aquaman has to be to survive living in Atlantis and to withstand the pressure of the deep sea. Honestly, Aquaman probably has near Superman level strength.
Aquaman is Superman's strength and has some magic, the entire kingdom of the sea and communication with sealife going for him. Sadly he is still utilized badly and most people still think he is useless.
Jay being Zoom really puts that ending scene from Season 1 where Reverse Flash see's Jay's helmet and says, "that's my cue to leave" into a new perspective for me.


Jay being Zoom really puts that ending scene from Season 1 where Reverse Flash see's Jay's helmet and says, "that's my cue to leave" into a new perspective for me.

Totally. I mean it was a nice Easter egg at first, but now I'm interested in the Zoom/Reverse Flash backstory (even if it's revealed by exposition :/)
This was telegraphed episodes ago when Jay explained who Hunter zolomon is. Anyone who has picked up a flash comic within the past what decade would know who at least the name of Zoom. Only makes sense. Kind of disappointing but, who else could he be but Hunter Zolomon.

I do not think in any way or form that he is good "Jay". Just plain old Hunter Zolomon.
Totally. I mean it was a nice Easter egg at first, but now I'm interested in the Zoom/Reverse Flash backstory (even if it's revealed by exposition :/)

I'm hoping for a "Zoom hunts speedsters across the multiverse" angle myself. Just because it sounds so cool in my head. And also because more Zoom is a plus in my book.


This was telegraphed episodes ago when Jay explained who Hunter zolomon is. Anyone who has picked up a flash comic within the past what decade would know who at least the name of Zoom. Only makes sense. Kind of disappointing but, who else could he be but Hunter Zolomon.

I do not think in any way or form that he is good "Jay". Just plain old Hunter Zolomon.

Sure, but it's not a case of who he is, but how he's Zoom when there are two other people with his identity too.

If the fake Jay is Hunter Zolomon a.k.a. Zoom then how did Zoom kill him and speak of his death as a complication?


This was telegraphed episodes ago when Jay explained who Hunter zolomon is. Anyone who has picked up a flash comic within the past what decade would know who at least the name of Zoom. Only makes sense. Kind of disappointing but, who else could he be but Hunter Zolomon.

I do not think in any way or form that he is good "Jay". Just plain old Hunter Zolomon.

Ironically Jay explained Hunter Zolomon in the Reverse Flash episode IIRC lol
Okay, so now that we kind of know who Zoom is, how is Barry going to beat him? It's not like RF, who was just a little faster than him; Zoom is leagues beyond him.


Okay, so now that we kind of know who Zoom is, how is Barry going to beat him? It's not like RF, who was just a little faster than him; Zoom is leagues beyond him.

As with the comics, Barry wins via plot.

Expect some bullshit to come through and save the day. Heck, RF wasn't that much faster than Barry yet bullshit saved him too.
Okay, so now that we kind of know who Zoom is, how is Barry going to beat him? It's not like RF, who was just a little faster than him; Zoom is leagues beyond him.

Plotforce is strong, almost as strong as speedforce.

I just want Barry to hurry up and get faster because he's still so slow. Actually, I just want the best Flash to happen already. That being Wally West Flash!


What an episode. The cliffhanger at the end reminded me of the top moments from Season 1.

Hurrah for the non-jaded, honest comment! I really enjoy The Flash. Yep. That cliffhanger raised more q's than it answered! Only a month until we get ... ANOTHER CLUEEE (/John Voight in Nat'l Treasure) to the mystery of Zoom.


She says Kreisberg states that Zoom is Hunter Zolomon from Earth-1? That makes no sense since Zoom was around in Earth-2 before the breaches opened.

Maybe Zoom doesn't require breaches?

Thus how Barry might navigate the multiverse eventually?

I mean I'm not sure where she got that unless I miss something which I very well may have. But the EW link I think it was had Kreisberg saying the Jay we've been following all season was manipulating Team Flash.
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