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The Witcher 3 Expansion Pass announced - $25

Looks like we need this every page.


Do not bother, those people will refuse to read and resort to their own limited thinking. What have the last 10 pages seemed to indicate?


20-30 hours for an expansion is more then the way we got robbed with Destiny. But these expansions actually sound like a big chunk of content and probably 8-10GB worth of download. I'm excited!


So they are saying "DLC is different than Expansion pack!" . They should have made clear when they announced the DLC being free.

It is different, they've said all along that the smaller packs would be free while the huge content expansions would cost money. $25 for 30+ hours is an incredible deal IMO.


I trust them to do this right.

Those expansions sound a lot bigger than those story extras Witcher 2 received


For you.
Yea change the company here and most people would be outraged. Netherrealm (WB), Capcom, Sony, MS and others get crucified for doing this same thing that CDP are being praised for. Fanboys gon fanboy, ya know.
Witcher 3 is co-published by WB.


Tears of Nintendo
So they are saying "DLC is different than Expansion pack!" . They should have made clear when they announced the DLC being free.
So basically they have 16 cosmetic (for the most part) DLC for free (yeah, thanks) to bust pre-orders of the base game and just so not to delay the game again before release in may, they decided to cut some content out of it cuz it won't be finished closer to release in may and sell it as a paid DLC, completely forgetting what was said earlier about this whole paid DLC thing.


They were probably hoping their fans would be more sensible and realize that their DLC practices =/= other company's DLC practices.

I'd say most of the fans are, but CDPR isn't just relying on their core fanbase any more. When you go full on mainstream/AAA, you have to start being a lot smarter about how you go about situations, or you end up in a situation like they are right now.

I'm hype as all fuck about TW3, but it's just disappointing to see them fumble like this so close to the finish line. They either were naive enough to think the internet at large would understand this, or they put money before sensibility, in either case I think it's a silly move, especially for a developer like CDPR.


I pine for proper expansions returning and this alongside a few other games like Reaper of Souls seems to be the calling card.


So basically they have 16 cosmetic (for the most part) DLC for free (yeah, thanks) to bust pre-orders of the base game and just so not to delay the game again before release in may, they decided to cut some content out of it cuz it won't be finished closer to release in may and sell it as a paid DLC, completely forgetting what was said earlier about this whole paid DLC thing.

Hush now, don't embarrass yourself any further.


Yea change the company here and most people would be outraged. Netherrealm (WB), Capcom, Sony, MS and others get crucified for doing this same thing that CDP are being praised for. Fanboys gon fanboy, ya know.

Except that people defend all those companies too from the same irrational outrage. I'm pretty sure the Netherealm thread went exactly the same way this one has.
Sounds good to me.

It would be insane for me to think that this much content should be free.
I know plenty of people who have paid way more that $25 for an entire game that wasn't 10 hours.

If anything, $25 for two expansions is pretty reasonable,

Even more so if the 10 and 20 hour comments are fairly accurate.

I can see the anger if they suddenly said "oh, nevermind, those 16 DLC packs are 99 cents each now."
I think some posters are being purposefully obtuse when they claim that expansion packs are technically DLC--right, of course, it is content that you download--but I've always viewed them as separate. Then again, maybe some people have always considered all DLC to be equal.

DLC, to me, are additions to the existing game that are smaller in scope. Expansion packs actually expand the game's scope, features, or universe.

Maybe that's just the old PC dude in me. Shit, even Battlefield 2 drew distinctions between Booster Packs and Expansion Packs.


So basically they have 16 cosmetic (for the most part) DLC for free (yeah, thanks) to bust pre-orders of the base game and just so not to delay the game again before release in may, they decided to cut some content out of it cuz it won't be finished closer to release in may and sell it as a paid DLC, completely forgetting what was said earlier about this whole paid DLC thing.
Maybe lets wait and see first. If the expansion stories are self contained it would be very unlikely that they got cut from the main game.

DLC for free (yeah, thanks)
loooool, do you have any idea how freaking entitled you sound?
Blind faith and naivety is why DLC continues to be a thing in the first place.

Yeah I wont buy the DLC until I know its good obviously. but why I am so positive about DLC like this is because its different from the rest of the shitty DLC we have been getting from various studios that are clearly just money grabbing.

CDPR is giving us 16 dlc for free and selling a 10 and 20 hours worth of DLC 6 months after the game is released. Now thats the proper way of doing DLC for a game and I am willing to pay for it if it turns out to be good gameplay, and I am kind of sure it will be.
DLC, to me, are additions to the existing game that are smaller in scope. Expansion packs actually expand the game's scope, features, or universe.

This is the distinction people fail to make.

Take the Dragon Age games for example, is the $14.99 Jaws of Hakkon DLC the same as the Awakening expansion for DA:O?

No, no it isn't and you wouldn't expect it to be. You also wouldn't expect Awakening to be 14.99 like JoH is.
I'd say most of the fans are, but CDPR isn't just relying on their core fanbase any more. When you go full on mainstream/AAA, you have to start being a lot smarter about how you go about situations, or you end up in a situation like they are right now.

I'm hype as all fuck about TW3, but it's just disappointing to see them fumble like this so close to the finish line. They either were naive enough to think the internet at large would understand this, or they put money before sensibility, in either case I think it's a silly move, especially for a developer like CDPR.

They didn't fumble. They were as clear as they could possibly, the few internet nutjobs are over reacting which is par for the course.


So basically they have 16 cosmetic (for the most part) DLC for free (yeah, thanks) to bust pre-orders of the base game and just so not to delay the game again before release in may, they decided to cut some content out of it cuz it won't be finished closer to release in may and sell it as a paid DLC, completely forgetting what was said earlier about this whole paid DLC thing.
Youre still spouting this and you've been i this thread long enough to actually be informed. The game has been feature complete since February and youre going to say they cut 30+ hours from the game? Please, just go make more "pirate" comments elsewhere.


Just goes to show that Capcom could've made SFxTK a success with just minor PR-based adjustments: locking default gem packs behind DLC ("16 free DLC") and moving the locked on-disc content to its servers ("Expansion Pass").

For the record, I've preordered Witcher 3 (and purchased both W1 and W2 in the past).


Youre still spouting this and you've been i this thread long enough to actually be informed. The game has been feature complete since February and youre going to say they cut 30+ hours from the game? Please, just go make more "pirate" comments elsewhere.

He is a god damned buffoon. His post is a highly potent concoction of all the fucking idiocy in this thread. He doesn't deserve a reply from you.
I respect that. My only problem with this (like many here) is the timing.

But, isn't a bit pathetic that people prefer to not know information than to know? It seems people want to live in their happy place of ignorance.

I mean, the expansion was going to be done, it doesn't really matter if it's announced now or in three months.


People has their panties in a bunch because they are not giving out 30 hours of content for free. Like what the fuck. The majority of full retail games don't have that much content. What a world we live in. "Ah who gives a shit we are getting 16 pieces of DLC for free" I want more because I am entitled to it. They can do whatever the hell they want to do, they have earned it as a developer who is more in touch with gamers than most any other large dev. People are going to sour them on this and maybe next time they won't give shit about free content because why would they?
But, isn't a bit pathetic that people prefer to not know information than to know? It seems people want to live in their happy place of ignorance.

I mean, the expansion was going to be done, it doesn't really matter if it's announced now or in three months.

I agree, I dont get the "timing" issue at all.

its 30 hours for less than a full game, hell The Order was 6 hours and it was a full game that people paid for.... yikes.


But, isn't a bit pathetic that people prefer to not know information than to know? It seems people want to live in their happy place of ignorance.

I mean, the expansion was going to be done, it doesn't really matter if it's announced now or in three months.

Timing is important in life. Announcing it now might make a lot of sense from a businesses perspective, but as you can tell in this thread it can create bad optics.


Tears of Nintendo
BUT most digital games still release at 1999 py6 or higher.
Not most actually, but because of the events of the last year it soon will be the most I think, which is really sad thing cuz 90% of gamers here can't afford to buy games at these prices, and nobody seem to care about this.

And that's still $36. And you're bitching about getting a deal for about $18, which is really about half of what you realistically should be paying. In fact, you actually get the full game plus the expansion for less than you would normally pay for a Russia-discounted new game.
You just don't understand that I live in other country and if 36$ sounds good for you, it doesn't mean that it sounds good for me, cuz it really isn't. I can't afford to buy base game and this expansion set (for the price of which I can buy 5 full games right now on Steam). Is this really that hard to believe and understand? I just like most of you I think can't buy all new games for the full price (which is right now and for my country is ~1200 RUB for the most big games, not all of them, but most), I can't afford to buy Batman: Arkham Knight, MKX and Witcher 3 even within period of 3 months and even if the price for them is much lower that in NA and UE, so I have to buy only one of them and wait for a sale to get the other two.

And since you are Russian, hinting about piracy, a hardcore gamer, and complaining about $18 day one games ... well, the statistics are really, really not in your favor. As a developer and a gamer I have no sympathy for you. At all.
That is your right.

Maybe lets wait and see first. If the expansion stories are self contained it would be very unlikely that they got cut from the main game.
Well, they have to make them self contained now, cuz they have no other choice.

loooool, do you have any idea how freaking entitled you sound?
I don't care about cosmetic DLC even if they are offered for free, they have no value for me.

Please, just go make more "pirate" comments elsewhere.
There was only one comment in the whole thread and I already said that I have no intention to pirate the game. It should be very clear now that it was said on emotions, sometimes I just can't hold myself...


I agree, I dont get the "timing" issue at all.

its 30 hours for less than a full game, hell The Order was 6 hours and it was a full game that people paid for.... yikes.

There is no such thing as a timing issue. Clearly there is research to announcing future content in games otherwise we would not see every single game do it this way. They are telling buyers that they will be making more content for a game they like, hence enticing them to keep the game and not trade it in. There are other factors too of course. They are running a business here first and foremost.


Can you believe this bullshit, the game and the expansion are nearly the same price!

That sucks, man, how is that even possible?

Well, here, look, they're both like 1000 Rubles!

Damn ... that really sucks, wait, isn't that like $20?

It's a little less than that, but yes.

So, wait, you get a $40 discount on the game and a $5 discount on the expansion pack?

Well, yes, but that's not the point ...

Fuck you. Get the fuck out of here. I can't believe I felt sorry for you.

But I have to pay full price!

No, you fucking you don't. Full price would be 3600 for the game and 1500 for the expansion. Seriously, fuck off with that. God damn, bitching that his HUGE discount on a brand new game makes it nearly the same price as the expansion, to which you also get a discount. Un-fucking-believable.

This is the reaction to probably +95% of people reading your posts.



They didn't fumble. They were as clear as they could possibly, the few internet nutjobs are over reacting which is par for the course.

People overreacting aside, it's still not a sensible move besides the business aspect of it.

They could have saved this announcement for late-June (Maybe before Arkham Knight took the spotlight), they would be in the middle of releasing constant Free DLC updates and presuming that TW3 is as great a game as it looks, the buzz around the game would still be very much alive.
There would be much less potential for backlash, they might have picked up a few more base game sales (Lots of people in this thread saying that they'll now just wait for a GOTY edition) and it all would have seemed like a more natural flow.

I guess it's up for personal opinion, but I do believe they've fumbled on this one (Although minor). However as I said, at the end of the day it's going to be the quality of the content that matters, and if solid, this (relatively minor) misstep probably won't even be remembered.
Timing is important in life. Announcing it now might make a lot of sense from a businesses perspective, but as you can tell in this thread it can create bad optics.

Well "bad" is relative. There are as many people defending it as people bashing it.
Think about it, you said yourself that it makes sense business wise, so as long as they get more sales, what is stopping them from doing this? I want them to do things this way so that the game get more sales than it will after the hype has deflated.


Another game with prelaunch DLC announced? Cool. Another game I won't be buying at launch.

Lots of 'em about these days.


Well there did have taken every chance to talk about how they love free DLC (even back as far as Witcher 2 they where boasting about it) but now they are pushing a season pass.

They where anti DRM but that didn't stop them walking on Microsoft's E3 stage in 2013

The entire Witcher 3 cycle has had a few steps back for them as far as their squeaky clean image goes but really I cant fault them that much. This is them stepping up and playing with the big boys and maybe if they want W3 to be a break out game they have to do a few things they wouldn't have done before to get some extra support from the publisher / platform holder with the co marketing deal.

They showed a freaking trailer and that was after the May Fiasco where the whole DRM thing lead up to E3.

Seriously what's your point? A lot of games were already on board with consoles for their games regardless of DRM or not.

And to my knowledge a lot of developers and smaller publishers didn't even know about it till the story broke. EA, UBISOFT and activision were the ones somewhat involved in the DRM fiasco.

Even so they have been mostly a PC developer use to the more open environment, they have a lot more control over distribution, on consoles they really don't. It's closed eco-system.
Eurogamer Article on CDRED stance E3 2013
It feels like CDPR is Larry David and everyone is getting mad at him for not following a social contract/convention.

"They're already working on it! Everyone knows, so why not just tell? You know already, what's the harm in telling?"
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