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The Order: 1886 Gets New Direct-Feed Screenshots From Obama

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Uh am I missing something? Why does a topic about six screenshots have 5,000 replies? Is there an Uncharted 4 trailer hidden in the pics? This is the Playstation Experience thread all over again.
Because stores broke street date and people have been posting impressions.

Oh so it's like the GOAT thread again? Good enough for me!


Uh am I missing something? Why does a topic about six screenshots have 5,000 replies? Is there an Uncharted 4 trailer hidden in the pics? This is the Playstation Experience thread all over again.

I was thinking the sane as you first but since there is no OT yet this is also a feedback thread, quite a few people have the game now and are using this thread for their opinions.
That post doesn't really shed too much light on the matter, honestly. I'm sure the original claim of 1.5 to 2.5 hours was exaggerated, even considering the YouTuber said he wasn't counting the QTE stuff, but "very few cutscenes and lots of action" doesn't exactly tell me how much of that one hour he spent actively interacting in the game. Nor do I know his skill level and if any of that was dying/reloading, etc.

I'm sure there's plenty to the game, but I don't really see how that constitutes a debunk.

Wait, what? He says that claim is bullshit and that certain chapters took about an hour with very few cutscenes. There's two others who have completed the game saying the same exact thing. It seems to me that the only way you would debunk that claim is if you play it yourself, so don't ask for posts that debunk that rumor and then come up with all this other criteria. Play it yourself and see how long it takes you.
Holy shit I accidentally went into the spoiler thread DD: Good thing everything was spoiler tagged and I noticed I was in the wrong thread.

I was wondering why the attitude towards the game completely flipped lol.


people getting the game early and giving impressions

Oh, so it's like with Bayonetta and no one had an OT to talk about the game so random topics were being constantly bumped.

Reading impressions, this game takes either 1 or 100 hours to complete.


Holy shit I accidentally went into the spoiler thread DD: Good thing everything was spoiler tagged and I noticed I was in the wrong thread.

I was wondering why the attitude towards the game completely flipped lol.

People watching some scenes without context, speculate on length and all that stuff or how chapters are build up...

Mainly just speculation based on some youtube minutes and some people who just watched the end of the game.

That's why I will stay out of these topics for now, before anyone does a Steven Gerrard and slips and drops a big spoiler in the process.
And what many consider the overall experience in games is the part you actually play. If cutscenes vastly outnumber the gameplay then I'm not sure that this was intended to be a game at all but an animated movie with gameplay strapped on as a necessity. I might be oldschool too though but in a different way.

This is all if the claims are true of course
Well, you seem to have your mind made up one way or another, so I guess the fact that several people who've played it seem to go against this theory means little.
Uh am I missing something? Why does a topic about six screenshots have 5,000 replies? Is there an Uncharted 4 trailer hidden in the pics? This is the Playstation Experience thread all over again.

OT threads are banned until the day before release so all pre-release talk is happening in threads like this. Makes sense doesn't it? I'd prefer making official pre-release threads but this seems the accepted method.


edit- what you're doing right now btw is called moving goal posts. You didn't prove a damn thing, your original argument was that I was claiming I was called out in this thread.

Yes my first response was that.. people in this thread WERE willing to talk critically about the game and that you were minimizing the amount of concern trolls in the thread. And that you were being so defensive that I thought someone was criticizing you for expressing your opinion.
I've seen many come into that thread and make legimtiate criticisms and they get absolutely chased away as trolls.

But as I read your posts and the responses. Everyone responded fairly to you in this thread. Not one accused you of your criticisms. I understand you were worried it could happen like that, but I didn't see the reason for your concern. (This was our original argument)

The second point about the confusion because someone responded to you about "legit source" and I said you didn't have it. That lead to -->youtuber and etc. Yes, your comment was confusing regarding that. I was wrong about certain parts of this part.. hence the edits.. but I still claimed that it was confusing as evidenced by many others being confused by it as well. :D

:/ I've spammed this thread long enough. ; __ ;7 good night.


Well, you seem to have your mind made up one way or another, so I guess the fact that several people who've played it seem to go against this theory means little.
My mind is not made up, you asked what the big deal was if the claims were true and I told you. Sorry if I came off rude I have trouble with expression
My mind is not made up, you asked what the big deal was if the claims were true and I told you. Sorry if I came off rude I have trouble with expression
I don't feel you were rude, I'm just saying; earlier you were agreeing with someone that this game looks like a disappointment, and that the reactions to the game are probably more exciting than the game itself. Which is fine, do you, but it also sounds like your mind is made up about the game, therefore you're probably more apt to believe the rumors about gameplay/cutscenes ratio.


Don't worry, Obama has ensured that this time, we're getting a Single Player system.

It's not really a rumor though, there's a near complete playthrough on youtube already.
So you're saying that it's true that there's less than 3 hours of actual gameplay in The Order? Or are you saying that there's a complete play through posted on YouTube? Because those are two different things.
Holy shit I accidentally went into the spoiler thread DD: Good thing everything was spoiler tagged and I noticed I was in the wrong thread.

I was wondering why the attitude towards the game completely flipped lol.

Wink twice if the spoiler thread was generally positive about the game.


I don't feel you were rude, I'm just saying; earlier you were agreeing with someone that this game looks like a disappointment, and that the reactions to the game are probably more exciting than the game itself. Which is fine, do you, but it also sounds like your mind is made up about the game, therefore you're probably more apt to believe the rumors about gameplay/cutscenes ratio.
Maybe, though I have very little interest in the game I still want it to be good for all those buying it and it would be a shame if this didn't meet expectations. I hope it doesn't seem like I want the game to be bad I want the gameplay claims to be false so more good games exist. If that makes any sense. Also I do enjoy a good meltdown thread where people take games super seriously wheat her the game is good or bad


So you're saying that it's true that there's less than 3 hours of actual gameplay in The Order? Or are you saying that there's a complete play through posted on YouTube? Because those are two different things.

I'm saying someone posted chapters 1-13 (excluding 5) on youtube and the "rumor" isn't too far off.

Multiple chapters are just a 5 minute cutscene.


Holy shit I accidentally went into the spoiler thread DD: Good thing everything was spoiler tagged and I noticed I was in the wrong thread.

I was wondering why the attitude towards the game completely flipped lol.

I popped in there to see if anyone else had played the game and wow.. its full of people talking about the ending without spoiler tags.. keep out....

It was quite a civil thread for the past few days until today.
I'm saying someone posted chapters 1-13 (excluding 5) and the "rumor" isn't too far off.

Multiple chapters are just a 5 minute cutscene.
Time the gameplay (firefights, QTEs, encounters, etc.) for us and then get back to us.

So far, it's the claim of one dork on YouTube and all the people eating up his junk against the word of GAF impressions.
Wink twice if the spoiler thread was generally positive about the game.

It was until people who weren't interested in the game in the first place started piling in on the last page.

Ending has some iffy writing and seems
(not a story spoiler, just about its execution). Think the people saying it's bad are viewing it out of context given their confusion on what was going on.

Some aren't happy about some chapters being dominated by cutscenes, though there are some that are also mostly gameplay and longer than the cutscene ones.

Have to keep in mind the tastes of the people making the noise, positive or negative.
I'm saying someone posted chapters 1-13 (excluding 5) and the "rumor" isn't too far off.

Multiple chapters are just a 5 minute cutscene.
Its a damn shame people will watch the whole game on Youtube before it comes out. Unless they never really planned on playing it in the first place, thats the only thing that makes sense to me.


Time the gameplay (firefights, QTEs, encounters, etc.) and get back to us.

Well someone in the spoiler thread summed up the ratio pretty well, I think you saw his post.

Its a damn shame people will watch the whole game on Youtube before it comes out. Unless they never really planned on playing it in the first place, thats the only thing that makes sense to me.

Oh I didn't sit there and watch it or spoil myself, I just skimmed through each video looking for chapter names to see if they synced up and to see what the game was about.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
What are the general NeoGAF impressions btw? Hesitant to go looking for them.
Well someone in the spoiler thread summed up the ratio pretty well, I think you saw his post.

Oh I didn't sit there and watch it or spoil myself, I just skimmed through each video looking for chapter names to see if they synced up and to see what the game was about.
Yeah I saw the dude who's 4.2 hours in. I guess he only has an hour left to go! 80% cutscenes must be right!

Its a damn shame people will watch the whole game on Youtube before it comes out. Unless they never really planned on playing it in the first place, thats the only thing that makes sense to me.

Given the history of some of the people in that thread and even what they admitted, BINGO.
Skipping around in that Youtube footage of the entire game, wow this game is really embarrassing. RAD definitely drank the SCE cinematic kool-aid pretty hard.


What are the general NeoGAF impressions btw? Hesitant to go looking for them.

Only two people for sure have played it and talked about it, they seemed to think its a very good game with some issues, but its to early for a GAF opinion over all yet.
What are the general NeoGAF impressions btw? Hesitant to go looking for them.

You probably won't be able to find them, given that they're buried in all this crap.

Generally positive. I think Rapier had some minor/personal grievances, but I didn't see what those were. Seemed like people had unfairly dog piled on him for the slight knocks when I noticed that he was one of ours that had played it. Other one who works at Gamestop I believe was positive overall as well. Don't remember what criticism they had of it...just seemed like a general positive impression.
It was until people who weren't interested in the game in the first place started piling in on the last page.

Ending has some iffy writing and seems
(not a story spoiler, just about its execution). Think the people saying it's bad are viewing it out of context given their confusion on what was going on.

Some aren't happy about some chapters being dominated by cutscenes, though there are some that are also mostly gameplay and longer than the cutscene ones.

Have to keep in mind the tastes of the people making the noise, positive or negative.
I saw a "Thank goodness for Nintendo" post and had to nope out. That thread is increasingly becoming filled with people who might very well have never been interested in the game to begin with.
This thread and the spoiler thread are two different worlds, in terms of play time and impressions.
It's hilarious. There's one dude over there giving negative estimations and impressions mixed with that YouTube stuff being passed around. I guess it's cool for them to ignore the positive impressions over here and all the estimations of longer gameplay.

Nah, I don't even remember the DSII thread being that bad overall. Bloodborne is tracking to be looked more fondly upon up to release (aka no major downgrade outrage). Worst that will happen is if some early review puts out a lower than expected score that causes an exaggerated meltdown until the rest of the reviews start pouring in.

Didn't take many threads after the E3 reveal for the message to be clear if any suspected console warrior crap is brought into a Bloodborne thread.

From what I recall it was originally set to be a trilogy, so your demands may already be in the works to be met!

That explains the slow start to this episode.

Star Wars starts slow and only gets the speed up half way through leading to a finish that leaves you wanting more.

That means the next episode is The Empire Strikes Back and will be awesome sauce all the way through.

Means the last one will have fucking Ewoks though.
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