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'The Last of Us: Remastered' coming to PS4, July 2014, [1080p, targeting 60 fps]


Always wanted to revisit the game to play through on hard. Will do that with the Remastered version now. 1080p/60fps would be godly.


I loved TLoU and would probably buy it again if I already owned a PS4, but I'd just like to say how much I despise quotes from critics or award notices on video game covers.


I can run through this game in about 8-9 hours and that's with collecting everything.

My uploaded vids will be glorious works of professionalism and blowing dudes heads off in a shattering array of confetti brain and skull pieces.

You will see.



No one can stop this hype train!
They really should at least offer a $20 discount for season pass buyers of the ps3 version..

I want to support naughty dog but $60 is too high when I just bought the season pass a few months ago.


While they can go fuck off for the $60 price tag and preorder bonuses the improvements and additions sound good and its great the ND are handling the port themselves.


60FPS or not, im all in. Easily one of my favorite games of all time but it was very clear that the PS3 hardware was holding it back quite a bit.


I'm not getting this talk of TLOU cutscenes being pre-rendered. I was under the impression that they were being generated in real-time, but used higher quality assets as the conditions (angles, objects on screen, animation,etc ) were fixed, hence they could optimize more precisely with no surprises, the same concept used in the Uncharted series and the Arkham series.

Are they really pre rendered and just stuck on disc as movie files?

Also, I thought TLOU cutscenes were absolutely stunning, Ellie's facial expressions in particular, and I thought Left Behind even more impressive. How one can say
they looked terrible compared to gameplay.... I don't even..

Opinions. Sometimes they are just bad though.


Now this is a remaster we deserve. This game was screaming out for a next-gen upgrade, it was pushing last gen to its knees and it showed :D

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I think this is the first time i'm gonna be double dipping on a game that I still own.

Can't freakin wait ... gonna get back into dat multiplayer SO HARD
Definitely double dip, although I will be disappointed if I can't import my PS3 save from USB stick etc... I've already finished the game on Hard and would prefer to start on survivor mode.


Unconfirmed Member
I'll be buying this day one at full price with no regrets whatsoever. Might have to go US version though, I'm not buying another edited version and fucking tell us this time Sony if you are editing it again.


Only rented this on PS3 and I have felt bad ever since that I didnt give ND my money for such an amazing game. I will be fixing that as soon as this come out.


I will be disappointed if I can't import my PS3 save from USB stick etc... I've already finished the game on Hard and would prefer to start on survivor mode.

I seriously doubt there will be any such importing possible. If they won't carry across MP progress (which I would guess is stored on PSN somewhere and easily accessible), then they almost certainly won't go the extra mile and create some Mass Effect style save importing system.

I'd say Survivor unlocked from the get go has a fair chance though.


I've already stared at every poster!

But them remastered character models and shadows though... *registers a week*

I know the feeling man and Ill probably be doing the same.

Shit, where's DENNIS?

The thread has a strong surprising lack of Dennis excitement


I hope they hit that 60fps target, at least most of the time!

I have a feeling this is going to be yet another game that receives an update a week after it's out for a "locked 30fps" option so that people who can't stomach framerate fluctuations can enjoy it :p


I've already stared at every poster!

But them remastered character models and shadows though... *registers a week*
I thought about that the other day. There was something about someone spending half an hour looking at a pile of bricks in Rage in VR, then I couldn't escape the image of your avatar spending hours staring point blank at some random cafe counter in TLoU.
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