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The No Holds Barred Castle Crashers Official Thread of Broken Netcode and Crash Bugs

-PXG- said:
Nah. Don't have that one. I beefed up my strength and defense. I am level 15 and JUST got "level 2" of my fire spell.
I just got up to him and beat him with a lvl 14 fire demon. The Y magic attack is the easiest way. My grey knight was a strength and defense character, if I remember correctly, what I did with him was i did the juggle move: jump and keep spamming X or Y on him.
Just for the record I haven't had any major issues with the game and neither has a mate that i've been playing with.

Played 3 player local for about 2 hours, ran perfectly and no problems there.

I've played single player for about 3-4 hours, no problems.

Played some online 2 player co-op for about 8 hours and we had about 6 games drop out on us. The games would always drop out near the begining like about 1-5 mins into it. It did once drop out after we beat 3 of the last bosses and that was a little annoying but not even a smudge on the enjoyment i've had with the game.

Absolutely awesome!! I just hope we get some new levels or something via DLC cuz I know I have to wait ages for another game like this.


Hey new news:

Main site back up and update on problems (not very thorough, but still)

"First of all I wanted to apologize for our sites being down for the past few days. Apparently when everyone in the world tries to access our website at the same time, the server starts to freak out. Our hope was to have an increased amount of people visiting our sites (dev blog, forum, etc) but didn’t expect this many. What’s the official word from our hosting provider you ask? Abuse and overuse!

On to the most important thing, Castle Crashers…..

For those of you who are experiencing online issues, saving issues, etc I want to assure you that we are all very hard at work at getting an update to the game out as fast as we can. I am gathering all of the emails, forum posts, etc, etc for all of the issues that have been reported. As soon as I get them organized I will try to post them on here so everyone can see what we’re going to fix for the update. Again if you have any issues you want to discuss with us please email them to games[at]thebehemoth[dot]com and try to put a relevant subject line on there so I can sort through them easier. My next step is to get our forums back online without getting shut down again in the meantime you can find me on the Xbox forums."
Vyer said:
You mean the main boss? Or the
volcano rock dude?
If the main, I fought him at a higher level, but
basically stay in the middle ground. The rocks he throws from the right can be run under. I stayed out of his range when he fired his fire breath or whatever. Basically run up, wail on his chin, back away/run under the oncoming boulder, stand out of the way of his fire breath. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I just killed him with projectiles (magic or arrows) and dodged the boulders.. Worked well.. U can hit him from a certain spot on the cliff.

Teknoman - The site was up yesterday - We already knew :p
DarkAngelYuna said:
Still just gathering info for the update? God they're slow.

I'd rather that they take their time gathering info and only have to do one update than to miss something and have to do it again.
JLateralus said:
I'd rather that they take their time gathering info and only have to do one update than to miss something and have to do it again.
I'd rather them fix each issue as soon as possible. If they can fix the save bug or the disconnects easily then they should do so, not wait until they've sorted out more minor issues such as the crashes. The game is hamstrung at the moment.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Still just gathering info for the update? God they're slow.

Yeah, by the time this is done THEN put through a probably even more lenghty and rigorous MS approval process its going to be way past the time anyone cares about the game. I'm already pretty much done with it after running through it 3 times. This is why developers dont normally travel across country with their team to trade shows during launch week, because chances are there'll be problems and OBVIOUSLY increased website traffic to deal with.

Seems theres still characters to be unlocked and nobody knows how, so maybe theyre cheap and lame DLC coming later down the line.
Wurm said:
Yeah, by the time this is done THEN put through a probably even more lenghty and rigorous MS approval process its going to be way past the time anyone cares about the game. I'm already pretty much done with it after running through it 3 times. This is why developers dont normally travel across country with their team to trade shows during launch week, because chances are there'll be problems and OBVIOUSLY increased website traffic to deal with.
I don't know about this. Some patches are clearly given priority and applied really quickly. Iirc, The Orange Box was patched for TF2 network issues within a week of release. On the other hand we've sometimes had to wait ages for fixes to games with fatal problems (Space Giraffe). Hopefully CC is more like the former.

I agree with you about the PAX thing though. Using that as an excuse is woeful. They shouldn't have been publicly swanning off to jamborees when they'd just released their game in this state.


Wurm said:
Yeah, by the time this is done THEN put through a probably even more lenghty and rigorous MS approval process its going to be way past the time anyone cares about the game. I'm already pretty much done with it after running through it 3 times. This is why developers dont normally travel across country with their team to trade shows during launch week, because chances are there'll be problems and OBVIOUSLY increased website traffic to deal with.

Seems theres still characters to be unlocked and nobody knows how, so maybe theyre cheap and lame DLC coming later down the line.

Well people still replay all great beat em ups from time to time, so why would people stop caring about the game?

Also most unlockables are usually beat game with character X, beat arena X, beat game on X difficulty, etc. So im sure its nothing DLC related. Just would have to beat the game with everyone.


So I forgot my xbox live expired. Does anyone have one of those free trials they wanna throw my way so I don't have to play solo anymore :(


Running off of Custom Firmware
Well, I know my lost accomplishments do not represent a unique bug, but I sent them off an email detailing the day's activities leading up to my lost weapons/animals/etc.
The Red Knight's magic abilities are awesome! I'm going for a strength/Magic dude this time around and I just took out the wedding knight within two rotations, just standard magic attack and it delivers 12hp many, many, many times over until your magic is drained.

Can't wait to get up to Lvl 30 with this guy! :D
I just noticed something curious: I was in the swamp village store and when I walked past the fish-vendor guy his speech bubble read 5555555. What could this mean? Do you need 5555555 gold to get something from him? Is it a joke? a red herring?

Coin Return

Loose Slot
BabaORiely said:
I just noticed something curious: I was in the swamp village store and when I walked past the fish-vendor guy his speech bubble read 5555555. What could this mean? Do you need 5555555 gold to get something from him? Is it a joke? a red herring?
He's going "sssssss" like snake.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
just a deviation from the game I wanted to show off my orange knight figure signed by dan paladin :D



Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, weapons details are really hard to make out on an SDTV, unfortunately. The numbers come through fine, but the icons and symbols largely look like shapeless blobs.

When I got the last boss' weapon, I just used that because it seemed to give +2 to all 4 base stats. That, and it was the only weapon I didn't lose when the rest of my equipment and animals got wiped.


Just want to update that I managed to kill the troll boss in the thiefs forrest after some leveling. Was fairly easy actually :D. Combination of air combos, X X X Y Y combos and getting some distance and using the arrow rain attack.

I'm also lv 67 now, woop.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Damn I have just taken a look at their store..

I freaking want that blue knight figure, and the T-shirt... but both out of stock. Damn :(

Anyone know if/when they restock?
Label said:
Damn I have just taken a look at their store..

I freaking want that blue knight figure, and the T-shirt... but both out of stock. Damn :(

Anyone know if/when they restock?

When I was talking to Dan, he said that each time to go back to the manufacturer to make more figures, it gets more expensive b/c of the price of petroleum. I don't know if that's a bad sign or what. =/


We just got off the phone with Microsoft and we had a great talk about updating Castle Crashers, YES!! Looks like we’re on our way to getting this title update out and the bigger issues like saving and online connectivity resolved, in addition to other bugs that have been reported. A suggestion for those that might be having some online problems with Quick Match or Custom Match is to possibly try hosting a match instead. Also we’ve been informed that there are some suggestions out there about how to help recover your lost saved data. Again, we’re working on resolving these issues for the update but these might help you in the meantime.

We don’t have a specific time frame yet but we have been working on all known issues as soon as they appeared. Our team has gone without rum and biscuits since we became aware of the issues and will continue to deprive our programming team of both sleep and contact with family and friends (they don’t really have friends).

I want to take a second and thank everyone who sent in their emails, forum posts, threat letters, etc over the past few days. We’ve read through everything and have been responding to as many issues as we can. We’re directing most of our attention to actually fixing the problems so please be patient if you don’t hear an immediate response. Yay for communication!

If you have anything to report to us please keep emailing them to games[at]thebehemoth[dot]com and for the love of all that is good in this world put a relevant subject line like “Castle Crashers Bug Blah Blah Blah” but not, “OMFGFTWROFLCOPTER”

Thanks we love you all in that kind of way that’s not weird and uncomfortable.

Your BFF,

A friend and I have been playing this game over Live for the last three nights, and we just ran into our first glitch tonight. Right after we killed the catfish boss, the screen turned into a bunch of horizontal stripes in the colors of the background, kind of like the pixels on one edge of the screen were stretched across the entire screen. It showed up on both our screens, which was odd, but when we backed out to the dashboard and reloaded, we hadn't lost any data.

It's really strange how this game glitches in totally different ways for different people. Either there are a number of different glitches, or there's one or two problems that are screwing things up in different ways... and if it's the former, it's pretty embarrassing that nobody caught these bugs in testing.


rohlfinator said:
A friend and I have been playing this game over Live for the last three nights, and we just ran into our first glitch tonight. Right after we killed the catfish boss, the screen turned into a bunch of horizontal stripes in the colors of the background, kind of like the pixels on one edge of the screen were stretched across the entire screen. It showed up on both our screens, which was odd, but when we backed out to the dashboard and reloaded, we hadn't lost any data.

It's really strange how this game glitches in totally different ways for different people. Either there are a number of different glitches, or there's one or two problems that are screwing things up in different ways... and if it's the former, it's pretty embarrassing that nobody caught these bugs in testing.

This has happened to me a few times. Twice after fighting the catfish boss and once after the barbarian boss. Freaks me out everytime that my stats are gonna get erased..


IcebergSlim3000 said:
This has to be best character guide that I've found so far. It will probably end up being a faq.

Oops! You are not authorized to perform this function. You shouldn't have been given this option to begin with, so either we've got an error in our page display, or you've just created one.

The error message from the server is: You cannot mark this topic at this time.

You appear to have reached this page through a link from another site. Of course, we can't fix broken links on other sites, but we've recorded the error anyway in case it's someone we actually want linking here.
You can use the back button in your browser to return to the page you just came from, or use any one of the links at the top of the screen to visit another part of the site.

Well, I've just reached level 80 after maxing out Strength/Magic/Defense/Agility with a Red Knight.

A real fun game, and I'm up for some online now, so if anyone wants to go through the story at all my GT is Dr Lemon Phd


Hypno Funk said:
Well, I've just reached level 80 after maxing out Strength/Magic/Defense/Agility with a Red Knight.

A real fun game, and I'm up for some online now, so if anyone wants to go through the story at all my GT is Dr Lemon Phd

Is 80 the level cap?
Level 99 is the cap as far as i know, but i'm debating whether it's worth reaching it as there doesn't seem to be much reward for reaching it apart from being a completist.........so i'll probably go for it.
Hypno Funk said:
Level 99 is the cap as far as i know, but i'm debating whether it's worth reaching it as there doesn't seem to be much reward for reaching it apart from being a completist.........so i'll probably go for it.
Every level gain adds an extremely minimal increase to your health and strength I believe. I had noticed with one of my characters who I wasn't leveling strength on that after a few levels he started doing 1 more point of damage. I hadn't changed weapons or put stat points in strength.
My Xbox came back alive just for long enough for me to spend money on Castle Crashers and get me excited about it again only for it to brake just as the download gets to 90%. Why must it taunt me so?? I've been waiting for Castle Crashers for over 2 years now damn it.


I kinda wish there was more variety in character building, although I realize its not a RPG a la diablo, but I just kinda enjoy that, it's interesting to see other people's "builds" and come up with your own unique one. Although in castle crashers it quickly doesn't become very unique.
So I built an Agility based Grey knight and have made it to the end of the game, but... on the last boss my 360 got a RROD. So now I have to send my 360 into Microsoft and then I get to see the end of the game! :lol
suaveric said:
is there any point in leveling up agility? It seems like a better idea to level up your magic instead of arrows.

A bit of speed is always useful, some enemies can be pretty nimble later on, which can make it hard to get away from them.

But its often the one attribute I don't focus too much on. I tried levelling up one knight as a Magic/Speed dude but I've noticed his lack of defence and strength can make certain bosses pretty time consuming.


I've a level 41 grey knight with max agil, and pretty decent magic and defense. I'm now working on his strength but the rate of fire for his arrows is unparalleled. He can juggle most enemies with his arrows alone.


will learn eventually
suaveric said:
is there any point in leveling up agility? It seems like a better idea to level up your magic instead of arrows.
Your speed, and the speed you shoot your arrows increases. So in the end, my green agility knight, did far more damage with his arrows, than with melee or magic attacks.


Rodent Whores
Insaniac said:
I kinda wish there was more variety in character building, although I realize its not a RPG a la diablo, but I just kinda enjoy that, it's interesting to see other people's "builds" and come up with your own unique one. Although in castle crashers it quickly doesn't become very unique.
Yeah I wish there were different movesets for different character/weapons and a little more complexity along the lines of affinities/resistances.

Also, I wish there were skills or new combos that could be applied to magic or agility so that melee isn't so dominant.

Most combos involve strength and melee. There is only one combo (XXXY) that involves magic, and none that involve the agility stat.

Something like a rapid fire arrow combo, or even a pierce skill would be great to give ranged combat a little more variety and oomph.


Rentahamster said:
Yeah I wish there were different movesets for different character/weapons and a little more complexity along the lines of affinities/resistances.

Also, I wish there were skills or new combos that could be applied to magic or agility so that melee isn't so dominant.

Most combos involve strength and melee. There is only one combo (XXXY) that involves magic, and none that involve the agility stat.

Something like a rapid fire arrow combo, or even a pierce skill would be great to give ranged combat a little more variety and oomph.

I wish that rapid firing arrows when you have max agility wasn't so hard (You have to find the right rhythm, pressing B as fast as you can fires much slower) That way you can at least tag arrow juggling to some melee combos such as X, Y
suaveric said:
is there any point in leveling up agility? It seems like a better idea to level up your magic instead of arrows.

Well the main thing is arrow juggling. If you time it right you can keep hitting an enemy as he bounces across the screen doing massive amounts of damage. Not to mention that if you have lots of speed you are harder to hit and since upgrading agility upgrades damage of archery you do more damage as well. I think it's best to make an "agility" character rather than throw random points into that category. But that's just me.


I wonder why Dan didnt put his earliest flash cartoon creations as characters in CC. Something and Synj. Also Dad from Dad and me would've been a nice addition since he already has a chainsaw.
Finished the game today with my first character. Very fun and addictive game.
The only flaws I can think of are that the enemies have just slightly too much health
and the rare times when you get chain knocked down when there are lots of mobs.

For example
the third of the last bosses which is down in what looks like
the Death Star's garbage trash compactor from Episode 4. Before you get to the boss
there are a ton of mobs on screen at the same time and I had big problems with my
level 35 green guy char. I had to go stock up on potions and sandwiches to get past that part.

M.J. Doja

the only online that works for me is hosting and playing online.. anybody looking to playthrough from around wedding crashers level? ive got an insane guy too but i just wanna play regular co op to beat the game on another character

gt: MJ Doja
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