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The No Holds Barred Castle Crashers Official Thread of Broken Netcode and Crash Bugs


I beat it a few days ago... It's a fucking great game. I'm aleady thinking about the sequel. I'm up to level 50 at the moment. I only managed to play online in CC for about 5 minutes the day after the release, and then managed to get around three arena games the day after. Since then I haven't had any luck getting an online game going.

Btw, regarding the game not letting me get piggy earlier... Yeah, I already had it after all. :lol
I really don't like how you can't block when you respawn (from falling off set pieces when you still have health left). The
level is really annoying right now because of it, someone knocks me off, I respawn, and the beam blasts me right off again..

It's an entertaining game, but the bugs, holy crap. Trying to find and join games is a nightmare of strange errors and glitches (like going into the list of games available automatically opening up a loading screen as if you joined one, then freezing on that). But even the single player has problems. The forest level with the black fuzzy guys, I fought the first boss (
before the huge thing chases you on a deer
), and as he was dying, one of his minions froze in the air. I could hit it, but it wouldn't die, and the next scripted sequence wouldn't cue. I had to quit out of the level and play through it again.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I am playing it at home with my little brother and I am having a blast.


Brilliant game!

I beat it with Red Knight, now I'm playing Insane mode. Level 77 right now, I found a perfect place to grind my level up really fast - at the "mini" Boss fight in the forest, but I think it works only for Red Knight because of the lightning magic that stops enemies and keeps draining their HP.
Anyway, I leveled up like 10 levels at that place. :D
Piepz said:
Brilliant game!

I beat it with Red Knight, now I'm playing Insane mode. Level 77 right now, I found a perfect place to grind my level up really fast - at the "mini" Boss fight in the forest, but I think it works only for Red Knight because of the lightning magic that stops enemies and keeps draining their HP.
Anyway, I leveled up like 10 levels at that place. :D
You mean the troll mini boss?

Yea Red knight is the easiest to lvl traditionally due to the lightning attack getting numerous hits on a character while draining their life.


DoubleFang said:
How do you unlock the Conscientious Objector achievement? :O

Turn on a second controller and play (likewise play co-op and your friend does the fighting while you just do nothing), the character that wants to get the achivements does not attack at all. Unlocked after the first barbarian boss dies.


Neo Member
bigswords said:
Turn on a second controller and play (likewise play co-op and your friend does the fighting while you just do nothing), the character that wants to get the achivements does not attack at all. Unlocked after the first barbarian boss dies.
Ok thanks :D


Is there a map or a list where I can find and get every animal orb ? I want that achievement :D

TurtleSnatcher said:
You mean the troll mini boss?

Yea Red knight is the easiest to lvl traditionally due to the lightning attack getting numerous hits on a character while draining their life.
Yeah, the troll.


You guys were right about the Red Knight. Leveled up his magic completely and I'm shocked how awesome his lightning attack is. Works damn well on the bosses too.


Sean said:
You guys were right about the Red Knight. Leveled up his magic completely and I'm shocked how awesome his lightning attack is. Works damn well on the bosses too.

Says the guy who used it on a boss, that had a blue shield, and took out all our health...


DarkAngelYuna said:
No fucking duh. It always says its saving when you exit the store or any level to the map. It still doesn't fucking save which levels you've beaten for people, just their stats and weapons which are fucking useless when you're still on the first level and you play again.

We were talking about local solo play.
Is anyone else unable to save on single player or just co-op? Anytime I quit single player my fucking game is gone when I come back to it. Everyone is level 1 again, my characters are gone, and my shit is gone. Hope the patch fixes that...


Rodent Whores
Just started playing this - freaking awesome. The gray knight with 25+ magic skill is :O

I need to play co-op with him so that I can have a meat shield.


JLateralus said:
Is anyone else unable to save on single player or just co-op? Anytime I quit single player my fucking game is gone when I come back to it. Everyone is level 1 again, my characters are gone, and my shit is gone. Hope the patch fixes that...

Did you quit to the world map then exit the game?

M.J. Doja

anybody want to start from the beginning let me know i have a couple of low lvls that are only at the barbarian boss.

GT: MJ Doja
Rimind me not to try and put online co-op in my games in the future. I'm officially frustrated with CC's online, or lack there of.

I beat the game single player and am now ready to dive in multiplayer. Thing keeps teasing as if a game is about to start and then crashing.

And why do I have to keep pressing "A" to "continue" when "the game is no longer available"? Can't it just re-establish itself for me and let me just press "B" when I've had enough waiting?

I've been sitting here for an hour and I have yet to lay my meat tenderizer to a single forehead with a friend or stranger.

It's pissing me off and I swear all this crashing and booting up of my 360 is going to give me RRoD.

But I guess I'm just a part of the club now eh?

I said it before, and I'll say it again, they should have just went the BC:R road and went with local co-op only. This is too much of a hassle to bother with.

I would have paid the $15 twice for this game even without online, but the promise of it and failing to deliver, just damages a wonderful game.

/getting stuff off chest.


I don't know if it's already been mentioned, but I know two people who have successfully gotten refunds on the game (similar to what happened with Mr. Driller Online), so if you've been having problems with losing saves or being unable to get online with people and you're fed up with it, you can give that a shot. I still haven't bought the game yet, most of my friends still have massive problems getting online, and two of them are the ones who got refunds. It's a damn shame.
Teknoman said:
Did you quit to the world map then exit the game?

Yep. I saw the saving game text on the world map.

I bought the game Wednesday and played for an hour online with a friend of mine. Ironically, we had no trouble with playing over live. I went to play the game on Thursday and all my progress was just gone. I thought that maybe I screwed something up and chalked it up to a fluke.

A buddy of mine came over on Saturday and we played through about 75% of the game. I got up to level 18. We exited to the world map, the game told me that it saved, and we quit. I started it up the next day to find my progress completely erased.

I started a new game and played through the first level just to see. I again saw the saving text and then quit to the menu and exited the game. I went back in and again my progress is completely wiped out.

I checked my HDD and there is simply no game save for it. I understand that there can be issues with netcode as all the different scenarios can be really difficult to test, but how the hell did these save bugs make it through MS QA?
SailorDaravon said:
I don't know if it's already been mentioned, but I know two people who have successfully gotten refunds on the game (similar to what happened with Mr. Driller Online), so if you've been having problems with losing saves or being unable to get online with people and you're fed up with it, you can give that a shot. I still haven't bought the game yet, most of my friends still have massive problems getting online, and two of them are the ones who got refunds. It's a damn shame.

Do you get to keep the game? I really like the game, but I'm kind of pissed that it's basically unplayable to me due to the game save thing. Do they just revoke the license from you?
SailorDaravon said:
I don't know if it's already been mentioned, but I know two people who have successfully gotten refunds on the game (similar to what happened with Mr. Driller Online), so if you've been having problems with losing saves or being unable to get online with people and you're fed up with it, you can give that a shot. I still haven't bought the game yet, most of my friends still have massive problems getting online, and two of them are the ones who got refunds. It's a damn shame.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I couldn't do that. The game is still amazing without online and I know the Behemoth really put their all into this one. Maybe they tried to bite off more than they could chew?

But like I said, I would have gladly paid $30 for this game even without online. It's just a shame that I had my hopes up for it. maybe I can grab a few local friends or maybe the online will be fixed soon, before the game is swallowed in the onslaught of new releases this holiday.


Im still confused on the fact why people who really like the game want refunds. If its going to be fixed relatively soon, why not wait?

Of course if you really dont like the game itself AND got screwed up by the save bug or anything else, then I guess it would work out for the best.


So I just did Industrial Castle.

are you supposed to kill the king guy at the end? I meant too, but after grabbing the sword/lance thing I went over to the telescope instead of taking a swing at him. Damn it, I meant to finish him off too...

I was worried maybe he was an unlockable character but I didn't kill him.
I bought this game just because I loved alien hominid so much and because of all the good reviews....Holy shit, this game is Like River city ransom 2008. I LOVE IT. I have played any online multiplayer with it yet just because of all the horrible stories I have read, instead I have just been playing it offline with some of my friends when they come over. but now I am reading about save problems and I am starting to get worried, and feel like I shouldn't even play the game as I might lose my current progress.

but I want...to...play...
Vyer said:
So I just did Industrial Castle.

are you supposed to kill the king guy at the end? I meant too, but after grabbing the sword/lance thing I went over to the telescope instead of taking a swing at him. Damn it, I meant to finish him off too...

I was worried maybe he was an unlockable character but I didn't kill him.
I killed him. I don't think it changes anything one way or the other.


Llyranor said:
No, you just
kill him because doing so is awesome
. It doesn't unlock anything.

Thanks guys. Good to know. At least I didn't miss anything. Though I really wanted to see
the dude get killed
, too. :(

Shoulda stuck to the general rule: kill first, ask questions later.


JLateralus said:
Do you get to keep the game? I really like the game, but I'm kind of pissed that it's basically unplayable to me due to the game save thing. Do they just revoke the license from you?

I'll ask, but I think you lose the game yes.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Here in Japan, XBL CC games have been painless and uneventful.

Do you guys just have shitty connections?
My green knight is now lvl 82.

The troll boss on insane difficulty is a great way to get experience.. The only problem is.. He is freaking tough as nails.

He has a ton of HP.. and he spawns so many little guys that I actually got some slow down..

And if the little guys get 1 attack on you.. you are screwed cause you go into the hit delay animation and then 4 more come up and each hit for 70+ dmg.. You can't even potion fast enough :lol


Okay i'm a level 24 gray knight with max agility, half magic and about 6 or 7 pts of defense. what the heck do I do against the boss in the lava world? It's frustrating cause those big rocks hit me for 42 damage, about 20 times per rock, and then I die, and I have to go through that entire damn level.


I feel like such a noob.

I CANNOT beat the cone head knight (the Wedding Crash). Is there some sort of attack pattern. Dodging the bombs when he plays the organ is easy, but when he stops and comes back to me, I have no fucking clue on what do do.

-PXG- said:
I feel like such a noob.

I CANNOT beat the cone head knight (the Wedding Crash). Is there some sort of attack pattern. Dodging the bombs when he plays the organ is easy, but when he stops and comes back to me, I have no fucking clue on what do do.

Shield. Also, if you have the magic attack where you jump and hit Y you can spam the shit outta that to get him.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Insaniac said:
Okay i'm a level 24 gray knight with max agility, half magic and about 6 or 7 pts of defense. what the heck do I do against the boss in the lava world? It's frustrating cause those big rocks hit me for 42 damage, about 20 times per rock, and then I die, and I have to go through that entire damn level.
I don't know if I just got lucky avoiding the big rocks or what, but if you climb up that ramp to the far right side (make sure you don't go too far or the sock puppet will fuck you up) you can just shoot arrows to the left and they will wind up to the dragon head and hit him for a ton of damage. I leveled him solo with a max agility Ice knight. If worse comes to worse leave and spend some time meleeing mini trolls at the troll boss for a few levels and get some more defense. That sounds like too much damage from the rocks, but then I usually just avoid them altogether. Not sure why you're having such a hard time.

Re: Live play - I've played a few long sessions of this online and our workaround so far has just been to exit to the map after every single level to get a save in. I've gotten really fast at sending reinvites, so that helps from slowing down the pace too far. We can usually go 2 or 3 levels before we all get the boot but occasionally just one member will get dropped and we'll have to all quit out and start the game from scratch. Is there really no way to just invite a single player to a game already in progress? That strikes me as really lame, but then it's probably only a serious problem because of the current netcode bugs...


BabaORiely said:
Shield. Also, if you have the magic attack where you jump and hit Y you can spam the shit outta that to get him.

Nah. Don't have that one. I beefed up my strength and defense. I am level 15 and JUST got "level 2" of my fire spell.


Insaniac said:
Okay i'm a level 24 gray knight with max agility, half magic and about 6 or 7 pts of defense. what the heck do I do against the boss in the lava world? It's frustrating cause those big rocks hit me for 42 damage, about 20 times per rock, and then I die, and I have to go through that entire damn level.

You mean the main boss? Or the
volcano rock dude?
If the main, I fought him at a higher level, but
basically stay in the middle ground. The rocks he throws from the right can be run under. I stayed out of his range when he fired his fire breath or whatever. Basically run up, wail on his chin, back away/run under the oncoming boulder, stand out of the way of his fire breath. Wash, rinse, repeat.
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