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The Greatness of the Star Wars Prequels

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May I have a cookie?
Now whether the Special Editions were done solely to raise money, I'm not sure, but I do know the money earned didn't hurt, although the Prequel Trilogy was pretty much 100% paid for before they ever shot a frame of footage thanks to merchandising and advertising deals secured before shooting started, including a deal with Pepsi worth 2 billion.

I can't imagine the depth, breadth, and sheer tonnage of the "I Told You So" being thrown by you at this board if, by some chance, Palpatine shows up in the new trilogy.
I'll take my serving of crow like a man if that happens.

I felt that Jackson was used terribly here. An actor renowned for his energy and emotion...and they cast him as an emotionless jedi. Thousands of actors could have played Windu just as well.

He could have been an amazing villain, bounty hunter, charismatic politician, or anything else really.
Yep, he could have been an excellent Han Solo type character.



This picture is amazing


After seeing how he fails to stop Sidious, I'm inclined to think that mayyybe Yoda doesn't know as much about the Force as we project onto him post-viewing what he does in ESB; remember, RotS happens before ESB, and in RotS during Yodas meditation scene he learns that Qui-Gon has discovered something that he did not know about the Force: that you can live on in corporeal form if you become one with the Force through selfless devoted sacrifice for the greater good.

I think. Correct me on that last part if that's getting it not fully right.

Also, it is established that the sabers can help in deflecting Force lightning, so maybe he uses a saber because it's a practical and logical to do so as a physical form of defense as opposed to his only defense being his ability to concentrate and use the Force. That concentration takes time and isn't as quick of an option in some cases as igniting and using a saber is. Right?

He actually already learned this before the events of ROTS. It was in the last 3 episodes of The Clone Wars.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Doug Chiang is a great concept artist and especially in PM got a lot of good designs in there. ILM has always had a Moebius influence, but for this time around they really went wild. For instance, Gungan stuff had a better sense of alt-tech than, say, Ewoks.

Glad he's still around for the new stuff.

The concept art for that film was amazing! Still used a lot of old school techniques.
Is he, though? He's a non-character, little more than some sinister make-up, a silly "how 'bout TWO LIGHTSABERS!?!" poster boy.
It's a cool design and he was mysterious. He would have been the perfect new Darth Vader if they gave him some depth and actually used him in all movies, with Anakin defeating him in the last and taking his place as the Emperor's apprentice.

But for some reason - toys - they had to have a new big bad guy every movie.
But for some reason - toys - they had to have a new big bad guy every movie.

I don't think "toys" is really the reason, being as the bad guy they replaced maul with isn't the coolest of "toys."

Kids weren't, so far as I can remember, rushing out to get their "Old Man in Brown" toy.
I don't think "toys" is really the reason, being as the bad guy they replaced maul with isn't the coolest of "toys."

Kids weren't, so far as I can remember, rushing out to get their "Old Man in Brown" toy.
OK, maybe not that. But still. They went through bad guys pretty fast with Darth Maul, Dooku and Grievous.


There are beings with the force that are above the use of a lightsaber, but they are not even human and exist on a different plane of existence.

Neither Yoda nor the Emperor would be able to do this, for instance:


What the hell is this?! What's going on here?

The last thing they need to do is keep discovering new powers... like Luke in the EU could transport objects... or use force powers on a black hole?


What the hell is this?! What's going on here?
Those are the Father, Son, and Daughter from the Clone Wars Mortis arc. They were beings super good with the Force, with Daughter representing the light side, Son the dark side, and Father the balance of the two. As you can see from that gif, they also had godlike power and didn't really give a shit about lightsabers.


What the hell is this?! What's going on here?

The last thing they need to do is keep discovering new powers... like Luke in the EU could transport objects... or use force powers on a black hole?

I actually loved that about the Expanded Universe.

The Force is supposed to be this all encompassing force that rules all realms of existence in every which way possible.

Luke could do a bunch of badass things, but so could others. Darth Nihilus from KOTOR 2, for example, could essentially kill planets. That was some shit imo. I'd like more of that, not less - but they have to smart about it.


Those are the Father, Son, and Daughter from the Clone Wars Mortis arc. They were beings super good with the Force, with Daughter representing the light side, Son the dark side, and Father the balance of the two. As you can see from that gif, they also had godlike power and didn't really give a shit about lightsabers.

Yep you should also mention that such knowledge of the forcr comes at a huge price. As they can't leave Mortis. Otherwise the force would be unbalanced.
The fact that Lucas was able to return Darth Maul from death without it being stupid as fuck speaks volumes of his ability as an idea guy with a decent director translating those ideas.

Ehh, while I like the Maul returns arc a lot I still think it's really stupid that he survived being cut in half and falling down the world's biggest pit. Oh, and he became a robot spider which is one of the silliest things in the new canon.

One of the worst and out of place lines in cinema history

To be fair though this mentality is pretty normal among any radicalization.

"my religion is the only religion of peace"

*kills some guys from another religion*

"abortion is killing people! you are murders"

*blows up an an abortion clinic*

"you're savages who harm innocent beautiful creatures!"

*sneaks into a farm and kill 30,000 animals to raise awareness*


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
After seeing how he fails to stop Sidious, I'm inclined to think that mayyybe Yoda doesn't know as much about the Force as we project onto him post-viewing what he does in ESB; remember, RotS happens before ESB, and in RotS during Yodas meditation scene he learns that Qui-Gon has discovered something that he did not know about the Force: that you can live on in corporeal form if you become one with the Force through selfless devoted sacrifice for the greater good.

I'm going to stop you right there. It's all just retconning George bullshit. The guy lost the plot when he started the midichlorians crap and he's been piling it on ever since. Fuck me it's bad.
I liked the pod race?

All I can think off...

Ok the second one had some cool moments with Jango Fett and the final battle with the Jedi's.


op could've done like some community work to better the world with his spare time, but instead wrote a lengthy piece on the character of fucking jar jar

your priorities are offensive


I'm going to stop you right there. It's all just retconning George bullshit. The guy lost the plot when he started the midichlorians crap and he's been piling it on ever since. Fuck me it's bad.

Midichlorians were first mentioned in the rough draft of A New Hope.

George Lucas 1977
"It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells."


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Midichlorians were first mentioned in the rough draft of A New Hope.

George Lucas 1977
"It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells."

George mentioned a lot of stupid shit in the rough drafts, that's why they were drafts.

Having an explanation in his head for why some people are sensitive to the Force, is fine. Even JK Rowling has said the magic has something to do with genetics in the Harry Potter books. But she wasn't dumb enough to mention it in the books or make it a plot point, undermining the mystery of it.

It would be like Lucas explaining the ghosts in Raiders of the Lost Ark with some pseudoscience. We don't want to know and we don't need to know. 'The Force runs strong in my family'. That's about all we needed. There is no reason Qui-Gon couldn't have 'sensed' Anakin's extreme power rather than having to give him a blood test. For someone who was supposedly about 'feeling, not thinking' George undermined that character straight away.


May I have a cookie?
I'm going to stop you right there. It's all just retconning George bullshit. The guy lost the plot when he started the midichlorians crap and he's been piling it on ever since. Fuck me it's bad.

Midichlorians were first mentioned in the rough draft of A New Hope.

George Lucas 1977
"It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells."

I learned about this last week, and part of me still thinks it was made up by PR.

For someone who was supposedly about 'feeling, not thinking' George undermined that character straight away.
Especially agree with this point. If George wanted to introduce midichlorians as a way to demonstrate that the Jedi were relying on technology in place of intuition (which is an interpretation I quite like to be honest), then Qui-Gon should have been the last person to bring them up, and it would have been very easy to adjust the script in episode 1 accordingly.

Qui-Gon to Obi-wan via comlink: "The force is unusally strong in this boy, I have never sensed such a powerful presence!"
Obi-wan via comlink, in disbelief: "Not even in master Yoda? You must be mistaken, master Qui-Gon."
Qui-Gon: "Surely you feel it too, young padawan"
Obi-wan: "Let me perform a midichlorian analysis on his blood to be sure."
Qui-Gon: "As you wish."
Obi-wan later on, after performing the anaylsis..."His midichlorian count is over twenty thousand!"
Qui-Gon thinking ("told ya!")
And fans like this guy because.............................?

Yeah, his death was incredibly anticlimactic. But this character grew in popularity within the original trilogy because of the way they built him up over a long period of time.

Boba's first appearance was in an animated segment from the infamous Star War's Holiday Special that originally aired in 1978. The mystery around the character helped him grow in popularity from the fans at the time. His second appearance was in Empire Strikes Back from 1980. It was a minor appearance too . Return of the Jedi was 1983 and also the movie where he died a nonsense death.

But there was five years of character build up from his original introduction. The character had time to seep into the fanbase consciousness. Darth Maul on the other hand was killed in Episode 1. Only an hour after his introduction in the movie. This made people kind of sour on the character from his original appearance. Though I do think over that course of time, they managed to kind of redeem this by building up a back story for Maul in the extended universe stuff.

I think both these characters deaths were pretty badly handled. Boba was introduced as a bad ass with a mysterious past, who was killed in a slap stick comedy moment. Maul was pretty bad ass too, at least he went down fighting, but it is also a shame that it had to be in the first movie. I think he could've had more weight to character if they left in in for the second movie. General Grievous was hilariously bad too. Dude had four lightsabres and was killed by a damn blaster.

What I also don;t get were all the additional scenes with Boba that were added for the special editions. It only makes his death look worse by including him in a New Hope and adding more extended scenes in Return of the Jedi. But he was really that popular.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I learned about this last week, and part of me still thinks it was made up by PR.

Especially agree with this point. If George wanted to introduce midichlorians as a way to demonstrate that the Jedi were relying on technology in place of intuition (which is an interpretation I quite like to be honest), then Qui-Gon should have been the last person to bring them up, and it would have been very easy to adjust the script in episode 1 accordingly.

Qui-Gon to Obi-wan via comlink: "The force is unusally strong in this boy, I have never sensed such a powerful presence!"
Obi-wan via comlink, in disbelief: "Not even in master Yoda? You must be mistaken, master Qui-Gon."
Qui-Gon: "Surely you feel it too, young padawan"
Obi-wan: "Let me perform a midichlorian analysis on his blood to be sure."
Qui-Gon: "As you wish."
Obi-wan later on, after performing the anaylsis..."His midichlorian count is over twenty thousand!"
Qui-Gon thinking ("told ya!")

That still goes back to the number of midicholorians = power level which was a level of detail we never needed. The Force should always have remained mystical, being 'sensed' by living beings not analysed by a machine. If Lucas thought he needed an explanation for why Vader was less powerful as a half-man, he should have stuck to a spiritual explanation rather than a scientific one. Vader is less powerful than Anakin because he has lost some of his humanity, both literally and figuratively.

It's easy to give George credit for certain themes but most of the time he undermines them himself. If he genuinely had any idea what he was doing in showing a dichotomy between the use of intuition/technology by the Jedi, he undermined it straight away. Qui-Gon is supposed to be a maverick who trusts in the spirit of the universe yet he gives a shit about the blood test. It's just terribly written and shows how little he understands what he's writing.


May I have a cookie?
Sorry for the double post, I have a question about the prequels maybe some of the bigger experts in this thread, (specifically Bobby Roberts and Count Dookkake) can help answer. Something that's been bothering me for years.

Was there, at any point during the development of the prequels, an intention to give Qui-Gon a wider story arc, more like that of Obi-wan in the OT? It just makes too much sense to not have been seriously considered, since both AOTC and ROTS strongly hint (and on one occasion outright reference) his importance to the saga.

Years ago I read somewhere that Liam Neeson was originally supposed to appear in episodes 2 and 3 but it didn't work out either due to scheduling problems or due to him not wanting to be involved with the films. The first reason is easier to believe than the second, for sure, but either way there should exist some story drafts written by Lucas in which Qui-Gon makes some sort of appearence. Maybe through a dream sequence like in episode 6, maybe as the first force ghost, maybe something else entirely.


May I have a cookie?
That still goes back to the number of midicholorians = power level which was a level of detail we never needed. The Force should always have remained mystical, being 'sensed' by living beings not analysed by a machine. If Lucas thought he needed an explanation for why Vader was less powerful as a half-man, he should have stuck to a spiritual explanation rather than a scientific one. Vader is less powerful than Anakin because he has lost some of his humanity, both literally and figuratively.

It's easy to give George credit for certain themes but most of the time he undermines them himself. If he genuinely had any idea what he was doing in showing a dichotomy between the use of intuition/technology by the Jedi, he undermined it straight away. Qui-Gon is supposed to be a maverick who trusts in the spirit of the universe yet he gives a shit about the blood test. It's just terribly written and shows how little he understands what he's writing.

What I'm saying is an exchange along those lines (with Qui-Gon not needing to rely on a blood test and Obi-wan needing to see it to believe) would demonstrate two things:

1)The Jedi order's connection to the force, as an organization, is weakening, hence there is an increasing overrelience on external tools to help compensate for their diminishing spiritual/emotional connection.

2)There are still a few Jedi, such as Qui-Gon, who are more in touch with the old and proper ways of connecting to the force, but they are too small a minority within the organization to influence it.

These would then go along well with other exchanges of dialog such as when Obi-wan tells Qui-Gon (don't remember the exact phrasing but it was along the lines of): "If you only obeyed orders more often you'd be on the council!"

edit: Looking at the bigger picture, this would also be a great way to connect with older Obi-wan's approach in episode 4 which is a return to the emotional and spiritual: Flat out telling Luke not to use his targeting computer to blow up the death star, against eveyone else's judgment.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
What I'm saying is an exchange along those lines (with Qui-Gon not needing to rely on a blood test and Obi-wan needing to see it to believe) would demonstrate two things:

1)The Jedi order's connection to the force, as an organization, is weakening, hence there is an increasing overrelience on external tools to help compensate for their diminishing spiritual/emotional connection.

2)There are still a few Jedi, such as Qui-Gon, who are more in touch with the old and proper ways of connecting to the force, but they are too small minority within the organization to influence it.

These would then go along well with other exchanges of dialog such as when Obi-wan tells Qui-Gon (don't remember the exact phrasing but it was along the lines of): "If you only obeyed orders more often you'd be on the council!"

But Qui-Gon's opinion would still be confirmed by a machine. That is what people hate. That you can analyse the Force with a machine and blurt out some numbers that tell you if someone is stronger than Yoda.

Now if Qui-Gon took the blood testing machine out of Obi-Wan's hands and stamped on it before he could use it, that might have been meaningful. Just the idea of Obi-Wan carrying a pocket-sized Force-power voltmeter is absurd when you think about it.


May I have a cookie?
But Qui-Gon's opinion would still be confirmed by a machine. That is what people hate. That you can analyse the Force with a machine and blurt out some numbers that tell you if someone is stronger than Yoda.

Now if Qui-Gon took the blood testing machine out of Obi-Wan's hands and stamped on it before he could use it, that might have been meaningful. Just the idea of Obi-Wan carrying a pocket-sized Force-power voltmeter is absurd when you think about it.

Did you catch my edit?
I think the targeting computer analogy from ANH is quite apt in the sense that there is a technological way and a spiritual way to accomplish the same task (in episode 4 the task is correctly aiming the shot), and that the Jedi should prefer the spiritual way whenever possible. That would also go well with the OT image of Yoda as a Jedi who didn't use a lightsaber because he was powerful enough not to need one, but that most Jedi didn't achieve his level of spiritual connection.

Perhaps then it could even be argued that TESB Yoda is in that sense more connected to the force than ROTS Yoda.
edit: and that part of what enables Yoda to strengthen his connection with the force is living a life of poverty, isolated on a planet with no technology on it whatsoever, reuniting with nature. It would be a very strong reference to rejecting the material and detaching oneself from one's possessions, etc.
Hayden Christiansen's lines alone are enough to turn the whole trilogy to into a joke without the rest of the problems the movies have.

I cannot imagine ever watching them again. Maybe if someone dubbed over his lines with a better actor and better lines somehow.
Hayden Christiansen's lines alone are enough to turn the whole trilogy to into a joke without the rest of the problems the movies have.

I cannot imagine ever watching them again. Maybe if someone dubbed over his lines with a better actor and better lines somehow.
He had such a talented actor dubbing him in Italy that we perceive Christiansen as a good performer.
Hayden Christiansen's lines alone are enough to turn the whole trilogy to into a joke without the rest of the problems the movies have.

I cannot imagine ever watching them again. Maybe if someone dubbed over his lines with a better actor and better lines somehow.

This might actually be a fun project for a movie school project or something. Give your students Attack of the Clones, and ask them to make it a watchable movie by just changing the dialogue and re-record the voice acting.

If you really hate your students ask them to do it for The Phantom Menace and just fail them all outright.. That shit is unsalvagable.

He had such a talented actor dubbing him in Italy that we perceive Christiansen as a good performer.

Seriously? I have to go home and see if my prequel DVDs have Italian dubs.. Any links would be great. I know Vader has an incredible German dub voice..
Seriously? I have to go home and see if my prequel DVDs have Italian dubs.. Any links would be great. I know Vader has an incredible German dub voice..
I mean, he can't beat the bad writing of the character but he sounds more convincing that the original. That guy dubs Di Caprio here.
Things I like about the prequels:

- The music (amazing)
- Most of the outside scenery (the CG is usually bland indoors)
- The pod race (too long but fun, and the game was great)
- The music (seriously, amazing)
- Obi Wan and Palpatine (for the most part)
- Several action pieces (Darth Maul, Obi Wan vs. Jango in the space, the intro of Ep. III, etc)
- The music (John Williams, my man, what do you eat for breakfast?)


May I have a cookie?
Not doubting the announcement. Ever doubting that there would be a sequel trilogy.

I don't recall arguing that there wouldn't ever be another trilogy, but just in case I did I don't want to be a bad sport about it either.

So if there was a discussion which I'm forgetting point me to it and I'll gladly oblige to hand over my avatar for 2 weeks.


Hayden Christiansen's lines alone are enough to turn the whole trilogy to into a joke without the rest of the problems the movies have.

I cannot imagine ever watching them again. Maybe if someone dubbed over his lines with a better actor and better lines somehow.

I did a test once where I pitched his lines lower, to give him a more "adult" sounding voice.

... It did sound a lot better.

Normal Anakin voice sounds pretty similar to Darth Vader before being dubbed by James Earl Jones though.
I don't recall arguing that there wouldn't ever be another trilogy, but just in case I did I don't want to be a bad sport about it either.

So if there was a discussion which I'm forgetting point me to it and I'll gladly oblige to hand over my avatar for 2 weeks.

Lol. I'm not saying there was.

What I am saying is that for years I was pretty much the lone voice, on this site and others, arguing that it was fact that there would be a new trilogy, that it would involve Luke (not some EU crap) and stating when it would be announced and released. The chorus against me consisted of insults, 'Lucas said 6 was the end,' 'it'll ruin Vader's sacrifice,' and 'there's no way to continue the story.' Each of those more laughable than the previous.

I don't know you or your post history (although your avatar cracks me up), but I am fairly certain that you never echoed any of my posts, nor ate any crow on the day of the great serving. If I am mistaken, blame it on the PTSD. Sorry if there has been any confusion.
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