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The Witcher 3 Expansion Pass announced - $25

I'm gonna have to also back up CDProjekt here. They were clear from the beginning about expansions vs DLC. Also, I don't care what developer you are, $25 is COMPLETELY FAIR for 30+ hours of gameplay. Especially in an age where people are bitching and moaning about 10 hour $60 games.


So basically they have 16 cosmetic (for the most part) DLC for free (yeah, thanks) to bust pre-orders of the base game and just so not to delay the game again before release in may, they decided to cut some content out of it cuz it won't be finished closer to release in may and sell it as a paid DLC, completely forgetting what was said earlier about this whole paid DLC thing.

They did not cut from the main game. Unless you want them to delay until 2016 to sell it with both expansions for free and with the main game. Oh! But maybe they have other expansions planned for later. OK, they should delay to 2018 instead.


Dude they had this planned or else the statement would have been the same. The last quote gives a specific size to qualify as an expansion.

Yeah they were thinking ahead to Wicher 3 on articles that were published on the same day Witcher 2 was released.

My point is this has always been there stance and they are sticking by their stance and somehow that's fishy/conspiracy. The game has been "feature complete" since December, 2014. http://www.pcgamer.com/the-witcher-3-is-finished-delay-is-solely-for-bug-stomping/
Of course the team will be working on other things.


So basically they have 16 cosmetic (for the most part) DLC for free (yeah, thanks) to bust pre-orders of the base game and just so not to delay the game again before release in may, they decided to cut some content out of it cuz it won't be finished closer to release in may and sell it as a paid DLC, completely forgetting what was said earlier about this whole paid DLC thing.

can you show me proof that they cut content please?
I can understand some people complaining about DLC and how they can feel that the developer is "cutting" things out of the game to sell us at a later date as DLC, just like Bungie did with Destiny, that is shitty and should not be supported. Bungie screwed us big here and I will not buy the next DLC they have planned.

But this is something entirely different. This DLC is what paid DLC should be like and it is sad to see how some people in here complain when DLC is done right.
I'd say most of the fans are, but CDPR isn't just relying on their core fanbase any more. When you go full on mainstream/AAA, you have to start being a lot smarter about how you go about situations, or you end up in a situation like they are right now.

I'm hype as all fuck about TW3, but it's just disappointing to see them fumble like this so close to the finish line. They either were naive enough to think the internet at large would understand this, or they put money before sensibility, in either case I think it's a silly move, especially for a developer like CDPR.

That's fair--it's obvious that announcing DLC/expansion passes prior to launch, at least on GAF, generates backlash. I wonder how the general gaming public reacts to news like this?

AU Tiger

And another game goes to the "wait for everything to be under $20/GOTY edition"

Its a shame too, these guys will likely make a great game for $60, but I don't support this dlc bullshit anymore after being burned so many times.

Did you also refuse to buy Diablo 3 before ROS came out?

Did you play diablo 2 before LOD was released?

What about Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare? Did you buy RDR before that?

Did you buy Oblivion before shivering isles?

Did you buy Skyrim before Dawnguard/dragonborn DLC?

ALL of those games were complete packages well worth their $60 price tag BEFORE the expansions came out. That is what separates those titles from the more common nickle and diming DLC that feels like things withheld from the initial release.

CDPR aren't cutting these 2 new areas out of the main game, they're building a complete product and offering that up front and THEN giving you more if you want to pay for that. Not buying the DLC doesn't affect the story they want to tell you in the main game and aren't required to fill in plot holes that otherwise would be left open.

GTFO of here with that lame $20 GOTY BS. There is a huge difference between what CDPR are doing here and what 98% of every other scumbag company is doing with their DLC.


Well "bad" is relative. There are as many people defending it as people bashing it.
Think about it, you said yourself that it makes sense business wise, so as long as they get more sales, what is stopping them from doing this? I want them to do things this way so that the game get more sales than it will after the hype has deflated.

Jack and shit. I don't like when they chose to announce this, said as much, and that is about as far as I expect it to go. As i said i am not that upset with them, just slightly disappointed they lived down to my expectations. I will still be playing The Witcher 3 at launch and if I like what I play i will be buying said expansions. The only thing that annoys me about this is the name calling directed at people people like me who don't think CDPR can and never will do any wrong. Even that is a minor complaint though.


If you have gone your entire life without preordering any product you have never used, I'd wager that you're in the minority.

Many people, for better or worse, preorder based on the pedigree of the series/creator itself. It's saying "you've earned my trust". Yes, it can and has been exploited by many companies, but CDPR is not one of them and does not look to be. However, to each their own.

They were probably hoping their fans would be more sensible and realize that their DLC practices =/= other company's DLC practices.
Not my whole life but stopped about 6 years ago. And Im not saying Every company is the same im buying Witcher 3 day one which is a rarity for me since I like waiting for Steam Sales. But I just don't want to support something that isn't even made yet, if the Expansion is worth it then as the Developers said *Wait for Reviews Wait For Impressions* which is exactly what im doing. CD Projek is probably my favourite Developer im just still not supporting something that isn't made and hasn't been shown off yet, don't see anything wrong with that.

Velcro Fly

The shitty companies ruin it for everyone. You can only get burned buying extra content before a game is even fucking out before you say enough is enough I'm not doing it again.

Haven't been following the game but this doesn't look like stuff they took out of the main game. It looks like more stuff if you want it and if you don't there's always the free DLC right?

It's going to get lumped in with the shitty practices of other terrible companies though because all DLC is created equal and it's all equally bad.

More power to them though. I love this model. Free DLC for all and then substantial content that you have to pay for after buying the game.

Also with preorder culture what it is, there is a neverending race to be first to buy something. What harm does it do to wait until something comes out to buy it? Or even *gasp* after it launches? Preorders and Season Passes have so conditioned us to want to buy buy buy immediately that the sensible option of wait and see is lost and it's either day 1 or never for many people.


I trust them to do true expansions and not money grabs for little content. The DLC as they say it is the 16 items we will get for free. This is what we use to get in actual expansions when things were truly expanded.

And that's not a bad thing.


Not most actually, but because of the events of the last year it soon will be the most I think, which is really sad thing cuz 90% of gamers here can't afford to buy games at these prices, and nobody seem to care about this.

You just don't understand that I live in other country and if 36$ sounds good for you, it doesn't mean that it sounds good for me, cuz it really isn't. I can't afford to buy base game and this expansion set (for the price of which I can buy 5 full games right now on Steam). Is this really that hard to believe and understand? I just like most of you I think can't buy all new games for the full price (which is right now and for my country is ~1200 RUB for the most big games, not all of them, but most), I can't afford to buy Batman: Arkham Knight, MKX and Witcher 3 even within period of 3 months and even if the price for them is much lower that in NA and UE, so I have to buy only one of them and wait for a sale to get the other two.

We all want deals. And we all have to make decisions. If you can't afford 50 games on day one, wait. Nobody is forcing you to buy the base or the expansion. Don't bitch and accuse CDPR of cutting 30+ hours because it fits your (ir)rational process.


Tears of Nintendo
can you show me proof that they cut content please?
It was just an assumption, nothing more. But how do you think they know the exact size of them in hours so early before release not only the base game, but the expansions too? I mean, just think about it :)


People overreacting aside, it's still not a sensible move besides the business aspect of it.

They could have saved this announcement for late-June (Maybe before Arkham Knight took the spotlight), they would be in the middle of releasing constant Free DLC updates and presuming that TW3 is as great a game as it looks, the buzz around the game would still be very much alive.
There would be much less potential for backlash, they might have picked up a few more base game sales (Lots of people in this thread saying that they'll now just wait for a GOTY edition) and it all would have seemed like a more natural flow.

I guess it's up for personal opinion, but I do believe they've fumbled on this one (Although minor). However as I said, at the end of the day it's going to be the quality of the content that matters, and if solid, this (relatively minor) misstep probably won't even be remembered.

There are educated PR professionals working at CDProjekt who know exactly when the best time to announce future support for your product is, and if that time wasn't now they probably wouldn't annouce it now.
It was just an assumption, nothing more. But how do you think they know the exact size of them in hours so early before release not only the base game, but the expansions too? I mean, just think about it :)

Of course everything is planned. But that doesn't mean everything must be put into one game. They have a plan for what should be the main plot and what should be done later to expand the scope of the game. It doesn't even justify to even think that the game was cut to be sold separately.


It was just an assumption, nothing more. But how do you think they know the exact size of them in hours so early before release not only the base game, but the expansions too? I mean, just think about it :)

It's called Game Design Document. Or planning. There are other franchises out there that release annually with an average of the same duration of the single player campaign. It doesn't mean that they cut content from the past game, does it? Just that they already plan a story and level design that will take at least X hours to complete.


It was just an assumption, nothing more. But how do you think they know the exact size of them in hours so early before release not only the base game, but the expansions too? I mean, just think about it :)

Planning? Estimates ? They say 10+ and 20+

That's not exactly hard to estimate, and it"s not "exact size in hours" either. Notice the little plus there ?


Junior Member
I've come to the conclusion that people will complain about damn near anything; have fun with that.

Jack and shit. I don't like when they chose to announce this, said as much, and that is about as far as I expect it to go. As i said i am not that upset with them, just slightly disappointed they lived down to my expectations. I will still be playing The Witcher 3 at launch and if I like what I play i will be buying said expansions. The only thing that annoys me about this is the name calling directed at people people like me who don't think CDPR can and never will do any wrong. Even that is a minor complaint though.

Witcher 3 is a bit of a different case though. This game has been content locked since back in 2014. Most of the art/story was probably finished before that; so what are these developers supposed to do with the entire rest of the staff in the meantime?

IMO, they've been completely up front about everything so far. The only possible way that things could go differently, is if they delay the game until 2016; just to add content that doesn't relate to the main game they had planned.


Yeah these sound like real expansions.

Return of the true expansion pack.

Bethesda have been doing true expansions for years now. Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues is the perfect example. Took me several hours to beat and really felt like an expansion of the game.


I do not mind additional quality DLCs and expansions that are being sold at a reasonable price; but I can't help but feel that announcing these things pre-release of the main product is the dumbest thing a company (with a game in their pipeline that is supposedly dozens of hours long) can do.
Just what I was thinking about when I read the thread title. Made me chuckle a bit.
Not that I am misunderstood. Let them charge for additional content, it's fair. But damn CD Project, don't talk shit in advance...

“Yeah, we are making a statement,” he added. “We, as gamers, would like to be treated this way, 'Hey, give me free DLC.' It doesn't have to be something huge. And I'm saying we aren't giving out huge stuff, we aren't giving tens of hours of storyline here, we are giving small bits of pieces that don't cost a lot. And I think people would feel better about our game, and, so, they will enjoy the adventure even more.

"DLC, it’s small content," said head of marketing and PR Michal Platkow-Gilewski last September. "Like one-thousandth of the whole game. Why should you charge for that? If it’s small, give it for free. I know it’s not always possible or easy but this is what we want to give gamers; a little bit of love, which we’d like to get from other developers as gamers ourselves."

Sounds 100% in line with their announcement today and their stance this whole time.


Just what I was thinking about when I read the thread title. Made me chuckle a bit.
Not that I am misunderstood. Let them charge for additional content, it's fair. But damn CD Project, don't talk shit in advance...

In the same article:

And I'm saying we aren't giving out huge stuff, we aren't giving tens of hours of storyline here, we are giving small bits of pieces that don't cost a lot.

This expansion pass is 30hours of content. Would you expect him to give it away after the above statement?


People crying about this are fucking insane. They're announcing reasonably priced LARGE content, the first of which is coming out 5 months after the game's release. That is more than stretching the imagination of any conspiracy theorist suggesting they cut content to release some of it 5 months later and the rest nearly a year later. Holy fucking shit people. And every quote from them regarding DLC being free specified that it was referring to small tidbit content, and anything large and substantial from a story or size component could be paid.

I think I now actually understand how people in the game's industry hate places like GAF, there is absolutely no winning. I actually feel bad for them.


Hell yes. True expansion pack, and that too a 30 hour meaty experience. Awesome!

This dev really understands DLC and expansions. Take my money.


I don't understand how people can be upset about the timing of the announcement when it has literally
actually literally
no effect on your wallet, the content you recieve, and when you will recieve it.

Would you be less mad if they decided to wait until June to annouce it? Why? As long as the content was not finished before the release of the game, and then purposefully removed to be sold separately it won't affect you as a consumer.


I'm gonna have to also back up CDProjekt here. They were clear from the beginning about expansions vs DLC. Also, I don't care what developer you are, $25 is COMPLETELY FAIR for 30+ hours of gameplay. Especially in an age where people are bitching and moaning about 10 hour $60 games.

Agreed. So a developer who has consistently provided amazing experiences can't announce future content to a final chapter of its rpg series? The fuck?

Man oh man I love the witcher series! Wait future DLC to a series I love? Oh hell no I won't buy now until it hits the bargain bin.

This makes no sense to me.


Witcher 3 is a bit of a different case though. This game has been content locked since back in 2014. Most of the art/story was probably finished before that; so what are these developers supposed to do with the entire rest of the staff in the meantime?

IMO, they've been completely up front about everything so far. The only possible way that things could go differently, is if they delay the game until 2016; just to add content that doesn't relate to the main game they had planned.

In a perfect world move the staff to Cyberpunk 2077, in this world don't publicly announce the expansions until after the base game has released.


Just what I was thinking about when I read the thread title. Made me chuckle a bit.
Not that I am misunderstood. Let them charge for additional content, it's fair. But damn CD Project, don't talk shit in advance...

You have no clue....do you?

Like other's have commented, they have been clear since The witcher 2 on what they consider paid content and thing's that more or less come down as updates to the game.

Enhanced, and Director's cut come to mind for me.
l love the way they approach things.

I will probably by this DLC. I mean 30 more hours of what's likely to be an epic game? Count me in!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
my real problem with this is... I end up never playing any dlc (expansions whatever) months after I finish the games :/


I measure an "Expansion" should be at least the size of:

- Ultima VII Serpent Isle, or
- Throne of Baal, or
- Mask of the Betrayer

Which are in the 30+ hours range to completion.

I'm hopeful, but will keep my expectation in check.
You just don't understand that I live in other country and if 36$ sounds good for you, it doesn't mean that it sounds good for me, cuz it really isn't. I can't afford to buy base game and this expansion set (for the price of which I can buy 5 full games right now on Steam). Is this really that hard to believe and understand? I just like most of you I think can't buy all new games for the full price (which is right now and for my country is ~1200 RUB for the most big games, not all of them, but most), I can't afford to buy Batman: Arkham Knight, MKX and Witcher 3 even within period of 3 months and even if the price for them is much lower that in NA and UE, so I have to buy only one of them and wait for a sale to get the other two.

Here's the thing, that's true for people everywhere. Struggling to afford full priced, brand new titles is a reality to low/middle income people in literally every country. I'm sure Australians and Brazilians would love to have your $18-$36 games when they're paying 50%-200% mark-up. There are countries all throughout the EU that pay premium prices in shitty economies for video games. Your situation isn't unique. And the Witcher 3 and its expansion are still cheaper than a huge number of other new titles in your country (CoD:AW, GTA V, Bloodborne, Far Cry 4, Borderlands: Pre-Sequel, hell, even the Dark Souls 2 DLC). So bitching about their relative cost is gonna fall on deaf ears, and trying to use "but I'm in Russia" as an excuse to why that complaint is valid doesn't hold up.

hemo memo

Gold Member
I think I now actually understand how people in the game's industry hate places like GAF, there is absolutely no winning. I actually feel bad for them.
GAF is a large group of people with different opinions and thoughts, you'll never see every person in a thread agrees no matter the topic and that's the reality in everything.


You're naive. You can discuss games and not really care about the process. There are different levels at work there. =P

Yes, the DLC would be made anyway. But here is an example I've run into with Mortal Kombat X at work. A group of customers wanted to pre-order MKX. I informed them about the Kombat Pass and asked if they wanted to pick it up as well or pre-order GameStop's LE. They didn't know about the Pass at all, saw the price ($30) and said straight up said "So, the price of the full game is $90 instead of $60? I'll wait for the Collection" and bounced.

To some people, announcing this stuff before the game is out feels like a price hike. They will feel like they aren't getting the complete game for their $60 and may get a bit ticked off. At that point, they can still get it or wait it out and buy the complete collection for cheaper.

I'm not saying its good or bad, I'm saying that some people will see it that way and they are not wrong for doing so. It's their hard earned money after all.
Guess that depends if they're a majority which then the suits won't give a shit about.

Was this mentioned?


So what, it means that boxed copies of the game come with GOG cdkey and not Steam? That would be ridiculous...
You were expecting Steam in the retail version?

So...people would prefer it if they kept their expansion plans hidden? As a consumer, I like as much info as possible going in. Talking about the announcement being bad pr and saying they should have waited makes it sound like you relate more with the publisher than the customer. That's not a great mindset for a consumer to have.
What? There's no correlation there. The actual issue is that they are announced adding stuff with a price to a game that has yet to prove it's merit.

Very poor timing decision by CDPR.

Obviously smart move business wise, maximize sales from people whilst you have their attention and hype because the game is constantly in the spotlight.
However putting it under the banner of a "pass" and announcing it before the game is even out is bound to not sit well with many people out there (Evident in this thread).

$25 for 30 or more hours of additional content is fantastic, and you have no idea how excited I am to see Touissant, but this is a pretty silly PR move, and they should have waited until June/July before making the announcement.
They received mad props from pretty much the entire internet for their free DLC, and then they go and do something so obviously rife with potential backlash like this? I really would have expected them to be more sensible.

That said at the end of the day the content will speak for itself. If the base game is fantastic and the expansions are also fucking great, people will appropriately sing praises for the content and that's what matters the most. They've pretty much done everything right here except for fucking up the timing.
...E3! That would have been one hell of a way to announce.


Tears of Nintendo
They did not cut from the main game. Unless you want them to delay until 2016 to sell it with both expansions for free and with the main game. Oh! But maybe they have other expansions planned for later. OK, they should delay to 2018 instead.
Maybe it will sound strange to you, but I prefer to pay once for the full set, rather than paying twice and more, and if it means that I need to wait one year or so, then so be it. It's not like I won't find a game to play these days when 10 or more new games releasing on Steam every day (most of them are shit of course but still).

We all want deals. And we all have to make decisions. If you can't afford 50 games on day one, wait. Nobody is forcing you to buy the base or the expansion.

Don't bitch and accuse CDPR of cutting 30+ hours because it fits your (ir)rational process.[/QUOTE]
Oh I will wait cuz I don't have a choice. Two or so years ago it wasn't that much of a problem you know to buy 3 or more games in one month, I even started to think that our country will abandon piracy for good (well, not entirely - for some people it is still the way of life, and there is nothing you can do to make them think otherwise), but since then a lot has changed and not in a good way unfortunately. I don't expect that someone here will understand all this though.

Of course everything is planned. But that doesn't mean everything must be put into one game. They have a plan for what should be the main plot and what should be done later to expand the scope of the game. It doesn't even justify to even think that the game was cut to be sold separately.
Honesty is the key here (not to mention the right approach to presenting information keeping in mind previous messages about DLC's), and I don't see it unfortunately. They should've be more clear with us about their future plans for the game, that we have to pay for DLC's and all, but nope... We can only guess what were their true intentions.

It's called Game Design Document. Or planning. There are other franchises out there that release annually with an average of the same duration of the single player campaign. It doesn't mean that they cut content from the past game, does it? Just that they already plan a story and level design that will take at least X hours to complete.

Planning? Estimates ? They say 10+ and 20+

That's not exactly hard to estimate, and it"s not "exact size in hours" either. Notice the little plus there ?
Oh but of course, the content is not done yet, but still I find that very hard to believe that this content wasn't intended for the base game before. It's not like we will find out the whole truth about this anyway, so all we can do is speculate, nothing more.
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