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The Witcher 3 Expansion Pass announced - $25


Neo Member
I do hope CP2077 still is in development haven't heard about it for long now.
I think they only have 1 team in CD Projekt, so my guess is that they have the artists working on 2077 now while the main team works on finishing up TW3 and future DLCs. And 2077 hasnt even gotten a release date, it's not coming out anytime soon.


The more I think about this, the more I see how it's up to consumers to get mad or not about early announcements.

Would you feel deceived if a game was announced so early in development that, by the time it's released, it's completely changed from the original vision? I know, not the case, but I can understand this more than what's happening with The Witcher 3's expansions. You can debate all you want about their PR in terms of DLC vs. expansions, but they have kept their word. Their definition of DLC is still free and we will probably get an Enhanced Edition at no additional cost, with other 16 free DLCs this year, alongside with patches. That has been confirmed for months. They have also been talking about expansions such as what they announced today since before The Witcher 2's release.

And then you can argue about the timing. Well, I still wonder what difference does it make. We have known about their expansion plans for quite a while. It was obvious it was coming. It's just a matter of officially announcing it. But it's not like the "From Ashes" scenario, where it was inside the disc and you only download something to unlock. It is being developed as we speak, while the main game is ready. If you complain about getting the full experience at a higher price, then you are considering the expansions as part of the main game, which they are not. Expansions are optional, you can buy now, after the main game is released or after both of them are released.

You can also argue about pre-order incentives. Well, if you own the first two games on GOG, The Witcher III is $38.24. The game and its expansions goes to $60. And you get the exact same in-game content as everywhere else. Sure, if you decide to buy on Steam, Origin or consoles, then publisher costs adds up, with no discounts. But that's how business works. First of all, there's no Witcher 1 for consoles. TW2 is on Xbox 360 only. The only platform that has the three Witcher games is PC, so you can't apply the discount anywhere else.


Yeah, poor CDPR, always taking flak from the internet. Come on, they got on a really and I mean really high horse. And now they're announcing paid DLC in a Season Pass, 5 weeks before launch.

Yes, it's expansions and yes, they'll probably be worth it, but it's what a "normal" publisher does and you can understand why people are disappointed.

No, I really can't understand why people are disappointed that a developer wants to charge money for content that is an entire game in and of itself, and 6 months away. They flat out say "Don't give us money until you're sure." There is absolutely no problem here.
Yep. Reminds me of Stardock. They were the ones who taught me the lesson to not buy into company PR. Making money will always take precedence over high minded ideals.

So far CDProjekt has been nothing but consumer friendly with their free enhanced editions, generous discounts, anti-DRM policy and free DLC plans. Are they seriously getting flak for not giving away 30 hours of quality content for free?


This happens all the time, and people go crazy complaining about downgrades and false advertisements.

Would you feel deceived if a game was announced so early in development that, by the time it's released, it's completely changed from the original vision? I know, not the case, but I can understand this more than what's happening with The Witcher 3's expansions.

Feel free to read the bold part and the rest of my post. :)


The timing of this is atrocious, and that's putting it mildly. Yuck. The game isn't even out yet, for fucks sake.

Other than that: An expansion to the game of the forever? Gimme! Take all my money, GOG/CDPR.

...just don't appear that over eager to get at my wallet next time. Please. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I guess just to let gamers that may be on the fence about this game know that it will be supported post launch with lots of meaty, story content. Or so that someone doesn't just play the game for a month solid, beat it, sell it, and then find out later that they'll have to rebuy it at some point to play the DLC.
Very good points that I had not considered.


Not like I don't trust them I just don't want to support such a shitty Practice. Im not paying for something that's not even out yet, regardless of the developer and how good their reputation is the idea itself just seems insane to me. If the Expansion comes out and it worth the money THEN ill purchase it, don't pre order games and I sure as hell won't be start buying Season Passes.
I guess just to let gamers that may be on the fence about this game know that it will be supported post launch with lots of meaty, story content. Or so that someone doesn't just play the game for a month solid, beat it, sell it, and then find out later that they'll have to rebuy it at some point to play the DLC.

I don't think people "on the fence" or those planning to sell it quickly applies to The Witcher 3 if there is really as much (50hr) content as they promise.

DLC/keeping the game might be a deciding point for a shooter or something, standard 10hr length. But rarely for a grand RPG like this.


Looking forward to it if there's any game Dev company I wanna support it's easily cdpr and I got more than enough out of witcher 2 to warrant buying this expansion. So excited about this game.


Tears of Nintendo
Not like I don't trust them I just don't want to support such a shitty Practice. Im not paying for something that's not even out yet, regardless of the developer and how good their reputation is the idea itself just seems insane to me. If the Expansion comes out and it worth the money THEN ill purchase it, don't pre order games and I sure as hell won't be start buying Season Passes.
So far CDProjekt has been nothing but consumer friendly with their free enhanced editions, generous discounts, anti-DRM policy and free DLC plans. Are they seriously getting flak for not giving away 30 hours of quality content for free?

The announcement timing is poor. Very poor. Regardless of the other conditions.

If this was EA/Ubisoft, the backlash would have been ten times worse.


But how can these devs diss DLC for games and they said DLC would be free but it seems it's just pointless dlc like skins, people were applauding the devs for standing up against paid DLC and even had tons of game articles about them and what they said about the dlc but turns out they were talking about another DLC that wasn't actually the DLC they were talking about.


So far CDProjekt has been nothing but consumer friendly with their free enhanced editions, generous discounts, anti-DRM policy and free DLC plans. Are they seriously getting flak for not giving away 30 hours of quality content for free?

Can't speak for everyone, but from me they are taking flack for poor timing to announce expansions(in my opinion of course) and something that sounds a lot like a season pass which I hate the concept of. Them being paid expansions is not a problem if they end up being worth it. Edit: It also doesn't help that this can look like they are starting to against the image they spent so long trying to craft.


Fuck, this game is going to consume my year it seems. I will pay good money for good content, I don't think CDPR will let me down in this regard.


This fucking industry really need to hold themselves from revealing too much of their work and its future before the game released. I know that they probably already finished with the content of the game and currently undergoing QA process, so this 20 hours expansion is not being cut content from the original to be sold separately. But please, even if this true, it still sound very scummy. It's like asking for more money on a game that you even haven't played yet. The Witcher 3 should big enough for what it is. If someone doesn't hold interest from the start, I don't think announcing shit like this will attract them.

Would you rather they tell you about future plans now so you know and can plan your purchase accordingly or keep it secret until after the main game releases?


The announcement timing is poor. Very poor. Regardless of the other conditions.

If this was EA/Ubisoft, the backlash would have been ten times worse.

When was the last time EA/Ubisoft promised 10 hour and 20 hour-long DLC, AND encouraged people to wait for reviews before buying.


Not like I don't trust them I just don't want to support such a shitty Practice. Im not paying for something that's not even out yet, regardless of the developer and how good their reputation is the idea itself just seems insane to me. If the Expansion comes out and it worth the money THEN ill purchase it, don't pre order games and I sure as hell won't be start buying Season Passes.

Funny how that's exactly what they said you should do

we want to make one thing clear: don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first. As always, it’s your call


Basically, CDPR can do no right even though they are still doing no wrong.

Yeah, all the comments about "nickle and diming" and how they are "no better" than EA/Ubi are pretty hilarious.

Witcher 3...

- 20% discount just for owning the previous games.
- Soundtrack, Artbook, Compendium, map, stickers in every box.
- 16 DLC for free.
- No in game preorder bonuses.
- DRM free available on gog.
- $25 for 30 hours of add on content.

Dragon Age: Inquisition...

- Full price, no discount.
- Nothing included
- More expensive Digital Deluxe edition gets you cosmetic DLC
- In game exclusives for preordering
- No DRM free version available
- $15 for 5 hours of additional content

Theres no question that these guys are a notch above just about everyone else in the AAA side of the industry when it comes to giving consumers value.

I think they only have 1 team in CD Projekt, so my guess is that they have the artists working on 2077 now while the main team works on finishing up TW3 and future DLCs. And 2077 hasnt even gotten a release date, it's not coming out anytime soon.

There is a separate Cyberpunk team, although they did end up having to move people over to help complete the Witcher.


Very poor timing decision by CDPR.

Obviously smart move business wise, maximize sales from people whilst you have their attention and hype because the game is constantly in the spotlight.
However putting it under the banner of a "pass" and announcing it before the game is even out is bound to not sit well with many people out there (Evident in this thread).

$25 for 30 or more hours of additional content is fantastic, and you have no idea how excited I am to see Touissant, but this is a pretty silly PR move, and they should have waited until June/July before making the announcement.
They received mad props from pretty much the entire internet for their free DLC, and then they go and do something so obviously rife with potential backlash like this? I really would have expected them to be more sensible.

That said at the end of the day the content will speak for itself. If the base game is fantastic and the expansions are also fucking great, people will appropriately sing praises for the content and that's what matters the most. They've pretty much done everything right here except for fucking up the timing.
So far CDProjekt has been nothing but consumer friendly with their free enhanced editions, generous discounts, anti-DRM policy and free DLC plans. Are they seriously getting flak for not giving away 30 hours of quality content for free?

Well there did have taken every chance to talk about how they love free DLC (even back as far as Witcher 2 they where boasting about it) but now they are pushing a season pass.

They where anti DRM but that didn't stop them walking on Microsoft's E3 stage in 2013

The entire Witcher 3 cycle has had a few steps back for them as far as their squeaky clean image goes but really I cant fault them that much. This is them stepping up and playing with the big boys and maybe if they want W3 to be a break out game they have to do a few things they wouldn't have done before to get some extra support from the publisher / platform holder with the co marketing deal.
Now this is overpriced (for my country) console game. Cost for the majority of PC games is a lot less, but you already know that right? Right?

Yeah, I did. You see, I've actually released digital games in Russia. And the lower pricing has very little to do with your economy or the value of the Ruble and mostly to do with the fact that you are the second largest piracy market in the world (2nd only to China). So, yes, you do generally get digital PC games cheaper than others. BUT most digital games still release at 1999 py6 or higher. And that's still $36. And you're bitching about getting a deal for about $18, which is really about half of what you realistically should be paying. In fact, you actually get the full game plus the expansion for less than you would normally pay for a Russia-discounted new game.

And since you are Russian, hinting about piracy, a hardcore gamer, and complaining about $18 day one games ... well, the statistics are really, really not in your favor. As a developer and a gamer I have no sympathy for you. At all.
I don't care if it's CDPR

Selling DLC before a game is even out is like selling the skin before you shot the bear. (and same goes for buying it)

Witcher 2 was... quite buggy (to say it nicely), and to this day is still full of jank.
They should worry about delivering a polished and finished game before asking people for even more money.
Not like I don't trust them I just don't want to support such a shitty Practice. Im not paying for something that's not even out yet, regardless of the developer and how good their reputation is the idea itself just seems insane to me. If the Expansion comes out and it worth the money THEN ill purchase it, don't pre order games and I sure as hell won't be start buying Season Passes.

If you have gone your entire life without preordering any product you have never used, I'd wager that you're in the minority.

Many people, for better or worse, preorder based on the pedigree of the series/creator itself. It's saying "you've earned my trust". Yes, it can and has been exploited by many companies, but CDPR is not one of them and does not look to be. However, to each their own.

They received mad props from pretty much the entire internet for their free DLC, and then they go and do something so obviously rife with potential backlash like this? I really would have expected them to be more sensible.

They were probably hoping their fans would be more sensible and realize that their DLC practices =/= other company's DLC practices.


So they are saying "DLC is different than Expansion pack!" . They should have made clear when they announced the DLC being free.
Are you being serious? This has been there stance before they even launched the Witcher 2. That Kotaku article where they would charge for large expansions was in May of 2014. Excuse me for missing your point.
I dont understand how anyone can be angry about this news.

It´s great news, CDPR will support the game into the future, thats positive guys. CDPR also said wait to purchase until you read the reviews of this DLC.
the DLC they have announced today is also 10 and 20 hours long. This right there is amazing! I can understand if you got shafted by Bungie and will think twice before buying any more DLCs, but first of all, this is not bungie its CDPR, second, they did say, wait till the reviews before buying of you are concerned about the quality of this DLC.

You will also get 16 DLC for free.

Be happy and smile, these guys know how to do DLC the right way!


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
So they are saying "DLC is different than Expansion pack!" . They should have made clear when they announced the DLC being free.

Totally agree, they should have told people not to expect 30 hours of content to be free.
I dont understand how anyone can be angry about this news.

It´s great news, CDPR will support the game into the future, thats positive guys. CDPR also said wait to purchase until you read the reviews of this DLC.
the DLC they have announced today is also 10 and 20 hours long. This right there is amazing! I can understand if you got shafted by Bungie and will think twice before buying any more DLCs, but first of all, this is not bungie its CDPR, second, they did say, wait till the reviews before buying of you are concerned about the quality of this DLC.

You will also get 16 DLC for free.

Be happy and smile, these guys know how to do DLC the right way!

Blind faith and naivety is why DLC continues to be a thing in the first place.
edit: or this type of dlc rather


For you.
So they are saying "DLC is different than Expansion pack!" . They should have made clear when they announced the DLC being free.
They were pretty fucking clear but some people clearly didnt learn how to read in school so they could only make out the title.


I don't understand them saying that people should wait if they aren't sure. Why even talk about this now and encourage people to wait. Why not sit on this news until a few months after the game releases? Also yeah them announcing all DLC will be free then releasing this and saying "well this isn't dlc" is kind of shitty.


Kinda surprised at all the "Why announce now?" posts. It's an obvious marketing strategy, and one that works. All news will soon be Witcher 3, it's a huge release this year, so they'd like to get people to pony up an additional $25 now when The Witcher 3 is all the talk rather than in October when The Witcher 3 is that good game which released 5 months ago which no one is talking about because of all the other late year releases.

I don't understand them saying that people should wait if they aren't sure. Why even talk about this now and encourage people to wait. Why not sit on this news until a few months after the game releases? Also yeah them announcing all DLC will be free then releasing this and saying "well this isn't dlc" is kind of shitty.

They never said all DLC will be free. Never. They said a bunch of DLC will be free but if they do bigger projects with hours worth of content that they'd consider charging for it.
30+ hours for 25 bucks? Sounds like steal to me. The time frame for when the expansions come out also shows that it probably isn't something that was cut from the game or anything, these sound like true expansions.


To me, the term DLC these days is little stuff that adds to the game...not big ass 30+ hour campaigns. I don't see the problem honestly. Apart from the early announcement, this is exactly what PC developers were doing for literally decades.


I don't care if it's CDPR

Selling DLC before a game is even out is like selling the skin before you shot the bear. (and same goes for buying it)

Yea change the company here and most people would be outraged. Netherrealm (WB), Capcom, Sony, MS and others get crucified for doing this same thing that CDP are being praised for. Fanboys gon fanboy, ya know.
I don't care about any season passes, still going to buy this when it's released.

An Oxenfurt expansion? Eh, just going to wait and see. I'm not a huge Shani fan so I hope there's more to it than just her.

Touissant on the other hand... YES. This could be a gorgeous, big location, with beautiful architecture, huge dungeons/sewer system, vineyards and Druids' forest... and tons of fun characters. Of course, it would be even more amazing if CDPR decided to rewrite canon and included stuff like that Angouleme's brothel. I also sure hope there'll be no way to bone that poor resident Succubus (Geralt wouldn't be that disrespectful... right?...) and please, no Fringilla Vigo. If there was ever a female character in the series that I genuinely hated, it was definitely her.
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