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'The Last of Us: Remastered' coming to PS4, July 2014, [1080p, targeting 60 fps]


Naughty Dog, I have a special request.

Please get rid of the silly flashlight shaking mechanic for the remastered edition or give us an option to use a button instead.
Yes, this was by far the worst aspect of the original.

It sucked even more in Left Behind, because it stopped me using the DS4.


well not really...yet
from the PSblog

It will not. We’ll be discussing multiplayer plans in the near future.
I wonder if they are planning on supporting the multiplayer on PS4 even further with more future content


I love how classy they were about the whole GOTY thing, instead of GOTY EDITION 10/10 "BEST GAME EVER" *DUBSTEP*, they just mentioned it on top, called it Remastered and gave a great boxart. Looks great.

I still like "Super Castlevania: Lords of Shadow" over "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Ultimate Edition", but I'm ok with more classy stuff like this too.


Sooo I hope they used the speaker for the game,that would be awesome.

I love how classy they were about the whole GOTY thing, instead of GOTY EDITION 10/10 "BEST GAME EVER" *DUBSTEP*, they just mentioned it on top, called it Remastered and gave a great boxart. Looks great.

I still like "Super Castlevania: Lords of Shadow" over "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Ultimate Edition", but I'm ok with more classy stuff like this too.
Yeah was going to mention that but you said it better :)
I can appreciate the yearning for 1080/60, but it would be technological voodoo to pull off a steady 60fps on this game this early in the console's lifespan especially given they're talking about improving effects/lighting and not just having higher-resolution assets.

Sigh. Only thing not named "Persona" in the last decade I'll double-dip on at full retail. It's that good. Not the sole thing that's going to get me to pull the trigger and get a PS4 this year but this puts me over the top. Naughty Dog enters another year of printing money for Sony. Can't blame them for striking while the iron's hot. If we were a year or two into this console generation I could see this being a pack-in with the PS4 (or at least for the holidays) but I don't think Sony will feel any need to offer any extras with the system this year.

I love how classy they were about the whole GOTY thing, instead of GOTY EDITION 10/10 "BEST GAME EVER" *DUBSTEP*
Whoever develops the ability to embed dubstep into cover art and game packaging first will surely win the generation!


Didn't notice this thread when I saw the CBOAT'ish thread.

This is great, I can't wait to double dip. Though I would love if there were some type of upgrade program so that those of us that bought the PS3 version don't have to pay the full $60. $30-40 would be awesome.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Naughty Dog, I have a special request.

Please get rid of the silly flashlight shaking mechanic for the remastered edition or give us an option to use a button instead.
Rub the touchpad?


Junior Member
Sooo I hope they used the speaker for the game,that would be awesome.

Yeah was going to mention that but you said it better :)
Joel could whisper things to himself in tense/angry situations and melee attacks could be layered with sound from the DS4 speaker.


S¡mon;107564219 said:
  • $59.99
  • Release: Summer 2014
  • Resolution: 1920 x 1080
  • Framerate: targeting 60 fps source
  • Higher resolution character models
  • Improved shadows and lighting
  • Several other gameplay improvements
  • In-game cinematic commentary from the cast and creative director
  • Includes: Abandoned Territories Map Pack
  • Includes: Reclaimed Territories Map Pack
  • Includes: The Last of Us: Left Behind single-player campaign


Double dipping on it.
I bought the PS3 version and barely played it, just like I did with Tomb Raider. Also, just like TR, I'm glad I didn't because now I'll get the superior experience.

I also did this with GTA5, so let's make this a trend and bring that over too!


I bought the PS3 version and barely played it, just like I did with Tomb Raider. Also, just like TR, I'm glad I didn't because now I'll get the superior experience.

I also did this with GTA5, so let's make this a trend and bring that over too!

The generation was too long.


The Amiga Brotherhood
1080p 60fps is the best news as we know the PS4 is more than capable of delivering for last gen ports and the engine is well optimised on PS3 anyhow. I look forward to the finer details regarding the graphical improvements.


First Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. 4 megatons, and now THIS. What a couple weeks it's been!

I anticipate picking up a PlayStation 4 for this. 1080p 60 fps, with updated lighting and shadows, higher-resolution models, etc... I can't even imagine how good this game will look.

I'm also curious about the gameplay changes. I hope they don't mess with the handling. I love how the characters control in this game.

EDIT: Just realized, I didn't play Left Behind, so that will be all-new content. :)


Naughty Dog, I have a special request.

Please get rid of the silly flashlight shaking mechanic for the remastered edition or give us an option to use a button instead.

As well as hold buttons instead of mashing them a la Left Behind.


Obviously the Remastered Edition will have all the DLC included. This includes whatever the new 'difficulty mode' for single player campagin is going to be which releases as part of the 3rd DLC drop which is mostly MP focused with new levels/weapons and skills. Could this difficulty mode actually be the E3 AI?

- ND said they had much better models made than what the PS3 could handle, and they had to nerf them. I'm expecting cut-scene level of detail characters in-game. Put that 8GB DDR5 in the PS4 to work.

- ND said that the campaign doesn't have female hunters due to memory issues on the PS3. We see the female hunter/firefly models in the MP though, so I'm expecting to see some female hunters sprinkled throughout the campaign where there used to be only men.

- Think we'll get 1080p and locked 60fps?

- Do you think we'll see some areas will be re-done to have human enemies and infected in the same area, like how we had a brief glimpse of in the Left Behind DLC? Like in Ish's sewers or the university area where the monkies scare the crap out of Joel + Ellie?

Mostly I'm just looking forward to having TLOU on PS4 because one day my PS3 will be retired and packed-up, but I'll still be playing TLOU MP with suspend/resume to skip the long loading screens at the start, or hell I can play a bit of MP in bed/in the bath on a VITA via Remote Play.


I'm really looking forward to see the first trailer. Hopefully as soon as next week :D
Double dipping is definetly a possibilty, of course bringing back a few old games (including the PS3 version of TLOU) to Gamestop first :p


Sooo I hope they used the speaker for the game,that would be awesome.

Yeah was going to mention that but you said it better :)

I don't particularly like the speaker because I solely use headphones and I rather not miss out on audio cues.


Yeah, a PS4 bundle would be appreciated, since it's a system-seller for me. I was going to buy one for Arkham Knight, but this forces my hand sooner. Those audiovisual upgrades, the commentary track, the inclusion of Left Behind (haven't played it yet), and the promise of other gameplay upgrades (although I'm not sure what these will be -- the gameplay was fine) are all whetting my appetite.

Seriously, if they make this available in a PS4 bundle for $400, I will buy so fast...

Also, I hope that when they show gameplay footage, they release a 60 fps trailer. YouTube is capped at 30 fps no matter what the source material, so maybe Sony can embed one at their own site or something.


Targeting 60fps as well eh? mmm. Day one.
It doesn't appear to be on any UK sites for pre-order just yet (from what I can see) but I'll be doing so just as soon as it is. Loving the new box art for it too.

Glad to see they finally came out and properly announced this anyway, though the store images earlier today pretty much confirmed it heh. Hopefully won't have too long to wait before we get to see some footage and pics!
Yeah I felt in Tomb Raider it was worthwhile because the average was so high. But if a game jumps from ~30fps to ~60fps there should at least be an option to lock it.

Naughty Dog though, so hopefully it's gonna be a smooth 60.


TR DE felt good and much better than Killzone or IF SS. TR was around 45-60 frames all the time, while the other two averaged 30-40 frames.
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