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The Witcher 3 Expansion Pass announced - $25


Only thing I care about and need to know at this point is are we going to see a hard copy retail Expansion release?

I want that.

It would look nice next to my PC collectors edition of The witcher 3.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
please... the main quest line is pathetically short and the areas are not exactly big either.

the game is good sure but when I got to chapter 3, I thought I was only a 1/3 of the way through. The side quests while do expand the game and are quite good, do not take away from the fact that the main quest is short. I personally was disappointed with it.
Pathetically short compared to what?
I wont provide the percentage but a massive majority of all sales of this expansion pass will be sold within 1 week of launch.

It makes perfect business sense to sell it now.


Announcing two expansions before the base game is even out. I am disappointed CDPR.

Why? So they wrapped up the game, and they are starting production on those now, what's the problem with letting you know? Infact, better this way so you can choose to wait it out, if you want to.


Screw that. I'm not shelling $25 --

20+ hours of gameplay

Well, you better ask CDPR about this guys, cuz in my country you have to pay full price for the base game and this expansion set. Oh and the price is not in dollars.... just so you know.
What country do you live in? What weird taxes and fees could a country have that a $25 expansion is the same price as a $60 base game? You're telling us that you have to pay $60 for the expansions? How is it CDPR's fault anyways?

Regardless of any answers to those questions: that doesn't justify pirating the game.


Is it just the timing that disappoints you?

Pretty much. As a Crusader Kings 2 fan I have no problem with paid expansions packs assuming they bring good new content to the table, I just don't like the idea of announcing said expansion packs before the game has even shipped and I am not a fan of the season pass bullshit that has popped up in gaming either.


This feels putting the cart before the horse; in addition, the console versions are nowhere in sight.

Of course, the end product may well be great.

This seems ridiculously superfluous, considering how long the base game is supposed to be.

It would've served them best to announce it after releasing the game. But I guess they need to secure funds as a guarantee before they can continue with their expansion development.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The absurdly overlong Dragon Age: Inquisition, I guess.
I mean there's pathetically short, (Order 1886), and then there's an rpg with multiple branching paths which cna completely change the middle section of the game and branching paths within those middle sections and 18 different endings. Seriously curious about the comparison there.
Screw that. I'm not shelling $25 --

20+ hours of gameplay

.......I think this is the first time i've ever seen this gif form. ._.
I really don't like it when devs are talking about their expansion content before the reviews for the original content even hits. It just seems strange and unnecessary.


Well, you better ask CDPR about this guys, cuz in my country you have to pay full price for the base game and this expansion set. Oh and the price is not in dollars.... just so you know.

In which country are they selling the expansion at the same price as the base game?
I'd like to find out the reason behind that.

Can you get it from gog.com?, they give you store credit to make up for any difference you have to pay because of where you are in the world.
People are praising left and right for The New Blood or whatever it is expansion for Wolfenstein and that alone is 20 bucks.

Yet this is being bashed to hell and back?

Just because the other is a standalone and announced after the main game had been released? Really? Do you seriously think that they only plan the damn thing after the main game is done?
This seems ridiculously superfluous, considering how long the base game is supposed to be.

Yeah, this is how I feel. Screw an expansion for a game that's already going to be huge, get everyone working on Cyberpunk 2077! This announcement almost confirms that CP2077 is going to take till 2018 to come out at the soonest.


For you.
Didn't they say that all DLC for their game would be free in the future? Wondering how this will be priced.

I mean I will probably get it, but the fact they arent sticking to their word kind of sucks.
They never said that. This what people get for not reading shit properly.
Today I learned downloaded content is not DLC.

Well, of course it's still technically DLC, it's just not what most people associate with the term 'DLC' these days. That and the fact that these types of expansion packs used to be on physical discs, so some people don't like lumping them under the same umbrella term as weapon skins and horse armor.


I dunno. Maybe a Canadian thing then...I bought it for $19.99 USD.

EDIT: Still showing $19.99 for me:


Prices depend on the region.
It's 999 rubles here for the pass and 945 rubles for the main game - which is funny as hell.
Also the game+pass is more expensive than the game and the pass bought separately.
(1000 roubles is ~18 USD at the moment.)


Yes, I'm aware it's a bit shallow and it's actually nice they're being candid about DLC plans ahead of release, but the stubborn old-school gamer in me is just used to getting 'complete' games. Announcing DLC before the game is out subconsciously makes me think it was stripped from the actual game, rather than being something 'extra.' I know that's not actually correct, but it's how it makes me feel.
How old does a game have to be to qualify as "old-school"? Ultima 7 had an expansion pack in 1992, and if you want to go even older Xanadu had one in 1986. Expansions were a staple of PC games back in the 1990s and early 2000s, it's not like it's some modern trend.
Yeah, this is how I feel. Screw an expansion for a game that's already going to be huge, get everyone working on Cyberpunk 2077! This announcement almost confirms that CP2077 is going to take till 2018 to come out at the soonest.

I find it unlikely. 2016 is the end year which they work on TW3 (which will be prolonged with post launch support) so I would expect at least 3 years later. But more like 4 years.
I'm one of the first to call out these companies on shitty DLC, but I'm not sure why anyone could get mad at these guys. Their games have always been a good value, and these sound like proper expansions.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Is there some chart that shows when DLC becomes Expansion Pack? Is it based on the number of hours of content?
There's isn't such thing it's just a play on words with DLC maybe indicating that what you are downloading isn't so huge (this isn't always true) and expansion means that your probably downloading something big (this isn't always true either) so make what you can out of that.


I agree with what he says about DLC. It seems that someone think that just because its DLC, then its automatically a bad thing, and that you cant work further on a game when its finished and try to make money on that extra work.

I think that any content can be defined as DLC though. Its just a short for "downloadable content" after all, it doesnt define if the content is big or small.


A little problematic given we're used to free Enhanced Editions, which I guess down the line would be an equivalent of a GOTY-including-expansion-content for this. Still, CDProjekt have done great work in the past, so I'm open-minded about this.
I don't buy passes. Show me what the expansion is when you release it and then I'll decide if I'm going to plonk down the cash CD Projekt.

They already said in the press release that you don't have to believe their words and wait for review, what else do you want?

Did they point a gun to your head and force you to buy it?



This seems ridiculously superfluous, considering how long the base game is supposed to be.

Ridiculous post. They are adding Toussaint...every Witcher fan who read the books will be thrilled to see this.
Personally, I would be fine with them making expansions for years...I want to see Brokilon, Kovir, Cintra...all the places I know from books.


Tears of Nintendo
In which country are they selling the expansion at the same price as the base game?
I'd like to find out the reason behind that.

What country do you live in? What weird taxes and fees could a country have that a $25 expansion is the same price as a $60 base game? You're telling us that you have to pay $60 for the expansions? How is it CDPR's fault anyways?
From GOG.com:



Regardless of any answers to those questions: that doesn't justify pirating the game.
Of course not, but this sure as hell won't stop me from not buying this expansion set for a full price.

P.S. Oh and before anyone suspect me in piracy... I don't have any pirated games for almost 7 years already and I always buying games on Steam or any other digital platform that I can trust. But this... this is just wrong, it shouldn't be that way.


Are you also upset at Obsidian for announcing an expansion for Pillars of Eternity before it came out?

Upset is too strong of a word. It's not like I am going to boycott CDPR over this or anything and no I wasn't disappointed when Obsidian and Harebrained Schemes added an expansion pack tier to their kickstarters. I feel like them being kickstarters and not already funded game makes all the difference. With that said if Obsidian announced another expansion pack a month before Pillars hit I would like to think I would be just as disappointed. Probably even more so since I did kickstart the damn thing.

Daffy Duck

Is there some chart that shows when DLC becomes Expansion Pack? Is it based on the number of hours of content?

For me DLC = costumes/maps in games/weapons
Expansion pack = Ballad of Gay Tony/Opposing Force (HL)/Skyrim Dawnguard/ Dead Rising Hyper Turbo etc etc


I uh....what?


In what universe is that short? Especially for a game with quality writing/voice acting?

have you played the game yourself or have you just used google.

the main quest is pathetically short and I mean just one path, not both.

If I were to do one path, just main quest, you could easily be done within 8 to 10 hours. Why do I need to replay the entire game just for a different path with similar endings.
Is there some chart that shows when DLC becomes Expansion Pack? Is it based on the number of hours of content?

Expansions are still a type of DLC, I just think people don't like using that term for expansions because of the nature of most of today's DLC. Can't blame them tbh.


Things like skins, and armor, are small and miniscule, they should not be charging for these things as they are considered visual assets.

Same is for maps.

Animated scenes, voiced dialogue that the player interacts with and in this case, makes part of the gameplay, so it takes a lot more work to do.

Things of that nature should be paid like in expansion packs.

DLC= added skins, weapons, maps,

updates/Patches=game fixes, balancing and tweaks
Expansion packs= , New campaigns and story lines.

Well yeah but DLC is just downloadable content, plain and simple. Some of it comes in the forms you described but it is still DLC.
Would you call this an expansion pack?

Of course every dev use their own wording, kinda like Creative Assembly with the "Culture Packs". It's still DLC and term shouldn't be condemning as long as it's done right.

Personally I'm not a big fan of announcing it before the game's even out, (Then again I'm not a fan of devs announcing their games well before the release date but I guess that's another debate) I rather like the approach Bioware did with DA : I, Boom announcement and just release the thing, just like that. (I know, it's platform exclusive but still you get my point)


From GOG.com:

Of course not, but this sure as hell won't stop me from not buying this expansion set for a full price.


Will they refund you the difference in store credit like it says here

While our older, “back-catalog” games, and most other items, usually cost roughly the same in all currencies, some new games in our catalog may have different prices based on where you are physically located in the world In such cases, you may find that you're asked to pay a different amount than people in other regions do. However, we offer store credit, which you can use in future purchases, to make up for the price difference. Regional pricing is something that is undertaken at the request of the company for whom we are selling the game, but we do our best to go the extra mile and make it right for everyone.


Really disappoints me when they announce post-release content before the game has even shipped. While I love that they are doing actual expansions I think they should of waited a bit.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
From GOG.com:



Of course not, but this sure as hell won't stop me from not buying this expansion set for a full price.

P.S. Oh and before anyone suspect me in piracy... I don't have any pirated games for almost 7 years already and I always buying games on Steam or any other digital platform that I can trust. But this... this is just wrond, it shouldn't be that way.

Edit: Oops, misread.
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