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The state of NeoGAF

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Dunno the sitch. Been here for a decade and don't know any of these account suiciders you're being dinks. I'm not commenting on a story I don't know shit about but I'm here for the community and can we just get back to that?
That would be nice. The community aspect is indeed important. Which is why it's so frustrating that Tyler destroyed half of the communities on the site, over a completely unrelated event and accusations they have nothing to do with. If the community is so important, then why quite literally tear the community in half? Seems impossible to get back to "focusing on the community" like that, when half of the communities were just nuked out of thin air, with no warning whatsoever or anything. I don't see how it can be done.

Especially since it leaves the door open for this exact thing to be done again in the future, with just as little warning. I don't know how anyone could be alright with any of that, with those kind of possibilities looming over their heads while they stay here, but that's me.


I love seeing all the protest threads, but people posting about showers or cartoons or whatever are just making light of the serious issue they're against.


Nekketsu Kõha;252772791 said:
Unfortunately those mods and posters felt the need to leave their community and enter everywhere else however and dogpile people and banning thousands.

Radical people can unfortunately not sit still and need to ruin it for everyone else. It is also safe to assume that future posters wanting to spend all their hours posting about politics and real world news on a gaming forum will be radical as well.

This is a ridiculous argument. Categoring people discussing politics as “radicals”? Also, why would people discussing politics on an off topic thread make them even more “radical” just because half of the forum is focused on gaming discussion. Top to bottom, that’s just stifling discourse because you don’t want it to exist near you.


Obviously that psycho lied about what actually happened in her hotel room. All the Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein accusers are liars too. They’re just looking for hush money. Women are truly dishonest and greedy. Thanks for giving this issue the attention it needs Tyler.

jk fuck off rapist scum
Repeat after me:
Kind of scary how many subtle MAGA folks are here. But they just wanted to be able to freely talk - keep it real. Y’all are so disgustingly happy now.

Mind pointing them out or nah?


First of all I'm so glad GAF is back! I'm part of it for over five years now and GAF is part of me since then. There was no day without it, it's literally my one and only go to for everything gaming. Never cared for the off topic part and probably never will. There is just nothing on the internet which comes even remotely close to the awesome gaming board with all its great people and the awesome OTs they're creating.

I felt so empty when GAF disappeared realizing how tight I've integrated it into my everyday life. I just don't want to miss that.

All those militant SJWs throwing around heavy insults while begging for bans: get lost, no one will miss you here.

None of us has the right to judge over Tyler and the events surrounding him. Unless proven guilty by a court I can't see any issues. He didn't raped her ffs. He just joined her unwelcomed, got rejected and that's it. Who in earth and hell hasn't experienced similar situations?! It was just a false assumption while they were drunk and she slept with him anyways a few months after. WTF?!

All you self-righteous, self-proclaimed saints fuck off and start cleaning beginning at your own houses doormat. Just think a moment about some girl / guy accuses you more or less out of nowhere publicly and people start crucify you for just that. You guys are bonkers, that's anarchy.

If a trial decides Tyler is guilty I'll be one of the first to jump this ship, but unless this won't happen I just laugh about you guys and I'm happy the GAF community is cleaning itself.

Believe. Not only women, but men as well. Believe in truth and justice.

And now I'll finish my coffee and hop right back into my most beloved gaming discussions <3
lmfao if he just was at all apologetic about his screw up instead of pushing the blame onto the girl then this place could have easily survived.

For the sane people left here, keep an eye out the ResetEra site; a new gaf created from some of the old mods. It should be going up this week.

oh my god


No disrespect but that was a really bad response. Personally this doesn't sound unforgivable but that response, the mishandling of this whole situation, poor communication and outright weird decisions on the future of the site just makes this look worse than it should have been.

I would like to see how everything develops but, I would also like to have sometime away from this site... Hopefully I won't be banned for having an opinion.


Anyone got that discord invite via PM maybe? I tried to get it in the waypoint forum but it expired all the time..

Nekketsu Kõha;252772941 said:
So? First of that was her account of events second, even at worst it means he can be a bad boss that doesn't value years of employment. That isn't newsworthy and sure as hell not worthy of destroying the man.

He didn't get destroyed whatsoever so the whole point is kinda moot anyway. And being a bad boss that doesn't value years of employment is being an asshole in my book.


I'm personally really excited to see the way GAF goes by getting rid of political bullshit and refocusing on gaming. Reading that was music to my eyes.

Hope the OT communities can re-connect, but other than that, OT can stay gone as far as I'm concerned.
It's one thing to want to get the whole side of the story but it seems like a bunch of people want to brush this whole thing under the rug so they lose their favorite gaming site....
In some cases, it wins elections.

Ain't that the truth.

I don't want to get too much into my own sob story here but as a woman who was sexually assaulted by a man as a child, who spoke up about it only to see that man walk away scot-free with zero repercussions, this is just... I can't even describe it. It serves as a reminder of my place in the world, I guess. I liked GAF because it was a place that more or less respected women and minorities, a place where I could discuss video games without being reminded that I don't belong, a place where people could discuss issues of representation in video games without the discussion being drowned by cries of "SJW!!!". Now it's just another corner of the Internet full of neckbeards circlejerking about SJWs and virtue signaling. I'm just tired.
Man, y'all with the "he fostered this toxic culture" need to reflect hard. The people who jumped ship weren't asking you anything any decent person wouldn't do: listen, have respect, and try not to be indecent. They asked that you don't disregard women's views in video games, politics, or any other part of society. They asked you don't upset when LGBT people asked you to use their preferred pronouns. They asked you to not shit on minorities brutalized or murdered by police officers because they may have smoked weed in college. They asked you to be reasonable and have empathy for everyone. They asked you to not listen to hate and / or spread it. They asked you to care a little bit about more than just yourselves. A lot of y'all couldn't do that. You hated being decent because you felt entitled to your status. You didn't want to be challenged or be told you were doing things wrong or bad.

Y'all didn't care. They weren't toxic, y'all were. But even now you won't care. Why would you? You never cared to begin with.


It's not just you. Lots of alt accounts.

I'm seeing quite a few main accounts as well, including some very prominent members.

This is a big hit to the community.

Ain't that the truth.

I don't want to get too much into my own sob story here but as a woman who was sexually assaulted by a man as a child, who spoke up about it only to see that man walk away scot-free with zero repercussions, this is just... I can't even describe it. It serves as a reminder of my place in the world, I guess. I liked GAF because it was a place that more or less respected women and minorities, a place where I could discuss video games without being reminded that I don't belong, a place where people could discuss issues of representation in video games without the discussion being drowned by cries of "SJW!!!". Now it's just another corner of the Internet full of neckbeards circlejerking about SJWs and virtue signaling. I'm just tired.

I'm sorry that this is happening to you. :(
This whole situation is gross and depressing. I don't know and can't know what EviLore did or didn't do, or whether it was consensual or not, and am not going to render my opinion on it since it won't add anything to the conversation one way or the other.

But it should be plain to everyone that EviLore's response to this and other controversies has been incompetent, frustratingly opaque, and increasingly tyrannical. I can't deny that off-topic has gotten toxic of late; part of it is the general tenor of internet discussion, which tends toward the negative, and a lot to do with the reality of 2017. I've witnessed (and occasionally participated in) some difficult conversations regarding the troubling direction of the United States' domestic and international politics, the moral responsibility to resist Trump and which forms of resistance are to be considered proper and/or desirable, and, suddenly relevant to our current controversy, the new morality of sexual harassment allegations. Those discussions have been fraught, and have left a lot of people with bad feelings.

But I would rather that those conversations continue in an open forum, rather than be patronized to and told that I can no longer participate in said discussions for my own good -- as if my feelings, or yours, were ever taken into account when we know damn well that this decision was made for the benefit of a single individual, by that individual. The discussion of controversial topics among people who passionately disagree (even when those disagreements are coming from within the same ideological camp) is not something that comes naturally. It is a skill that must be learned. And I think this forum would be better off if that learning process is allowed to play out.

NeoGAF won't be the same without off-topic. This place has been my homepage for the past five years. Whenever there was a breaking news event, it's the first site I would check: from situations as dire as the firing of James Comey to the new Star Wars trailer dropping, the lightning fast pace of discussion meant that there was always someone ready to talk about it, at any time of the day or night. It was irreplaceable as a news aggregator and source of opinion, and I can honestly say that most of the people I interacted with were genuinely bright, funny, and insightful. And even when they weren't, there were still useful things to glean from the back and forth.

It breaks my heart to see the community broken like this over the selfishness of one person. But the site is moving in a different direction, and I guess I am, too. Thank you for the memories. Thanks for all the recommendations. Thanks for all the gifs! And thank you for reading this, if you did. You really didn't have to, it was nothing important.
Still processing everything that went down. Unsure of where my future with GAF will be.

Would like the discord if someone would like to share.


Man, y'all with the "he fostered this toxic culture" need to reflect hard. The people who jumped ship weren't asking you anything any decent person wouldn't do: listen, have respect, and try not to be indecent. They asked that you don't disregard women's views in video games, politics, or any other part of society. They asked you don't upset when LGBT people asked you to use their preferred pronouns. They asked you to not shit on minorities brutalized or murdered by police officers because they may have smoked weed in college. They asked you to be reasonable and have empathy for everyone. They asked you to not listen to hate and / or spread it. They asked you to care a little bit about more than just yourselves. A lot of y'all couldn't do that. You hated being decent because you felt entitled to your status. You didn't want to be challenged or be told you were doing things wrong or bad.

Y'all didn't care. They weren't toxic, y'all were. But even now you won't care. Why would you? You never cared to begin with.

Fucking this X1000

This isn't a witch hunt, this is backlash for him being scum. Irredeemable.
This is a ridiculous argument. Categoring people discussing politics as “radicals”? Also, why would people discussing politics on an off topic thread make them even more “radical” just because half of the forum is focused on gaming discussion. Top to bottom, that’s just stifling discourse because you don’t want it to exist near you.

So now I am the closeminded individual? Sure buddy. You do realise not even conservatives who were against Trump was allowed to stay on this forum, not even liberals and democrats who were seen as too centrist.


OT despite its flaws made GAF what is GAF today, I suspect the community will move to another place and I’m saddened by this reality :(
My biggest problem with this whole thing isn't the accusations. False accusations from vindictive exes happen all the time, which is unfortunate. Evillore has the right to defend himself, especially on his own property.

The problem was with how all of this was handled, with the site abruptly taken down without explanation, and now the news that political and social discussion being removed completely from the new OT forums, whenever they open. Intense censorship has been a theme of the forums as of late. Finding out about the child pornography of Amirox from a necroed thread was a shock, and finding now that new moderators will not be named isn't a good look.

I think there were some moderators with itchy ban trigger fingers, but flat out removing one of the most important aspects of the forums out of laziness is unacceptable. When looking at this topic, you have people unironically cheering the fact that the "social justice warriors" will be gone, which just shows the sort of people that will remain.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
It's really late where I am, but I feel compelled to respond since I have been a member of this community for almost 14 years, almost half of my life.

I believe where there is smoke, there's fire.

I will refer to the allegations as just that until proven otherwise, but based on the history and temperament of the accused, I feel that I should err on the side of the accuser in this case.

GAF is nothing without the community and the community has effectively been destroyed by the poor decisions made in the last few days. A lot of my friends from the community threads have already left this site for good, and a lot of good veteran members have also quit. I am curious to see what a few of the old guard, like Wario 64, Anihawk and CVX decide.

Also, I would like to remind everyone that GAF has had an off topic forum from before Tyler took over the website, and off topic has always contained political discussion. Neutering off topic is yet another poor decision. It's not as if these events could have been avoided if off topic didn't exist.


You know what, I'm kinda glad to see Gaf back, I'm mostly here for the gaming news and the other cool threads on music, anime, and other topics. I'm going to keep a low profile for a while though until this all calms down.

Do back the idea of the OT side being politics free - even though I consider myself more left on the political side (by australian terms, at least) I felt like it got a little preachy at times.
That would be nice. The community aspect is indeed important. Which is why it's so frustrating that Tyler destroyed half of the communities on the site, over a completely unrelated event and accusations they have nothing to do with. If the community is so important, then why quite literally tear the community in half? Seems impossible to get back to "focusing on the community" like that, when half of the communities were just nuked out of thin air, with no warning whatsoever or anything. I don't see how it can be done.

Especially since it leaves the door open for this exact thing to be done again in the future, with just as little warning. I don't know how anyone could be alright with any of that, with those kind of possibilities looming over their heads while they stay here, but that's me.

I agree, it's why I have reservations about continuing to be active here. I'm going to stick around for a bit though with hope that OT with political discussion will return when the new moderation team is in place.
This is all fascinating to me, considering how shit the atmosphere of this forum had gotten over the years I suppose this was the natural conclusion, a place where if you don't tow the company line so to speak you're shouted out and/or silence by ruthless mo mentality, a place where the word cunt was once banned because it was oh so offensive. I mean fuck you're pretty much responsible for these people here turning on you so easily since this place that preaches tolerance is not really tolerant of anyone who stray too far from what is considered the ideal way to think here.

The writing was always on the wall and any other community that comes from this is gonna carry over that same shit mentality with it, I think is a fitting end all things considered.
To be 100% fair, most of y'all "oppressed" views were toxic, racist, misogynist, and always 100% shitposting because y'all hated discussions because your ego and pride couldn't stand being wrong so lashing out was the best option.

Here's a perfect example of what I was talking about. Is anyone surprised that people are leaving in droves?


Nekketsu Kõha;252773319 said:
So now I am the closeminded individual? Sure buddy. You do realise not even conservatives who were against Trump was allowed to stay on this forum, not even liberals and democrats who were seen as too centrist.

I was talking about the site, not you, in that sentence.

But what you just said to me couldn’t be allowed in a new Gaf off topic thread anyways.


Man, y'all with the "he fostered this toxic culture" need to reflect hard. The people who jumped ship weren't asking you anything any decent person wouldn't do: listen, have respect, and try not to be indecent. They asked that you don't disregard women's views in video games, politics, or any other part of society. They asked you don't upset when LGBT people asked you to use their preferred pronouns. They asked you to not shit on minorities brutalized or murdered by police officers because they may have smoked weed in college. They asked you to be reasonable and have empathy for everyone. They asked you to not listen to hate and / or spread it. They asked you to care a little bit about more than just yourselves. A lot of y'all couldn't do that. You hated being decent because you felt entitled to your status. You didn't want to be challenged or be told you were doing things wrong or bad.

Y'all didn't care. They weren't toxic, y'all were. But even now you won't care. Why would you? You never cared to begin with.

I don't like you anime taste but I do like this post, speaking as a minority I suppose in the western hemisphere of Internet.

Same ol G

lmfao if he just was at all apologetic about his screw up instead of pushing the blame onto the girl then this place could have easily survived.

For the sane people left here, keep an eye out the ResetEra site; a new gaf created from some of the old mods. It should be going up this week.

Yeah sure we'll see
Anyone got that discord invite via PM maybe? I tried to get it in the waypoint forum but it expired all the time..

He didn't get destroyed whatsoever so the whole point is kinda moot anyway. And being a bad boss that doesn't value years of employment is being an asshole in my book.

So it is ok to try and destroy anyone especially if you fail and now anyone who lets someone go from their job is an asshole and assholes in your book should be destroyed. Hope you get that discord invite.


For you.
Nekketsu Kõha;252773319 said:
So now I am the closeminded individual? Sure buddy. You do realise not even conservatives who were against Trump was allowed to stay on this forum, not even liberals and democrats who were seen as too centrist.

This is utter and complete bullshit and really tells you are just shitposting without any actual facts.
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