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The Flash S2 |OT| suoiruF 2 hsalF 2 - Tuesdays 8/7c

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Yeah this is going to be a season 2 highlight. Giant talking pants-wearing shark terrorising Central City, crossover fun because why the fuck not, and season-1 level megaton cliffhangers which turn our theorycrafting brains inside out.

Everything has been said about this episode already. Great CG, Barry selling the tragic stuff happening in Earth-2, Caitlin having fun at Cisco's expense, Jay disliking Barry (whether you think it was justified or not)...

But what hasn't been mentioned is Jesse Quick! Turns out she actually has a personality!


I anticipate a speedster being a living vibrator.

Jay raised his arm, his fist vibrating so fast it turned into a blur.
He pushed it into Jay's portal and Jay groaned. The Speed Force was inside him.
Jay felt the pressure building, grunting for Jay to go faster.
He could feel it quickening. Velocity 6... Velocity 7... Velocity 8...
Meanwhile, Jay rapped on the glass, watching through his iron mask, tapping his approval in code. Jay always loved to watch.
Jay stood up and approached Jay. He phased through the glass, and Jay knew he wouldn't be just watching much longer...
Jay raised his arm, his fist vibrating so fast it turned into a blur.
He pushed it into Jay's portal and Jay groaned. The Speed Force was inside him.
Jay felt the pressure building, grunting for Jay to go faster.
He could feel it quickening. Velocity 6... Velocity 7... Velocity 8...
Meanwhile, Jay rapped on the glass, watching through his iron mask, tapping his approval in code. Jay always loved to watch.
Jay stood up and approached Jay. Phasing through the glass, Jay knew he wouldn't be just watching much longer...



Jay raised his arm, his fist vibrating so fast it turned into a blur.
He pushed it into Jay's portal and Jay groaned. The Speed Force was inside him.
Jay felt the pressure building, grunting for Jay to go faster.
He could feel it quickening. Velocity 6... Velocity 7... Velocity 8...
Meanwhile, Jay rapped on the glass, watching through his iron mask, tapping his approval in code. Jay always loved to watch.
Jay stood up and approached Jay. He phased through the glass, and Jay knew he wouldn't be just watching much longer...

Flash erotica?
Just finished the episode!

The return of one of my favorite villains in comics??? With some allusion that Waller planned for adding him to the Suicide Squad???!?!?!?!? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/10

The fight scene was AMAZING, the CGI was AWESOME, and Caitlin SLAYED this episode. Really hope she does turn into E-1 Killer Frost eventually, because she stole the episode. Also angsty Barry is best Barry! Missed it so much!

What a great episode and THAT ENDING OH MY GOD


Bitches love smiley faces
Jay raised his arm, his fist vibrating so fast it turned into a blur.
He pushed it into Jay's portal and Jay groaned. The Speed Force was inside him.
Jay felt the pressure building, grunting for Jay to go faster.
He could feel it quickening. Velocity 6... Velocity 7... Velocity 8...
Meanwhile, Jay rapped on the glass, watching through his iron mask, tapping his approval in code. Jay always loved to watch.
Jay stood up and approached Jay. He phased through the glass, and Jay knew he wouldn't be just watching much longer...

I give it 7 out 10 Jays.


Jay raised his arm, his fist vibrating so fast it turned into a blur.
He pushed it into Jay's portal and Jay groaned. The Speed Force was inside him.
Jay felt the pressure building, grunting for Jay to go faster.
He could feel it quickening. Velocity 6... Velocity 7... Velocity 8...
Meanwhile, Jay rapped on the glass, watching through his iron mask, tapping his approval in code. Jay always loved to watch.
Jay stood up and approached Jay. He phased through the glass, and Jay knew he wouldn't be just watching much longer...

I read this out loud for a friend of mine.

We are all Jays


Yeah this is going to be a season 2 highlight. Giant talking pants-wearing shark terrorising Central City, crossover fun because why the fuck not, and season-1 level megaton cliffhangers which turn our theorycrafting brains inside out.
They made a perfect episode to leave us hanging for a month.
Jay raised his arm, his fist vibrating so fast it turned into a blur.
He pushed it into Jay's portal and Jay groaned. The Speed Force was inside him.
Jay felt the pressure building, grunting for Jay to go faster.
He could feel it quickening. Velocity 6... Velocity 7... Velocity 8...
Meanwhile, Jay rapped on the glass, watching through his iron mask, tapping his approval in code. Jay always loved to watch.
Jay stood up and approached Jay. He phased through the glass, and Jay knew he wouldn't be just watching much longer...

Wow, just watched up to the episode where they come back to Earth 1. Just one episode behind now. While it had a few great scenes and was interesting in some aspects, this takes the cake as the shittiest written episode I've seen so far this year. Just awful. Seriously, did they take drugs before writing this episode?

The other episodes ranked from quite good to amazing on the other hand, from the last 5-6 that I needed to catch up to.


I'm hoping for a "Zoom hunts speedsters across the multiverse" angle myself. Just because it sounds so cool in my head. And also because more Zoom is a plus in my book.

Zoom is the best. I do wonder now we have the whole reveal, what angle they are going to take the whole Jay/Hunter Zolomon/Zoom thing.

Yeah this is going to be a season 2 highlight. Giant talking pants-wearing shark terrorising Central City, crossover fun because why the fuck not, and season-1 level megaton cliffhangers which turn our theorycrafting brains inside out.

Everything has been said about this episode already. Great CG, Barry selling the tragic stuff happening in Earth-2, Caitlin having fun at Cisco's expense, Jay disliking Barry (whether you think it was justified or not)...

But what hasn't been mentioned is Jesse Quick! Turns out she actually has a personality!

I was just glad they gave Jesse something to do instead of being pissed that she's stuck in Earth 1.

They made a perfect episode to leave us hanging for a month.

Yep. I am going to hate the next four weeks.


Jay raised his arm, his fist vibrating so fast it turned into a blur.
He pushed it into Jay's portal and Jay groaned. The Speed Force was inside him.
Jay felt the pressure building, grunting for Jay to go faster.
He could feel it quickening. Velocity 6... Velocity 7... Velocity 8...
Meanwhile, Jay rapped on the glass, watching through his iron mask, tapping his approval in code. Jay always loved to watch.
Jay stood up and approached Jay. He phased through the glass, and Jay knew he wouldn't be just watching much longer...

This a Wozzly thread now?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Do we know what episode Kevin Smith is directing?

Only thing I've heard is that it's one of the episodes that airs in May and they start filming in March. Episodes 21, 22, and 23 air in May. I'm guessing it isn't the season finale, so probably 21 or 22.


Only thing I've heard is that it's one of the episodes that airs in May and they start filming in March. Episodes 21, 22, and 23 air in May. I'm guessing it isn't the season finale, so probably 21 or 22.

Yeah 21 seems likely. They're about to be starting episode 20 and Kevin has said he goes up there sometime early in March so 21 seems to fit.


Speculation about the show aside, I gotta say that Grant really knocked it out of the park when he was telling Joe and Iris about their doppelgangers and the events on Earth 2. That was some really good acting on his part, I got a little misty myself.

This entire scene deserves more mentions. I was disappointed that they are going to hold off on exploring that discussion for a future episode.


Speculation about the show aside, I gotta say that Grant really knocked it out of the park when he was telling Joe and Iris about their doppelgangers and the events on Earth 2. That was some really good acting on his part, I got a little misty myself.

For sure, he definitely sold how fucked and traumatic that experience was.


So there is 4 Jays then?
  • Masked Jay
  • Zoom Jay
  • Jay that Caitlin has hots for
  • Hunter Zolomon on the park bench.

Unless the one on the park bench was a decoy who was actually Zoom. But either way we know it is not as straight forward as Earth 1 & 2 versions. This points to a time travelling version of himself being in the mix.

We can take it at face value that Zoom is the oldest/most powerful. Which would put the Teams Jay Garrick as a possible younger version.

OR New Jay is older, has always needed more speed to stay healthy, and now, in his older years, decided to inflitrate Earth 1 and steal the Flash's speed.


My theory

TLDR version
Ironmask=Henry, Zoom=zolomon, Jay=Jay, Zoom and Jay were working together to steal Barry's speed to fix their cell issue.

Long read
There are only two Jays and Henry Allen is in the mask.

Earth 2 Jay has a speed addiction and developed velocity 6 to cope with that issue. This in turn gave him the degenerating cell thing. He came to the conclusion Caitlin did earlier in the season that he needed undamaged cells to fix him. Jay was already experimenting with breaches or time travel as we saw when his helmet flew out from the time portal.

Jay finds Hunter zolomon but his cells are not a match since he doesn't have the speed force yet. They reproduce the experiment on earth 2 and make zoom. However zoom ends up with the same speed addiction and degenerating cells.

They then work together to make the flash stronger so they can take his speed to cure or stave off their condition. Zoom sends earth 2 villains to earth one and Jay mentors flash making sure he develops properly.while also not providing him with any information that could otherwise help defeat zoom such as earth 2 vibrating differently. Jay knew this since he phased on earth 1 without issue.

Where this is all going will be that Wally will be exposed to a version of velocity by the end of the season and his speed addiction and curing it will be a point of contention next season.Henry Allen is the only person that would use the pow tap code.

Just some thoughts in a wall of text


My theory

TLDR version
Ironmask=Henry, Zoom=zolomon, Jay=Jay, Zoom and Jay were working together to steal Barry's speed to fix their cell issue.

Long read
There are only two Jays and Henry Allen is in the mask.

Earth 2 Jay has a speed addiction and developed velocity 6 to cope with that issue. This in turn gave him the degenerating cell thing. He came to the conclusion Caitlin did earlier in the season that he needed undamaged cells to fix him. Jay was already experimenting with breaches or time travel as we saw when his helmet flew out from the time portal.

Jay finds Hunter zolomon but his cells are not a match since he doesn't have the speed force yet. They reproduce the experiment on earth 2 and make zoom. However zoom ends up with the same speed addiction and degenerating cells.

They then work together to make the flash stronger so they can take his speed to cure or stave off their condition. Zoom sends earth 2 villains to earth one and Jay mentors flash making sure he develops properly.while also not providing him with any information that could otherwise help defeat zoom such as earth 2 vibrating differently. Jay knew this since he phased on earth 1 without issue.

Where this is all going will be that Wally will be exposed to a version of velocity by the end of the season and his speed addiction and curing it will be a point of contention next season.Henry Allen is the only person that would use the pow tap code.

Just some thoughts in a wall of text

The tap code refers to the War of the Americas, where Jay's father fought in. Henry Allen is in Atlantis, where Iris-2 and Barry-2 have gone to seek refuge from Zoom. He has absolutely nothing to do with this story. He left ages ago. He and Eddie are not part of this story despite the theories throughout the season of them being involved. They're not.

The man in the iron mask is the real Jay Garrick or at least Jay Garrick's father.


Pickman said:
Speculation about the show aside, I gotta say that Grant really knocked it out of the park when he was telling Joe and Iris about their doppelgangers and the events on Earth 2. That was some really good acting on his part, I got a little misty myself.

What I liked most about this scene is that it was about Barry's grief over watching a version of Joe die and leaving behind a version of Iris to face Zoom. I was fully expecting (and ready to groan about) Barry's turmoil to be more about how he saw a life with Iris that he doesn't have on his Earth, but the route they went with was much better.
So there is 4 Jays then?
  • Masked Jay
  • Zoom Jay
  • Jay that Caitlin has hots for
  • Hunter Zolomon on the park bench.

Unless the one on the park bench was a decoy who was actually Zoom. But either way we know it is not as straight forward as Earth 1 & 2 versions. This points to a time travelling version of himself being in the mix.

We can take it at face value that Zoom is the oldest/most powerful. Which would put the Teams Jay Garrick as a possible younger version.

OR New Jay is older, has always needed more speed to stay healthy, and now, in his older years, decided to inflitrate Earth 1 and steal the Flash's speed.

It's going to be fucking ironic if this show jumped the shark on the episode that had a giant fucking shark.

I REALLY hope they can tie all this up because at this point it just seems like some WWE unmasking shit.


Jay raised his arm, his fist vibrating so fast it turned into a blur.
He pushed it into Jay's portal and Jay groaned. The Speed Force was inside him.
Jay felt the pressure building, grunting for Jay to go faster.
He could feel it quickening. Velocity 6... Velocity 7... Velocity 8...
Meanwhile, Jay rapped on the glass, watching through his iron mask, tapping his approval in code. Jay always loved to watch.
Jay stood up and approached Jay. He phased through the glass, and Jay knew he wouldn't be just watching much longer...

10/10, would Jay again.
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