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The Witcher 3 Expansion Pass announced - $25

That argument could be used for the multitude of games that get criticized for this exact same practice.

Yes, CDPR have a good track record but this is a practice every other developer uses.

But you want to crucify a developer who's doing things the right way when DLC whoring is running rampant in the industry.

Your hate is so blind, you can't even tell when a developer is doing something different for a change.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Trust me, I dont like it when devs try to milk the money, but seriously, thats not happening here.
No issue with this whatsoever. It seems like a lock that the base game will be well worth the $60, and if I enjoy it and I'm looking for more content later, I'll pick up these expansions. That said, even if CD Projekt didn't technically say anything untrue, they might have thought twice before all the crowing about their anti- paid DLC stance.

Love seeing all of the "A dev studio that I like and respect is doing something I don't approve of... it must be the big bad publisher forcing them to do it against their will!" rationalizations though.
I've read the press release, what's your point?

It's the exact same PR that other developers use.

Seriously, get off CDPR's dick.

i've never seen PR where the devs told me to wait for reviews and impressions if i feel like the content is questionable in any way. can you point me to PR where that has happened before?
This is really a PR issue. Announcing it before the game is released usually leaves a bad taste in people's mouths because they haven't even gotten to touch the main game yet. Paid expansions are fine but they need to release the details after the game is out.

Why would they ever do that unless the expansions were standalone? People may play the game, sell it, and then not be able to purchase the expansions since CDProjekt didn't go ahead and announce that they were coming out.


People bitching about this are pathetic.

Firstly, the base game is one of the biggest games ever made so this doesn't suddenly make it not worth your money anymore.
Second, at least when CDPR charges for extra content they make damn sure that it's A LOT of content. Considering that other publishers charge money for the most mundane things, if you want to waste your time complaining about paid dlc, this is certainly not the best place to start, especially considering all the stuff they gave away with the previous game.

I'm pretty sure that I'll want more once I beat the game so I'm glad to have the option, fortunately I'm not stupid enough to consider myself entitled to 30 hours worth of extra content just because I bought the main game.

is it? where is the proof other than the dev claiming it is. the witcher 2 was one of the shortest RPGS i have ever played.
I'm all for buying this season pass, but they contradicted themselves during the Playstation Access interview: (see at 4:12 of video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4LHxsvknog

There's no contradiction. This isn't a season pass as we've come to know them. It's a lot like the 'season pass' for Bioshock Infinite' if we're looking for something somewhat comparable.

And it's worth noting that he says if they have something huge (like an expansion), they'd charge for it.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Expansion is just a different name for DLC these days and no regardless of the size of the Expansion or date of release at the end of the day you are still Downloading Content.

So yeah good job CD Projekt RED you have now become hypocrites and quite frankly you should have never open your mouth about the topic to begin with. But hey personally I could give a noodle.....just as long as you don't become a hypocrite in regards with your current gog.com standings/policies.


Guess I'll wait til quarter 1 2016 to play it then. I hate finishing a game and then waiting months for new content after I've already moved on to other things. Still, I'm completely on-board with CDPR charging for extra content. Especially content this big (that you know will be good).
Why would they ever do that unless the expansions were standalone? People may play the game, sell it, and then not be able to purchase the expansions since CDProjekt didn't go ahead and announce that they were coming out.

This actually makes alot of sense to announce pre-release. Didnt even think about that.


This is really a PR issue. Announcing it before the game is released usually leaves a bad taste in people's mouths because they haven't even gotten to touch the main game yet. Paid expansions are fine but they need to release the details after the game is out.

I agree, however as a counterpoint, I'd say it gets people excited knowing that there is more of the Witcher 3 coming even after you finish the base game and it sounds like this is substantial content. Of course only time will tell if the game is good and if the content is worth it. As a fan of the series I like knowing that there is more content coming. Witcher 2's dlc was a let down.
Like I said, whether you agree with his definitions is somewhat irrelevant. They haven't "changed" any of their stance or messaging.

The idea was that for them DLC i.e., the "smaller bits and pieces" that other companies nickle and dime you for, would be free, and anything substantial (or as they term it "high production values") would not be.

I'm glad that you already know how much is in these expansion packs. Since you already seem to know how much content it adds, can you go the extra step and tell us how much you enjoyed your time in the DLC? How was the experience? How long did it take you?

While you're at it, you obviously got an early copy of The Witcher 3 itself. How is the game?

Thanks for this was helpful. Expansion is better then horse armour.
I've read the press release, what's your point?

It's the exact same PR that other developers use.

Seriously, get off CDPR's dick.

My point is that the content hasn't been cut from the base game, which is what you questioned. It says right there in the press release that the first part is being released Oct of this year, and the second piece is being released Q1 2016. Unless you think they are...for whatever reason...holding off on releasing them for up to a year? Lol.

And you're trying to lump them in with "every other dev" (nice ninja edit btw), when in actuality they are doing something that most devs these days do not do. Most devs are too busy nickle-and-diming us for content that these guys are giving us for free day one.

But yeah, stay mad. And I'll stay riding that dick.


I'm happy to pay for the expansion pass but they did a poor job explaining their DLC plans

they should have clarified back when they announced the whole "all DLC free" thing that wasn't everything


Like I said, whether you agree with his definitions is somewhat irrelevant. They haven't "changed" any of their stance or messaging.

The idea was that for them DLC i.e., the "smaller bits and pieces" that other companies nickle and dime you for, would be free, and anything substantial (or as they term it "high production values") would not be.

I'm glad that you already know how much is in these expansion packs. Since you already seem to know how much content it adds, can you go the extra step and tell us how much you enjoyed your time in the DLC? How was the experience? How long did it take you?

While you're at it, you obviously got an early copy of The Witcher 3 itself. How is the game?

They did deliberately exclude any mention of their plans for expansion packs at all, playing up the messaging of DLC being free and leaving that out seems disingenuous now.


is it? where is the proof other than the dev claiming it is. the witcher 2 was one of the shortest RPGS i have ever played.

Are you shitting me? Took me 40 hours to plow thru all the quests and complete the game on Roche's path. I still haven't done Iroveth's side. Something smells fishy here.


Why does he wear the mask!?
But you want to crucify a developer who's doing things the right way when DLC whoring is running rampant in the industry.

Your hate is so blind, you can't even tell when a developer is doing something different for a change.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Trust me, I dont like it when devs try to milk the money, but seriously, thats not happening here.


Have you read a single post I've made? I plan to get W3, like I did the previous two, I plan to get the expansion if I enjoy the base game. My problem is with the hypocrisy in this thread.

My point is that the content hasn't been cut from the base game, which is what you questioned. It says right there in the press release that the first part is being released Oct of this year, and the second piece is being released Q1 2016. Unless you think they are...for whatever reason...holding off on releasing them for up to a year? Lol.

And you're trying to lump them in with "every other dev" (nice ninja edit btw), when in actuality they are doing something that most devs these days do not do. Most devs are too busy nickle-and-diming us for content that these guys are giving us for free day one.

But yeah, stay mad. And I'll stay riding that dick.

What ninja edit? I edited my post to quote you so I wouldn't double post.


30 new hours of gameplay for $25 bucks sounds reasonable to me. I won't get it until after launch, of course.

In have no problem with expansion content. If this was the usual, "$30 season pass for 3.5 hours of content total! Plus cosmetic crap!" I'd be against it. But this is the type of content often worth paying for.

The BioShock stuff is another example. Not a great game, in the end, but the expansions were unique and worth paying for. And very obvious developed after the fact.

Better yet, it's $20, not $25. Subject is wrong.


I'm happy to pay for the expansion pass but they did a poor job explaining their DLC plans

they should have clarified back when they announced the whole "all DLC free" thing that wasn't everything

They did. It's actually the picture right below your post.


Expansion is just a different name for DLC these days and no regardless of the size of the Expansion or date of release at the end of the day you are still Downloading Content.

So yeah good job CD Projekt RED you have now become hypocrites and quite frankly you should have never open your mouth about the topic to begin with. But hey personally I could give a noodle.....just as long as you don't become a hypocrite in regards with your current gog.com standings/policies.

There's a reason why the term 'dlc' didn't exist until horse armour happened. Its because you can't refer to horse armour as an expansion pack.


There's no contradiction. This isn't a season pass as we've come to know them. It's a lot like the 'season pass' for Bioshock Infinite' if we're looking for something somewhat comparable.

And it's worth noting that he says if they have something huge (like an expansion), they'd charge for it.

the question was "will the Witcher 3 have a season pass" and the reply, was "no, there is no need." I mean...ugh....we get two expansion packs in this season pass...so...ugh...I consider that an contradiction. Thank you. *bows*

Now having said all that, I'm definitely getting this season pass, or is it called expansion pass?


They did deliberately exclude any mention of their plans for expansion packs at all, playing up the messaging of DLC being free and leaving that out seems disingenuous now.

They said the same thing for the witcher 2 (DLC free, expansions not), though no expantion ended up releasing.

Their messaging in terms of expansions being paid has been the same for years.


They did deliberately exclude any mention of their plans for expansion packs at all, playing up the messaging of DLC being free and leaving that out seems disingenuous now.

Did you look at the caption under the image in the post you quoted? They specifically mention charging money for larger content additions, ie. expansions.


Ok... Let's clear this up.

This is DLC:


And this is an expansion pack:


Spot the difference.


Well, pirating the game does not seem to me like a bad idea now.

:lol I'm at work and this made me laugh my ass off. Good lord.... I hope you're joking. If you are... bravo. You got me.

edit: You son of a bitch Agent_4Seven. I'm still cracking smiles and chuckles and struggling to maintain my composure... good thing the work day is almost over. I'm out of hte office in 20 minutes.

I cannot overstate the sheer brilliance of this post. It is so ridiculous that it just has to be a well-calculated joke post.
They did deliberately exclude any mention of their plans for expansion packs at all, playing up the messaging of DLC being free and leaving that out seems disingenuous now.

More like you deliberately avoided all their interviews in which they stated they would charge money for expansions.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
There's a reason why the term 'dlc' didn't exist until horse armour happened. Its because you can't refer to horse armour as an expansion pack.
Than we have Bethesda to thank for the monstrosity they have created (the concept of "DLC") and CD Projekt RED to blame themselves for the situation they are in now thanks to the misworded message they gave and not distinguish DLC and Expansion while bragging about "We don't do paid DLC" thing.


I will purchase this game Day 1, I will probably sell it before the DLC comes out so I won't bother purchasing it. I could wait a good year or more for a GOTY or Definitive Ed. However, I feel the quality and value is already there w/o the additional 30 hours of gameplay and I'm not a completionist anyhow.


Than we have Bethesda to thank for the monstrosity they have created (the concept of "DLC") and CD Projekt RED to blame themselves for the situation they are in now thanks to the misworded message they gave and not distinguish DLC and Expansion while bragging about "We don't do paid DLC" thing.

They actually did.

Have you read a single post I've made? I plan to get W3, like I did the previous two, I plan to get the expansion if I enjoy the base game. My problem is with the hypocrisy in this thread.

What ninja edit? I edited my post to quote you so I wouldn't double post.

I think the only true hypocrisy in this thread is how there would be less than half the backlash if we replaced 'The Witcher 3' with 'Bloodborne'

totally hypothetical and I understand BB has already been released but had From Software announced the same DLC plan under the same timeframe, I would expect the 'outrage' to be slim to nonexistent.

I don't understand what people are upset about, is it:

1. They feel the content is being held from the base game

2. They want the content revealed after the main game is already out (biggest hypocrisy of all due to all the blind season passes that got complaints)

or 3. They want it for free because CDPR said they would make free DLC. (Reaching since people will be getting 16 pieces of free DLC)
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