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The Wii U Speculation Thread V: The Final Frontier

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It's a bingo card for if (bad grammar) people will live up to their individual personality traits during e3. Of course BY2K will gauge such behavior through each member's posts during the event.

I'll eat my words if a third party top-shelf title (that hasn't been announced already) makes it to the U. I'm talking about games like RE6 and GTA V-caliber.

Either that, or I'll smugly go, "see? third parties aren't taking Nintendo console owners seriously. Biiiig surprise there." And then I'll make an intentionally vague comment about how they'll fare in the future. :)

And if we had avatars, I'd change to my "surprised" avatar:


I'll eat my words if a third party top-shelf title (that hasn't been announced already) makes it to the U. I'm talking about games like RE6 and GTA V-caliber.

Either that, or I'll smugly go, "see? third parties aren't taking Nintendo console owners seriously. Biiiig surprise there." And then I'll make an intentionally vague comment about how they'll fare in the future. :)

That + Unsustainable Twins™


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
The last 7 pages, 12 hours, of this thread has been completely void of interesting news or speculation.


aka Mannny
I'll eat my words if a third party top-shelf title (that hasn't been announced already) makes it to the U. I'm talking about games like RE6 and GTA V-caliber.

Either that, or I'll smugly go, "see? third parties aren't taking Nintendo console owners seriously. Biiiig surprise there." And then I'll make an intentionally vague comment about how they'll fare in the future. :)

With the number of posts you have in this thread you may have a glorious amount of words to eat. Don't forget to post such a stupendous event on youtube
'Cause GAF is a pain to browse when you're logged out.
Not if you go mobile ;}
Is this a bingo for those that will get banned?

Repost for BG;

How does these rumored Taito Type X3 specs compare to the rumored Wii U specs?

CPU: Intel Core i5 2400 (3.1Ghz)
Chipset: Intel Q67 Express
Gfx: AMD Radeon HD 6770
HDD: 160GB SATA 3.0 (2.5")
Sound: 7.1 HD Audio
PSU: 600W
OS: Windows Standard 7 Embedded 64bit / Windows XP Embedded SP3 32bit

It's better, though I wouldn't say dramatically better. It has more memory (2GB DDR3 + 1GB GDDR5 framebuffer) and the GPU's raw power is better. PS4 and Xbox 3 will beat that.


The last 7 pages, 12 hours, of this thread has been completely void of interesting news or speculation.

Well there simply is nothing new yet and after 3 threads we speculated about everything like 10 times.
E3 is around the corner and GAF rumors say that a certain French dude prepares his bombs for a extra thread.
Another GAF rumor says that the E3 Nintendo OT will be amazing.


Membero Americo
Well there simply is nothing new yet and after 3 threads we speculated about everything like 10 times.
E3 is around the corner and GAF rumors say that a certain French dude prepares his bombs for a extra thread.
Another GAF rumor says that the E3 Nintendo OT will be amazing.

Yes it will.


aka Mannny
About 39 minutes in they get a question about WiiU. This is were they say 5 casual and 2 core games. Again, its really hard to understand... broken english, thick accents and stuttering. Here's what they say about WiiU:

-They are "extremely happy" with the console.

-The tablet brings "totally new gameplay" and "social functionality" including working 'simultaneous' (I'm not sure of word he was trying to say) with friends, receiving new challenges and communication. He rambles on and summarized his thoughts as it will bring "new games, with good functionality and very good internet usage."

-They say they think the system can be successive at bringing together core and casual gamers.

-7 games for WiiU this year. 5 causal game, one of which is exclusive. 2 core games, one being AC3, the other is exclusive. "Just Dance" brand and Avengers were mentioned earlier in the call for WiiU.

-They've emphasized multiple times during the call the importance of the WiiU as part of their business model... particularly with casual/social gaming.

Other tidbits:
-AC3 is on track to be the biggest launch in company history. Pre-orders in the US are already at a record high.
-They believe the biggest features for next gen consoles will new features that bring the "social revolution" to console.
- Ghost Recon Online is described as a "stepping stone" between the shooter market and online market.
-They are projecting a decrease a drop in their casual sales, but note that they did this last year and their sales grew.

Link: Conference Call May 15, 2012

Recap + edited comments
It's better, though I wouldn't say dramatically better. It has more memory (2GB DDR3 + 1GB GDDR5 framebuffer) and the GPU's raw power is better. PS4 and Xbox 3 will beat that.

I was going to mention that the gpu as is pushes triple digit Watts. That's likely outside Nintendo's targeted power consumption, wouldn't you think?


Membero Americo
I thought I could take a break from this thread with Diablo 3.

Wasn't meant to be.

A blockbuster game that you need to be online 100% of the time to play single player is having server problems so bad almost nobody is able to play.

I expect Capcom to have at least one major WiiU exclusive that will not be for launch... they really dropped to ball on WiiU but I think they will make up for it next year
A Wii game on dolphin:

A WIIIII game. Now imagine wiiU.

Remember the wii version is running on a machine where Wii's GPU is 12 GFLOPS

Now imagine 75 Wii's duct taped together.

I'm calling the core game to be Killer Freaks and Rayman Legends to be one of the "casual" titles since that's what they're pushing for.

This is what I think Ubisoft releases for Wii U up to March 2013 will be.

Ghost Recon Online (January) (exclusive?)
Assassin's Creed 3 (Launch)


Rabbids WiiU (December)
Killer Freaks from Outer Space (Launch)
Rayman Legends (March)
Avengers: Battle For Earth (February)
Just Dance (December)

I am surprised that There isn't 2 more core titles in the likes of a Far Cry 3 or Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 title. I am hoping there will be a couple of surprise announcements What other ubisoft titles that are able to make it for a January-March release that have not yet been announced for wiiu?


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Wasn't GameCube 1/2 the Gflops of Xbox?? Are all Gflops created equal?


Remember the wii version is running on a machine where Wii's GPU is 12 GFLOPS

Now imagine 75 Wii's duct taped together.

This is what I think Ubisoft releases for Wii U up to March 2013 will be.

Ghost Recon Online (January) (exclusive?)
Assassin's Creed 3 (Launch)


Rabbids WiiU (December)
Killer Freaks from Outer Space (Launch)
Rayman Legends (March)
Avengers: Battle For Earth (February)
Just Dance (December)

I am surprised that There isn't 2 more core titles in the likes of a Far Cry 3 or Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 title. I am hoping there will be a couple of surprise announcements What other ubisoft titles that are able to make it for a January-March release that have not yet been announced for wiiu?

I believe Ghost Recon Online is also on PC. That's why I said Killer Freaks instead.

I'd have loved if Far Cry 3 was also on Wii U. =/
Wasn't GameCube 1/2 the Gflops of Xbox?? Are all Gflops created equal?

Xbox was an unbalanced PC in a cool chassis. That description does it a disservice, but you can probably get the gist of what I'm saying here. Custom components and careful balancing are usually what system makers work towards.

Mind, Microsoft has learned to balance their systems. This won't be a magical benefit that Nintendo can use to their advantage.


I thought I could take a break from this thread with Diablo 3.

Wasn't meant to be.
I've pretty much given-up on all sustained gaming activity until after the E3 excitement dies-down.

My remaining checklist for the rest of the generation:
- Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 (two months)
- Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (one week)
- Oblivion (a heavily-modded stealth/no melee weapon/no armor/minimal aggression run) (two+ months)
- Skyward Sword Hero Mode (one month)
- various old games from the NES (two weeks)
- Civilization V (four marathon games, averaging 16-20 hours apiece)

I aim to have it all done by late September. At that point, I won't be able to concentrate on gaming very well.. kinda like right now.

Twenty days.. things start happening as we get closer and closer. Leaks creep out. Preview articles emerge. Random interviews from developers pop-up. These are going to be some exciting days.
Thank you for your detective work bg.

Wait, detective? BgAssassin (ninja)?! Good lord, you're batman aren't you?


Wasn't GameCube 1/2 the Gflops of Xbox?? Are all Gflops created equal?

They aren't. Which is why my take was that none of the consoles would be able to run Samaritan as it was at 1080p/30. I say "as it was" since that was before they switched to FXAA.
I'm waiting for Legend of Korra to hit Netflix so I have not watched anything but the first 2eps stop taunting me in here!

I'm already like two seasons behind on My Little Pony

not having cable six
Oh OK. I was hoping that it would be on par but oh well.

On par is used in a manner of having such a wide range at times that you could argue that it is.

I'm waiting for Legend of Korra to hit Netflix so I have not watched anything but the first 2eps stop taunting me in here!

I'm already like two seasons behind on My Little Pony

not having cable six

Why not just watch it on Nick.com? I forgot about it and was able to catch up this weekend on their site.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Xbox was an unbalanced PC in a cool chassis. That description does it a disservice, but you can probably get the gist of what I'm saying here. Custom components and careful balancing are usually what system makers work towards.

Mind, Microsoft has learned to balance their systems. This won't be a magical benefit that Nintendo can use to their advantage.
What is the BOM Microsoft is targeting for their next Xbox? What is Nintendo's?
So there's a rumor on a certain Nintendo website about a certain white rapper starring in an E3 promotional video for a first-party Wii U title called "Acid Ghost" aimed at older gamers.

It can be for anything, you just need to specify.

What will you do/not or what will happen/won't happen to you?

Like thunder monkey will go nuts (the figs in his rectum will do this to him) and I'll respond. It will turn into a game of disgusting 1upmanship, either ending in a ban, or at least a very disgusted thread.
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