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The Witcher 3 Expansion Pass announced - $25


Before or after this expansion news came out?




I could understand if this was day one DLC that looks like it has been stripped out of the game. But instead, we are getting a game that looks like it will dwarf even TES in terms of content and world. Then we are getting free DLC, which consists of the kinds of content that we are usually milked for. But how dare they also announce and charge $25 for two good old expansions that I don't have to worry about buying until October, should the massive game leave me wanting more? Shame on them.


Some people in this thread have to be less than 20 years old, and don't know that not too long ago expansion packs were actually filled with lots of new content that warranted a purchase.


I love the bickering between the difference between DLC and Expansions. They are the same thing. If you don't want the content, don't buy it.

I do think announcing them before the game is even out is a little silly though.
I really don't see the big deal.

1. Just because expansion (or DLC) content is announced doesn't mean it's complete or even in production at this time. This is just marketing that serves two purposes of letting the customers know that more content is coming for the game to curb trade-ins and to front-load the expansion sales.

2. You do not have to purchase the expansion pass right now. Wait to see the content to judge for yourself. If someone wants to make the jump before hand, that's their choice to worry about, not yours.

3. Expansion-style content was never promised to be free. As shown earlier in the thread, the distinction between this situation and the DLC/update situation of The Witcher 2 and the attached commentary by CDPR has been made in the past.

To be a bit of a devil's advocate, yes, I too dislike the front-loaded marketing for post-release content before a game is out. But as long as it isn't for content releasing Day 1, obviously cut content (or on-disc content), or overpriced for what is offered, it's not an inherently bad business tactic.
Before or after this expansion news came out?

May 2012

“All DLC for the PC version is and will remain FREE. That’s not likely to be the story for the Xbox version, because of certain Microsoft policies that need to be followed. But on PC, once you buy our game, you don’t need to worry about any additional costs — we will provide all updates, including those featuring new content, for free. I think it’s reasonable than when you buy our product, you can expect us to service it for you quite a long time after release, though less intensively as time goes by. Any payable DLC that appears is likely to be a more classic expansion pack along the lines of, say, Baldur’s Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast. But this is a purely theoretical discussion at this point, as we have yet to confirm or even plan any official expansion packs.”

June 2014



Are you shitting me? Took me 40 hours to plow thru all the quests and complete the game on Roche's path. I still haven't done Iroveth's side. Something smells fishy here.

please... the main quest line is pathetically short and the areas are not exactly big either.

the game is good sure but when I got to chapter 3, I thought I was only a 1/3 of the way through. The side quests while do expand the game and are quite good, do not take away from the fact that the main quest is short. I personally was disappointed with it.


I love the bickering between the difference between DLC and Expansions. They are the same thing. If you don't want the content, don't buy it.

I do think announcing them before the game is even out is a little silly though.

Expansions only became DLC since the last generation when you could download expansions. Since then the line between "DLC" and expansions has blurred.

There was a time when expansions were only available on disk in stores.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Huh...I don't remember reading that one unfortunately for CD Projekt RED even if they clarify their own views on the matter generally speaking people distinguish DLC as extra game content you download regardless if its free,On Disc,Store/Regional Exclusive,Pre Order Bonus,if it's big in size or small,if it's available day one or 6 months after release. If your downloading extra content it's perceived as DLC. So yeah they are going to get called out on this because that's how the market and it's user base perceives DLC now.


Ok... Let's clear this up.

This is DLC:


And this is an expansion pack:


Spot the difference.

Not to split hairs but as long as I download these expansions packs for the Witcher 3 it is technically DLC.

I don't give a fuck about the term but I don't see the necessity in shaming people who refer to these expansion packs as downloadable content. We do it for BF4, we do it for Dark Souls 2, and no one is getting hung up over the term.


Junior Member
I don't remember: did PC developers announce expansion packs before launching the base game back in the day?


Might pick this game up on Black Friday now. Don't care how long it is they used those fluff DLC pieces for good PR now are charging just like every one else. I know what they said, but this makes them seem fake.

Jesus.....I can't even....

Have you played any of the Witcher games? Have you also followed them as a developer?

Because I have, and have seen with both versions of Vanilla game how they support them. All updates, and even small dlc missions were added free of charge for Witcher 2, and witcher 1, for witcher one they were free downloadable patches, to make it the directors cut.

They never lied about anything and have been probably the most honest and open developer. No restrictions on drm for installing the game, dlc come as free updates, expansion packs are paid just like Blizzard does it.

How is this seriously making them look fake?

Daffy Duck

Expansions only became DLC since the last generation when you could download expansions. Since then the line between "DLC" and expansions has blurred.

There was a time when expansions were only available on disk in stores.

Last generation?

I was downloading maps for Quake 2 and then Half Life Q3A, UT etc.

There's no blurred lines for me. I know what DLC/expansion packs are.

I don't remember: did PC developers announce expansion packs before launching the base game back in the day?

Not that I remember.


Tears of Nintendo
OK so just to clear this out, in my country I have to pay the same amount of money for the base game and the same amount of money for this so called "expansion set". So excuse me CDPR, but I won't do such a thing in a million years.

Now, just imagine for a second guys that all of you here have to pay 60$ for this expansion set just like for the base game and how would you feel then. And no, I didn't said that I will pirate the game, I only said that this does not seem to me like a bad idea now.

I will probably just buy the base game and will wait for a 75-80% discount for this expansion set, and I won't be buying it for a full price cuz it just wrong on so many levels!.
Well, pirating the game does not seem to me like a bad idea now.
Considering that it's illegal, unethical and immoral, yeah it does seem like a pretty shit idea.
OK so just to clear this out, in my country I have to pay the same amount of money for the base game and the same amount of money for this so called "expansion set". So excuse me CDPR, but I won't do such a thing.
Wait, why is a $60 game equivalent in price to a $25 expansion pass?
People can't read, can't use their brain or something ?

Ever since the game was first shown, they have said that they won't charge small cosmetic stuff and if they are gonna do paid DLC it's gonna be 15-20 hours long story content.

Either some people never read any article past the titles or they can't do reading comprehension to save their lives.
I think most of us can agree that extra actual content for games is always nice to have. We can all also agree on the fact that production of content is not free. So in principle charged DLC is not bad.

DLC is only a bad thing when the main game is lacking in content. Some would also say that intentionally leaving out content to sell as DLC is a bad thing too.

Neither of those cases apply. Not only shouldn't there be no complaining, because there is no reason to, but CD should also be commended for their stance on DLC, whether it's genuine or not.


OK so just to clear this out, in my country I have to pay the same amount of money for the base game and the same amount of money for this so called "expansion set". So excuse me CDPR, but I won't do such a thing in a million years.

Now, just imagine for a second guys that all of you here have to pay 60$ for this expansion set just like for the base game and how would you feel then. And no, I didn't said that I will pirate the game, I only said that this does not seem to me like a bad idea now.

I will probably just buy the base game and will wait for a 75-80% discount for this expansion set, and I won't be buying it for a full price cuz it just wrong on so many levels!.

Why do you have to pay the same for the expansion as you do for the base game?


please... the main quest line is pathetically short and the areas are not exactly big either.

the game is good sure but when I got to chapter 3, I thought I was only a 1/3 of the way through. The side quests while do expand the game and are quite good, do not take away from the fact that the main quest is short. I personally was disappointed with it.

I uh....what?


In what universe is that short? Especially for a game with quality writing/voice acting?
So let me get this straight.

Witcher 3 will have free smaller DLC and 2 larger expansions that will ensure that the game won't be forgotten with after launch? Sure sign me up. 25 dollars sounds good, I won't buy it now and I'm glad they aren't trying to promote consumers to do so with in game incentives.
I think so many people these days see the term 'DLC' and instantly hate on it without really thinking about the content itself, and it's a shame imo because not all DLC is equal. I think the nature of most of today's DLC is souring people's opinions towards it as a whole.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Last generation?

I was downloading maps for Quake 2 and then Half Life Q3A, UT etc.

There's no blurred lines for me. I know what DLC/expansion packs are.
Speaking as primerly a Console Gamer you proved our point thou "Expansions" where never prominent in Consoles like they were in PCs and even then they are rarely refer as such on consoles.


I think most of us can agree that extra actual content for games is always nice to have. We can all also agree on the fact that production of content is not free. So in principle charged DLC is not bad.

DLC is only a bad thing when the main game is lacking in content. Some would also say that intentionally leaving out content to sell as DLC is a bad thing too.

Neither of those cases apply. Not only shouldn't there be no complaining, because there is no reason to, but CD should also be commended for their stance on DLC, whether it's genuine or not.

Things like skins, and armor, are small and miniscule, they should not be charging for these things as they are considered visual assets.

Same is for maps.

Animated scenes, voiced dialogue that the player interacts with and in this case, makes part of the gameplay, so it takes a lot more work to do.

Things of that nature should be paid like in expansion packs.

DLC= added skins, weapons, maps,
updates/Patches=game fixes, balancing and tweaks
Expansion packs= , New campaigns and story lines.
My W2 playthrough was 25 hours long and you end up locking yourself out of almost half of the game due to choices you make. If you want to see the whole game it's becomes a much longer game.

people in here saying that W2 is short are expecting every RPG to be 100 hours or some shit.
While I dislike the early announcement, these are full expansions. Not just extra costumes and an additional mission or two. Sounds worth the price of admission and I'll probably be getting it providing the combat is indeed better than Witcher 2.
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