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The Witcher 3 gameplay video - "Precious Cargo"

I was very on the fence about this game and that mission trailer didn't help. But I decided to watch the Gameplay Trailer and wow. Crap. I may have to get this....ugh


It's also unreasonable to call them amazing, as the person i was responding to did.

Yes, it does make sense in the context. Otherwise, we could never say any game looks amazing in any way, because they all look like shit compared to reality. When we say something looks good about a game it's always relative to what's available in other similar games.
I really feel sorry for the people who can't play a game because they're put off by facial animations and movement (which I think are excellent). I'm so happy I can enjoy a game for its gameplay and not for its visuals.

The talk of poor combat is worrying me again.
In the Gamespot video they said you can only play with an Xbox controller atm because they haven't finalized the KB+M config yet

So thats why the footage has Xbox prompts
I guess the only console footage we've seen of this game is last year's E3 demo. Seems literally everything else is from the PC version.
The talk of poor combat is worrying me again.
yeah I think it's the flimsy combat I find a little offputting, especially coming off BloodBorne it is especially noticeable.

Obviously I'm sure the game will still be good but it stands out to me and I'm not picky at all when it comes to games.


I guess the only console footage we've seen of this game is last year's E3 demo. Seems literally everything else is from the PC version.

I wouldnt be surprised

Why show gameplay from inferior systems?

No offense to the Sony and MS fans but playing TW3 at 60fps at HD resolutions is clearly the best way to experience it


I really can't agree based on what we've seen - I'm incredibly excited for Wild Hunt but the combat looks nowhere near as fluid or visceral as Bloodborne. That's not to say it looks bad of course, but the combat in Bloodborne is weighty and has a sense of impact (both with sound and visuals) that Wild Hunt, along with most other action RPGs, lacks.

Really enjoyed the video, been waiting for a big open RPG for a while. The side quest looked great, some decisions to be made, good variety, hopefully the majority of the side quests in the game are the same standard.

You're probably being influenced by how much you like the game and the feeling you get playing it. I'm only talking about how the combat in each game looks. I've been a martial artist for most of my life and have achieved black belt rank in two styles. If I knew nothing about either game and somebody just showed me some footage of the combat of each game I think Witcher 3's combat easily looks more visceral and realistic. The Souls games (including Bloodborne) have always looked clunky and slow to me. The animations aren't great and everything is so exaggerated and telegraphed.


Tad off-topic, but I wonder how much development of Witcher 3 has cost CDPR. I found some old figure of 15M USD, but that was pre-delays figure.

Hard to believe that Witcher 2 cost them "only" 10M USD to develope.

All about that Eastern Europe pay. If you just go with the 15 million that is 55.7 Million Zloty.

A Computer Programmer in Poland makes about 900 dollars a month or around 5,000 zloty.
Game is pretty but the one thing that bums me out is the scale of the environment (and that includes trees) seems a tad small. I know most of the footage we've seen has been in forests and what not, but even buildings in villages seem a bit off in terms of size. I feel like I got spoiled by Unity's 1:1 scale buildings, I need that in all games now!


The reason that the lip-syncing can seen a bit "off" and not always in line with what they are saying, is because they use an advanced software to simulate lip-movements based on the words. Similar to what other open-world games sometimes does when having many voiced characters in their game.

I think it would be very costly to include facial animation or facial mo-cap for all 800 voiced NPC's haha. So yeah, we either get this, or tight-lipped NPC's.

You also have to take into consideration that when you are doing such a vast open-world game, with enemies, loot, items, characters, weather, animation and foliage, you have to allocate resources based on the hardware and what you can do.
Of course if it was possible, they would surely do a The Order: 1886 graphic setting, but that would make the game playable by 2 FPS and melt your computer.
Same thing with Crysis 3 or Ryse for example. Smaller areas - can stuff more fidelity in there without causing hardware meltdown.

I am quite surprised it looks this good with all there is in the game! And I have seen people liking Assassins Creed: Unity better in terms of graphic fidelity, but that game can look better because of not being the same size like The Witcher 3 and containing all that stuff that is in The Witcher 3, so Unity can allocate more stuff for the textures and lightning (which some people prefer over The Witcher 3).
I think the Witcher 3 is the prettiest open-world game as of today. If you would compare for example Skyrim to Unity (they have about the same world size?), then of course Unity wins (it is a pretty game).
I'm gonna have to agree with others and say that the lackluster animations and lip sync sure do ruin my suspension of disbelief. I'm definitely getting TW3 but I just wish that part as going to be better.


Okay, so the scale of how much they're fitting in the game is impressive. We shouldn't conflate that with how the NPCs, in and of themselves, look. People do not take a "Well, considering..." approach to judging games at face value, rightly or wrongly.

The number of NPCs or scale of the game won;t matter if people cannot suspend their disbelief at the models. They'll probably never get around to exploring everything or meeting everyone because of it.

Pure silliness. If what you are saying was true nobody would have been able to enjoy any RPG ever.


Showing a WoW level fetch quest doesn't look good either.

Dev quotes on the quest.
  • If you just search for the box and don't bother with anything else, you can come back to the merchant just fine. The quest does not prompt you to investigate more until you actively investigate something that is out of place but not necessarily the box.
  • If you don't bother to further investigate, you will not have the option to expose his lies.
  • If you want a more challenging approach to catching the man maybe you should find out where he is operating from? Maybe he has friends, after all he mentioned a unit. Maybe you could use other ways to knock him down? Maybe you forgot how to horse for a moment and lose his tracks.
  • And last but not least, this is a prologue area Quest. It is intended to help players get more comfortable with the game, how it works, and the systems in play. For this we also have to take into account people who have never played a Witcher Game, or an RPG, or maybe even a Video Game before. Which is why the structure is relatively straightforward. However there are still many variables at play here that you could nto see in a single play of the quest.

Yeah wow level fetch quest, nice.


You're probably being influenced by how much you like the game and the feeling you get playing it. I'm only talking about how the combat in each game looks. I've been a martial artist for most of my life and have achieved black belt rank in two styles. If I knew nothing about either game and somebody just showed me some footage of the combat of each game I think Witcher 3's combat easily looks more visceral and realistic. The Souls games (including Bloodborne) have always looked clunky and slow to me. The animations aren't great and everything is so exaggerated and telegraphed.

Ah I see what you mean, Bloodborne is very stylised and not at all realistic. Witcher combat does seem more grounded. I'm not sure about visceral though - the other souls games I'll grant, but the way the weapons impact flesh in Bloodborne along with the way blood sprays is, to me, the very definition of visceral. The threaded cane for example, just watching a video you can really feel how the whip lashes across enemies.

I just realised I sound like a psychopath. I'm not!

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Holy shit at some of the hyperbole in this thread. GTAV npcs look better?! What in the world? Also for some reason it's a big deal for MS to put pc gameplay on their channel despite Sony doing the same multiple times for Arkham Knight? Oh lord. Cynical gaf is the worst sometimes.
Ah I see what you mean, Bloodborne is very stylised and not at all realistic. Witcher combat does seem more grounded. I'm not sure about visceral though - the other souls games I'll grant, but the way the weapons impact flesh in Bloodborne along with the way blood sprays is, to me, the very definition of visceral. The threaded cane for example, just watching a video you can really feel how the whip lashes across enemies.

I just realised I sound like a psychopath. I'm not!

Well combat in The Witcher book series has always been more of a fast-paced dance and the developers want to integrate that into the gameplay. Going for the sluggish and heavier combat style of the Souls games is a huge no-no.

And the people comparing it to Wow should probably play a damn MMO before making comparisons. I don't remember any fetch quest in Wow offering you four possible choices to finish the quest.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Holy shit at some of the hyperbole in this thread. GTAV npcs look better?! What in the world? Also for some reason it's a big deal for MS to put pc gameplay on their channel despite Sony doing the same multiple times for Arkham Knight? Oh lord. Cynical gaf is the worst sometimes.

It's really starting to beat me down. So much doubt, cynicism, and negativity around every single thing that is discussed. I mean, I am not saying lets all be utopian happy all of the time but for fuck sakes can we at least seem like we enjoy our own hobby sometimes?
Graphics are great except the faces not moving in time with the dialogue is jarring. Pretty terrible voice acting too.

Can't seem to get overly hyped about the gameplay. It looks interesting but I'm not really feeling it yet. I will need to watch some streams when it arrives.


Dev quotes on the quest.

If you just search for the box and don't bother with anything else, you can come back to the merchant just fine. The quest does not prompt you to investigate more until you actively investigate something that is out of place but not necessarily the box.
If you don't bother to further investigate, you will not have the option to expose his lies.

If you want a more challenging approach to catching the man maybe you should find out where he is operating from? Maybe he has friends, after all he mentioned a unit. Maybe you could use other ways to knock him down? Maybe you forgot how to horse for a moment and lose his tracks.

And last but not least, this is a prologue area Quest. It is intended to help players get more comfortable with the game, how it works, and the systems in play. For this we also have to take into account people who have never played a Witcher Game, or an RPG, or maybe even a Video Game before. Which is why the structure is relatively straightforward. However there are still many variables at play here that you could nto see in a single play of the quest.

God damn, I'm so glad CDPR spent extra time making actual quality game design instead better facial animations and lip syncing. This game sounds fantastic, and if every quest is as hand-crafted as this one appears to be, it will be fantastic.
I wouldnt be surprised

Why show gameplay from inferior systems?

No offense to the Sony and MS fans but playing TW3 at 60fps at HD resolutions is clearly the best way to experience it

CDprojekt is first and foremost a pc dev, of course they'd focus on their best platform
19 may... man is to long!!!

Yeah, that always jumps out at me, too. The original English translation for Witcher 1 (pre-EE, less so with the tweaked EE) did it all the time, even in full dialog. It makes me wonder if it's a character quirk from the books or something; I've read part of The Last Wish but haven't seen it yet, so I dunno.
I'm just relieved someone else notices this. Interesting to hear that it's been a part of the series. It's super off putting, but I hope I get used to it while playing because it seems like it's gonna be a staple of dialog.


Holy shit at some of the hyperbole in this thread. GTAV npcs look better?! What in the world? Also for some reason it's a big deal for MS to put pc gameplay on their channel despite Sony doing the same multiple times for Arkham Knight? Oh lord. Cynical gaf is the worst sometimes.

Yeah, I just don't get a lot of the comparisons. Like why aren't these medieval homes as big as those in 18th century Paris? Why doesnt this look like Souls combat? May as well ask why PoE's combat doesnt look/feel like Persona.
You're probably being influenced by how much you like the game and the feeling you get playing it. I'm only talking about how the combat in each game looks. I've been a martial artist for most of my life and have achieved black belt rank in two styles. If I knew nothing about either game and somebody just showed me some footage of the combat of each game I think Witcher 3's combat easily looks more visceral and realistic. The Souls games (including Bloodborne) have always looked clunky and slow to me. The animations aren't great and everything is so exaggerated and telegraphed.
Lol there is nothing clunky about souls, best combat in any rpg and its not close.

The witcher is not in the same league combat wise. Its precise, every weapon has unique move sets , weight and momentum.
Yeah, I just don't get a lot of the comparisons. Like why aren't these medieval homes as big as those in 18th century Paris? Why doesnt this look like Souls combat? May as well ask why PoE's combat doesnt look/feel like Persona.

The Souls comparisons make me cringe. Transplanting something that works piecemeal is sort of underselling why it works to begin with. The Witcher's combat, being specifically designed for the game, ought to serve it far better.
Some clip-ins with Geralt when in high grass, horse riding looks pretty clunky, the general running animation looks stiff and the combat looked much better in other videos.

Having said that, I'm still very hyped for the game and can't wait to try it myself. As for the combat, I've always made it a goal in my games so that when I play, it looks as good as it can be, so I'm confident it will look better than what we've seen in this video.
This turned me off big time from the game. Looked very by the numbers with cringe worthy animation and NPC interactions.

Probably not going to pick it up now after watching recent footage.


Odd reaction to 8 minutes of a 200+ hour game.
You can tell its a bit janky and flat in 20 seconds. I'm still in, but skipping that quest lol. I guess we can't expect Unity visuals from a much smaller team, but it doesn't look like its initial footage that wow-ed me either


I must be missing a whole bunch of massive, open world RPGs with top-tier graphics, animation and NPC interaction. Please enlighten me so I can play those instead of this.


Unlimited Capacity
It is like some of you have never played an open world game before. Where was all of this when Skyrim and DAI was being praised up and down?

I must be missing a whole bunch of massive, open world RPGs with top-tier animation and NPC interaction. Please enlighten me so I can play those instead of this.

Breh this game doesn't animate half as well as Dead or Alive therefore the entire game is ass.


You can tell its a bit janky and flat in 20 seconds. I'm still in, but skipping that quest lol. I guess we can't expect Unity visuals from a much smaller team, but it doesn't look like its initial footage that wow-ed me either

This looks better than Unity.
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